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School of Public and
Environmental Affairs
2001-2003 Graduate
Academic Bulletin

School of Public and
Environmental Affairs
Indiana University
SPEA 260
1315 E. Tenth Street
Bloomington, IN 47405-1701
(800) 765-7755 Local (812) 855-2840
Fax (812) 855-7802
Contact SPEA Graduate Office

Business/SPEA Building (BS) 3027
801 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-4656/toll free (877) 292-9321
Contact SPEA Graduate Office

Master of Public Affairs—M.P.A.

Master of Public Affairs—M.P.A.
Fields of Concentration—Bloomington
Fields of Concentration—Indianapolis
Fields of Concentration—Fort Wayne
Fields of Concentration—Northwest (Gary)
Fields of Concentration—South Bend

Master of Public Affairs—M.P.A.

(Bloomington, Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, Northwest, and South Bend)
The Master of Public Affairs program is an interdisciplinary, professional program that prepares students for positions in local, state, or federal government, quasi-governmental service, or the nonprofit (including philanthropic) arena. It broadens students’ comprehension of the economic, environmental, political, and social context in which the public servant works. The course of study requires completion of (1) the M.P.A. core, (2) the concentration requirement, (3) the experiential requirement, and (4) sufficient electives and/or mid-career option credit to total 48 credit hours.

The curriculum of this program as contained in the core requirements encompasses preparation in a broad range of skills relevant to the operation of public agencies. It is based on the academic disciplines but not limited to any one. It is also problem-oriented, bringing the disciplines to bear on critical social, environmental, economic, and administrative issues.

Although the environment of public service is diverse and changing, effectiveness in that environment requires the development of special skills attained through detailed study in a chosen field of concentration. The fields of concentration span the variety of professional specialties found in public service. Thus, the program provides expertise in the core requirements, a specific concentration area, as well as a general working knowledge of public affairs.

The M.P.A. program is fully accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration (NASPAA).

Degree Requirements

(48 credit hours)

Before enrolling in the M.P.A. program, students must show proficiency in the foundation areas of computing, economics, government, mathematics, and statistics to facilitate mastery of core course material. Graduate credit is not given for work done to satisfy these undergraduate requirements.

The core requirements of the M.P.A. degree consist of 21 credit hours of work in nine courses and are common to the five campuses where this degree is offered. Each student must also complete the requirements of (at least) one concentration. Concentration availability and requirements vary among campuses; therefore, the student should refer to the concentration requirements under the specific campus listing in this bulletin.

The experiential requirement ensures that each graduate of the M.P.A. program has gained insight into the world of public service by way of an experience outside the classroom. This experience may or may not involve the accumulation of credit hours toward the degree. The remaining credit hours necessary for graduation, if any, are general electives that can be used to add breadth to a student’s program; to further explore a field of concentration; or to enhance skills in foreign languages, quantitative tools, or administrative techniques.

Core Requirements

(21 credit hours)

The M.P.A. core is designed to ensure that each student acquires both the prerequisite analytical skills and an understanding of policy issues and governmental processes that compose the environment within which graduates will pursue their careers.

Required Courses
SPEA V501 Professional Development Practicum: Information Technology (1 cr.)
SPEA V502 Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V503 Professional Development Practicum: Writing and Presentation (1 cr.)
SPEA V505 Professional Development Practicum: Teamwork and Integrated Policy Project (1 cr.)
SPEA V506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making (3 cr.)
SPEA V517 Public Management Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA V540 Law and Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V560 Public Finance and Budgeting (3 cr.)
SPEA V600 Capstone in Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)

Note: The SPEA V501/V503/V505 requirement is suspended for 2001-02 on the Bloomington campus.

Extremely well-prepared applicants may petition the program director to waive one or more of the core requirements on the basis of advanced course work done elsewhere. Students may be exempted on the basis of satisfactory equivalent course work or by examination. Credit hours waived from the core add to the electives a student may use. Students requesting course waivers should contact the appropriate graduate program director for requirements and guidelines.

Concentration Requirements

(12–30 credit hours)

Concentrations give students educational experiences in a substantive area of interest. The course of study in each concentration area is determined in conjunction with an advisor. Up to 3 credit hours of the concentration may be taken in V585 Practicum in Public Affairs, if approved in advance by an advisor.

Concentration requirements may be waived on the same basis as core requirements. Consult with an advisor about course prerequisites.

Experiential Requirements

Each M.P.A. student must obtain professionally relevant experience through one of the following options: an approved internship (0-6 credit hours); SPEA V590 Research in Public Affairs; SPEA V601 Workshop in Public Affairs; the Environmental Fellowship Program; or the Mid-Career Credit Option.

Mid-Career Credit Option

The Graduate Admissions Committee of the School of Public and Environmental Affairs may grant up to 12 credit hours toward the Master of Public Affairs (M.P.A) or the Master of Science in Environmental Science (M.S.E.S.) degree for students who have had significant technical, administrative, or policy-level work experience in their backgrounds. Credit will be granted for work experience gained until the end of the semester in which the student completes 24 credit hours according to the following guidelines as adopted by the SPEA Academic Council.

  1. To receive 3 credit hours, a student must have a minimum of one year’s technical, administrative, or policy-level work experience with a government or private agency.
  2. 6 credit hours will be awarded for one to four years of managerial experience in directing programs, preparing budgets, and making decisions on organizational or staff development, for one to four years of professional experience in policy analysis or planning, or for one to four years of experience in environmental science or environmental management.
  3. Those with four or more years of executive assignment may be awarded 9 to 12 credit hours. Applicants must have had responsibility for supervision of high-level staff, budget preparation, and organizational control of public agencies; executive responsibility for policy analysis or planning; or for environmental science or environmental management.
Mid-Career Credit Option Application Process and Policies

Students are eligible to apply for Mid-Career credit at the time of application or during the first semester of graduate study in order to take full advantage of available credit. Applicants may appeal the initial Mid-Career credit decision by submitting a request, in writing, for reconsideration and providing additional information to the appropriate program or campus director.

Determination of Mid-Career credit is made separately from decisions about transfer of credit. Under no circumstances will the Mid-Career credit and transfer credit total more than 21 hours of the 48 required for the degree. Students receiving Mid-Career credit should carefully plan the balance of their program with an advisor.

General Elective Courses

Graduate courses, or undergraduate courses approved for graduate credit, may be used to complete the overall degree requirement of 48 credit hours.

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Fields of Concentration—Bloomington

Concentrations give students focused educational experiences in substantive areas of interest. Concentrations offered on the Bloomington campus are:

Students also may design specialized concentrations.
Comparative and International Affairs Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The Comparative and International Affairs Concentration has two major functions:

  1. to provide a comparative basis for considering U.S. public policy and its underlying principles; and
  2. to examine the international links and institutions through which nations interact.
All students in Comparative and International Affairs must take the following concentration course:
SPEA V578 Introduction to Comparative and International Affairs (3 cr.)

Students in the concentration must complete five additional courses drawn from the course clusters below, distributed among at least three clusters. With the approval of their advisors, they also may obtain credit for other relevant V550 Topics in Public Affairs courses not shown in the clusters, and for V580 Readings in Public Affairs, V585 Practicum in Public Affairs, V590 Research in Public Affairs, and courses completed in SPEA Study Abroad Programs.

Cluster 1—Global Economics and System Transformation
SPEA V453/V550 Topics in Public Policy Analysis: Trade, Interdependence, and Globalization (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: International Security Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V551 Topics in Comparative Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V576 Approaches to Development (3 cr.)
SPEA V577 International Economic Strategies and Trade Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V589 Democratization and Transition in Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States (3 cr.)
SPEA V669 Economic Development, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)
SPEA V681 Seminar in Development Policy and Management (3 cr.)

Cluster 2—Comparative Management
SPEA V518/V710 Intergovernmental Systems Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Ethics, Politics, and Bureaucracy (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Managing Workforce Diversity (3 cr.)
SPEA V551 Topics in Comparative Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V575 Comparative Public Management and Administration (3 cr.)

Cluster 3—Development and Environmental Policy
SPEA E535 International Environmental Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Ethics, Politics, and Bureaucracy (3 cr.)
SPEA V574 Environmental Management in the Tropics (3 cr.)
SPEA V576 Approaches to Development (3 cr.)
SPEA V577 International Economic Strategies and Trade Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V669 Economic Development, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)
SPEA V681 Seminar in Development Policy and Management (3 cr.)

Cluster 4—Language and Area Studies
Ordinarily, 3 credits of graduate language study are equivalent to 3 credits with this course cluster. Credit for courses within area studies may be approved in consultation with students’ advisors.

Return to Fields of Concentration—Bloomington

Economic Development Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The economic development concentration prepares students for positions in economic development at the city, county, and state levels.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V622 Seminar in Urban Economic Development (3 cr.)
SPEA V669 Economic Development, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)

Electives (9 credit hours)
Select three of the following courses:
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V563 The Planning Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V564 Urban Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V567 Public Financial Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V568 Management of Urban Government Services (3 cr.)
SPEA V578 Introduction to Comparative and International Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V593 Analytical Methods in Planning and Policy Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V609 Seminar in Revenue Theory and Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V610 Seminar in Government Budget and Program Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V667 Seminar in Public Capital and Debt Theory (3 cr.)

other relevant SPEA courses with the approval of an economic development concentration advisor. At least one elective must be chosen from the above list. A student may choose up to two electives outside of SPEA with the approval of an advisor.

Return to Fields of Concentration—Bloomington

Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management Concentration

(21 credit hours)

The environmental policy and natural resource management concentration integrates public policy and environmental science perspectives covering a range of topics including the economic analysis of natural resource utilization and allocation.

Required Courses (12 credit hours)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V643 Natural Resource Management and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V645 Environmental Law (3 cr.)

Electives (9 credit hours)
In consultation with their advisors, students select one course in public policy and/or public management. A partial list includes:
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V510 Government Regulation in Market Economies (3 cr.)
SPEA V512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V518 Intergovernmental Systems Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V640 Law, Public Management, and Public Policy (3 cr.)

In consultation with their advisors, students select two courses from one of the following groups or an equivalent course cluster:

Environmental Management
SPEA E536 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E539 Aquatic Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E542 Hazardous Materials (3 cr.)
SPEA E552 Environmental Engineering (3 cr.)

Resource Management
SPEA E460 Fisheries and Wildlife Management (3 cr.)
SPEA E461 Fisheries and Wildlife Management Laboratory (3 cr.)
SPEA E527 Applied Ecology (3 cr.)
SPEA E528 Forest Ecology and Management (3 cr.)
BIOL L575 Ecosystem Structure and Function (3 cr.)

Return to Fields of Concentration—Bloomington

Information Systems Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The information systems (IS) concentration prepares students for entry-level and mid-career positions—such as systems analysts, consultants, webmasters, and database managers—in the exciting, evolving, and rapidly growing fields of computing and communication technologies as they apply to public organizations. The IS concentration builds on a solid core of three courses and provides the flexibility to add three more electives from a wide range of course offerings. Students are encouraged to combine the IS concentration with other concentrations to strengthen their technical skills in a variety of applied areas.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
The following courses are required:
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V519 Database Management Systems (3 cr.)

Select one of the following:
SPEA E518 Vector-based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (GIS only) (3 cr.)

Electives (9 credit hours)
Three courses from the following information systems application groups. (Note: Two of the courses must be from group A, B, or C.)

Group A: Geographic Information Systems
SPEA E518 Vector-based Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA E519 Applied Remote Sensing of the Environment (3 cr.)
SPEA E529 Application of Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (GIS only) (3 cr.)

Group B: Decision Support and Analysis
SPEA E555 Topics in Environmental Science: Computing Methods for Environmental Science (3 cr.)
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)

Group C: Design and Management of Information Systems
SPEA V602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V611 Design of Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V613 Implementation of Information Systems (3 cr.)

Group D: Networking and Telecommunications
BUS S515 Telecommunications in Business (3 cr.)
SLIS L561 The Information Industry (3 cr.)
SLIS L564 Computerization in Society (3 cr.)
SLIS L571 Information Architecture for the Web (3 cr.)

Group E: Additional Options
Graduate courses that address issues in information technology, such as programming and the digital economy, are offered in other units such as the Department of Computer Science, the Kelley School of Business, and the School of Library and Information Science. Students may elect to take one of these electives with the approval of a faculty advisor.

Return to Fields of Concentration—Bloomington

Nonprofit Management Concentration

(15 credit hours)

The nonprofit management concentration prepares persons for leadership positions in not-for-profit organizations. The core requirements for the M.P.A. degree provide a strong management and policy base. The concentration offers students the opportunity to develop this base through not-for-profit applications. Most courses in the concentration address the unique features and practices of not-for-profit organizations or the policies affecting them. Supplementary courses available in the concentration offer management techniques helpful to nonprofit leaders.

Required Courses (6 credit hours)
SPEA V521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)

Electives (9 credit hours)
Three of the following courses with the approval of an advisor. SPEA V522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations
SPEA V558 Fund Development for Nonprofits (3 cr.)
SPEA V602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
EDUC C595 Legal Aspects of Philanthropy (3 cr.)
HIST H509 History of Philanthropy in the West (3 cr.) (offered in Indianapolis)
HIST H750 History of American Philanthropy
JOUR J560 Public Relations in Nonprofits (3 cr.)
LAW L794 Seminar in the Nonprofit Corporation (3 cr.)
REL R770 Ethics of Philanthropy (3 cr.)

Concentration elective courses may include one course in the student’s chosen nonprofit area, with approval of an advisor. Examples include:
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Community Development (3 cr.)
SPEA V577 International Economic Strategies and Trade Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V622 Seminar in Urban Economic Development (3 cr.)
AADM Y525 Museum Management (3 cr.)

Concentration electives may include one of the supplement management courses below. This course should not have a nonprofit emphasis but should develop a critical set of skills. Substitutions can be made with an advisor’s approval.
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.)

Additional details are available in a separate Nonprofit Management brochure available from advisors for this concentration and from the Graduate Program Office. Included is information concerning relevant course offerings on the Indianapolis campus and the Nonprofit Management Certificate option.

Return to Fields of Concentration—Bloomington

Policy Analysis Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The policy analysis concentration emphasizes substantive applications of management science/operations research, statistical analysis, cost-benefit analysis, program evaluation, and related techniques and approaches to public policy issues and decisions.

Policy Analysis Skills (9 credit hours)

Required course:
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)

Take a minimum of two of the following three courses:
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)

Note: Should the student decide to take V539, V541, and V562, the third course can be counted as one of the three public courses required below.

Policy Field (9 credit hours)

Select three public policy courses with the permission of a concentration advisor. Courses that may be chosen include, but are not limited to, the following:
SPEA V510 Government Regulation in Market Economies (3 cr.)
SPEA V521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V547 Negotiation and Dispute Resolution for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (3 cr.) approved topics
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V565 Environmental Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice (3 cr.)
SPEA V577 International Economic Strategies and Trade Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V622 Seminar in Urban Economic Development (3 cr.)
SPEA V625 Environmental Economics and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V640 Law, Public Management, and Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V669 Economic Development, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship (3 cr.)

Return to Fields of Concentration—Bloomington

Public Financial Administration Concentration

(18 credit hours)

Courses in this concentration develop technical skills necessary for budget analysis, preparation, and operation; analysis and application of tax policy; and public financial planning.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
Three of the following courses:
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V609 Seminar in Revenue Theory and Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V610 Seminar in Government Budget and Program Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V667 Seminar in Public Capital and Debt Theory (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V542 Governmental Financial Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two of the following courses or other graduate courses approved by a concentration advisor as equivalent substitutions:
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V570 Public Sector Labor Relations (3 cr.)

Return to Fields of Concentration—Bloomington

Public Management Concentration

(12-15 credit hours)

The public management concentration covers the skills and tools appropriate for entry-level or mid-career management positions in a variety of public and nonprofit settings. Course work is distributed between a management core and advanced electives. Selection of courses must be made in consultation with a concentration advisor.

Public Management Core (6 credit hours)

Two of the following courses:
V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.)
SPEA V602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V639 Managing Government Operations (3 cr.)

Advanced Electives (6 credit hours)
Students have substantial flexibility in selecting public management electives. SPEA offers strong courses in administrative management and information systems, human resource management, labor-management relations, local government management, nonprofit management, and organizational development. Selection of advanced electives must be made in consultation with a concentration advisor.

Return to Fields of Concentration—Bloomington

Urban Management Concentration

(30 credit hours)

The urban management concentration prepares students for entry-level and mid-career management and policy positions in local government and not-for-profit organizations. Course work includes an urban management core required of all students and a selection of advanced electives. Students should consult with a faculty concentration advisor to choose the advanced electives best suited to their interests. Eligible students are placed in full-time, compensated internships during their second year. During their internship they also participate in a Seminar in Urban Management in conjunction with the International City/County Management Association’s annual conference.

Urban Management Core (9 credit hours)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V564 Urban Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V567 Public Financial Administration (3 cr.)

Advanced Electives (9 credit hours)
Students must select three additional courses in consultation with their concentration advisors from a number of areas of specialization. These areas include planning, personnel/labor relations, operations management, analysis and information systems, government finance, economic development, nonprofit management, and policy issues and analysis. Students are encouraged to take two courses from one specialization area and the third course from another specialization area. With the approval of concentration advisors, students also may select substantive policy courses in SPEA or other units in areas such as crime, education, health, housing, and welfare.

Urban Management Internship and Seminar (12 credit hours)
SPEA V585 Practicum in Public Affairs (9 cr.)

Compensated internship in local government to be served during the second year.

SPEA V623 Seminar in Urban Management (3 cr.)

Seminar served in conjunction with urban management internship. This seminar will normally substitute for the V600 Capstone requirement in the M.P.A. core.

Return to Fields of Concentration—Bloomington

Specialized Concentration

(18 credit hours)

In consultation with advisors, students may design curricula that anticipate their career and educational goals and reflect their background and training. Specialized concentrations must be approved by students’ advisors and the program director to ensure high standards of rigor, depth, and breadth.

Accelerated Master of Public Affairs

This program allows the School of Public and Environmental Affairs’ top undergraduates to complete both their undergraduate and graduate degrees in five years. To be considered for this program a student must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.5, completed 96 undergraduate credit hours, and satisfied all general-education and School of Public and Environmental Affairs undergraduate core requirements. Because of the specialized nature of this program, potential applicants should contact the Bloomington undergraduate and graduate program directors for details.

Executive Master of Public Affairs

This program allows executives to receive the Master of Public Affairs (M.P.A.) degree in one year. Eligibility for the program requires a minimum of seven years of management or policy experience with senior-level responsibility. Because of the specialized nature of this program, potential applicants should contact the Bloomington graduate program director for details.

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Fields of Concentration—Indianapolis

Concentrations give students a focused educational experience in a substantive area of interest. The concentration is selected in conjunction with a faculty advisor and the appropriate SPEA administrator. Concentrations offered on the Indianapolis campus include:

Criminal Justice Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The criminal justice concentration is for those interested in the issues, methods, and skills involved in the management of criminal justice or related agencies. Students are required to take a minimum of 9 “J” credit hours for this concentration.

Required Courses (12 credit hours)
SPEA J501 Evolution of Criminological Thought and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA J502 Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V509 Administrative Ethics in the Public Sector (3 cr.)

One of the following:
SPEA J666 Criminal Justice Policy and Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA J682 Criminal Justice Planning and Management (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two courses from one of the following groups:

Group A:
SPEA J550 Topics in Criminal Justice (3 cr.)
SPEA J582 Criminal Justice Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA J587 Criminal Violation: Problems and Characteristics (3 cr.)
SPEA J588 Law and Control in Society (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (criminal justice topics only) (3 cr.)
SPEA V580 Readings in Public Affairs (criminal justice topics only) (3 cr.)
SPEA V585 Practicum in Public Affairs (criminal justice topics only) (3 cr.)
SPEA V685 Research Seminar in Public Affairs (3 cr.) (criminal justice only)

Group B:

Management, Organizations, and Policy
SPEA H507 Management of Individual and Group Behavior (3 cr.)
SPEA J550 Topics in Criminal Justice (3 cr.)
SPEA V504 Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V547 Negotiation and Dispute Resolution for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V564 Urban Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V566 Executive Leadership (3 cr.)
SPEA V569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.)
SPEA V570 Public Sector Labor Relations (3 cr.)

Nonprofit Management
SPEA V522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)

SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V542 Governmental Financial Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.)

Information Systems
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V518 Intergovernmental Systems Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V519 Database Management Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (non-criminal justice topics) (3 cr.)

Other courses approved by a faculty advisor.

Return to Fields of Concentration—Indianapolis

Environmental Management Concentration

(21 credit hours)

Students entering this concentration should have a working knowledge of chemistry and calculus prior to admission. The minimum level of competence needed is equivalent to two semesters of undergraduate chemistry and one semester of calculus.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA E526 Applied Mathematics for Environmental Science (3 cr.)
SPEA E552 Environmental Engineering (3 cr.)
SPEA V645 Environmental Law (3 cr.)

Electives (12 credit hours)
Four of the following courses or other 500-level or above environment-related courses approved by a concentration advisor.
SPEA E431 Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment (3 cr.)
SPEA E510 Hazardous Materials Regulation (3 cr.)
SPEA E512 Risk Communication (3 cr.)
SPEA E515 Fundamentals of Air Pollution (3 cr.)
SPEA E520 Environmental Toxicology (3 cr.)
SPEA E536 Environmental Chemistry (3 cr.)
SPEA E542 Hazardous Materials (3 cr.)
SPEA E549 Environmental Planning (3 cr.)
SPEA E554 Groundwater Flow Modeling (3 cr.)
SPEA E560 Environmental Risk Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA E562 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (3 cr.)
SPEA E620 Environmental Analysis Workshop (3 cr.)
SPEA V520 Environmental Policy Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)

Return to Fields of Concentration—Indianapolis

Nonprofit Management Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The nonprofit management concentration prepares persons for leadership positions in nonprofit and volunteer organizations. Students receive a professional degree structured around theories, concepts, and practices essential to the policy and management of nonprofit organizations. Students who choose careers in the third sector will be more enlightened practitioners through a clear understanding of the philanthropic tradition in the broadest sense (that is, voluntary action for the public good) and of modern management techniques.

Required Courses (6 credit hours)
SPEA V521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)

One of the following nonprofit theoretical courses:
SPEA V523 Civil Society and Public Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V524 Civil Society in Comparative Perspective (3 cr.)
ECON E514 The Nonprofit Economy and Public Policy (3 cr.)
HIST H509 History of Philanthropy in the West (3 cr.)
PHIL P542 Ethics and Values of Philanthropy (3 cr.)

Other courses approved by the faculty advisor

Two of the following nonprofit application courses:
SPEA V522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Fund Development for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Proposal Writing and Grant Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V602 Strategic Planning of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
EDUC C595 Legal Aspects of Philanthropy (3 cr.)

One of the following general management courses:
SPEA H507 Management of Individual and Group Behavior (3 cr.)
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science of Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V566 Executive Leadership (3 cr.)

Return to Fields of Concentration—Indianapolis

Policy Analysis Concentration

(17-18 credit hours)

The policy analysis concentration focuses on techniques for the rigorous evaluation of public policies and public programs, emphasizing science, operations research techniques, cost-benefit analysis, and program evaluation.

Required Course (3 credit hours)
SPEA V512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.)

Choose two of the following:
SPEA H515 Seminar in Health Policy Process Special Topics (3 cr.)
SPEA P550 Topics in Planning (3 cr.) (public policy topics approved by an advisor)
SPEA V520 Environmental Policy Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (3 cr.) (public policy topics approved by an advisor)
SPEA V580 Readings in Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V622 Seminar in Urban Economic Development (3 cr.)

One of the following:
SPEA P520 Methods for Planning and Policy Analysis (2 cr.)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)

One of the following:
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis for Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)

Research Requirement
SPEA V590 Research in Public Affairs (3 cr.)

Students must submit a proposal for the policy analysis project and receive approval from the concentration advisor before undertaking the project. A minimum of 12 credit hours (four courses) must be completed in the policy analysis concentration before a project proposal may be approved.

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Public Management Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The public management concentration is a structured program that enables students to develop a managerial perspective. The curriculum ensures breadth of coverage across those areas essential to a managerial career.

Required Courses (12 credit hours)
SPEA H507 Management of Individual and Group Behavior (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V639 Managing Government Operations (3 cr.)

One of the following:
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V542 Governmental Financial Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.)

One of the following:
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis for Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)

Return to Fields of Concentration—Indianapolis

Urban Management Concentration

(29-30 credit hours)

The urban management concentration prepares students for entry-level and mid-career management and policy positions in local government and not-for-profit organizations.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V564 Urban Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V567 Public Financial Administration (3 cr.)

Advanced Electives (8-9 credit hours)
Take three of the following courses. You must take two from one area and one from another area.

Area 1: Planning
SPEA E549 Environmental Planning (3 cr.)
SPEA P500 Foundations of Planning (3 cr.)
SPEA P510 Social and Economic Aspects of Human Settlements (2 cr.)
SPEA P515 Physical Systems, Development, and Infrastructure (3 cr.)
SPEA P530 Land Use Law (3 cr.)
SPEA V563 The Planning Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V597 Land Use Planning (3 cr.)

Area 2: Personnel/Labor Relations
SPEA V547 Negotiation and Dispute Resolution for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V570 Public Sector Labor Relations (3 cr.)

Area 3: Operations Management
SPEA V568 Management of Urban Government Services (3 cr.)
SPEA V639 Managing Government Operations (3 cr.)

Area 4: Analysis and Information Systems
SPEA E529 Applications of Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA P520 Methods for Planning and Policy Analysis (2 cr.)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V593 Analytic Methods in Planning and Policy Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V662 Seminar in Productivity and Program Evaluation (3 cr.)

Area 5: Government Finance
SPEA V542 Governmental Financial Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.)
SPEA V609 Seminar in Revenue Theory and Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V610 Seminar in Government Budget and Program Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V667 Seminar in Public Capital and Debt Theory (3 cr.)

Area 6: Development
SPEA P540 Community and Neighborhood Development Planning (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Community Development (3 cr.)
SPEA V622 Seminar in Urban Economic Development (3 cr.)

Other courses approved by the faculty advisor.

Area 7: Nonprofit Management
SPEA V518 Intergovernmental Systems Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)

Area 8: Policy Issues and Analysis
SPEA E562 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Urban Poverty (3 cr.) or other topics approved by the faculty advisor.

Urban Management Internship and Seminar (12 credit hours)
SPEA V585 Practicum in Public Affairs (9 cr.)

Compensated internship in local government to be served during the fourth semester.

SPEA V623 Seminar in Urban Management (3 cr.)

Seminar served in conjunction with urban management internship. This seminar will normally substitute for the V600 Capstone requirement in the M.P.A. core.

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Fields of Concentration—Fort Wayne

Concentrations accommodate the needs of both the preservice graduate student and the practitioner seeking additional education for career enhancement and advancement. Students select a concentration after consultation with a faculty advisor. Concentrations on the Fort Wayne campus are:

Criminal Justice Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The criminal justice concentration is for those interested in the issues, methods, and skills involved in the management of criminal justice or related agencies.

Required Courses (12 credit hours)
SPEA J501 Evolution of Criminological Thought and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA V509 Administrative Ethics in the Public Sector (3 cr.)

One of the following:
SPEA J502 Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)

One of the following:
SPEA J666 Criminal Justice Policy and Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA J682 Criminal Justice Planning and Management (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two courses from one of the following groups (6 credit hours)

Group A:
SPEA J582 Criminal Justice Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA J587 Criminal Violation: Problems and Characteristics (3 cr.)
SPEA J588 Law and Control in Society (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (criminal justice topics only) (3 cr.)
SPEA V580 Readings in Public Affairs (criminal justice topics only) (3 cr.)
SPEA V585 Practicum in Public Affairs (criminal justice topics only) (3 cr.)
SPEA V685 Research Seminar in Public Affairs (3 cr.) (criminal justice only)

Group B:
SPEA H507 Management of Individual and Group Behavior (3 cr.)
SPEA V504 Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V547 Negotiation and Dispute Resolution for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V564 Urban Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V566 Executive Leadership (3 cr.)
SPEA V569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.)
SPEA V570 Public Sector Labor Relations (3 cr.)

Nonprofit Management
SPEA V522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)

Other courses approved by a faculty advisor. Three courses must be criminal justice courses.

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Health Systems Administration Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The health services administration concentration examines policies and programs in the health field. Emphasis is placed on organizational and economic analysis.

Required Courses (12 credit hours)
SPEA H517 Managerial Epidemiology (3 cr.)
SPEA V543 Health Services Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V545 The U.S. Health Care System (3 cr.)
SPEA V546 Health Services Utilization (3 cr.)

Two of the following courses:
SPEA V631 Health Planning (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (health topics only) (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V570 Public Sector Labor Relations (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V504 Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V567 Public Financial Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V580 Readings in Public Affairs (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V590 Research in Public Affairs (3 cr.)

Return to Fields of Concentration—Fort Wayne

Public Management Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The public management concentration develops the quantitative and qualitative skills necessary for public and not-for-profit management. Emphasis is placed on organizational, political, and economic analysis.

Required Course
SPEA V504 Public Organizations (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: GIS (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
SPEA V512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V518 Intergovernmental Systems Management (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.)
SPEA V570 Public Sector Labor Relations (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two other SPEA graduate courses with approval of the program director.

Return to Fields of Concentration—Fort Wayne

Public Policy Analysis Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The public policy analysis concentration examines the methods and develops the skills involved in analyzing complex public policy issues.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)

Two of the following courses:
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
SPEA V512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: GIS (3 cr.)
SPEA V563 The Planning Process (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two other SPEA graduate courses, generally rooted in one or more policy areas, with approval of the program director.

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Fields of Concentration—Northwest (Gary)

Concentrations give the student a focused educational experience in a substantive area of interest. The concentration is selected in conjunction with the faculty advisor and appropriate SPEA administrator. Concentrations offered on the Northwest campus include:

Criminal Justice Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The criminal justice concentration is for those interested in the issues, methods, and skills involved in the management of criminal justice or related agencies. Students are required to take a minimum of 9 “J” credit hours for this concentration.

Required Courses (12 credit hours)
SPEA J501 Evolution of Criminological Thought and Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA J502 Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Public Affairs (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V509 Administrative Ethics in the Public Sector (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
SPEA J666 Criminal Justice Policy and Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA J682 Criminal Justice Planning and Management (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Two courses from one of the following groups:

Group A:
SPEA J550 Topics in Criminal Justice (1-3 cr.)
SPEA J582 Criminal Justice Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA J587 Criminal Violation: Problems and Characteristics (3 cr.)
SPEA J588 Law and Control in Society (3 cr.)
SPEA V580 Readings in Public Affairs (criminal justice topics only) (3 cr.)
SPEA V585 Practicum in Public Affairs (criminal justice topics only) (3 cr.)
SPEA V685 Research Seminar in Public Affairs (criminal justice only) (3 cr.)

Group B
SPEA H507 Management of Individual and Group Behavior (3 cr.)
SPEA J550 Topics in Criminal Justice (1-3 cr.)
SPEA V504 Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V516 Public Management Information Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V518 Intergovernmental Systems Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V519 Data Base Management Systems (3 cr.)
SPEA V522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V541 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Public and Environmental Policies (3 cr.)
SPEA V542 Governmental Financial Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.)
SPEA V547 Negotiation and Dispute Resolution for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs (non-criminal justice) (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V564 Urban Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V566 Executive Leadership (3 cr.)
SPEA V569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.)
SPEA V570 Public Sector Labor Relations (3 cr.)

Other courses approved by faculty advisor

Fields of Concentration—Northwest (Gary)

Health Services Administration Concentration

(21 credit hours)

The health services administration concentration is primarily for practitioners in the health care field, either in clinical or management areas, who desire additional education for career management and advancement, and also for the preservice individual seeking to enter the field of health care administration.

Required Courses (21 credit hours)
SPEA V504 Public Organization (3 cr.)
SPEA V543 Health Services Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V545 The U.S. Health Care System (3 cr.)
SPEA V546 Health Services Utilization (3 cr.)

Three of the following courses:
SPEA H514 Health Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA H515 Seminar in Health Policy: Special Topics (3 cr.)
SPEA H601 Hospital Organization and Management (3 cr.)
SPEA H604 Ambulatory Care and Managed Care Programs (3 cr.)
SPEA H626 Health Services Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Ethics in Health Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Marketing Health and Human Services (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Long-Term Care Organization and Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V631 Health Planning (3 cr.)

Other courses approved by faculty advisor

Fields of Concentration—Northwest (Gary)

Human Services Administration Concentration

(21 credit hours)

The human services administration concentration prepares persons for management positions in federal, state, local, and nonprofit human service agencies. Emphases include application of public management processes to human services organizations; skills requisite to working with elected officials, administrative officials, and consumer groups; and practices of comprehensive departments of human resources, interagency administrative units, and multiservice centers.

Required Courses (21 credit hours)
SPEA V504 Public Organization (3 cr.)
SPEA V545 The U.S. Health Care System (3 cr.)
SPEA V554 Human Services Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)

Three of the following courses:
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V509 Administrative Ethics in the Public Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V546 Health Services Utilization (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Social Welfare Programs (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Long-Term Care Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V550 Topics in Public Affairs: Marketing Health and Human Services (3 cr.)
SPEA V556 Topics in Human Services Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V563 The Planning Process (3 cr.)

Fields of Concentration—Northwest (Gary)

Public Management Concentration

(21 credit hours)

The public management concentration is a structured program that enables students to develop a managerial perspective. The curriculum ensures breadth of coverage across those areas essential to a managerial career.

Required Courses (21 credit hours)
SPEA V504 Public Organization (3 cr.)
SPEA V539 Management Science for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resource Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V566 Executive Leadership (3 cr.)

Three of the following courses:
SPEA V507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPEA V509 Administrative Ethics in the Public Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V563 The Planning Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V595 Managerial Decision Making (3 cr.)
SPEA V639 Managing Government Operations (3 cr.)

Other courses approved by faculty advisor.

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Fields of Concentration—South Bend

Concentrations give students both a general preparation for leadership and a focused educational experience in a substantive area of interest. The concentration is selected in conjunction with a faculty advisor and the appropriate SPEA administrator. Concentrations offered on the South Bend campus include:

Health Systems Administration and Policy Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The health systems administration and policy concentration is for professional people already working in health care organizations, as well as for students planning health care careers. This concentration affords the student the opportunity to study policy, issues, and programs related to the health field.

Choose Six (18 credit hours) or other advisor-approved courses.
SPEA H501 U.S. Health Care: Systems, Policies, and Ethical Challenges (3 cr.)
SPEA H507 Management of Individual and Group Behavior (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V504 Public Organization (3 cr.)
SPEA H509 Financial Management Principles of Health Care (3 cr.)
SPEA H514 Health Economics (3 cr.)
SPEA H516 Health Services Delivery and the Law (3 cr.)
SPEA H521 Management Sciences for Health Services Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H604 Ambulatory Care, Organization, and Management (3 cr.)
SPEA H626 Health Services Human Resource Management (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V561 Public Human Resource Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V631 Health Planning (3 cr.)

Return to Fields of Concentration—South Bend

Public and Community Services Administration and Policy Concentration

(18 credit hours)

The public and community services administration and policy concentration is for managers already employed in governmental or private not-for-profit organizations, as well as for students planning for such careers. This concentration provides the student the opportunity to study policy, issues, and programs related to the governmental and social service fields.

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA V512 Public Policy Process (3 cr.)
SPEA V542 Governmental Financial Accounting and Reporting (3 cr.)
SPEA V595 Managerial Decision-Making (3 cr.)

Choose Two (6 credit hours)
SPEA V504 Public Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA V561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V569 Managing Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.)
SPEA V570 Public Sector Labor Relations (3 cr.)

Choose one: (3 credit hours)
SPEA V518 Intergovernmental Systems Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA V562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPEA V563 The Planning Process (3 cr.)

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