Bloomington Campus
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Affairs
Minor Field
Students select a minor field according to their research interests. Students have the option of taking either: an external minor field, an internal minor field, or a self-designed minor field.
- External minor field: For a external minor field, a three to five course sequence is negotiated between the student and the Progress Review Committee, following the requirements of the department or school offering the minor. Among the external minor fields chosen by students in the program are Economics, Finance, Political Science, Sociology, Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Statistics, and Geopgraphy.
- Internal minor field: For an internal minor field, students may choose any one of the four major fields (public management, public finance, public policy analysis, and environemental policy) or one of the four minor fields (environemental studies, nonprofit management, regionaleconomic development, urban and affairs) offered by SPEA. A four course sequence (12 credit hours) is negotiated between the student and the Progress Review Committee. Students choosing a third major field for thier minor field must take the required courses in that field.
- Self-designed minor field. Students have the option of a self-designed minor field to provide opportunities for specialized training without requiring the creation and approval of a defined minor field. A four course sequence (12 credit hours) is negotiated between the student and the Progress Review Committee. Students may combine courses from SPEA and other academic units for their self-designed minor. The University Graduate School must approve a student's proposal for a self-designed minor field (see the University Graduate School Bulletin at
Courses taken as part of any minor field cannot count toward a major field.