Economic Development
(18 credit hours) The economic development concentration prepares students for positions in economic development at the city, county, and state levels.
Required Courses (9 credit hours)
SPEA-D 669 | Economic Development, Globalization, and Entrepreneurship | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-L 622 | Seminar in Urban Economic Development | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-P 507 | Data Analysis and Modeling for Public Affairs | (3 cr.) |
Electives (9 credit hours)
Select three of the following courses:
SPEA-D 576 | Approaches to Development | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-D 578 | Introduction to Comparative and International Affairs | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-F 609 | Seminar in Revenue Theory and Administration | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-F 610 | Seminar in Government Budget and Program Analysis | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-F 667 | Seminar in Public Capital and Debt Theory | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-I 516 | Public Management Information Systems | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-L 563 | The Planning Process | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-L 564 | Local Government Management | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-L 568 | Management of Local Government Services | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-M 602 | Stategic Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-P 541 | Benefit Cost Analysis | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-P 562 | Public Program Evaluation | (3 cr.) |
SPEA-S 596 | Sustainable Development | (3 cr.) |