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School of Public and Environmental Affairs 2003-2005 Online Graduate Bulletin Table of Contents



School of Public and
Environmental Affairs
2003-2005 Graduate
Academic Bulletin

School of Public and
Environmental Affairs
Indiana University
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Indiana University
Bloomington Campus
Indianapolis Campus
School of Public and Environmental Affairs Administrative Officers
School of Public and Environmental Affairs Board of Visitors

Indiana University

ADAM W. HERBERT, Ph.D., President of the University

SHARON STEPHENS BREHM, Ph.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chancellor, Indiana University Bloomington

CHARLES R. BANTZ, Ph.D., Vice President for Long-Range Planning and Chancellor, Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis

J. TERRY CLAPACS, M.B.A., Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer

MICHAEL A. McROBBIE, Ph.D., Vice President for Information Technology, Chief Information Officer, and Vice President for Research

STEVEN A. MILLER, M.B.A., Treasurer of the University

CHARLIE NELMS, Ed.D., Vice President for Student Development and Diversity

JUDITH G. PALMER, J.D., Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

WILLIAM B. STEPHAN, J.D., Vice President for Public Affairs and Government Relations

WILLIAM M. PLATER, Ph.D., Acting Chancellor of Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis

DAVID J. FULTON, Ph.D., Chancellor of Indiana University East

MICHAEL A. WARTELL, Ph.D., Chancellor of Indiana University—Purdue University Fort Wayne

RUTH J. PERSON, Ph.D., Chancellor of Indiana University Kokomo

BRUCE W. BERGLAND, Ph.D., Chancellor of Indiana University Northwest

UNA MAE RECK, Ph.D., Chancellor of Indiana University South Bend

SANDRA R. PATTERSON-RANDLES, Ph.D., Chancellor of Indiana University Southeast

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Bloomington Campus

SHARON STEPHENS BREHM, Ph.D., Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chancellor, Indiana University Bloomington

MOYA L. ANDREWS, Ed.D., Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculties

CHARLIE NELMS, Ed.D., Vice Chancellor for Academic Support and Diversity

NEIL D. THEOBALD, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Budget and Administration

DONALD R. HOSSLER, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services

RICHARD N. McKAIG, Ed.D., Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

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Indianapolis Campus

CHARLES R. BANTZ, Ph.D., Vice President for Long-Range Planning and Chancellor, Indiana University—Purdue University Indianapolis

WILLIAM M. PLATER, Ph.D., Executive Vice Chancellor and Dean of the Faculties

ROBERT E. MARTIN, M.P.A., Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance

CHERYL G. SULLIVAN, M.S., Vice Chancellor for External Affairs

TRUDY W. BANTA, Ed.D., Vice Chancellor for Planning and Institutional Improvement

MARK L. BRENNER, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education

KAREN WHITNEY, M.A., Vice Chancellor for Student Life and Diversity

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School of Public and Environmental Affairs Administrative Officers


CHARLES KURT ZORN, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Academic Affairs

JEFFREY R. WHITE, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Bloomington Programs

JAMES L. PERRY, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Indianapolis Program

ALLEN ANDERSON, Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Kokomo Programs

CHARLES F. BONSER, D.B.A., Dean Emeritus; Director, Arts Administration

LEDA M. HALL, Ph.D., Assistant Dean and Director, South Bend Programs

BARRY HANCOCK, Ph.D., Assistant Dean and Director, Fort Wayne Programs

JOSEPH PELLICCIOTTI, J.D., Assistant Dean and Director, Northwest Programs

DAVID AUDRETSCH, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Development Strategies

LISA BINGHAM, J.D., Director, Indiana Conflict Resolution Institute

MARK BROWN, M.P.A., Director, Career Services and Alumni Affairs

THOMAS A. DECOSTER, Ph.D., Director, Executive Education, Indianapolis

RONALD A. HITES, Ph.D., Director, Environmental Science Research Center

GREG H. LINDSEY, Ph.D., Director, Center for Urban Policy and the Environment, Indianapolis

MARC L. LAME, D.P.A., Scheduling Officer

DAVID GOOD, Ph.D., Director, Transportation Research Center

JOHN L. MIKESELL, Ph.D., Director, Professional Graduate Programs

SAMUELNUNN, Ph.D., Director, Graduate Programs for Planning and Public Affairs, Indianapolis

ROGERB. PARKS, Ph.D., Director, Joint Ph.D. Program in Public Policy and Public Affairs

MAUREEN A. PIROG, Ph.D., Co-Director, Institute for Family and Social Responsibility

JAMES C. RANDOLPH, Ph.D., Director, Ph.D. in Environmental Science Program; Director, Midwestern Regional Center of the National Institute for Global Environmental Change; Director, Geographic Information Systems Laboratory

INGRID M. RITCHIE, Ph.D., Director, Undergraduate Programs, Indianapolis

RICHARD S. RUBIN, Ph.D., Director, Center for Public Sector Labor Relations

FRANK J. VILARDO, Dr.P.H., Director, Undergraduate Programs

TBA, Ph.D., Director, Graduate Programs for Health Administration

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School of Public and Environmental Affairs Board of Visitors

PHILIP S. ANGELL, Consultant, Annapolis, Maryland

DANIEL L. CARMICHAEL, Retired Deputy General Counsel, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana

MELVIN CARRAWAY, Superintendent, Indiana State Police, Indianapolis, Indiana

SUNG JU CHOI, President, Sam Jin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Seoul, South Korea

JOHN CLARK, President, C3 Corporation, Naples, Florida

EILEEN CLAUSSEN, President, Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Arlington, Virginia

CAROLYN M. COLEMAN, Deputy Mayor, Office of the Mayor, Indianapolis, Indiana

DANIEL DENNING, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army, Washington, D.C.

JOHN HAMILTON, Secretary, Indiana Family and Social Services Administration, Bloomington, Indiana

JACK HARDING, President and CEO, eSilicon Corporation, Sunnyvale, California

PAUL HELMKE, Attorney, Helmke, Beams, Boyer, and Wagner, Fort Wayne, Indiana

ED JACOBS, Vice President, Banc One Capital Markets, Chicago, Illinois

JAMES KEENE, City Manager of Tucson, Tucson, Arizona

MARK L. KERRIGAN, Senior Vice President of Energy Systems, Science Applications International Corporation, McClean, Virginia

NINA McCLELLAND, Consulting Services, Ann Arbor, Michigan

JOHN B. OLSEN, Management Consultant, San Francisco, California

DAVID E. REICHLE, Consultant, Kingston, Tennessee

FRANKLIN D. SCHURZ Jr., President, Schurz Communications, Inc., South Bend, Indiana

MYRA SELBY, Attorney, Ice Miller, Indianapolis, Indiana

WILLIAM L. SHREWSBERRY Jr., Shrewsberry & Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana

KENNETH G. STELLA, President, Indiana Hospital and Health Association, Indianapolis, Indiana

JAMES M. VERDIER, Senior Fellow, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., Washington, D.C.

WILLIAM J. WATT, President, Watt Information Services, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

CHARLESWESSNER, Program Director, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.

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