Graduate ProgramsMaster of Social WorkPh.D. Program and Pre-Doc Option Master of Social WorkGeneral InformationAdmission Requirements M.S.W. Programs of StudyIndianapolis Master of Social Work Curriculum Educational Requirements General InformationIn recognition of the time and geographic constraints of many students who seek professional social work education, the Indiana University School of Social Work offers six programs of study leading to the 60 credit hour M.S.W. degree. The Indianapolis campus offers a two-year full-time program, a three-year part-time weekday program, a three-year part-time evening program, a three-year part-time Saturday program, and an Advanced Standing Program. (The Advanced Standing Program is designed for students with a strong academic record who have earned a Bachelor of Social Work (B.S.W.) degree from a program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.) Students must complete their M.S.W. within five years of their B.S.W. graduation. Indiana University South Bend offers a three-year part-time evening program. Indiana University Northwest offers a four-year part-time program. The school offers a three-year part-time program at IPFW administered by the main campus at IUPUI. The general goal of the programs is preparation for advanced social work practice. In addition to generalist knowledge and skills, the programs provide an opportunity for development of special competence in child welfare, school social work, mental health and addictions, families and leadership. Educational resources for students in the program include a substantial library, an audiovisual center, student computer modules, and diversified field instruction settings throughout the state. Return to Master of Social Work Admission RequirementsProfessional social work education requires students at the master’s level to undertake a rigorous program of classroom and practice work. The Indiana University School of Social Work seeks to admit individuals who have demonstrated competency though previous academic work, professional achievements, and volunteer commitments. A strong commitment to social justice and service to others should be evident in the application. Admission information for all of the M.S.W. programs may be obtained from:
Enrollment in the M.S.W. program requires official admission to the Indiana University School of Social Work. A limited number of students are admitted each year. The following items are the minimum requirements for consideration for admission:
Applications are available in early fall of the year preceding admission. Information pertaining to the deadlines, requirements, and program details can be found in the application packet. Applicants can apply to only one location and one specific program. All applicants are encouraged to submit applications as soon as possible and well before the final application priority date. The M.S.W. admissions committee will make all decisions and notify students in early spring. Applications are evaluated on the basis of the six criteria outlined above. Admission is competitive and the instructional resources of the school determine total enrollment. International Students/International Degrees Applicants who are not citizens of the United States should apply as early as possible preceding the fall in which they wish to enter. They must fill out the international application and the Indiana University School of Social Work application by the posted deadlines. They also must provide proof of their ability to pay fees and support themselves adequately during the period of their study and, through examinations designated by the school, must demonstrate an ability to comprehend, write, and speak English at an acceptable level.International students or any person holding a degree obtained outside of the United States should request an international application from the following address:
Transfer Students A limited number of transfer students from other accredited M.S.W. programs may be accepted each year. Master of Social Work students interested in transferring to Indiana University must complete an application for admission to the program. Upon receipt of the completed application, the M.S.W. program director and the chair of the admissions committee will review the materials and decide if the applicant will be accepted into the program. If accepted, the M.S.W. program director will analyze the student's transcript and course syllabi to determine which credits earned in another accredited social work program will transfer to Indiana University. In all circumstances, however, the transfer student must complete all required courses in their chosen Concentration Curriculum. Non-M.S.W. Students With permission of the school, Indiana University students enrolled in other graduate degree programs or persons possessing the M.S.W. degree may request permission to enroll in selected elective courses within the program. Enrollment of nondegree students is restricted by the availability of space and faculty. Persons interested in such enrollment are required to request permission by writing to the M.S.W. admissions coordinator of the school (stggass [at] iupui [dot] edu). Return to Master of Social Work M.S.W. Programs of Study-IndianapolisThe Indiana University School of Social Work provides several programs of study leading to the M.S.W. degree. Each program requires 60 credit hours of graduate-level course work. Two-Year Full-Time Program Part-Time Day Program Part-Time Saturday Program Part-Time Evening Program Advanced Standing Program
Accelerated Program Part-Time Advanced Standing Program(s) Indiana Partnership for Social Work Education in Child Welfare (Title IV-E) Return to Master of Social Work Master of Social Work CurriculumSocial work is a dynamic profession concerned with the changing needs of people and society. To respond to such needs, the curriculum of the School of Social Work undergoes continuing review by the faculty with the participation of students, members of the practice community, and others. Students must complete 60 credit hours of graduate-level course work in order to meet the minimum requirements for the Master of Social Work degree. All students complete a common 15 credit Foundation Curriculum and 15 credit Intermediate Curriculum that emphasize a generalist perspective for social work practice. The Intermediate Curriculum includes a one-semester practicum of a minimum of 320 clock hours. Following that, students complete a Concentration Curriculum that prepares them for advanced practice in child welfare, families, health, school social work, leadership, mental health and addictions. The Concentration Practicum of a minimum of 640 clock hours is usually completed over two semesters. All Foundation Curriculum course work must be completed before students are eligible to enroll in any required courses in the Concentration Curriculum. The overall objectives of the Foundation and Intermediate Curricula of the M.S.W. program include development of
The overall objectives of the Concentration Year include development of special competence in a concentration area. Typical course arrangements for students admitted to the M.S.W. program are shown below.
Concentration Curriculum (30 cr.)
Return to Master of Social Work Educational RequirementsStudents are admitted on the assumption that they have the potential academic ability and personal suitability for completing the professional program in which they are enrolled. All students in the M.S.W. program are expected to maintain the standards established by the School of Social Work and those held by the social work profession. In order to detect possible problems, the School of Social Work reviews students’ performance periodically. The Master of Social Work degree is recommended by the school and conferred by the university. Students must successfully complete 60 credit hours of required and elective courses carrying graduate credit. Each student is expected to follow the university and school schedules and dates for completion of requirements, including completion of all work within five calendar years from the time of first enrollment. Liability Insurance Credit for Life Experience Return to Master of Social Work Ph.D. Program and Pre-Doc OptionAdmission Requirements Admission RequirementsAll applicants to the Ph.D. program must have a master’s degree in social work or a related field. Admission to the Ph.D. program is based on evaluations of (1) an online application, (2) a professional resume, (3) undergraduate and graduate transcripts, (4) three letters of reference, (5) an example of the applicant’s scholarly writing, (6) a 500-word statement of purpose, and (7) Graduate Record Examination General Test scores taken within the last five years. Application DeadlineApplications are accepted throughout the year. Applications received by April 1 are guaranteed consideration for fall entry. Applications received by February 1 are eligible to be nominated for a University Fellowship. For application materials and further information, write to:
Return to Ph.D. Program and Pre-Doc Option Course RequirementsThe student must complete a total of 90 credit hours, including dissertation and research internship. Candidates for the Ph.D. degree may be granted up to 30 hours of graduate credit from other institutions as follows:
All courses credited toward the Ph.D. degree must have a minimum grade of B and must receive written approval from the School of Social Work Ph.D. Program Committee and the dean of the University Graduate School. Specific program requirements include:
All students in the Ph.D. program, with the approval of the program director, will select two faculty members to serve as their academic advisors throughout their doctoral studies, one of whom will represent the student’s area of specialization outside the School of Social Work. Return to Ph.D. Program and Pre-Doc Option Qualifying Examination ProcessThe qualifying examination process is comprehensive and integrative in nature. Specific guidelines for the completion of the qualifying process are available from the Ph.D. program director. Admission to CandidacyFollowing the passing of the qualification examination and the completion of all course work, the student’s advisory committee will submit a Nomination to Candidacy Form to the University Graduate School. Upon approval of the dean, the student will be admitted to candidacy and awarded a Certificate of Candidacy. Research ProposalAfter nomination to candidacy, the student, with the approval of the program director, will select a research committee of no fewer than four faculty members, including one member outside of the School of Social Work. This committee must approve the proposed dissertation topic.Return to Ph.D. Program and Pre-Doc Option Final ExaminationThe final examination is the oral defense of the dissertation. Return to Ph.D. Program and Pre-Doc Option Pre-Doc Exploratory OptionThe Pre-Doc Exploratory Option allows prospective doctoral students to test their interest in and commitment to doctoral education. The program provides students with the time to gain the information and experience needed to make an informed decision about formal application to the program. This option permits qualified students to enroll in up to three of the school’s regular Ph.D. foundation courses and to complete up to 9 credit hours of doctoral course work before deciding to apply formally to the program. If a student later applies and is accepted to the regular Ph.D. program, credits earned during the pre-doc phase will automatically apply toward the Ph.D. degree. Participation in the Pre-Doc Exploratory Option does not guarantee acceptance into the Ph.D. program. It does, however, provide a unique opportunity for students to explore that possibility. Courses counted toward the Ph.D. degree must be completed within seven years of passing the required qualification examination. The selection of candidates for enrollment in the Pre-Doc Exploratory Option is based on the following criteria:
There is an open admissions process for the Pre-Doc and Ph.D. programs. Ph.D. applicants who would like to be considered for possible nomination for a University Fellowship should apply by February 1. Students enrolled in the Pre-Doc Exploratory Option are strongly encouraged to complete the S 721 Seminar in Advanced Scholarship Skills (3 credit hours) as part of their program of studies. The following is a list of other S 700-level courses:
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Last updated: 31 March 2025 19 19 49
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