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School of Public and Environmental Affairs 2007-2009 Online Graduate Bulletin Table of Contents



School of Public and
Environmental Affairs
2007-2009 Graduate
Academic Bulletin

School of Public and
Environmental Affairs
Indiana University
SPEA 260
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Contact SPEA Graduate Office

Graduate Courses

The abbreviation "P" refers to course prerequisites, and the abbreviation "C" indicates courses that should be taken concurrently. The number of credit hours is indicated in parentheses following the course title.

Arts Administration Courses (AADM)
Criminal Justice Courses
Environmental Science Courses
Health Administration Courses
Planning Courses
Public Affairs Courses

Arts Administration Courses (AADM)

Y 500 Topics in Arts Administration (1-6 cr.) Selected research and discussion topics organized on a semester by semester basis.

Y 505 Programming the Performing Arts (3 cr.) This course examines how programming relates to marketing and public relations; the role of programming in the public and professional identity of artists and arts organizations; the external factors that condition program choice; and how programming affects relationships with society and the arts community on local, national, and international levels.

Y 511 Performing Arts Center Management (3 cr.) This course focuses on the aspects of managing a performing arts program and facility. Indiana University Auditorium and other performing arts facilities will serve as laboratories to provide you with a balance between academic and real-world issues.

Y 515 Financial Management for the Arts (3 cr.) The course introduces students to the role of financial management in the modern not-for-profit organization. This course covers applications of budgeting, financial and managerial accounting principles, and procedures and financial analysis for nonprofit organizations. Materials covered should be considered required knowledge for the mid- to senior-level arts administrator.

Y 525 Museum Management (3 cr.) General management of art and historical museums. The museum, its legal status, the building, management and staff, goals and objectives, fund raising and budgeting, collections and exhibitions, education and community outreach.

Y 530 Audience Development and Marketing the Arts (3 cr.) Course includes basic marketing principles as well as audience development and marketing strategy. In addition to introducing the fundamentals of marketing, it fosters and encourages the thought processes necessary to market the products/services that are creative arts.

Y 535 Arts Administration and the Cultural Sector (3 cr.) The market structure of the cultural sector, especially the implications of the differences between artistic goods and other goods and services. Topics include the process by which artistic creations pass through various “gatekeepers” en route to the customer, and the structure of contracts in creative industries.

Y540 Computer Applications for the Arts (1.5 cr.) Computer Applications concentrates on acquiring usable skills with applications found in the Microsoft Office XP suite. Course offers the general management professional an overview of technology itself and the technology management issues likely to be encountered in professional practice.

Y 550 Practicum in Arts Administration (3 cr.) Managerial and administrative experience in three of six arts groups: Musical Arts Center, Department of Theatre and Drama, IU Auditorium, IU Foundation, IU Art Museum, or Mathers Museum.

Y 559 Public Policy and the Arts (3 cr.) This course considers the public aspect of cultural policy in the U.S. and elsewhere. Topics include the ends and means of government funding for the arts, multiculturalism, freedom of expression, copyright, other legal rights of artists, international trade in cultural goods, and international treaties on cultural diversity.

Y 564 Economics and Administration of Artistic Organizations (3 cr.) In this course students analyze the unique challenges facing arts organizations in the public, nonprofit, and for-profit sectors. Among other topics, the course deals with the multiple and often-conflicting goals faced by arts organizations, consumer demand and price setting, experimentation and innovation, and setting the rules for decision-making and oversight.

Y 626 Desktop Computer Communications (1.5 cr.)Instructs the arts administration professional in using desktop computer applications to create printed and Web-based materials that promote effective communications. The course provides instruction in design theory, page layout, Web design, digital photo editing, graphics, desktop publishing, and Web publishing as used in creating promotional materials.

Y 650 Seminar in Arts Administration (3 cr.) Seminar involving the promotion of the arts: planning, management, labor relations, fundraising, funding sources, communications, and similar topics in relation to arts centers, museums, and performing organizations. Course includes guest speakers.

Y 680 Readings in Arts Administration (cr. arr.) P: consent of instructor and departmental chairperson. Supervised readings in arts administration.

Y 690 Independent Study in Arts Administration (cr. arr.) P: consent of instructor and department chairperson.

Y 750 Internship in Arts Administration (3 cr.) The internship is ordinarily not taken until the student’s last semester of course work. A minimum of one semester or its equivalent of field work or internship in a managerial office of a museum, theatrical or musical organization, or community, state, regional, or national arts council.

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Criminal Justice Courses

J 501 Evolution of Criminological Thought and Policy (3 cr.) This course provides an intensive introduction to the theoretical literature on crime and delinquency. Its purpose is to develop students’ ability to critically evaluate and compare theories of crime as they apply to public policy and the criminal justice system.

J 502 Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Public Affairs (3 cr.) This course examines research techniques necessary for systematic analysis of the criminal justice system, offenders’ behavior, crime trends, and program effectiveness. The course requires that students actively pursue such techniques as conducting interviews, coding data, and designing studies. Criminological research will be critically examined.

J 550 Topics in Criminal Justice (1-3 cr.) Selected research and special topics in criminal justice such as violence; history of criminal prosecution; and alcohol, drugs, and crime.

J 582 Criminal Justice Systems (3 cr.) Detailed examination of operations of police, courts, and correctional agencies. Study of management problems in system response to criminal activity. Development of understanding of interrelationships among system components. Examination of major policy issues in criminal justice, with emphasis on decision-making techniques.

J 587 Criminal Violation: Problems and Characteristics (3 cr.) Commonalities in criminal behavior. The criminal act: circumstances leading to commission, subsequent perceptions of them. Family, community, and other environments affecting criminal behavior. Behavioral consequences of processes of crime control.

J 588 Law and Control in Society (3 cr.) The role of law versus other forms of social control. How social change and social institutions shape the law. Social factors influencing the administration of law.

J 666 Criminal Justice Policy and Evaluation (3 cr.) An empirical assessment of the foundations of contemporary and historical attempts to control or prevent crime. Major policies, programs, and strategies are reviewed and critically analyzed. Specific topics and policies will vary in this capstone seminar.

J 682 Criminal Justice Planning and Management (3 cr.) Issues in criminal justice planning and management, in policing, courts, and corrections are addressed. The problems faced by administrators in the implementation and development of public policies are considered.

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Environmental Science Courses

The SPEA 400-level environmental science courses listed below, which are described in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs Undergraduate Programs Bulletin, may be taken for graduate credit if specifically listed within degree requirements or approved by a graduate advisor.

E 400 Topics in Environmental Studies (approved sections) (3 cr.)
E 410 Introduction to Environmental Toxicology (3 cr.)
E 431 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment (3 cr.)
E 440 Wetlands: Biology and Regulation
(3 cr.)
E 451 Air Pollution and Control (3 cr.)
E 452 Solid and Hazardous Waste
Management (3 cr.)
E 455 Limnology (4 cr.)
E 460 Fisheries and Wildlife Management
(3 cr.)
E 461 Fisheries and Wildlife Management
Laboratory (3 cr.)
E 470 Elements of Fluid Mechanics (3 cr.)
E 475 Techniques of Environmental
Science (3 cr.)

E 510 Environmental Regulations and Compliance (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of the principles and practice of environmental law, regulation, and compliance. Topics include introduction to the U.S. regulatory framework, survey of regulations and statutes, and problems/case studies for applying legal and regulatory concepts.

E 512 Risk Communication (3 cr.) Risk communication is the means by which technical information is communicated to others (the public included), especially in the context of making decisions about environmental-related policy, such as siting of a landfill. The course emphasizes both theory (in lectures) and practical experience through developing and acting in role-play scenarios.

E 515 Fundamentals of Air Pollution (3 cr.) The purpose of the course is to provide the student with an understanding of the field of air pollution, including the behavior of the atmosphere and pollutants in the atmosphere, effects of air pollution, regulatory programs, engineering controls, and air quality management programs.

E 518 Vector-based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.) Geographic information systems using vector data structure. Vector GIS capabilities and uses. Data structure and file management of spatial data. Laboratory exercises using ARC/INFO software.

E 519 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 cr.) Applications of remotely sensed data and raster geographic information systems in environmental research. Concepts of remote sensing. Image acquisition from different sensors ranging from aerial photography to various types of satellite imagery. Image processing and analysis. Raster geographic information systems. Raster-vector integration. Concepts of spatial analysis.

E 520 Environmental Toxicology (3 cr.) An examination of the principles of toxicology and the toxicity resulting from environmental exposure to chemical substances.

E 526 Applied Mathematics for Environmental Science (2-3 cr.) P: differential and integral calculus. Applications of mathematics to modeling environmental processes. Applied calculus, numerical analysis, differential equations.

E 527 Applied Ecology (3 cr.) P: one introductory-level ecology course. Ecosystem concepts in natural resource management. Techniques of ecosystem analysis. Principles and practices of ecological natural resource management.

E 528 Forest Ecology and Management (3 cr.) P or C: SPEA-E 538 or V 506. Field and laboratory exercises in quantitative analysis of forest ecosystems. Sampling and data collection methodologies. Data analysis and interpretation. Concepts in forest ecology and forest management.

E 529 Application of Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.) Conceptual and technical overview of geographic information systems (GIS). Applications in various fields of public affairs and environmental science.

E 532 Introduction to Applied Ecology (3 cr.) This course provides an introduction to applied ecology for non-science majors.

E 533 Environmental Management Systems: ISO 14001 Based (3 cr.) This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to establish or improve an environmental management system that is compatible with ISO (International Organizations for Standardization) 14001, an international, voluntary standard that is emerging as a best-management practice for environment.

E 534 Restoration Ecology (3 cr.) The development and application of ecological principles to restore or re-create ecological structure and function of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This course covers basic concepts of ecosystem restoration, including development of energy flow and nutrient cycles, soil formation, mechanisms of species dispersal and colonization, and mutualistic relationships.

E 535 International Environmental Policy (3 cr.) This course examines the forces in society alternately promoting and impeding cooperation in the environmental realm. Our inquiry is guided by four, interrelated course units:
(1) international environmental law; (2) international political order; (3) the environment and global markets; and (4) sustainable development.

E 536 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.) P: one course in chemistry with lab. Gas law calculations, stoichiometry, steady and nonsteady state box models, stratospheric ozone, chemical kinetics, photochemical smog, greenhouse effect, CO2 equilibria, chemodynamics, pesticides, and toxic metals.

E 537 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (3 cr.) P or C: SPEA-E 536 or consent of instructor. Experimental work in environmental chemical analysis to demonstrate analytical methods and instrumentation used in environmental laboratories, having reference to air, water, and soil quality.

E 538 Statistics for Environmental Science (3 cr.) P: calculus and introductory statistics. Data analysis and statistics for environmental research and policy-making. Logic and illogic hypothesis testing with emphasis on power. Sampling and design of experiments. Group comparisons, analysis of variance, regression.

E 539 Aquatic Chemistry (3 cr.) The distribution and cycling of chemical components in natural and engineered systems. Emphasis is on practical aspects of aquatic chemistry. Graphical and computational methods, as well as chemical equilibrium modeling, will be used to solve applied problems in water chemistry.

E 541 Controversies in Environmental Health (3 cr.) Research, presentation, writing, and argumentation skills will be developed using a debate format. The course focuses on topics related to environmental health and the health of the environment.

E 542 Hazardous Materials (3 cr.) Provides a technical basis for managing hazardous materials. Topics of discussion include properties and chemistry of hazardous materials; recognition of potential hazards associated with the use, storage, and transport of these materials; emergency and spill response; health effects; and transportation regulations.

E 543 Environmental Management (3 cr.) Introduces advanced management concepts needed for environmental professionals by increasing their understanding regarding: 1) How implementing program, resource and political management relates to environmental issues; 2) the organizational and legal structure/function of environmental management in the United States; and 3) how professionals develop a strategic implementation approach toward successfully managing the environment.

E 544 Subsurface Microbiology and Bioremediation (3 cr.) P: BIOL-M 310 or BIOL­M 350; CHEM-C 126. This course explores how microorganisms and microbial processes affect the degradation of organic and inorganic pollutants in the subsurface. Topics include measurements of subsurface microbial activity, thermodynamics and biochemistry of degradation processes, degradation kinetics, and the control and enhancement of these processes in environmental matrices.

E 545 Lake and Watershed Management (3 cr.) Students will learn to apply basic limnological principles to diagnose lake and watershed problems, to understand lake response to pollution, to identify appropriate management solutions, and to predict lake response to management.

E 546 Stream Ecology (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 455. Advanced limnology course that explores patterns and processes characterizing stream ecosystems. Takes a holistic approach that includes: physical, chemical and biological stream characteristics; watershed patterns; and stream processes (trophic dynamics, colonization and dispersal, community dynamics, and responses to change). A four-hour weekly lab and group project develop necessary analytical skills.

E 547 Applied Earth Science (3 cr.) Principles of the earth sciences and their applications to environmental analysis and management. Identification, quantification, and analysis of critical components of watershed systems. Interaction of human activities with the physical environment.

E 548 Applied Earth Science Laboratory (3 cr.) Principles and methods of sampling, collection, measurement, analysis, and interpretation of data concerning processes and features of the physical environment. Students will become familiar with field and laboratory equipment within the context of research projects. Emphasis is placed on practical application of basic techniques to real problems.

E 549 Environmental Planning (3 cr.) Concepts and methodologies in environmental planning. The planning process. Topics may include environmental impact assessment, economic approaches to environmental decision making, use of computer models in environmental planning, geographic information systems in environmental planning, environmental perception, and construction of environmental indices. Team projects with planning agencies.

E 552 Environmental Engineering (3 cr.) Concerned with biological, chemical, physical, and engineering knowledge essential to the achievement of environmental quality objectives. Theory and design of unit operations and processes for air, water, and land pollution abatement. Emphasis on water quality control, industrial wastewater treatment, and solid waste management.

E 553 Creation and Solution of Environmental Models (3 cr.) Description of the environmental system in terms of steady-state and nonsteady-state material and energy balances. Formulation of the balances as differential equations with appropriate boundary conditions, solution techniques.

E 554 Groundwater Flow Modeling (3 cr.) Fundamentals of groundwater flow modeling demonstrated through exercises in one-dimensional and radial flow. Two-dimensional flow is treated by use of a semianalytic approach. Alternative modeling techniques, such as finite elements and finite differences, are discussed. Streamline tracing is discussed to study spreading of contaminants.

E 555 Topics in Environmental Science (2-3 cr.) Selected research and discussion topics in environmental science. Usually organized in a seminar format.

E 557 Conservation Biology (3 cr.) P: a 300­level ecology course. Ecological principles associated with rare species and with biodiversity, laws and statutes used to conserve biodiversity, and land and species management practices. Our aim is to understand scientific and political complexities of conservation biology, and to study different methods used to conserve living resources and resolve conflicts associated with conservation.

E 559 Field Techniques in Ecology (3 cr.) P: one semester of statistics. Course provides an introduction to field research on ecology. Field labs teach techniques associated with geographic and map work, population estimation, habitat measurement in a variety of settings, and soil sampling. Indoor work covers descriptive univariate and bivariate statistical techniques, data display, and report writing.

E 560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 538 or V 506, or consent of instructor. Methods of probabilistic risk analysis applied to environmental situations. Event trees, fault trees, toxicological estimation, ecological risk analysis. Social and psychological aspects of risk. Individual and group projects assessing some real environmental risk are an important part.

E 562 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (3 cr.) The purpose is to provide students with a technical foundation in areas of solid and hazardous waste management which can be applied to the examination of policy options. Topics include characterization of the waste stream, regulations, health and environmental risks, liability issues, management technologies, and treatment and disposal options.

E 564 Organic Pollutants: Environmental Chemistry and Fate (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 536 or permission of instructor. This course provides students with both a quantitative and intuitive understanding of the relationship between chemical structure, environmental properties, and the behavior of organic contaminants in the environment, particularly aquatic environments. Physical/chemical properties of organic chemicals, fate determining processes, and modeling concepts will be examined in detail.

E 570 Environmental Soil Science (3 cr.) Soil chemistry can affect forest and crop productivity, pollutant degradation, surface and groundwater quality, and other environmental processes. This course emphasizes chemistry of soil minerals and organic matter, mineral solubility, the soil biota, redox transformations and reaction kinetics, soil colloid and surface chemistry, and biogeochemical cycling of metals.

E 579 Readings in Environmental Science (1-6 cr.) Readings on selected topics in environmental science to be arranged with the individual instructor.

E 589 Practicum in Environmental Science (0-6#cr.) Professional experience in environmental science with public agencies or private sector firms or organizations. Usually arranged through the Placement and Internship Office.

E 620 Environmental Analysis Workshop (3 cr.) Projects in environmental analysis.

E 625 Research in Environmental Science (1-12 cr.) Research on selected topics in environmental science to be arranged with the individual instructor.

E 680 Seminar in Environmental Science and Policy (1 cr.) P: doctoral student status or consent of the instructor. A seminar series on current topics in environmental science and policy. This course can be repeated for credit for a maximum of 8 credit hours.

E 710 Advanced Topics in Environmental Science (1-3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. For advanced students. Topics will vary and will cover subjects not available in other courses. May be repeated with different topics for a maximum of 12 credit hours.

E 890 Ph.D. Thesis: Environmental Science (cr. arr.) (S/F option available)

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Health Administration Courses

The SPEA 400-level course listed below, which is described in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs Undergraduate Programs Bulletin, may be taken for graduate credit if specifically listed within degree requirements or approved by a graduate advisor. Note: Health Administration courses are listed with the prefix SPHA.

H 433 Industrial Hygiene and Radiological Health (3 cr.)

H 501 U.S. Health Care: Systems, Policies, and Ethical Challenges (3 cr.) Study of health, illness, and disease trajectories and the systemic components that mold the health care system. Ideological paradigms predicting utilization and health behaviors are addressed as are guidelines for ethical decision making/ problem analysis. Formulation and implementation of organizational and governmental policies and their associate theoretical assumptions are addressed.

H 502 Developing Strategic Capability (3 cr.) An introduction to tools for strategic management and the complexities involved in determining long-term strategies in a health care environment. An examination of the dynamics of the competitive environment, how both the pace and direction of industry change are influenced by the resources, capabilities, and interactions of rival organizations.

H 503 Principles of Health Systems Management and Policy Development (3 cr.) Explores management roles in public, nonprofit, and for-profit health system environments. Application of management theories, concepts, and principles; development of ethical, professional values; and understanding managerial roles in organizational and public policy development emphasized. Managerial process, resource dependence, population ecology, contingency theory, corporate culture, ethics, and quality management processes examined.

H 504 Quantitative Health Planning Methods (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501 and H 503. An examination of health planning theory, methods, and techniques, including quantitative and subjective forecasting, determination of health service area, identifying need/demand for health services, health resource allocation decision models, and standards for the design of services and facilities.

H 505 Health Program Design, Implementation, and Evaluation (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 503, H 504, and V 595, or consent of instructor. Study and application of techniques to conduct, interpret, and present the design, implementation, and evaluation of health services programs. Includes collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting information. Emphasis on computer utilization and statistical analysis as a management tool. Field project required.

H 507 Management of Individual and Group Behavior (3 cr.) This course provides a conceptual framework for understanding behavior in the work environment by introducing concepts concerning effective management of people in organizations. Key theories and concepts in the field of organizational behavior will be introduced. The focus of this course is at the micro level of analysis, addressing topics such as individual theories of motivation; job design; diversity issues; management of work teams; group decision making; managing conflict; and leadership, influence, and power issues.

H 508 Managing Health Care Accounting Information for Decision Making (3 cr.) P: undergraduate principles of accounting course. Provides a user-oriented understanding of how accounting information should be managed to ensure its availability on a timely and relevant basis for decision making. A focus on cost-benefit analysis for evaluating potential value-added results from planning, organizing, and controlling accounting information.

H 509 Financial Management Principles of Health Care (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 508 (Indianapolis only). Provides knowledge of corporate finance practice in health care organizations. Establishes an understanding of the basic elements of financial theory used to address business management problems and explores this interrelationship among corporate policies and decisions. Course work includes problem sets, preparation of summary memos, and use of spreadsheets.

H 510 Health Services Financial Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 509. An examination of cost accounting techniques used in health care organizations, with emphasis on measuring and using cost accounting information for planning, control, and nonroutine decision making. Conceptual and quantitative practice is provided using cases and computer spreadsheet programs.

H 514 Health Economics (3 cr.) P: 3 credit hours of undergraduate economics. Examines the principles and application of economic analysis in the health field and the economist’s approach to health care issues. Provides insights offered by economic analysis of specific health issues and problems.

H 515 Seminar in Health Policy: Special Topics (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 503, or consent of instructor. Exploration of health policy topics from economic, financial, sociological, political, and psychological perspectives. Analytical paradigms are applied to organizational or macro-policy making issues that vary in response to changing environments. May be repeated once with advisor’s approval.

H 516 Health Services Delivery and the Law (3 cr.) Medical-legal concepts related to hospitals and other health services organizations. Course provides an in-depth understanding of the relationships of the law and the legal processes affecting the health services system. Presentation of the elements of administrative and agency processes, torts, contracts, facilities, physicians, patients, and personnel.

H 517 Managerial Epidemiology (3 cr.) Examines general epidemiologic methods such as population descriptive techniques, use of health indicators, and secondary health-related data sources. Includes design, administration, and analysis of observational and experimental studies. Emphasis will be on the use of epidemiologic techniques to assess community health, determine community risk factors, and evaluate community-based programs.

H 518 Statistical Methods for Health Services (3 cr.) P: 3 credit hours of undergraduate statistics. Study of the quantitative techniques commonly used to examine health-related data. Includes univariate, bivariate, and multivariate techniques. Emphasis is on using statistical techniques to make policy and administrative decisions in a health services setting. Students use standard computer software to analyze data.

H 519 Environmental Health (3 cr.) This course provides a broad yet in-depth investigation of human interaction with the environment, the major elements of environmental health, and the effects which uncontrolled environmental hazards may have on people’s physical, mental, and social well-being.

H 521 Management Science for Health Services Administration (3 cr.) Focus is on management science methods, as applied to health sciences administration. Includes treatment of decision theory, constrained optimization, and probability simulation.

H 533 Industrial Hygiene (3 cr.) P: One semester each of algebra, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry. Survey of technical and regulatory aspects of protecting the health and safety of workers. Topics include basic toxicology; skin, eye, and respiratory hazards; measuring hazardous atmospheres; ventilation systems; fire and explosion hazards; emergency response; occupational hearing loss; radiation; prevention of accidents; cumulative trauma; and personal protective equipment.

H 601 Hospital Organization and Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 503, or V 504, or consent of instructor. Study of the organization and management of hospital clinical, support, and administrative functions. Examination of performance evaluation techniques for health managers. Analysis of special operational problems and administrative ethics. Requirements of the Joint Commission Accreditation of Hospitals emphasized.

H 602 Mental Health Services Organization and Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 503, or V 504, or consent of instructor. Study of the organizations and systems for delivery of mental health services; emphasis on the management and financing of psychiatric services.

H 603 Nursing Home Organization and Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 503, or V 504, or consent of instructor. Study of the purpose, organization, and management of nursing homes and residential care facilities involving long-term, specialty treatment. Emphasis on personal and professional skills necessary to provide a wide range of services and quality care in these environments.

H 604 Ambulatory Care and Managed Care Programs (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 503, or V 504, or consent of instructor. Study of the organizational and managerial aspects of ambulatory health services delivery. Focus on delivery strategies and organizational models and on the operational issues of financial control, personnel, regulation, and evaluation.

H 605 Multi-Institutional Systems and Arrangements (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 503, or V 504, or consent of instructor. Students will be exposed to developing innovations in health services delivery structures in both the proprietary and nonprofit sectors. Emphasis will be placed on the organization and management of multi-institutional arrangements such as sharing, mergers, management contracts, consortium, and so forth.

H 606 Health Services Quality Improvement and Risk Management (3 cr.)
P: SPEA-H 501, H 503, and V 504. Critically examines the concepts, strategies, and techniques related to the improvement of the quality of health service delivery. Addresses the increasing need to enhance productivity given the impact of external and other factors on the workplace. Principles and application of risk management concepts and techniques, including insurance, are emphasized.

H 607 Public Health Organization and Management (3 cr.) The course provides a broad overview of the history of public health in the United States and an analysis of the structure and function of public health and voluntary health agencies.

H 612 Marketing for Health Services Delivery (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 503, H 504, or consent of instructor. The course provides a working knowledge and the skills required to market health services. Health institution–based projects are emphasized.

H 615 Health Care Outcomes and Decision Making (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 502, H 514, H 518. Application of health outcomes measures in decision making and evaluation in various health service settings. Includes designing and implementing evaluation plans of health and social programs. Emphasis on evaluation strategies, measurement of health outcomes, and management decision making.

H 620 Health Services Seminar (3 cr.) Characterized as the program’s capstone course, this seminar is designed to assist the student in synthesizing and summarizing all previous course work. Course emphasizes “real-world” situations and requires active participation by the students.

H 621 Management Applications Skills I (3 cr.) P: all required SPEA-H 500-level courses except H 510. A study of the complexities of multi-institutional arrangements and integrated services in the health industry. Topics include the shift to regional alliances, multiprovider networks, integrated physician-hospital relationships, shared risk contracting, and capitated insurance products. This course focuses on understanding the forces driving shifts in the roles of different settings in the health care environment.

H 622 Management Applications Skills II (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 621. This second of three courses in the management application skills sequence focuses on applying skills to and making comparisons among specific health care settings. Topics include quality assurance, quality improvement, and risk management; cost finding, rate setting, financing, payment, and reimbursement; and human resource management, recruiting, and labor relations.

H 623 Health Care Applications of Strategic Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 502, H 510, H 521. Students will synthesize the previous course work into their capstone experience. Includes strategic management analytical models and their use in evaluative decision making. Students will gain competencies in strategic and managerial analytical skills through class discussion and practical application through a required interactive group project.

H 626 Health Services Human Resources Management (3 cr.) This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to understand the application of personnel and labor relations techniques to the health services sector, with particular emphasis on human resources management, employees’ benefit programs, and labor relations as applied to the health services delivery organization.

H 627 Seminar in Advanced Health Finance (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 509 and H 510. An advanced seminar in health services management dealing with cases, problems, and contemporary health finance issues. Student presentations emphasized.

H 628 Health Care Information Systems (3 cr.) A study of the terminology, technology, and application of information systems in various health care settings. Topics include the gathering, organization, storage, and retrieval of complex data banks, as well as assessment of health service data needs and considerations in developing information systems. Includes many computer-based exercises.

H 630 Readings in Health Services Administration (1-3 cr.) Supervised readings in selected areas of health services management and policy and planning. For advanced students; open to others by arrangement.

H 640 Topics in Health Services Administration (1-3 cr.) Selected research and discussions emerging in health services administration. Topics, organized in a semester-by-semester seminar format, will not cover topics available in other courses.

H 650 Strategies for Career Preparation (1.5 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 502, H 508, H 514. This course will provide guidance in finding and preparing for a summer health care internship. Covers skills necessary to successfully obtain and have a health care summer internship. Skills include interviewing, presentation, resume development, and other work-related skills.

H 700 Residency (1-6 cr.) Requires the equivalent of 6 credit hours of on-site experience under the supervision of a qualified preceptor and program faculty; students who opt for longer residencies may continue to register for this course each semester. Grading is on an S/F basis.

H 702 Internship in Health Services Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-H 501, H 509, H 514, H 650. Requires the equivalent of a minimum of 3 credit hours of on-site experience under the supervision of a qualified preceptor and program faculty. Grading is on an S/F basis.

H 735 Research in Health Administration (3-6 cr.) P: all core courses or consent of instructor. Field research conducted under the direction of a faculty member. Designed for advanced students and those who elected not to take the residency or internship. Grading is on an S/F basis.

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Planning Courses

P 510 Social and Economic Aspects of Human Settlement (2 cr.) Examination of the development and growth of human settlement and social and economic aspects of regional policy. Topics include location theory, land use and zoning, economic development, population and employment, social service delivery and use, and planning for diversity.

P 515 Physical Systems Development and Infrastructure (3 cr.) Examination of the physical environment and its role in development, environmental problems and policies, and the man-made physical infrastructure. Topics include soils, hydrology, solid waste management, transportation, air pollution, urban ecology, and recreation.

P 520 Methods for Planning and Policy Analysis (2 cr.) Application of analytical methods in the planning process. Topics include collection of information for planning, evaluation methods, forecasting techniques, and spatial analysis methods.

P 525 Geographic Information Systems for Planning (2 cr.) Introduction to the principles of geographic information systems for use in planning. Covers representation of data, sources of data, analysis with geographic information systems, and the development of systems for planning. Emphasizes the learning of the use of geographic information software.

P 540 Community and Neighborhood Development Planning (3 cr.) Examination of the role of neighborhoods in planning; methods of neighborhood analysis; government intervention; issues in community development; planning for neighborhood and community development, including citizen participation and institutional mechanisms; and implementation.

P 550 Topics in Planning (3 cr.) Selected research and discussion topics vary by semester. May be repeated for credit.

P 585 Practicum in Planning (0-6 cr.) Students hold work assignments with planning agencies. Requires written evaluations by supervisor and submission of written reports by student. Grading is on an S/F basis.

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Public Affairs Courses

V 500 Quantitative Tools for Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) A modular presentation of mathematical and statistical concepts designed to prepare students for V 506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making. Representative module topics include basic algebraic concepts, probability, computer use, and matrix algebra.

V 502 Public Management (1-3 cr.) Analysis of concepts, methods, and procedures involved in managing public organizations. Problems of organization, planning, decision making, performance evaluation, and management of human resources are considered. Cases are drawn from a variety of public services found at federal, state, and local levels of government.

V 504 Public Organizations (1-3 cr.) This course focuses on the behavior and theory of public organizations in four areas: (1) individuals and groups in public organizations, (2) the design of public organizations, (3) organization-environment relations, and (4) interorganizational relations.

V 506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making (3 cr.) Noncalculus survey of concepts in probability, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Applications of contingency table analysis and analysis of variance, regression, and other statistical techniques. Computer processing of data emphasized.

V 507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.) P: SPEA-E 538 or V 506. Focus on analytical models and their use in solving problems and making decisions in the public sector. Discussion of standard approaches to modeling and estimation of parameters.

V 508 Topics in Quantitative Analysis (1­3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Study and application of selected quantitative methods of analysis. Additional topics that are not included in V 506 and V 507 may be presented, or more advanced examination of topics that are introduced in V 506 or V 507 may be presented.

V 509 Administrative Ethics in the Public Sector (3 cr.) Ethical conduct in the public sector is examined. Topics covered could include personal ethical responsibility, deception, corruption, codes of ethics, policy-making, morality, politics, and whistle blowing. Case studies and media material will be used to illustrate these and other such issues affecting the workplace.

V 510 Government Regulation in Market Economies (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 517 or consent of instructor. An overview of government regulation and involvement in the private sector and of public policy consequences of government action in market economies. Analysis of case studies in business-government relations.

V 512 Public Policy Process (1-3 cr.) An examination of the role of public affairs professionals in policy processes. Focuses on relationships with political actors in various policy areas.

V 516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.) This course focuses on the application of information systems concepts and tools to challenges and opportunities in the public sector. Topics covered will include current trends in information systems; managerial use of information systems; hardware, software, and telecommunications; systems development processes and practices; and strategic and policy issues in IS.

V 517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.) This course focuses on applications of the principles and concepts of intermediate microeconomic theory and managerial economics to public-sector management decisions and policy analysis. The course utilizes case studies with the goal of giving students opportunities to recognize the economic dimensions inherent in the public policy problems and to develop an analytical problem-solving orientation.

V 518 Intergovernmental Systems Management (1-3 cr.) Discussion of theories and approaches to systems management, including responsibilities and tasks of public systems. Examination of intergovernmental relationships and intralocal governmental relationships, treatment of organizational and systems design, as well as planning, decision making, and control of public systems. Discussion of applications to services such as environment, health, and human services.

V 519 Database Management Systems (3 cr.) This course provides students an in-depth knowledge of database design and management in public organizations. The students create a conceptual, logical, and physical design of databases; build models of data required by users with modeling formalisms and computer-aided software engineering tools; and design queries using leading database software packages.

V 520 Environmental Policy Analysis (3 cr.) The interrelationships among social, technical, and natural systems. Theories of growth. Causes and implications of environmental problems. Alternative policies and mechanisms for environmental control and bases for choice.

V 521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.) Same as PHST-P 521. The theory, size, scope, and functions of the nonprofit and voluntary sector are covered from multiple disciplinary perspectives including historical, political, economic, and social.

V 522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) This course provides an overview of the human resource management areas necessary for the productive functioning of nonprofit organizations. Theories of motivation applicable to the management of staff and volunteers, and personnel topics of recruitment, selection, board-staff relations, compensation, training, and development are covered.

V 523 Civil Society and Public Policy (3 cr.) Exploration of interaction of public policy and nonprofit organizations, drawing on history, political theory, and social science. Includes examination of regulations and taxation. Depending on instructor’s interests, course covers nonprofit role in selected policy arenas (such as environment and poverty) and industries (such as international development and health care).

V 524 Civil Society in Comparative Perspective (3 cr.) An exploration of state-society relationship in a variety of regimes and time periods. Focus on ways regimes’ policies affect the existence and contribution of those nongovernmental and nonprofit organizations that stand between the individual and the state; how nonprofit organizations shape the policy agenda of a regime.

V 525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 521 or PHST-P 521. An examination of nonprofit organizations and their role in society. Management issues and public policy affecting these organizations are discussed. Primary emphasis is upon U.S. organizations, but attention is given to the global nature of the sector.

V 526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) This course emphasizes a thorough understanding of the language and key concepts of nonprofit financial management. A working knowledge of the basic analytical tools used in financial decision making for nonprofit organizations will be examined through the use of computer software.

V 529 Seminar in Career and Professional Development (1 cr.) Introduction to career development in public and environmental affairs. Orientation to career development approaches and resources. Discussion and practice of professional skills and techniques. Orientation to career development opportunities. Grading is on an S/F basis.

V 534 NGO Management in Comparative Perspective (3 cr.) This course takes an interdisciplinary, comparative perspective to achieve its primary goal: To help students engage in critical comparative analysis of the external environments in which NGOs function across different regions of the world in order to better “fit” internal organizational management processes to external constraints and opportunities.

V 539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 506. Focuses on management science methods as applied to public affairs. Includes treatment of decision theory, constrained optimization, and probability simulation.

V 540 Law and Public Affairs (1-3 cr.) Explanation of law in society and its influence on public-sector operations. Examination of some of the central substantive areas of the study of law, including regulatory processes, administrative adjudication, the Administrative Procedures Act, ombudsmen, and citizen rights, among others.

V 541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 517 or consent of instructor. A course applying benefit-cost analysis to public and environmental policies. The first part of the course develops the foundation of benefit-cost analysis. The second part of the course consists of case studies applying benefit-cost analysis to actual policy decisions.

V 542 Governmental Financial Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.) P or C: SPEA-V 560. An introduction to the fundamentals of accounting in business, nonprofit, and public sectors. Intended only for students without previous accounting courses. Primary emphasis is on municipal entity fund accounting, including the development and use of financial statements.

V 543 Health Services Management (3 cr.) A course that integrates theory and application with respect to management of health service organizations. Emphasis on the role of managers and management within formal health service organizations. Current management and organization theories are applied to an understanding of health care delivery settings.

V 544 Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) This course examines the concepts of marketing and the extent to which they apply to the nonprofit sector, as well as how marketing can assist organizations both in resource acquisition and program development/implementation. Contexts such as social marketing, arts marketing, fundraising, education, and healthcare marketing will be considered.

V 545 The U.S. Health Care System (3 cr.) An analysis of the delivery of health care in the United States from 1900 to the present. Major system components are defined and studied with emphasis on current health care policy. Topics include the organization of health care delivery on federal, state, and local levels, in both public and private sectors.

V 546 Health Services Utilization (3 cr.) An examination of problems of access to health care and the utilization of health services. The social, political, and individual factors associated with utilization are studied, along with social change and control strategies. Special emphasis is given to power and the definition of power in the system.

V 547 Negotiation and Dispute Resolution for Public Affairs (3 cr.) Students will learn the skill of interest-based negotiation through role play and simulation. Students will learn about dispute resolution techniques such as mediation, arbitration, fact finding, early neutral evaluation, ombudsmanship, and facilitation. The course covers dispute resolution in federal government and in the context of public, environmental, labor, and business disputes.

V 550 Topics in Public Affairs (1-4 cr.) Selected research and discussion topics organized on a semester-by-semester basis, usually with significant student input in the course design.

V 551 Topics in Comparative Public Policy (3 cr.) The role of administrative and political systems in an international setting that focuses on industrial policy as developed between collaborative governments and their links to the key countries of Asia, Europe, the Americas, and Africa will be examined in topic settings. Related readings and published research will also be used.

V 554 Human Services Administration (3 cr.) Focus is on policy, management, and organization relating to a variety of human service systems. Special attention is given to the management of social programs in the environmental system.

V 556 Topics in Human Services Administration (3 cr.) Readings and research on selected topics in the field of the management of human services. Topics selected for study will vary.

V 557 Proposal Development and Grant Administration (3 cr.) This course provides the opportunity for each student to develop a complete proposal through participation in the entire grant application process. The integration of case studies, visual media, printed materials, and class discussions provides students with practical knowledge for writing successful proposals.

V 558 Fund Development for Nonprofits (3 cr.) Important aspects of the fund raising process in nonprofit organizations are covered, including techniques and strategies for assessing potential sources of support; effective use of human resources; process management; theory to underlay practice; analysis of current practice; practice standards; and discussion of ethical problems.

V 559 Principles and Practices of Social Entrepreneurship (3 cr.) This course will survey issues in social entrepreneurship and engage students in completing class projects applying principles and practices of social entrepreneurship to problems of nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and social-purpose business.

V 560 Public Finance and Budgeting (1­3 cr.) The fiscal role of government in a mixed economy; sources of public revenue and credit; administrative, political, and institutional aspects of the budget and the budgetary process; problems and trends in intergovernmental fiscal relations.

V 561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.) Analysis of the structure, operations, and design of public personnel systems, including government agencies and public enterprise. Relationships between public policy and personnel concepts, values, and operations considered.

V 562 Public Program Evaluation (1-3 cr.) Examination of how the programs of public agencies are proposed, established, operated, and evaluated. Discussion of the role and conduct of research in the program evaluation process. In addition, techniques of effective evaluation and analysis are discussed.

V 563 The Planning Process (1-3 cr.) Seminar designed to familiarize students with planning ramifications of policy issues faced by governments. The focal topics selected for study will vary. Emphasis placed on identification and analysis of substantive issues, methods employed for resolution, and application of planning techniques for achieving goals.

V 564 Urban Management (3 cr.) This course deals with the management of public policy in American urban government, with special attention to the relationship of structure, process, and policy. Readings and case studies will focus on urban management problems relating to leadership, planning, and operations.

V 565 Environmental Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (3 cr.) Theories of environmental conflict resolution are examined. Students will ‘‘practice by doing’’ through participation in a series of environmental conflict resolution simulations.

V 566 Executive Leadership (3 cr.) The course offers an in-depth examination of factors that contribute to successful executive leadership practice in a wide variety of organizational settings. Topics include what leadership is, what impact leadership has, and how leaders use various approaches and powers to achieve their goals.

V 567 Public Financial Administration (3 cr.) Problems of financial management in governmental units; alternative revenue sources, financial planning, and control; cash debt management; and survey of modern expenditure management, control, and planning.

V 568 Management of Urban Government Services (1-3 cr.) The course deals with selected topics in urban services. The course may focus on a specific urban service or provide an overview for several urban services.

V 569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 502. This course will teach students the theory and application of individual and group human behavior. Key interpersonal skills will be modeled expertly on videotape. Students will be expected to practice these key skills and receive feedback on their performance.

V 570 Public Sector Labor Relations (1-3 cr.) An introductory overview of labor relations concepts within the framework of the public sector. The development, practice, and extent of the collective bargaining process, as well as the administration of the labor agreement, will be examined for state agencies, local municipalities, and school districts.

V 571 State and Local Environmental Management (3 cr.) This course examines a mix of management and policy issues. Included are civic environmentalism, alternatives to environmental regulation, unfunded mandates, environmental justice, public relations, outsourcing, ethical challenges, and managing scientific and technical personnel.

V 572 Urban Topics (3 cr.) Selected topics in urban policy and administration. The course is sometimes restricted to a special group of students focusing on a particular research interest.

V 574 Environmental Management in the Tropics (3 cr.) This course provides an interface between ecology, economics, and policy in the context of non-Western cultures and environments. Students will explore resource use in unfamiliar physical and cultural settings. This examination will highlight common processes that in turn will help the student to understand better the cultural/social underpinnings necessary for analysis.

V 575 Comparative Public Management and Administration (3 cr.) Reading and discussion of case studies and comparative analyses of formal organizations, with emphasis on governmental bureaucracies, public corporations, and international organizations. Topics include bureaucratic environment and culture, technology and organizations, program evaluation, communication and decision making, and administrative structure and process.

V 576 Approaches to Development (3 cr.) Examination of the application of development theory to the public sector. Topics include modernization theory, urbanization, development administration, community development, ethnicity, ideology, and national planning. Area case study project to include problems of policy implementation in developing areas.

V 577 International Economic Strategies and Trade Policy (3 cr.) Examination of topics in international economics as related to problems of economic development policy. Topics include international trade, comparative economic policy, economic integration, foreign aid investment, exchange rates, and international economic organizations.

V 578 Introduction to Comparative and International Affairs (3 cr.) The purposes of this course are to enlighten future public professionals about the promises and challenges posed by globalization, and to introduce and examine major concepts and case material from the world of comparative and international affairs.

V 580 Readings in Public Affairs (1-6 cr.) P: written consent of instructor. Readings on selected topics in public affairs.

V 581 Public Safety Law (1-3 cr.) Survey of historical development of Anglo-American law of public safety, including criminal law, civil remedies, administrative regulation of risk, and recent developments in employee and consumer safety. Emphasis on understanding legal theory and practice as basis for management decisions. Comparison of jurisprudential viewpoints and other disciplinary approaches to causation, prevention, and correction of public safety problems.

V 585 Practicum in Public Affairs (0-6 cr.) Students hold work assignments with public agencies. Grading is on an S/F basis.

V 586 Public Safety in the U.S. (2-3 cr.) Overview of criminal justice and public safety. Definitions of public safety and identification of major components. Functional description of major public safety agencies. Discussion of basic issues in public safety. Management in public safety system.

V 589 Democratization and Transition in Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States (3 cr.) This seminar focuses on how the governments of Eastern Europe and the newly independent states have responded to changes in their political, economic, and social environments. Discussion of constitutional development, legislative-executive relations, the development of intergovernmental relations, bureaucratic development, economic reform, budgetary systems, legislatures, and executive branches is included.

V 590 Research in Public Affairs (1-6 cr.) P: written consent of instructor. Research on selected topics in public affairs.

V 591 Investments and Portfolio Management (3 cr.) For M.P.A. students with interests in investment management and design of investment portfolios in the public and nonprofit sectors. Surveys the basic theory and practice of investment valuation; stocks, bonds, and hybrid securities; risk management; diversification; asset pricing models; and theory of tests of market efficiency.

V 592 Global Health Issues and Management (3 cr.) An overview of the theoretical underpinnings of, and current issues within, global health management. Topics include the impact of globalization on disease, health organization, program management, management of humanitarian events, and health system planning. The necessity of collective obligation and action for global health will be a recurring theme.

V 593 Analytical Methods in Planning and Policy Analysis (3 cr.) P or C: SPEA-V 507. Topics relate to goal setting and forecasting. Analytical methods include time series analysis, demographic projections, economic development and employment forecasting, and land use and transportation planning analysis. Optimization methods are applied to transportation and project management.

V 594 Principles of Urban and Regional Science (3 cr.) Discussion of the basic processes of change and development in regional systems, with emphasis on metropolitan regions. Includes economic, demographic, and environmental aspects of their interactions.

V 595 Managerial Decision Making (1-3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 504 and V 539. Applications of decision-making tools to substantive public management problems. A variety of managerial cases and issues are selected for intensive discussion and analysis.

V 596 Sustainable Development (3 cr.) Focuses on theories and policies of sustainable development. Course employs an interdisciplinary approach by combining approaches and models with neoclassical economics, ecological economics, political science, and ecology to study dynamical interrelationships between the macro-economy at the national and international levels of analyses, markets, political institutions, and the ecosystem.

V 597 Land Use Planning (3 cr.) The course examines the theoretical basis and practical need for land use planning. Emphasis is placed on the institutional context in which land use planning occurs. The course provides an in-depth analysis and exercise in plan preparations.

V 598 Governing and Leading in a Global Society (3 cr.) This gateway course will increase student appreciation of the role of public affairs professionals in governance across multiple sectors of society within the global context. Students will learn norms associated with effective practice in public affairs and frame a professional development plan to acquire leadership skills to support these norms.

V 600 Capstone in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.) Interdisciplinary course designed to give students exposure to the realities of the policy process through detailed analyses of case studies and projects. Course integrates science, technology, policy, and management.

V 601 Workshop in Public Affairs (1-6 cr.) Projects in public affairs. The students work on a research and resource team to complete a project for a public-sector client. Faculty act as project managers and resource personnel.

V 602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 502. Concepts, cases, and problem solving associated with the structure and process of strategic management in the public sector, broadly defined to include governmental and nongovernmental organizations.

V 606 Statistics for Research in Public Affairs I (3 cr.) P: Graduate-level introductory statistics. Focus is on estimation of model parameters using least square methods. Topics include properties of estimators, ordinary least square, instrumental variables, two- and three-stage least squares, assumptions, consequences when assumptions are false, and alternate methods when assumptions are false. Emphasis on matrix representations and simulation methods.

V 607 Statistics for Research in Public Affairs II (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 606. The second part of a sequence introducing statistical techniques used in modern public policy research. It extends the single and multiple equation least squares models to include non-linear moments, bayesian, maximum likelihood, and simulation-based techniques. Applications to a number of situations that cannot be estimated using standard regression methods.

V 609 Seminar in Revenue Theory and Administration (3 cr.) P or C: SPEA-V 560. This seminar examines the basic objectives and the political and economic aspects of tax administration. In the course of an examination of the interrelationships of tax policy, tax laws, and tax administration, the course reviews the major economic issues raised by types of taxes and user charges. The seminar also examines the fundamentals of tax legislation. Major emphasis is on state and local administration, although some federal problems will be covered.

V 610 Seminar in Government Budget and Program Analysis (3 cr.) P or C: SPEA-V 560. Advanced study of management aspects of budgetary process. Special cases are analyzed and budget problem-solving exercises are utilized.

V 611 Design of Information Systems (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 516 and V 519. Students in this course will learn the concepts, skills, methodologies, techniques, tools, and perspectives essential to successfully develop information systems for the public sector. To achieve this, students will learn how to conduct systems requirements analysis, translate them to process and logical models, and design the systems.

V 613 Implementation of Information Systems (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 516, V 519, and V 611. This course is intended to build on prior courses in information systems management. The course covers advanced topics in systems implementation and evaluation. Special emphasis is placed on evaluation of alternative systems designs and their implementation in operational settings of public agencies.

V 620 Seminar in Professional Ethics (3 cr.) This seminar explores issues of personal and official ethics in public affairs. Various frameworks for professional ethics will be covered.

V 621 Seminar in Teaching Public and Environmental Affairs (2 cr.) This course is designed for Ph.D. students in SPEA’s public policy, public affairs, and environmental science programs. Course will focus on a number of topics equally relevant to those students currently teaching and to students who expect future teaching assignments. Emphasis on student/teacher interaction, interest, and ethics.

V 622 Seminar in Urban Economic Development (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 517 or course in urban economics or instructor’s consent. Reading, discussion, and research into problems of urban economic development in the United States. Case study approach used to investigate job creation, financial incentives, development corporation, and other factors which have led to successful economic development plans and projects.

V 623 Seminar in Urban Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 561, V 564, V 567. This course is the required capstone course for all graduate students with a concentration in urban management. Course is combined with student’s required internship. Students are assigned selected reading in current urban management issues as well as research projects and case studies on/in the communities they are serving.

V 625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 517. The course develops the microeconomics-based environmental policy paradigm and uses the paradigm to evaluate the efficiency of current environmental regulations. The course also explores the incentive issues associated with the design of international environmental agreements and develops techniques (contingent valuation, hedonic pricing, travel cost method) for valuing environmental resources.

V 630 Advanced Management Topics (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 502 or permission of instructor. Selected readings, research, and problems covering advanced public management applications and practices. Topics will vary. Course will not cover topics available in other courses. Course may be repeated.

V 631 Health Planning (3 cr.) A workshop in analysis and use of health data in a planning context. Course deals with the planning process and planning methods with an emphasis on systems theory. Class project or plan is developed, and presented and defended in a simulated public hearing format.

V 639 Managing Government Operations (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 502. This is an introductory survey of operations management. Emphasis is placed on the analysis, design, and management of operation systems using models from operations management. Readings, lectures, and structured exercises are used to present the models and demonstrate their application.

V 640 Law, Public Management, and Public Policy (3 cr.) This is a capstone seminar that examines how courts and public actors interact to produce public policy. The nature of public policy and the capacity of judicial decisions to effect public policy will be examined and analyzed.

V 643 Natural Resource Management and Policy (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 517. This course evaluates a broad range of contemporary resource policies, cases, and controversies, using bioeconomic resource management models as an intuitive aid, wherever possible. Topics include fishery management, forestry policy, tropical deforestation, water management policy, nature preservation/endangered species, sustainable development, and national income accounting.

V 645 Environmental Law (3 cr.) An overview of U.S. environmental law. Key environmental statutes are examined, as are court decisions interpreting those statutes. Topics include water and air pollution, hazardous waste, toxins, pesticides, and environmental impact statements.

V 650 Topics in Public Personnel Management (1-3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 561. Readings and research on selected topics in the public personnel field. Topics may include such subjects as affirmative action, occupational health and safety, workforce forecasting and planning, and personnel approaches to position classification.

V 651 Introduction to Public Affairs (3 cr.) Covers the central organizing concepts in public affairs study, specialized areas of research in the field, and problems of knowledge and method in public affairs.

V 652 Managing Work Force Diversity in Public Organizations (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V502. Explores and applies theoretical and empirical research from a management perspective on workforce diversity. Topics include theories and constructs pertaining to diversity in work organizations, organizational postures toward workplace diversity, the interface between heterogeneity, work processes, and management practices; and the effects of heterogeneity on work-related outcomes.

V 654 Public Program Management and Contracting (3 cr.) An examination of theories, concepts, and processes concerning multi-actor program implementation and alternative forms of service delivery. Focus will be on the problems and challenges public managers face in designing and managing contractual relationships, networks, and other complex implementation structures.

V 660 Cases and Problems in Fiscal Administration (3 cr.) P or C: SPEA-V 560 or consent of instructor. An advanced seminar in the management aspects of public finance. Focuses on the budgetary process. Special cases are analyzed and budget problem-solving exercises are utilized.

V 662 Seminar in Accountability and Performance (3 cr.) Examines the problems of measuring performance and establishing accountability in publicly sponsored institutions and organizations. Concepts are given concrete application through careful investigation of attempts to measure performance and productivity in activities that cross public, private, and nonprofit sectors.

V 663 Policy Analysis (3 cr.) An introduction to the field of policy analysis. Includes discussion of different models, approaches, conceptual foundations of the field, and the basic issues surrounding application. Students without appropriate previous course work are expected to do extra reading under the guidance of their instructor or to audit existing master courses.

V 664 Seminar in Policy Analysis (3 cr.) This course focuses on applications of such policy tools as the general linear model (GLM), optimization techniques, probability models, and management science techniques. Students complete a policy analysis project using one of these approaches.

V 665 Seminar in Policy and Administration (3 cr.) Politics of program development and management. Translation of plans into viable, administrable programs. Marshaling support, political processes, strategies, constraints, tradeoffs, etc.

V 666 Public Revenue (3 cr.) This course is designed to provide a foundation for policy-directed research into government revenue systems and the individual revenue sources entering into those systems. It includes both the nature of those sources and their administration.

V 667 Seminar in Public Capital and Debt Theory (3 cr.) P or C: SPEA-V 560. This seminar examines the options open to governments, especially state and local, and why they resort to debt finance. The issues raised by the alternatives are examined in detail. Among the topics are public authority debt, revenue bonds, methods of placement, lease-purchase finance, and maturity choice. In addition, management of idle cash balances will be considered.

V 668 Seminar in Public Budgeting (3 cr.) This seminar will examine a body of literature dealing with public-sector resource allocation in the United States. Primary emphasis will be on the budgetary process, the emergence of competing theories of budgeting, and contemporary budgeting research. Budgetary systems will be explored at the national, state, and local levels.

V 669 Economic Development, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship (3 cr.) This seminar examines the link between globalization, entrepreneurship, and regional economic development. It utilizes state-of-the art methodologies and theories to focus advanced graduate students on research topics in economic development policies.

V 670 Topics in Public-Sector Labor Relations (1-3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 570 or consent of instructor. Selected research and discussion topics in the field of public-sector labor relations arranged on a semester-by-semester basis. Possible topics are collective bargaining in the public sector and dispute settlement in public-sector labor relations.

V 671 Public Organization and Management I (3 cr.) This seminar focuses on management theory in the public sector. Subjects include historical development, major questions in theory and practice, managerial decision making, and managerial effectiveness.

V 672 Public Organization and Management II (3 cr.) This seminar focuses on public organization theory. Subjects include organizational theory, design, and change.

V 673 Public Policy Analysis and Management Science/Operations Research (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 539 or consent of instructor. Applications of management science and operations research (MS/OR) techniques such as linear programming, goal programming, data envelopment analysis, stochastic processes, networks, decision analysis, and nonlinear programming to public policy problems analysis.

V 675 Issues and Problems in Public-Sector Personnel and Labor Relations (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 561 and V 570. A capstone seminar providing a practical and integrated examination of significant current cases and problems confronting public-sector employees and employers.

V 680 Research Design and Methods in Public Affairs (3 cr.) Three major areas will be covered: philosophy of science, theory and design of research, and applied research methodologies. Topics play a major role in providing insights into how usable knowledge is created, defended, and replaced.

V 681 Seminar in Development Policy and Management (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 575 and V 576, or consent of instructor. To explore linkages among policy analysis, management models, programs, and outcomes in a variety of development efforts in the less-developed countries. The primary focus is on empirical analysis of developing countries, with some attention to U.S. domestic ventures.

V 685 Research Seminar in Public Affairs (3 cr.) P: SPEA-V 680. Course will focus upon completion, revision, and presentation of completed original research. Class meetings will focus on progress reports by each participant and the critique and revision of draft papers. Students will present revised research papers to the faculty and students of the school in a series of research colloquia.

V 690 Seminar in the Public Policy Process (3 cr.) An evaluation of the theoretical and empirical literature on public policy processes. The findings of policy research are evaluated. An integrative paper is required.

V 691 Workshop in Public Policy (0-1 cr.) This workshop focuses on theory and research about public policy. Students are given opportunities to present and critique public policy research and to lead and participate in discussions of selected books and articles.

V 710 Topics in Public Policy (3 cr.) Doctoral seminar focusing upon various topics in public policy. Illustrative topics include public management, environmental policy, public finance, and urban affairs.

V 800 Public Affairs Tutorial (3 cr.) Readings in a substantive area of public affairs (e.g., health, criminal justice, human services, transportation) in preparation for development of a dissertation proposal.

V 890 Thesis (Ph.D.) (1-12 cr.) (S/F only)

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