
Indianapolis Campus

Certificate Programs

American Humanics Certificate in Nonprofit Management and Leadership

What is American Humanics? The American Humanics certificate at IUPUI is a certificate program for graduate students from all academic majors who are interested in working with nonprofits after graduation. American Humanics is a national alliance of approximately 70 colleges and 20 national nonprofits that certify professionals to work in the nonprofit area. Its mission is to educate, prepare, and certify professionals to strengthen and lead nonprofit organizations. American Humanics’ students participate in the student association, attend the national conference, and have the opportunity for networking, mentoring, and recognition at special events. An added benefit is the opportunity for scholarships and outside funding for internships; specifically for American Humanics students.

AH Certification

The School of Public and Environmental Affairs sponsors the American Humanics Program for IUPUI. Any IUPUI student is eligible to enroll in the AH certificate program, which is granted by the AH National Office. Students may simultaneously obtain SPEA’s Nonprofit Management Certificate and the American Humanics Certificate.


Nationwide, nonprofit organizations need to fill more than 50,000 professional positions annually—program directors, human resource managers, fund raisers, volunteer coordinators, etc. The AH certification prepares college students for professional careers in the expanding job market of nonprofit organizations. Upon completion of the program, students will be certified for entry level leadership positions with collaborating organizations such as the YMCA, YWCA, American Red Cross, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Habitat for Humanity, The Humane Society, and many other nonprofit agencies at both the local and national level.


The Humanics Program offers hands-on opportunities such as internships and co-curricular activities, as well as coursework to help you achieve certification competencies. This certificate program requires the demonstration of a prescribed set of competencies and an internship.

Coursework Requirements

Complete the following coursework, either as part of the Nonprofit Management Certificate, the M.P.A., or the joint M.P.A- Philanthropic Studies degree:

SPEA-V 267 American Humanics Management Institute (1 cr.)
SPEA-V 521 The Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector (same as PHST-P 521) (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 522 Human Resource Management in Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 525 Management in the Nonprofit Sector (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 526 Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations (3 cr.)
SPEA-V 558 Fund Development for Nonprofits (3 cr.)

Upon completion of coursework and co­curricular requirements, graduate students must apply for the award of the AH certificate by completing a certificate application, available through SPEA’s Student Services.

Co-Curricular Requirements

(for both undergraduate and graduate students)

  • AHSA:
    • Actively participate in the American Humanics Student Association (AHSA) for at least 9 months or 2 semesters. This includes meeting attendance and participation in at least 4 student association events, i.e., AHMI fund raising, fund raising for other nonprofit organizations, seminars, etc.
    • Register with American Humanics, Inc., for at least 9 months.
    • Complete 4 nonprofit agency visits.
  • AHMI: Attend one or more American Humanics Management Institutes.
  • Special events: Organize/attend one or more special events.

For additional American Humanics information at IUPUI, contact the American Humanics Campus Director Laura Littlepage at or (317) 261-3061, or a SPEA academic advisor at (317) 274-4656.

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