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School of Public and Environmental Affairs 2003-2005 Online Graduate Bulletin Table of Contents



School of Public and
Environmental Affairs
2003-2005 Graduate
Academic Bulletin

School of Public and
Environmental Affairs
Indiana University
SPEA 260
1315 E. Tenth Street
Bloomington, IN 47405-1701
(800) 765-7755 Local (812) 855-2840
Fax (812) 855-7802
Contact SPEA Graduate Office

Business/SPEA Building (BS) 3027
801 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-4656/toll free (877) 292-9321
Contact SPEA Graduate Office

Bloomington Campus Graduate Degree Programs

Master of Public Affairs (M.P.A.)
Master of Public Affairs Joint Degree Programs
Other Joint M.P.A. Degree Programs
Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.S.E.S.)
Master of Science in Environmental Science Joint Degree Programs
Other Joint M.S.E.S. Degree Programs
Master of Arts in Arts Administration (M.A.)
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Environmental Science
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Public Affairs
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Public Policy
Doctoral Minors in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Certificate Programs

Master of Public Affairs (M.P.A.)

General Information
Degree Requirements
Core Requirements
Concentration Requirements
Experiential Requirements
Professional Credit Option
General Elective Courses
Fields of Concentration

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General Information

The Master of Public Affairs program is an interdisciplinary, professional program that prepares students for positions in local, state, or federal government, quasi-governmental service, or the nonprofit (including philanthropic) arena. It broadens students' comprehension of the economic, environmental, political, and social context in which the public servant works. The course of study requires completion of (1) the M.P.A. core, (2) the concentration requirement, (3) the experiential requirement, and (4) sufficient electives and/or mid-career option credit to total 48 credit hours.

The curriculum of this program as contained in the core requirements encompasses preparation in a broad range of skills relevant to the operation of public agencies. It is based on the academic disciplines but not limited to any one. It is also problem-oriented, bringing the disciplines to bear on critical social, environmental, economic, and administrative issues.

Although the environment of public service is diverse and changing, effectiveness in that environment requires the development of special skills attained through detailed study in a chosen field of concentration. The fields of concentration span the variety of professional specialties found in public service. Thus, the program provides expertise in the core requirement and in a specific concentration area, as well as a general working knowledge of public affairs.

The M.P.A. program is fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA).

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Degree Requirements

(48 credit hours)

Before enrolling in the M.P.A. program, students must show proficiency in the foundation areas of computing, economics, government, mathematics, and statistics to facilitate mastery of core course material. Graduate credit is not given for work done to satisfy these undergraduate requirements.

The core requirements of the M.P.A. degree consist of 18 credit hours of work in six courses. Each student must also complete the requirements of (at least) one concentration.

The experiential requirement ensures that each graduate of the M.P.A. program has gained insight into the world of public service by way of an experience outside the classroom. This experience may or may not involve the accumulation of credit hours toward the degree. The remaining credit hours necessary for graduation, if any, are general electives that can be used to add breadth to a student's program; to further explore a field of concentration; or to enhance skills in foreign languages, quantitative tools, or administrative techniques.

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Core Requirements

(18 credit hours)

The M.P.A. core is designed to ensure that each student acquires both the prerequisite analytical skills and an understanding of policy issues and governmental processes that compose the environment within which graduates will pursue their careers.

Required Courses
SPEA V502 Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making (3 cr.)
SPEA V517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA V540 Law and Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V560 Public Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.)
SPEA V600 Capstone in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)

Extremely well-prepared applicants may petition the program director to waive one or more of the core requirements on the basis of advanced course work done elsewhere. Students may be exempted on the basis of satisfactory equivalent course work or by examination. Credit hours waived from the core add to the electives a student may use. Students requesting course waivers should contact the appropriate graduate program director for requirements and guidelines.

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Concentration Requirements

(12-24 credit hours)

Concentrations give students educational experiences in a substantive area of interest. The course of study in each concentration area is determined in conjunction with an advisor. Up to 3 credit hours of the concentration may be taken in V585 Practicum in Public Affairs, if approved in advance by an advisor.

Concentration requirements may be waived on the same basis as core requirements. Consult with an advisor about course prerequisites.

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Experiential Requirements

Each M.P.A. student must obtain professionally relevant experience through one of the following options: an approved internship (0-6 credit hours); SPEA V590 Research in Public Affairs; SPEA V601 Workshop in Public Affairs; the Environmental Fellowship Program; or the Mid-Career Credit Option.

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Professional Credit Option

The Graduate Admissions Committee of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs may grant up to 12 credit hours toward the M.P.A. degree for students who have had significant policy-level work experience in their backgrounds. Credit will be granted for work experience gained until the end of the semester in which the student completes 24 credit hours according to the following guidelines.

  1. To receive 3 credit hours, a student must have a minimum of one year's technical, administrative, or policy-level work experience with a government or private agency.
  2. 6 credit hours will be awarded for one to four years of managerial experience in directing programs, preparing budgets, and making decisions on organizational or staff development or for one to four years of professional experience in policy analysis or planning.
  3. Those with four or more years of executive assignment may be awarded 9 to 12 credit hours. Applicants must have had responsibility for supervision of high-level staff, budget preparation, and organizational control of public agencies, or executive responsibility for policy analysis or planning.
Application Process and Policies
Students are eligible to apply for professional credit at the time of application to the M.P.A. or during the first semester of M.P.A. graduate study in order to take full advantage of available credit. Applicants may appeal the initial professional credit decision by submitting a request, in writing, for reconsideration and providing additional information to the appropriate program or campus director.

Determination of professional credit is made separately from decisions about transfer of credit. Under no circumstances will the professional credit and transfer credit total more than 21 hours of the 48 required for the M.P.A. degree. Students receiving professional credit should carefully plan the balance of their program with an advisor.

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General Elective Courses

Graduate courses, or undergraduate courses approved for graduate credit, may be used to complete the overall degree requirement of 48 credit hours.

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Fields of Concentration

Concentrations give students focused educational experiences in substantive areas of interest. Concentrations offered on the Bloomington campus are:

Comparative and International Affairs Concentration
Economic Development Concentration
Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management Concentration
Information Systems Concentration
Local Government Management Concentration
Nonprofit Management Concentration
Policy Analysis Concentration
Public Financial Administration Concentration
Public Management Concentration
Specialized Concentration
Accelerated Master of Public Affairs

Students also may design specialized concentrations.

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Comparative and International Affairs Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The Comparative and International Affairs Concentration has two major functions:

  1. to provide a comparative basis for considering U.S. public policy and its underlying principles; and
  2. to examine the international links and institutions through which nations interact.
Required Courses (9 credit hours)
V575 Comparative Public Management and Administration (3 cr.)
V578 Introduction to Comparative and International Affairs (3 cr.)
V669 Economic Development, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)

Electives (9 credit hours)
In consultation with your academic advisor, select one course. A partial list includes:
E518 Vector-based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
E529 Application of Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)
V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
V519 Database Management Systems (3 cr.)
V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
V609 Seminar in Revenue Theory and Administration (3 cr.)
V610 Seminar in Government Budget and Program Analysis (3 cr.)
V622 Seminar in Urban Economic Development (3 cr.)
V625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.)
V667 Seminar in Public Capital and Debt Theory (3 cr.)

In consultation with your academic adviser, select two courses. A partial list includes:
E535 International Environmental Policy (3 cr.)
V518 Intergovernmental Systems Management (3 cr.)
V574 Environmental Management in the Tropics (3 cr.)
V576 Approaches to Development (3 cr.)
V577 International Economic Strategies and Trade Policy (3 cr.)
V589 Democratization and Transition in Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States (3 cr.)

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Economic Development Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The economic development concentration prepares students for positions in economic development at the city, county, and state levels.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V622 Seminar in Urban Economic Development (3 cr.)
SPEA V669 Economic Development, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)

Electives (9 credit hours)
Select three of the following courses:
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V563 The Planning Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V564 Urban Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V567 Public Financial Administration (3 cr.)
SPEAV568 Management of Urban Government Services (3 cr.)
SPEA V578 Introduction to Comparative and International Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V593 Analytical Methods in Planning and Policy Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V609 Seminar in Revenue Theory and Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V610 Seminar in Government Budget and Program Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V667 Seminar in Public Capital and Debt Theory (3 cr.)

other relevant SPEA courses with the approval of an economic development concentration advisor. At least one elective must be chosen from the above list. A student may choose up to two electives outside of SPEA with the approval of an advisor.

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Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management Concentration

(21 credit hours)

The environmental policy and natural resource management concentration integrates public policy and environmental science perspectives covering a range of topics including the economic analysis of natural resource utilization and allocation.

Required Courses (12 credit hours)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V643 Natural Resource Management and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V645 Environmental Law (3 cr.)

Electives (9 credit hours)
In consultation with your advisor, select one course in public policy and/or public management. A partial list includes:
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V510 Government Regulation in Market Economies (3 cr.)
SPEA V512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V518 Intergovernmental Systems Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V640 Law, Public Management, and Public Policy (3 cr.)

In consultation with their advisors, students select two courses from one of the following groups or an equivalent course cluster:

Environmental Management
SPEA E536 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E539 Aquatic Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E542 Hazardous Materials (3 cr.)
SPEA E552 Environmental Engineering (3 cr.)

Resource Management
SPEA E460 Fisheries and Wildlife Management (3 cr.)
SPEA E461 Fisheries and Wildlife Management Laboratory (3 cr.)
SPEA E527 Applied Ecology (3 cr.)
SPEA E528 Forest Ecology and Management (3 cr.)
BIOL L575 Ecosystem Structure and Function (3 cr.)

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Information Systems Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The information systems (IS) concentration prepares students for entry-level and mid-career positions—such as systems analysts, consultants, webmasters, and database managers—in the exciting, evolving, and rapidly growing fields of computing and communication technologies as they apply to public organizations. The IS concentration builds on a solid core of three courses and provides the flexibility to add three more electives from a wide range of course offerings. Students are encouraged to combine the IS concentration with other concentrations to strengthen their technical skills in a variety of applied areas.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
The following courses are required:
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V519 Database Management Systems (3 cr.)

Select one of the following:
SPEA E518 Vector-based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (GIS only) (3 cr.)

Electives (9 credit hours)
Three courses from the following information systems application groups. (Note: Two of the courses must be from group A, B, or C.)

Group A: Geographic Information Systems
SPEA E518 Vector-based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E519 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 cr.)
SPEA E529 Application of Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (GIS only) (3 cr.)

Group B: Decision Support and Analysis
SPEA E555 Topics in Environmental Science: Computing Methods for Environmental Science (3 cr.)
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)

Group C: Design and Management of Information Systems
SPEA V602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V611 Design of Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V613 Implementation of Information Systems (3 cr.)

Group D: Networking and Telecommunications
BUS S515 Foundations of Business Telecommunications (3 cr.)
SLIS L561 The Information Industry (3 cr.)
SLIS L564 Computerization in Society (3 cr.)
SLIS L571 Information Architecture for the Web (3 cr.)

Group E: Additional Options
Graduate courses that address issues in information technology, such as programming and the digital economy, are offered in other units such as the Department of Computer Science, the School of Informatics, the Kelley School of Business, and the School of Library and Information Science. Students may elect to take one of these electives with the approval of a faculty advisor.

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Local Government Management Concentration

(24 credit hours)

The local government management concentration prepares students for entry-level and mid-career management and policy positions in local government. Course work includes an urban management core required of all students and a selection of advanced electives. Students should consult with a faculty concentration advisor to choose the advanced electives best suited to their interests. Students also participate in a Seminar in Urban Management in conjunction with the International City/County Management Association's annual conference.

Required Courses (15 credit hours)
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V542 Government Financial Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resource Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V568 Management of Urban Government Services (3 cr.)
SPEA V623 Seminar in Urban Management (3 cr.)

Advanced Electives (6 credit hours)
Students must select two additional courses in consultation with their concentration advisors from one of the approved subject areas listed below:

  • Planning
  • Personnel/Labor Relations
  • Operations Management
  • Analysis and Information Systems
  • Government Finance
  • Administrative Law
Local Government Management Seminar (3 credit hours)
Students are required to enroll in SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs - Professional Development Seminar (3 cr.) during their second year of study. This course is held in conjunction with attendance at the International City/County Management Association's annual conference.

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Nonprofit Management Concentration

(15 credit hours)

The nonprofit management concentration prepares persons for leadership positions in not-for-profit organizations. The core requirements for the M.P.A. degree provide a strong management and policy base. The concentration offers students the opportunity to develop this base through not-for-profit applications. Most courses in the concentration address the unique features and practices of not-for-profit organizations or the policies affecting them. Supplementary courses available in the concentration offer management techniques helpful to nonprofit leaders.

Required Courses (6 credit hours)
SPEA V521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)

Electives (9 credit hours)
Three of the following courses with the approval of an advisor.
SPEA V522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations
SPEA V558 Fund Development for Nonprofits (3 cr.)
SPEA V602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
EDUC C595 Legal Aspects of Philanthropy (3 cr.)
HIST H509 History of Philanthropy in the West (3 cr.) (offered in Indianapolis)
HIST H750 History of American Philanthropy
JOUR J560 Public Relations in Nonprofits (3 cr.)
LAW L794 Seminar in the Nonprofit Corporation (3 cr.)
REL R770 Ethics of Philanthropy (3 cr.)

Concentration elective courses may include one course in the student's chosen nonprofit area, with approval of an advisor. Examples include:
SPEA V577 International Economic Strategies and Trade Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V622 Seminar in Urban Economic Development (3 cr.)
AADM Y525 Museum Management (3 cr.)

Concentration electives may include one of the supplement management courses below. This course should not have a nonprofit emphasis but should develop a critical set of skills. Substitutions can be made with an advisor's approval.
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.)

Additional details are available in a separate Nonprofit Management brochure available from advisors for this concentration and from the Graduate Program Office. Included is information concerning relevant course offerings on the Indianapolis campus and the Nonprofit Management Certificate option.

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Policy Analysis Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The policy analysis concentration emphasizes substantive applications of management science/operations research, statistical analysis, cost-benefit analysis, program evaluation, and related techniques and approaches to public policy issues and decisions.

Policy Analysis Skills (9 credit hours)
Required course:
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)

Take a minimum of two of the following three courses:
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)

Note: Should the student decide to take V539, V541, and V562, the third course can be counted as one of the three public courses required below.

Policy Field (9 credit hours)
Select three public policy courses with the permission of a concentration advisor. Courses that may be chosen include, but are not limited to, the following:
SPEA V510 Government Regulation in Market Economies (3 cr.)
SPEA V521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V547 Negotiation and Dispute Resolution for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (3 cr.) approved topics
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V565 Environmental Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (3 cr.)
SPEA V577 International Economic Strategies and Trade Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V622 Seminar in Urban Economic Development (3 cr.)
SPEA V625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V640 Law, Public Management, and Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V669 Economic Development, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)

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Public Financial Administration Concentration

(18 credit hours)

Courses in this concentration develop technical skills necessary for budget analysis, preparation, and operation; analysis and application of tax policy; and public financial planning.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
Three of the following courses:
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V609 Seminar in Revenue Theory and Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V610 Seminar in Government Budget and Program Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V667 Seminar in Public Capital and Debt Theory (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V542 Governmental Financial Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two of the following courses or other graduate courses approved by a concentration advisor as equivalent substitutions:
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V570 Public Sector Labor Relations (3 cr.)

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Public Management Concentration

(12 credit hours)

The public management concentration covers the skills and tools appropriate for entry-level or mid-career management positions in a variety of public and nonprofit settings. Course work is distributed between a management core and advanced electives. Selection of courses must be made in consultation with a concentration advisor.

Public Management Core (6 credit hours)
Two of the following courses:
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.) SPEA V602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)

Advanced Electives (6 credit hours)
Students have substantial flexibility in selecting public management electives. SPEA offers strong courses in administrative management and information systems, human resource management, labor-management relations, local government management, nonprofit management, and organizational development. Selection of advanced electives must be made in consultation with a concentration advisor.

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Specialized Concentration

(18 credit hours)

In consultation with advisors, students may design curricula that anticipate their career and educational goals and reflect their background and training. Specialized concentrations must be approved by students' advisors and the program director to ensure high standards of rigor, depth, and breadth. Specialized concentrations must be declared within the first 24 credit hours of a student's program.

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Accelerated Master of Public Affairs

This program allows the School of Public and Environmental Affairs' top undergraduates to complete both their undergraduate and graduate degrees in five years. To be considered for this program a student must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.5, completed 96 undergraduate credit hours, and satisfied all general-education and School of Public and Environmental Affairs undergraduate core requirements. Because of the specialized nature of this program, potential applicants should contact the Bloomington undergraduate and graduate program directors for details.

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Master of Public Affairs Joint Degree Programs

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Science in Environmental Science

Master of Public Affairs–Doctor of Jurisprudence (M.P.A.–J.D.)

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Master of Public Affairs–Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.P.A.–M.S.E.S.)

This combined master's program is a 60-credit-hour program that gives the student more depth and breadth than is possible in a single degree. M.P.A. and M.S.E.S. degrees are awarded simultaneously after the student has completed the requirements for both degrees.

Application and Admission
Program Requirements
Public Affairs Core
Environmental Science Core
Program Options
Professional Experiential Requirement

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Application and Admission

The student must apply to and be accepted by both the Master of Public Affairs program and the Master of Science in Environmental Science program. The normal criteria for admission to each program apply.

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Program Requirements

(60 credit hours)

The combined M.P.A.–M.S.E.S. program requires a minimum of 60 credit hours distributed among four components: environmental science core, public affairs core, environmental science and policy concentration, and professional experience.

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Public Affairs Core

Required Courses (15 credit hours)
SPEA V502 Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making (3 cr.)

(With consent of the advisor, may substitute SPEA E538 Statistics for Environmental Science. Credit not given for both SPEA E538 and SPEA V506. Course should be taken in the first semester.)
SPEA V517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA V540 Law and Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V560 Public Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.)

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Environmental Science Core

Required Courses (12 credit hours)
SPEA E526 Applied Mathematics for Environmental Science (3 cr.)
SPEA E527 Applied Ecology (3 cr.)
SPEA E536 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E552 Environmental Engineering (3 cr.)

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Required Course (3 credit hours)

Choose one of the listed capstone options from either the M.P.A. or M.S.E.S.

Students must fulfill the professional presentation requirement.

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Program Options

All M.P.A.–M.S.E.S. joint degree students must complete the above core requirements. Beyond these core requirements, however, joint students can pursue one of four concentration options.

1. Environmental Management Concentration
2. Environmental Systems Analysis and Modeling Concentration
3. Specialized Concentration
4. Any M.S.E.S. or M.P.A. Concentration

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1. Environmental Management Concentration

(24 credit hours)

Required Courses (24 credit hours)

Four of the following courses:
SPEA E515 Fundamentals of Air Pollution (3 cr.)
SPEA E518 Vector-Based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E519 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 cr.)
SPEA E520 Environmental Toxicology (3 cr.) or
  SPEA E410 Introduction to Environmental Toxicology (3 cr.)
SPEA E539 Aquatic Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E545 Lake and Watershed Management (3 cr.)
SPEA E554 Groundwater Flow Modeling (3 cr.)
SPEA E562 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (3 cr.)

Four of the following:
SPEA E512 Risk Communication (3 cr.)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V510 Government Regulation in Market Economies (3 cr.)
SPEA V516 Public Information Management Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V565 Environmental Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (3 cr.)
SPEA V571 State and Local Environmental Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V643 Natural Resource Management and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V645 Environmental Law (3 cr.)

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2. Environmental Systems Analysis and Modeling Concentration

(27 credit hours)

Required (27 credit hours)

The following three courses:
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)

Four of the following courses:
SPEA E515 Fundamentals of Air Pollution Control (3 cr.)
SPEA E518 Vector-Based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E519 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 cr.)
SPEA E529 Application of Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E539 Aquatic Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E554 Groundwater Flow Modeling (3 cr.)
SPEA E555 Topics in Environmental Science (3 cr.) (modeling related)

Two of the following courses:
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V643 Natural Resource Management and Policy (3 cr.)

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3. Specialized Concentration

(21 credit hours)

Select four M.S.E.S. courses from one of the listed M.S.E.S. concentrations and three M.P.A. courses from one of the listed M.P.A. concentrations.

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4. Any M.S.E.S. or M.P.A. Concentration

Any M.S.E.S. concentration plus 9 additional credit hours from a listed M.P.A. concentration


Any M.P.A. concentration plus 12 additional credit hours from a listed M.S.E.S. concentration.

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Professional Experiential Requirement

(0-6 credit hours)

Each double master's degree candidate must gain professionally relevant experience through one of the following options: an approved internship (0-6 credit hours); advanced project; independent research/thesis; the Environmental Fellowship Program; the Mid-Career Credit Option; or an environmental science research project culminating in a master's thesis. Students are encouraged to discuss with faculty members the relative merits of their experiences according to individual career objectives.

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Return to Master of Public Affairs Joint Degree Programs

Master of Public Affairs–Doctor of Jurisprudence (M.P.A.–J.D.)

The combined Master of Public Affairs- Doctor of Jurisprudence program enables the student to take a four-year sequence of courses leading to both degrees.

Application and Admission
Program Requirements
Master of Public Affairs Requirements
Doctor of Jurisprudence Requirements

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Application and Admission

The applicant must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution of higher education and must apply separately to both the School of Law—Bloomington and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs.

If the applicant is admitted to only one school, the applicant is permitted to attend that school and is, of course, required to meet the graduation requirements of that school. It is recommended that the student apply to both schools simultaneously for the combined M.P.A.–J.D. program. It is possible, however, for a person already enrolled in the School of Law to apply for admission to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs up to the time he or she completes the second year of law study. It is also possible for a student enrolled in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs to seek admission to the School of Law up to the end of the first year of the M.P.A. course of study.

Academic Standing
Grade point averages in the School of Law—Bloomington and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs are computed separately. To continue in the program, the student must meet the academic standards in each school. A student failing in one school but meeting academic standards in the other may complete work for the degree in the school in which the student is able to meet the academic standards. Such completion must be according to the same conditions (credit hours, residency, etc.) required of regular (noncombination) degree candidates; that is, 82 credit hours in law and 48 credit hours in SPEA. Students are eligible for honors in each school based on the criteria of each school.

School Residency
Students in the joint M.P.A.–J.D. program should enroll in courses through the School of Public and Environmental Affairs in the first year of the program and through the School of Law—Bloomington in the second year of the program. Alternatively, joint M.P.A.–J.D. students do have the option of enrolling in courses through the School of Law—Bloomington in the first year and in SPEA in the second year. In the third and fourth years, or until the program is completed, students should enroll through the school in which the majority of their credit hours reside in each enrollment period.

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Program Requirements

(113 credit hours)

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Master of Public Affairs Requirements

(36 credit hours)

Students are required to complete 36 credit hours of SPEA courses distributed among the M.P.A. core and a specialization area.

Required Courses (21 credit hours)
SPEA V502 Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making (3 cr.)
SPEA V517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA V540 Law and Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V560 Public Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.)
SPEA V600 Capstone in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V640 Law, Public Management, and Public Policy (3 cr.)

Specialization Area (15 credit hours)
The student chooses a field of specialization and develops a program of specialization courses in consultation with a SPEA advisor.

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Doctor of Jurisprudence Requirements

(77 credit hours)

Students are required to complete 77 credit hours of law courses and to satisfy all requirements for the degree Doctor of Jurisprudence. For specific requirements, see the School of Law—Bloomington Bulletin.

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Other Joint M.P.A. Degree Programs

In addition to joint degree programs with the Indiana University School of Law—Bloomington, the School of Public and Environmental Affairs collaborates with centers on area studies, other Indiana University Bloomington departments, and professional schools to deliver joint degree programs. SPEA's combined master's degree programs address the demand for specialists with expertise in policy, management, and science and the expertise and skill offered by the partner program. Candidates for the combined degree programs, excluding the program with the School of Law—Bloomington, complete the core requirements for the M.P.A. degree, additional course credits in a specialized concentration for a total of 36 credit hours in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, plus the required courses of the participating joint program. In every case students must apply separately to and be accepted into both programs to participate in a joint degree program. Joint degree students (other than the M.P.A.–J.D and the M.P.A.—M.A. in Russian and East European Studies) must complete:

  1. the core requirements for the M.P.A. and a specialized SPEA concentration (36 credit hours) and
  2. the requirements of the other school or department for the joint degrees.
To determine the requirements for participating joint degree departments or schools, refer to the section of the Bulletin about the participating unit or visit the appropriate Web page.

SPEA participates with the following units in the M.P.A. program:

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in Afro-American Studies (M.P.A.–M.A.)
Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in Central Eurasian Studies (M.P.A.–M.A.)
Department of Central Eurasian Studies

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in East Asian Studies (M.P.A.–M.A.)
Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in Geography (M.P.A.–M.A.)
Department of Geography

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Science in Geography (M.P.A.–M.S.)
Department of Geography

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Information Science (M.P.A.–M.I.S.)
School of Library and Information Science

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in Journalism (M.P.A.–M.A.)
School of Journalism

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in Latin American and Caribbean Studies (M.P.A.–M.A.)
The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Library Science (M.P.A.–M.L.S.)
School of Library and Information Science

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in Russian and East European Studies (M.P.A.–M.A.)
Russian and East European Institute
Note: Specialized SPEA Concentration Area-Joint degree students are required to enroll in SPEA-V 589 Democratization and Transition in Eastern Europe and Newly Independent States or its equivalent. For the remaining courses in the specialization area, students must develop a program of specialization in consultation with a SPEA advisor which is adapted to their educational and career objectives and complements the Russian and East European Studies curriculum.

Master of Public Affairs–Master of Arts in West European Studies (M.P.A.–M.A.)
West European Studies

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Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.S.E.S.)

General Information
Professional Credit Option
Core Requirements
Concentration Requirements
Applied Ecology Concentration
Environmental Chemistry, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment Concentration
Water Resources Concentration
Specialized Concentration
Professional Experiential Requirement
Accelerated Master of Science in Environmental Science

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General Information

The Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.S.E.S.) program educates professionals who combine specialization in an area of environmental science with some administrative and policy skills necessary to apply this knowledge in a broader context. The degree allows specialization in either disciplinary or interdisciplinary areas of environmental science.

The M.S.E.S. program requires 48 credit hours distributed among four areas: core requirements (20 cr.), concentration area (21-22 cr.), general electives (4-7 cr.), and experiential requirement (0-6 cr.). The core curriculum provides students with a general knowledge of environmental science. Courses in environmental management and policy allow students to apply that knowledge. In a concentration, students establish an area of expertise.

A bachelor's degree in a physical or life science, engineering, or a related field is required for admission. Students are required to have taken at least ONE semester (or two quarters) of calculus, chemistry with laboratory, and statistics. In addition, the best-prepared students will have taken courses in the life sciences and economics. All applicants must be computer literate. In some cases, a student may be admitted contingent upon completion of selected courses as specified by the SPEA Admissions Committee.

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Professional Credit Option

The Graduate Admissions Committee of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs may grant up to 12 credit hours toward the M.S.E.S. degree for students who have had significant technical or administrative work experience in their backgrounds. Credit will be granted for work experience gained until the end of the semester in which the student completes 24 credit hours according to the following guidelines.

  1. To receive 3 credit hours, a student must have a minimum of one year's technical or administrative work experience.
  2. 6 credit hours will be awarded for one to four years of experience in environmental science or environmental management.
  3. Those with four or more years of executive assignment may be awarded 9 to 12 credit hours. Applicants must have had responsibility for environmental science or environmental management.
Application Process and Policies
Students are eligible to apply for professional credit at the time of application to the M.S.E.S. or during the first semester of M.S.E.S. graduate study in order to take full advantage of available credit. Applicants may appeal the initial professional credit decision by submitting a request, in writing, for reconsideration and providing additional information to the appropriate program or campus director.

Determination of professional credit is made separately from decisions about transfer of credit. Under no circumstances will the professional credit and transfer credit total more than 21 hours of the 48 required for the degree. Students receiving professional credit should carefully plan the balance of their program with an advisor.

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Core Requirements

(20 credit hours)

SPEA E526 Applied Mathematics for Environmental Science (2 cr.)
SPEA E527 Applied Ecology (3 cr.) or
  approved equivalent
SPEA E536 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E538 Statistics for Environmental Science (3 cr.)
SPEA E552 Environmental Engineering (3 cr.)
SPEA V517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V645 Environmental Law (3 cr.)

To complete the comprehensive project, select one of the following courses. This requirement should be fulfilled near the end of each student's course work.
SPEA E546 Stream Ecology (3 cr.)
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA E620 Environmental Analysis Workshop (3 cr.)
SPEA V520 Environmental Policy Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V600 Capstone in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)

Students must fulfill the 0-credit-hour professional presentation requirement.

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Concentration Requirements

(21-22 credit hours)

The concentrations give students an educational experience in a substantive area of interest. The course of study in the concentration area is determined in conjunction with a concentration advisor. Concentration requirements may be waived on the same basis as core requirements.

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Applied Ecology Concentration

(22 credit hours)

The applied ecology concentration focuses on problem-solving techniques applied to current ecological issues. The diversity of the earth's living species in both natural and managed ecosystems offers students a variety of study areas within applied ecology, including forest management, fisheries and wildlife management, soil and watershed management, endangered species, and wetlands.

Required Courses (10 credit hours)
SPEA E440 Wetlands: Biology and Regulation (3 cr.)
SPEA E455 Limnology (4 cr.)
SPEA E528 Forest Ecology and Management (3 cr.)

Electives (12 credit hours or four courses selected from the following; other courses may be selected with the advisor's approval)
SPEA E460 Fisheries and Wildlife Management (3 cr.)
SPEA E461 Fisheries and Wildlife Management Laboratory (3 cr.)
SPEA E518 Vector-based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E519 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 cr.)
SPEA E520 Environmental Toxicology (3 cr.)
SPEA E529 Applications of Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E537 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (3 cr.)
SPEA E545 Lake and Watershed Management (3 cr.)
SPEA E557 Conservation Biology (3 cr.)
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)

The following biology courses may be selected with the approval of an Applied Ecology faculty advisor:
BIOL L570 Seminar in Ecology and Environmental Biology (2 cr.)
BIOL L575 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning (3 cr.)
BIOL L578 Advanced Population Biology (3 cr.)
BIOL L579 Community Ecology (3 cr.)
BIOL L581 Behavioral Ecology (3 cr.)

SPEA policy courses may be appropriate for some students in this concentration. One or two of the following courses may be selected with the approval of an Applied Ecology faculty advisor.
SPEA E535 International Environmental Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA V574 Environmental Management in the Tropics (3 cr.)
SPEA V625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V643 Natural Resource Management and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V645 Environmental Law (3 cr.)

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Environmental Chemistry, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment Concentration

(21 credit hours)

This concentration addresses the fate and transport of chemicals in the environment and the hazards and risks to human health and the environment associated with chemical pollution. This is achieved through courses that study the chemical/physical/biological reactions of pollutants in soil, aquatic, and atmospheric systems. Additional classes study the hazards associated with chemicals used in modern society, technologies available to manage and remediate contaminated sites, the toxicological effects of chemical exposure, and methods to qualify the risks associated with chemicals in the environment.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA E520 Environmental Toxicology (3 cr.)
SPEA E537 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (3 cr.)
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)

Electives (12 credit hours or four courses selected from the following; other courses may be selected with the advisor's approval)
SPEA E515 Fundamentals of Air Pollution (3 cr.)
SPEA E518 Vector-based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E519 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 cr.)
SPEA E529 Applications of Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E539 Aquatic Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E542 Hazardous Materials (3 cr.)
SPEA E544 Subsurface Microbiology and Bioremediation (3 cr.)
SPEA E554 Groundwater Flow Modeling (3 cr.)
SPEA E555 Topics in Environmental Science: Advanced Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E555 Topics in Environmental Science: Fate of Organic Chemicals in the Environment (3 cr.)
SPEA E562 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (3 cr.)
SPEA E570 Soil Mechanics and Science (3 cr.)

The following courses may be selected with the approval of an Environmental Chemistry, Toxicology, and Risk Assessment faculty advisor:
CHEM C483 Biological Chemistry (3 cr.)
CHEM C612 Spectrochemical Methods of Analysis (1.5-3 cr.)
CHEM C614 Chromatography (1.5-3 cr.)
GEOL G451 Principles of Hydrogeology (2-3 cr.)
GEOL G550 Surface Water Hydrology (3 cr.)

SPEA policy courses may be appropriate for some students in this concentration. One or two of the following courses may be selected with the approval of a faculty advisor.
SPEA E512 Risk Communication (3 cr.)
SPEA E535 International Environmental Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V643 Natural Resource Management and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V645 Environmental Law (3 cr.)

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Water Resources Concentration

(22 credit hours)

Focus is on the scientific principles of water quantity and quality. Courses provide information and problem-solving skills using biological, chemical, and physical descriptions of water in the environment.

Required Courses (10 credit hours)
SPEA E455 Limnology (4 cr.)
SPEA E539 Aquatic Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E554 Groundwater Flow Modeling (3 cr.)

Electives (12 credit hours or four courses selected from the following; other courses may be selected with the advisor's approval)
SPEA E440 Wetlands: Biology and Regulation (3 cr.)
SPEA E518 Vector-based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E519 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 cr.)
SPEA E529 Applications of Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E537 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (3 cr.)
SPEA E544 Subsurface Microbiology and Bioremediation (3 cr.)
SPEA E545 Lake and Watershed Management (3 cr.)
SPEA E546 Stream Ecology (3 cr.)
SPEA E555 Topics in Environmental Science: Fate of Organic Chemicals in the Environment (3 cr.)
SPEA E570 Soil Mechanics and Science (3 cr.)
GEOL G550 Surface Water Hydrology (3 cr.)
GEOL G551 Advanced Hydrogeology (3 cr.)

One or two of the following courses may be selected with the approval of a faculty advisor.
SPEA V517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V643 Natural Resource Management and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V645 Environmental Law (3 cr.)

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Specialized Concentration

(21-22 credit hours)

In consultation with an advisor, students may design a curriculum that anticipates their career and educational goals and reflects their background and training. Specialized concentrations must be approved by students' advisors and the program director to ensure high standards of rigor, depth, and breadth. Each specialized concentration must contain the required courses for one of the regular concentrations. Students must submit written course of study proposals for approval within the first 24 credit hours of their program.

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Professional Experiential Requirement

(0-6 credit hours)

Each candidate for the M.S.E.S. degree must gain professionally relevant experience through one of the following options: an approved internship (0-6 credit hours); advanced project; independent research/thesis; the Environmental Fellowship Program; the Mid-Career Credit Option; or an environmental science research project culminating a master's thesis. Students are encouraged to discuss options with faculty.

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Accelerated Master of Science in Environmental Science

This program allows the School of Public and Environmental Affairs' top undergraduates to complete both their undergraduate and graduate degrees in five years. To be considered for this program, a student must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.5, completed 96 undergraduate credit hours, and satisfied all general-education and SPEA undergraduate core requirements. Because of the specialized nature of this program, potential applicants should contact the Bloomington undergraduate and graduate program directors for details.

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Master of Science in Environmental Science Joint Degree Programs

Master of Science in Environmental Science–Doctor of Jurisprudence (M.S.E.S.–J.D.)

General Information
Application and Admission
Program Requirements
Master of Science in Environmental Science Requirements
Doctor of Jurisprudence Requirements

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General Information

The combined Master of Science in Environmental Science–Doctor of Jurisprudence program is a four-year, 113-credit-hour sequence of courses and research that provides depth and breadth in both environmental science and law.

Both degrees are awarded when the student meets the degree requirements of the School of Law—Bloomington and SPEA.

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Application and Admission

The student must have a bachelor's degree in a physical or life science, engineering, or related field. Students interested in the joint M.S.E.S.–J.D. must apply to both the School of Law—Bloomington and the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. Students normally apply to both schools simultaneously for the combined program. It is possible, however, for a person already enrolled in the School of Law to apply for admission to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs up to the time he or she completes the second year of law study. A student enrolled in SPEA may seek admission to the School of Law—Bloomington up to the end of the first year of the M.S.E.S. program.

Academic Standing
Grade point averages in the School of Law—Bloomington and SPEA are computed separately. To continue in the program, the student must meet the academic standards in each school. A student failing in one school but meeting academic standards in the other may complete work for the degree in the school in which academic standards are being met. Such completion must be according to the same conditions required of regular (noncombination) degree candidates; that is, 82 credit hours for law and 48 credit hours for SPEA. Students are eligible for honors in each school based on the criteria of each school.

Program Advisors
Students enrolled in the combined program are assigned co-advisors—one each from the faculty of the School of Law and SPEA. The co-advisors review and counsel with respect to each student's course selection for each semester to assure attainment of educational objectives.

School Residency
Students in the joint M.S.E.S.–J.D. program should enroll in courses through SPEA the first year of their programs and through the School of Law in the second year of their programs. Alternatively, joint M.S.E.S.–J.D. students have the option of enrolling in courses through the School of Law—Bloomington in the first year and SPEA in the second year. In the third and fourth years, or until the joint program is completed, students should enroll through the school in which the majority of their credit hours resides in each enrollment period.

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Program Requirements

(113 credit hours)

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Master of Science in Environmental Science Requirements

(36 credit hours)

Students are required to complete 37 credit hours of courses distributed among the environmental science core, environmental management and policy core, and a specialization area.

Environmental Science Core (15 credit hours)
The following courses are required:
SPEA E526 Applied Mathematics for Environmental Science (3 cr.)
SPEA E527 Applied Ecology (3 cr.)
SPEA E536 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E538 Statistics for Environmental Science (3 cr.)
SPEA E552 Environmental Engineering (3 cr.)

Environmental Management and Policy Core (9 credit hours)
SPEA V517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA V645 Environmental Law (3 cr.)

Select one from the following equivalent substitutes, or other policy/management graduate course approved by an advisor:
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V520 Environmental Policy Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V540 Law and Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V640 Law, Public Management, and Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V643 Natural Resource Management (3 cr.)

Concentration Area (12 credit hours)
Students are required to develop an area of specialization approved by a SPEA faculty advisor.

It is recommended that this be done in consultation with both joint law and environmental science faculty advisors.

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Doctor of Jurisprudence Requirements

(77 credit hours)

Students are required to complete 77 credit hours of law courses and to satisfy all requirements for the degree Doctor of Jurisprudence. For specific requirements, see the School of Law—Bloomington Bulletin.

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Other Joint M.S.E.S. Degree Programs

In addition to joint degree programs with the Indiana University School of Law—Bloomington, the School of Public and Environmental Affairs collaborates with centers on area studies, other Indiana University Bloomington departments, and professional schools to deliver joint degree programs. SPEA's combined master's degree programs address the demand for specialists with expertise in policy, management, and science and the expertise and skill offered by the partner program. Candidates for the combined degree programs, excluding the program with the School of Law—Bloomington, complete the core requirements for the M.S.E.S. degree, additional course credits in a specialized concentration for a total of 36 credit hours in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, plus the required courses of the participating joint program. In every case students must apply separately to and be accepted into both programs to participate in a joint degree program. Joint degree students (other than the M.S.E.S.–J.D.) must complete:

  1. The core requirements for the M.S.E.S. and a specialized SPEA concentration (36 credit hours) and
  2. The requirements of the other school or department for the joint degrees.
To determine the requirements for participating joint degree departments or schools, refer to the section of the Bulletin about the participating unit or visit the appropriate Web page.

SPEA participates with the following units in their M.S.E.S. program:

Master of Science in Environmental Science–Master of Arts in Biology (M.S.E.S.–M.A.)
Department of Biology

Master of Science in Environmental Science–Master of Arts in Geography (M.S.E.S.–M.A.)
Department of Geography

Master of Science in Environmental Science–Master of Science in Geography (M.S.E.S.–M.S.)
Department of Geography

Master of Science in Environmental Science–Master of Science in Geological Sciences (M.S.E.S.–M.A.)
Department of Geological Sciences

Master of Science in Environmental Science–Master of Arts in Journalism (M.S.E.S.–M.A.)
School of Journalism

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Master of Arts in Arts Administration (M.A.)

Program Goals and Objectives
Administration of the Program
Degree Requirements

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Program Goals and Objectives

Arts administrators are extraordinary individuals. They must function not only as leaders, but also as managers, fundraisers, planners, educators, conciliators, facilitators, and communicators. They must be realists as well as idealists, respectful of the needs of both art and business, and forward-looking yet mindful of the past.

For more than 30 years, the Indiana University Arts Administration Program has been committed to the development of such leaders. The program, a two-year, multidisciplinary course of study leading to an M.A. in Arts Administration, is broad-based in outlook and curriculum and strives to achieve a balance of artistic and management concerns, theory and hands-on experience. Students complete three semesters of course work, on-campus practicums, and a one-semester supervised internship off campus. Specialization is available in both visual and performing arts areas. The program seeks to serve students who are at the beginning stages of their careers as well as older students wishing to change careers.

Though small in size, the City of Bloomington provides an ideal setting for the program. The city's thriving arts community includes more than 150 arts organizations as well as the internationally acclaimed Lotus World Music and Arts Festival. On the IU Bloomington campus, the School of Music presents more than 1,000 concerts and events each year, and a new production opens almost every other week on one of the two stages in the Department of Theatre and Drama. Other cultural organizations on campus include the IU Auditorium, which offers touring Broadway productions; the IU Art Museum, one of the nation's finest university art museum; the Mathers Museum of World Cultures; the African-American Arts Institute; the Archives of Traditional Music; and the Lilly Library of rare books and manuscripts.

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Administration of the Program

The program is administered by a full-time director and also utilizes an advisory committee, faculty drawn from fine arts, music, theatre and drama, SPEA, business, anthropology/museum studies, and the African American Arts Institute.

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Degree Requirements

(45 credit hours)

The program requires 45 credit hours of course work. BUS A200 Foundations of Accounting is a prerequisite to the program and should be taken before beginning the program, if not completed as part of the student's undergraduate education. A typical two-year course schedule includes 13.5 credit hours the first semester of Professional Component and Skill Requirements. The second semester of 13.5 credit hours includes Managing Artistic Organizations, skill requirements, and an elective. The third semester of 12 credit hours includes Managing Artistic Organizations, the capstone seminar course Strategic Leadership in the arts and electives. In the final semester, students complete a four to six-month internship in an arts organization of their choice. Recent sites have included Carnegie Hall, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, the Smithsonian, the Museum of Fine Arts—Houston, and the Barrier Island Group for the Arts (BIG ARTS) on Sanibel Island. While there is no thesis requirement, extensive writing projects are part of the capstone seminar course and internship experiences.

The following courses are required:

Semester I
AADM Y500 Topics in Arts Administration: Audience Development and Marketing the Arts (3 cr.)
AADM Y500 Topics in Arts Administration: Computer Applications for the Arts (3 cr.)
AADM Y500 Topics in Arts Administration: Public Policy and the Cultural Sector (3 cr.)
AADM Y550 Practicum in Arts Administration (3 cr.)
BUS L575 Legal Issues in the Arts (3 cr.)
Select one elective with approval of the Arts Administration Program advisor.

Semester II
AADM Y525 Museum Management (3 cr.)
AADM Y500 Topics in Arts Administration: Management Communications for the Arts (1.5 cr.)
AADM Y550 Practicum in Arts Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
Select one elective with approval of the Arts Administration Program advisor.

Semester III
AADM Y500 Topics in Arts Administration: Performing Arts Presentation Management (1.5 cr.)
AADM Y500 Topics in Arts Administration: Performing Arts Production Management (1.5 cr.)
AADM Y550 Practicum in Arts Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V558 Fund Development for Nonprofits (3 cr.)
AADM Y650 Seminar in Arts Administration (3 cr.)

Semester IV
AADM Y750 Internship in Arts Administration (3 cr.)

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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Environmental Science

General Information
Degree Requirements

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General Information

This doctoral program is administered by the School of Public and Environmental Affairs in cooperation with the Departments of Biology, Chemistry, Geography, and Geological Sciences. The Ph.D. in environmental science degree is awarded by the University Graduate School.

The program provides a rigorous, comprehensive education in environmental science. The specific objectives of the program are: (1) to conduct advanced research and scientific analysis of environmental events, issues, and problems; (2) to further understanding of the nature and management of natural and human environments; and (3) to provide an opportunity for students and faculty members in several departments to engage in collaborative environmental research in an interdisciplinary mode.

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A student must apply to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs for doctoral studies; those accepted will be recommended to the University Graduate School for formal admission into the Ph.D. program. Applicants to this program must have completed at least a bachelor's degree in science, mathematics, engineering, or a closely related field. Prospective students are required to submit: (1) a statement of purpose, which should be as specific as possible and, preferably, should refer to potential research mentors by name; (2) official results of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE); (3) official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate course work completed; and (4) three letters of recommendation. Applicants whose native language is not English must also submit results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

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Degree Requirements

The degree requires: (1) substantial knowledge in a primary environmental science concentration; (2) breadth in related environmental science and policy; (3) an understanding of research methods; (4) an in-depth knowledge of the dissertation topic; and (5) a dissertation that demonstrates the student's ability to analyze, explain, and interpret research clearly and effectively.

Advisory Committee
During the first semester of enrollment, each student must organize an advisory committee. Normally this committee consists of at least four faculty members: at least two should be from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs; the others may be from other departments. Membership of the advisory committee is approved by the director of the Doctoral Program in Environmental Science and the dean of the University Graduate School. At least three members of the advisory committee must be members of the graduate faculty.

Fields of Study
Each student defines a principal field of study and describes it in a narrative statement. This statement should discuss the student's previous educational experiences, outline a program of course work that lies within the student's proposed field of study, and state the student's career objectives. The principal field may be interdisciplinary. The student should prepare a proposal outlining a program of course work that the student believes lies within that field.

Each student is also required to prepare a program of course work that fulfills the requirement of breadth in environmental science and policy. The breadth requirement may be fulfilled by using a wide spectrum of environmentally related courses, including areas such as economics, law, and management, in addition to other science courses.

Each student is also required to prepare a statement of activities for meeting the research methods requirement. Normally these include subjects such as computer science, geographic information systems, remote sensing, statistics, and mathematical modeling, although other technical skill areas such as electronics and analytical chemical techniques may be appropriate for some students.

Each student must submit a narrative statement, program of course work, and statement of activities for meeting the research methods requirement to their advisory committee for approval. This should be accomplished before the end of the student's first semester in the program.

The research undertaken by the student will be interdisciplinary. Because a knowledge of the basic sciences is necessary to understanding environmental problems, and the application of that knowledge is necessary for the development of solutions to those problems, the research may be primarily basic, primarily applied, or some mixture of both.

Course Requirements
The exact nature and amount of course work in each of the three areas—principal field of study, breadth in environmental science and policy, and research methods—is determined by the advisory committee after review and approval of the student's proposed plan of study in each of these areas. Selection of specific courses is based on obtaining (1) adequate knowledge for qualifying examinations, (2) appropriate preparation for a research project, and (3) a mixture of courses that meets the individual professional goals of the student.

The Ph.D. degree requires the completion of at least 90 credit hours in advanced study and research beyond the bachelor's degree. A student must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of advanced course work in environmental science and policy. Students must also complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of research, normally taken as SPEA E625 or SPEA E890. The student, with the approval of the advisory committee, should complete some combination of additional course work and research sufficient to meet the 90 credit hour requirement.

Each student is required to enroll in SPEA E680 Seminar in Environmental Science and Policy (1 credit hour/semester) for six semesters during the course of their degree program. Students enrolled in SPEA E680 may either make a formal presentation or write a brief synopsis and critique of four presentations attended during the semester. 6 credit hours of SPEA E680 may be used to fulfill a portion of the breadth requirement. Each student is also required to enroll at least once in SPEA E710 Advanced Topics in Environmental Science during the course of their degree program. SPEA E710 may be taken multiple times, as the topics will vary. Advanced topics courses may be used to meet requirements in either the principal field of study or breadth in environmental science and policy, depending upon the topic and the student's area of interest.

Students should note that all 30 credit hours of advanced course work, if properly selected, and 6 credit hours of research, may be applied toward the Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.S.E.S.) degree. With an additional 12 credit hours of approved course work, a student may be awarded the M.S.E.S. degree while completing the requirements for the Ph.D. in environmental science. Completion of the M.S.E.S. degree as part of this doctoral program is not a requirement; however, this option may be appropriate for some students.

Qualifying Examinations
Before a student is admitted to candidacy, all requirements determined by the advisory committee must be met and the qualifying examinations passed. A student who fails qualifying examinations may retake them only once.

The decision to admit a student to doctoral candidacy is made by the advisory committee, which evaluates the student's performance in the written examination, research proposal, and oral examination.

Written Examination
This examination should be taken by the end of a student's fifth semester in the Ph.D. program. The exam focuses on topics covered by the student's course work and related to the student's research interests. The examination is written and graded by the student's advisory committee. The written examination is graded as pass, conditional pass, or fail.

Research Proposal
No later than the end of the fifth semester, the student should submit a written research proposal for review by the advisory committee. The proposal should be documented, clearly stating a research objective, the approach to be taken, and the significance of the work.

Oral Examination
Each candidate is examined orally by the advisory committee. The oral examination is comprehensive in nature and covers the student's research proposal.

Research Committee
Upon the student's successful completion of the qualifying examination, a research committee is formed. Normally this committee consists of at least four faculty members: at least two should be from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs; the others may be from other departments. The director of the Doctoral Program in Environmental Science recommends the student's research committee to the dean of the University Graduate School. At least three members of the research committee must be full members of the graduate faculty.

A dissertation is required and must be of sufficient value to warrant publication. The dissertation must represent a substantial research effort, both in quality and quantity. The dissertation requirement may be met by preparing a traditional dissertation or by preparing a portfolio of research documents including publications, manuscripts in press, and completed manuscripts suitable for submission to a journal. These documents may have multiple authors, although the doctoral candidate must demonstrate that he or she made significant contributions to at least two of the publications or manuscripts submitted for review. The research portfolio must have introductory and concluding chapters to integrate across the topics. The research portfolio also must be prepared to meet the Graduate School's requirements for dissertations. A public presentation of the dissertation research is required. The dissertation must be approved by the research committee.

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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Public Affairs

General Information
Degree Requirements

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General Information

The Doctoral Program in Public Affairs was created to take advantage of the unique strengths of SPEA's interdisciplinary faculty and research programs, both of which have earned wide recognition from peer institutions, national and international agencies, and professional groups. The curriculum equips students with the necessary skills for independent research and analysis of problems, issues, and solutions in government and the nonprofit sector in three major fields:

  1. Public finance: the theory and practice of fiscal administration, including public budgeting, revenue administration, and financial management;
  2. Public management: the design and operation of government institutions, including strategic/operations management and interrelationships between public and private organizations; and
  3. Public policy analysis: research methods and quantitative techniques for policy analysis, including the content, design, and evaluation of public programs.
Instead of being grounded in a traditional academic discipline, each of the fields has developed from several theoretical literatures applied to real-world public affairs problems. Although research is grounded in the social sciences, the context of inquiry reverses the normal research process. Instead of beginning with questions originating in discipline-based scholarship, the research process begins with public problems and issues. The research challenge, then, is to match available tools of inquiry to the research opportunities presented by problems.

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Students apply directly to the School of Public and Environmental Affairs; those accepted are recommended to the University Graduate School for formal admission into the Ph.D. program. Applicants to this program must have completed at least a bachelor's degree. Prospective students are required to submit (1) a statement of purpose, which should be as specific as possible and, preferably, should refer to potential research mentors by name; (2) official results of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE); (3) official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work completed; and (4) three letters of recommendation. Applicants whose native language is not English must also submit results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

Advisory Committee
Early in the student's program, but in no case later than the third semester in the program, the student must form an advisory committee. The committee consists of four to five members and includes at least one faculty member from each of the student's two chosen major fields of study and also a representative of his or her minor field. The committee members act as mentors and help monitor the selection and fulfillment of program requirements. The chairperson of the committee serves as the student's principal advisor.

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Degree Requirements

Major Fields of Study
Students must study two of the following major fields: public finance, public management, or public policy analysis.

Minor Field
In addition to these major fields, students must select a minor. The minor field is designed in consultation with a faculty advisor and the chosen department.

Professional Ethics and Teaching
Because of the unique and sensitive issues surrounding government ethics and public trust, all doctoral students are required to complete a seminar in the professional ethics and teaching of public affairs. This seminar is usually taken over two semesters, generally during the student's first year in the program.

Course Requirements
In addition to the required course in professional ethics and teaching, all students complete a core sequence of courses that includes a course in research design and methods in public affairs and three semesters of Workshop in Public Policy. Students without prior graduate work in a field related to public affairs are also required to take an introductory course in public affairs. Students must also complete a research skills sequence (a two-semester quantitative analysis sequence) and must demonstrate either (1) advanced proficiency in quantitative or qualitative analysis or (2) proficiency in a foreign language appropriate to their field of study. Two required courses and two approved electives must be completed in each major field. The minor field consists of three to four courses within a given field.

Advisory Committee Review
During the third semester, the advisory committee meets with the student to review academic progress and to approve the program of study. The committee reviews and approves any graduate course credits (not to exceed 30 semester hours) that the student is permitted to transfer toward the program. Prior to completion of the fifth semester, the student will submit a research paper to the advisory committee and present the paper orally. The advisory committee will evaluate the paper and the presentation and will advise the Ph.D. program director whether the student should be permitted to continue in the program.

Qualifying Examination
To enter into formal degree candidacy, students must successfully complete written and oral qualifying examinations covering content from their two major fields of study.

Upon completion of course work and exams, the student writes a dissertation. This allows the student to apply knowledge acquired during the formal parts of the program and to contribute to the advancement of the student's field of study.

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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Public Policy

General Information
Degree Requirements

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General Information

The Joint Ph.D. Program in Public Policy is a collaborative endeavor of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs and the Department of Political Science.

Its emphasis is on the broad field of public policy, concerning the environment of public policy; the processes of policy formation, management, and implementation; and the analysis and evaluation of policy outputs and results. The institutional setting and design of the program offer a unique educational opportunity. Students in the program receive rigorous social science training and gain knowledge of government decision-making processes, problem-solving capabilities, and an understanding of the substantive aspects of public problems and their effects on public institutions.

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All applicants to the public policy program are subject to approval by a SPEA—Department of Political Science joint admissions committee. Applicants for admission and for financial assistance are required to submit a statement of career goals, official results of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work, and a minimum of three letters of recommendation. Students whose native language is not English also must submit results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The Joint Program Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid examines each application closely to determine suitability for the program. The committee looks beyond the formal academic record, at the applicant's demonstrated ability to pursue independent study, language and research skill training, and maturity and experience.

Advisory Committee
The advisory committee must include at least two faculty members from SPEA and two from the Department of Political Science. Members of the committee who hold joint appointments are considered representatives of their primary unit.

The chairperson of the committee serves as the student's principal advisor. Early in the student's program—no later than the third semester—the committee provides the student with a formal review of the progress made toward the degree.

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Degree Requirements

Fields of Study
Public policy must be the student's major field of preparation and specialization. In addition, each student must select one of the following fields of concentration in political science: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, or political theory and methodology; and one of the following fields of concentration in public and environmental affairs: environmental policy, public finance, public management, or urban affairs.

Course Requirements
All first-year students must take POLS Y570 Introduction to the Study of Politics; a research skill course such as POLS Y575/Y576 Political Data Analysis; and SPEA V690 Seminar in the Public Policy Process. Students are also required to take SPEA V691 Workshop in Public Policy for six semesters. Due to the unique and sensitive issues surrounding professional ethics and public teaching, all doctoral students are required to complete a seminar in the professional ethics and teaching of public affairs. This seminar is usually a two-semester sequence. All course work in Public Policy and the two concentration fields (one each in Political Science and SPEA) must be approved by the advisory committee (or the program director if a committee has not been appointed). Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (B). For specific courses acceptable for this degree, consult the public policy doctoral advisor.

Language and Research Skill Requirements
First-year students are required to take a basic research skill sequence in statistics (such as POLS Y575/Y576, SOC S554/S650, or the equivalent) approved by the major advisor and the dean of the University Graduate School. Students also are required to either demonstrate proficiency-in-depth in a foreign language or to take two advanced research skill courses. Students are not permitted to take qualifying examinations until these requirements are satisfied.

Qualifying Examinations
Qualifying examinations have both written and oral components. The examinations cover the primary field of public policy and the two concentration fields.

Following successful completion of the qualifying examinations, the student shall form a dissertation committee subject to the approval of the program director. The committee shall consist of a chairperson, who shall serve as the student's principal advisor; at least two members from the Department of Political Science; and at least two members from SPEA. The responsibilities of the dissertation committee include granting formal approval of the student's research proposal, guiding the student's research to completion, and conducting the formal defense of the dissertation. Following the satisfactory defense of the dissertation, the committee recommends to the University Graduate School that the candidate be awarded the degree Doctor of Philosophy.

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Doctoral Minors in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs provides course work and other student-related activities for those working toward doctoral degrees in other schools and colleges of Indiana University who select a minor field in public and environmental affairs. Four minor fields are available: environmental studies, public management, regional economic development, and urban affairs.

Environmental Studies Minor
Nonprofit Management Minor
Public Management Minor
Regional Economic Development Minor
Urban Affairs Minor

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Environmental Studies Minor

(12 credit hours)

Students in Ph.D. programs at Indiana University may, with the consent of their advisory committee, choose environmental studies as an outside minor. The minor is flexible and is usually designed by students in accordance with their needs.


  1. The doctoral candidate must secure a faculty advisor in consultation with the director of the Doctoral Program in Environmental Science. The advisor may not be from the candidate's major department. The candidate's advisor serves as the representative in all examinations or other requirements of the candidate's Ph.D. program that relate to the minor. The advisor decides on the character of the examination, if any, in the minor field and certifies that the candidate has met the requirements of the minor.
  2. The candidate must take at least 12 credit hours of graduate-level courses related to environmental studies. These courses must be from at least two different disciplines outside the candidate's major department. The choice of courses should be made in consultation with the candidate's advisor and must be approved by the director of the Doctoral Program in Environmental Science. Acceptance of the proposed minor is based on two criteria: (a) the courses must have a direct relationship to environmental studies and (b) the courses must not normally be required as part of major or tool skill options in the student's major department. Courses in the minor program should be selected according to the student's interest. Students majoring in areas other than the natural sciences, for example, may wish to consider the offerings in the natural sciences; similarly, natural science students might consider course offerings in the social and behavioral sciences.
  3. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) must be attained in all courses used for the minor.
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Nonprofit Management Minor

(12 credit hours)

Students in a Ph.D. program at Indiana University may select nonprofit management as an outside minor.


  1. The doctoral student must secure an advisor from the faculty of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. The faculty advisor will serve as the representative of SPEA in all examinations and other requirements of the student's Ph.D. program that pertain to the minor.
  2. The minor in nonprofit management requires 12 credit hours of courses approved by the advisor. Three of the four courses must be SPEA courses. The additional course may come from SPEA or from any of a variety of disciplines relevant to nonprofit management. Some examples of courses appropriate for the SPEA minor in nonprofit management are:
    SPEA V521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.)
    SPEA V522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
    SPEA V523 Civil Society and Public Policy (3 cr.)
    SPEA V524 Civil Society in Comparative Perspective (3 cr.)
    SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)
    SPEA V526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
    SPEA V558 Fund Development for Nonprofits (3 cr.)
    SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
    SPEA V602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
    SPEA V672 Public Organization and Management II (3 cr.)
    SPEA V685 Research Seminar in Management (approved topics) (3 cr.)
  3. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (B) must be attained in all courses used for the minor.
  4. Special requirement for 500-level courses. Students taking a 500-level course (and SPEA V602) are required to show that they have completed doctoral-level work in conjunction with the course in order to count the course for the minor. Students must alert the instructor to their doctoral status and request additional/alternative assignments. If the instructor is unwilling to do this, the student should select a different course in conjunction with the candidate's advisor.
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Public Management Minor

(12 credit hours)

Students in doctoral programs at Indiana University may, with the consent of their advisory committee, select public management as an outside minor.


  1. The doctoral candidate must secure an advisor from the faculty of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. The faculty advisor serves as the representative of SPEA in all examinations and other requirements of the student's Ph.D. program that pertain to the minor.
  2. The student must take at least 12 credit hours of SPEA graduate-level courses in public management. The choice of courses must be approved by the advisor.
  3. A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (B) must be maintained.
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Regional Economic Development Minor

(12 credit hours)

The minor field in regional economic development involves study in the topics facing regional planners, developmental specialists, and researchers, and an introduction to the body of knowledge in regional development. The study of regional economic development broadens students' perspectives, and students may apply this knowledge to a research agenda that incorporates regional development questions. The student is expected to have studied both micro- and macroeconomics before beginning the minor program.


  1. The director of the Institute for Development Strategies serves as minor advisor. The advisor ensures that prerequisites have been met and certifies that the candidate has met the requirements of the minor. An examination may be required at the discretion of the advisor.
  2. The candidate must take at least 12 credit hours of approved courses, which must include two core courses and 6 credit hours of electives. The core curriculum consists of a topics course and a general methodology course. (If the required methodology course has been completed as a requirement for the student's major, an additional elective must be taken to fulfill the minor requirement.) The required topics course is SPEA V669 Economic Development, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship. This course is cross-listed as GEOG G817 Seminar in Regional Geography. The elective courses may come from a variety of disciplines and must be selected in consultation with and approved by the student's minor advisor.
  3. A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (B) must be maintained.

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Urban Affairs Minor

(12 credit hours)

Students in doctoral programs at Indiana University may, with the consent of their advisory committee, choose urban affairs as an outside minor. The minor is flexible and is designed by students and their advisors in accordance with students' needs.


  1. After consulting the director of the Joint Ph.D. in Public Policy program, the doctoral candidate must secure an advisor from the faculty of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. This faculty advisor serves as the school's representative in all examinations or other minor program requirements of the candidate's Ph.D. program. The advisor determines the character of the minor examination (if any), participates in the candidate's oral examinations, and certifies that the candidate has met the requirements of the minor.
  2. The candidate must take at least 12 credit hours of graduate-level courses related to urban affairs. Courses should be selected from at least two departments outside that of the candidate's major. The selection of courses must be approved by the candidate's SPEA advisor.
  3. A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 (B) must be maintained.
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Certificate Programs

Program Information
Program Restrictions
Certificate in Conflict Management
Certificate in Hazardous Materials Management
Certificate in Nonprofit Management
Certificate in Public Management

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Program Information

Four graduate certificates are offered on the Bloomington campus:

  • Certificate in Conflict Management
  • Certificate in Hazardous Materials Management
  • Certificate in Nonprofit Management
  • Certificate in Public Management
Certificate programs are flexible and adaptable to the needs of either precareer or in-service students.

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Admission Eligibility
The student must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university to apply. For the Certificate in Hazardous Materials Management, applicants must have completed one year of general chemistry.

Application forms and literature may be obtained from the same SPEA offices that offer material for the graduate degree programs.

Students should apply to the SPEA admissions office on the Bloomington campus.

Application Deadlines
Application deadlines for the certificate programs are May 1 for the fall semester and November 1 for the spring semester.

Application Fee
Students must pay a nonrefundable application fee.

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Program Restrictions

  1. Students enrolled in a certificate program must complete it within 15 credit hours of approved SPEA course work with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (B). Failure to do so results in automatic dismissal from the certificate program.
  2. Students who have completed more than three SPEA courses are not eligible for admission to a certificate program.
  3. Transfer credit, course substitutions, or course waivers are not accepted for meeting the Public Management or Nonprofit Management certificate requirements. Students in the Hazardous Materials Management Certificate Program may utilize these options; however, they must first have the approval of their campus graduate program advisors.
  4. Students admitted to a SPEA graduate degree program are not eligible for admission to the certificate program or eligible for the awarding of a certificate.
  5. Admission to or successful completion of a certificate program does not guarantee subsequent admission to a SPEA graduate degree program.
  6. Students enrolled in the certificate program who apply to SPEA's graduate degree programs must meet all existing admission requirements.
  7. Students planning to request admission to a SPEA graduate degree program after successfully completing a certificate program should refer to the application procedure presented earlier in this bulletin.
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Certificate in Conflict Management

The Certificate in Conflict Management is a 15 credit hour program of study in conflict management and dispute resolution.

Certificate Requirements

(15 credit hours)

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA V547 Negotiations and Dispute Resolution (3 cr.)
SPEA V565 Environmental Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (3 cr.)
SPEA V570 Public Sector Labor Relations (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two graduate courses in the field of conflict management or dispute resolution from the following list or other courses as approved by an advisor.
SPEA E512 Risk Communication (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.)
SPEA V675 Issues and Problems in the Public Sector: Personnel and Labor Relations (3 cr.)
LAW B620 Negotiations (3 cr.)
LAW B629 Alternative Dispute Resolution (3 cr.)
LAW B663/664 Labor Law (3 cr.) LAW B701 Juvenile Justice (3 cr.)
LAW B719 Employment Law (3 cr.)
LAW B771 Mediation (3 cr.)
LAW B788 Labor Arbitration (3 cr.)

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Certificate in Hazardous Materials Management

The Certificate in Hazardous Materials Management is a 15 credit hour program of study. The program provides managers and technicians in concerned organizations and agencies, public and private, with training in the management of hazardous materials. The certificate program provides an information base that these managers and technicians can use to develop, implement, manage, and assess hazardous waste programs for local, state, and federal regulatory agencies. Graduate students in other disciplines can use the program to supplement their primary fields with course work in hazardous materials management, possibly using the certificate courses as part of a doctoral or master's minor.

Certificate Requirements

(15 credit hours)

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA E510 Hazardous Materials Regulation (3 cr.)
SPEA E520 Environmental Toxicology (3 cr.)
SPEA E542 Hazardous Materials (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two of the following courses:
SPEA E515 Fundamentals of Air Pollution (3 cr.)
SPEA E526 Applied Mathematics for Environmental Science (3 cr.)
SPEA E536 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E552 Environmental Engineering (3 cr.)
SPEA E553 Creation and Solution of Environmental Models (3 cr.)
SPEA E554 Groundwater Flow Modeling (3 cr.)
SPEA E555 Topics in Environmental Science: Limnology (2-3 cr.)
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA E562 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (3 cr.)
SPEA H433 Industrial Hygiene and Radiological Health (3 cr.)
GEOL G430 Principles of Hydrology (3 cr.)
GEOL G451 Principles of Hydrogeology (3 cr.)
GEOL G551 Advanced Hydrogeology (3 cr.)
GEOL G585 Environmental Geochemistry (3 cr.)
Or other specialty courses with the approval of the graduate program advisor.

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Certificate in Nonprofit Management

The Certificate in Nonprofit Management is a 15 credit hour program of study. The certificate is designed to serve the needs of individuals who would like exposure to the nonprofit sector and nonprofit management issues but who do not wish or need to pursue a degree in nonprofit management. The certificate complements other courses of study or career experience in such areas as social work, library science, and parks and recreation. Students pursuing a nonprofit management certificate gain an understanding of how to work in and with nonprofit organizations.

Certificate Requirements

(15 credit hours)

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA V522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two additional SPEA graduate courses are selected with the approval of the student's advisor. A sampling of current course titles includes: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector, Ethics and Values of Philanthropy, Fund Development for Nonprofit Organizations, Public Relations in Nonprofits, and History of Philanthropy in the West.

Students interested in continuing for the Master of Public Affairs (M.P.A.) should consider selecting the electives from the nonprofit management concentration.

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Certificate in Public Management

The Certificate in Public Management program is a 15 credit hour program of study in public management. The certificate program is flexible enough to be adapted to the needs of precareer and inservice individuals. Graduate students in other disciplines can use the program to supplement their primary fields with course work in public management, possibly using the certificate courses as part or all of a doctoral or master's degree minor. Career employees of public and private sector agencies seeking courses in public management, and especially those changing from professional or technical roles to managerial roles, find the certificate program beneficial.

Certificate Requirements

(15 credit hours)

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA V502 Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V560 Public Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two additional SPEA graduate public affairs courses approved by the program director.

Note: Students interested in continuing on for the Master of Public Affairs degree should consider selecting the two elective courses from the M.P.A. core; one of the courses recommended is V506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making. These courses may also be applied to the Master of Planning upon admission to the M.Pl. program.

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