
Bloomington Campus

Certificate Programs

Certificate in Public and Nonprofit Evaluation

The Certificate in Public and Nonprofit Evaluation is a 15 credit hour online program. As it is an online program, it is expected students will complete the program in three semesters. Two courses in each of the first two semesters followed by one semester of one course. This certificate approaches program evaluation as a professional field and not simply a tool. As an additional professional credential, the certificate in evaluation will strengthen the capacity for recipients to utilize evidence driven approaches to assess the effectiveness of programs and services in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. 

Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPCN-P 562 Public Program Evaluation (3 cr.)
SPCN-V 506 Statistical Analysis for Effective Decision Making (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 550 Research Methods in Public Affairs (3 cr.)
Electives (6 credit hours)

Two of the following courses:

SPCN-M 561 Public Human Resources Management (3 cr.)
SPCN-M 602 Strategic Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPCN-N 525 Nonprofit Management (3 cr.)
SPCN-P 507 Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs (3 cr.)
SPCN-V 502 Public Management (3 cr.)

Academic Bulletins

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