The School of Library and Information ScienceAbout the School About the SchoolThe School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) at Indiana University ranks consistently in the top five or ten programs in North America, and its master’s and doctoral enrollments are among the largest in the nation. A recent survey of scholarly productivity and impact ranked the school number one (Library and Information Science Research, 2006 28(3)). The M.L.S. (Master of Library Science) degree has been accredited continuously since 1952. The pioneering M.I.S. (Master of Information Science) degree, established in 1995, adds another avenue of entry to the information professions. In addition to these two accredited programs, the school offers a Ph.D. in Information Science, a Specialist (post-master’s) degree in Library and Information Science, a dual M.I.S./M.L.S. degree, specializations in African Studies Librarianship, Archives and Records Management, Art Librarianship, Chemical Information, Digital Libraries, Library Technology Management, Music Librarianship, and Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship, and a dual M.L.S./Doctor of Jurisprudence program with the School of Law. There are also dual master’s degree programs with the Schools of Journalism, Music, and Public and Environmental Affairs, and the Departments of African American and African Diaspora Studies, African Studies, Art History, Comparative Literature, English, Folklore and Ethnomusicology, History, History and Philosophy of Science, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and Russian and East European Studies. Course work leading to certification in public libraries and in school media is available. There is also a new 18 credit Graduate Certificate in Information Architecture. At SLIS we bring fresh insights to bear on information design, access, and policy issues by looking at information and information technologies in diverse human contexts. We seek to understand the behaviors, cognitive factors, social practices, media, and tools that foster and hinder effective information use. We place a strong emphasis on the social and behavioral dimensions of information technology. SLIS has a full-time faculty of 22 (Bloomington-16, Indianapolis-6), supplemented by a distinguished emeritus, visiting, associate, and adjunct faculty. The School of Library and Information Science offers programs on the Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses. All students have access to the extraordinary physical and human resources of Indiana University, including one of the largest university computing networks in the world and a university library system that ranks thirteenth in the nation in terms of its holdings. Included in this system is the prestigious Lilly Library, which is internationally known for its rare books, manuscripts, and special collections. The IU School of Library and Information Science is a member of the Association for Library and Information Science Education and the American Library Association. It maintains affiliation with a number of other national and international bodies in library and information science. The History of SLIS at Indiana UniversityThe first organized library science curriculum at Indiana University, a program for the preparation of school librarians, was offered by the School of Education in the summer of 1930. In 1938 this curriculum was expanded and made available in the regular school year as well as during the summer session. In 1947 the Division of Library Science was established within the School of Education. A basic undergraduate curriculum in library science focused on the fundamental processes common to all types of libraries was offered as a minor within the four-year program leading to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in the College of Arts and Sciences or to the Bachelor of Science in Education degree in the School of Education. Graduate Education in Library and Information Science In 1966 the Trustees of Indiana University established the Graduate Library School, and the professional degree Master of Library Science (M.L.S.) replaced the Master of Arts degree. The Specialist degree program was added to the curriculum in 1978. In 1980 the name of the school was officially changed to School of Library and Information Science (SLIS). The addition of the Master of Information Science (M.I.S.) degree in 1995 reflects the school’s continuing commitment to preparing information professionals for a variety of fields. The Mission of SLISThe Indiana University School of Library and Information Science is committed to excellence and innovation in the education of information professionals, the creation of new knowledge, and service to a diverse society in a dynamically changing global information environment. To accomplish this mission, the school has adopted as its goals: To educate students for fulfilling careers, professional leadership, lifelong learning, social responsibility, and technological mastery To contribute new knowledge and advance science with a particular interest in user–centered approaches, social, behavioral, and technological perspectives, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the role of information in society To serve society, our state and local constituencies, and the library and information science profession To create a climate of intellectual engagement, openness, and respect within the school. Goals and Objectives for the Master of Library Science ProgramThe school has identified the following goals and related objectives for students who complete the Master of Library Science program:
Goals and Objectives for the Master of Information Science ProgramThe Master of Information Science program is an interdisciplinary professional program designed to prepare students for lifelong careers in designing, managing, or consulting about information technologies and services in public, corporate, and nonprofit organizations. The M.I.S. program couples best-practices training in the design and use of information technologies with the essential career development skills of communication, team building, analysis, and critical thinking that are necessary for assuming management positions in business, industry, nonprofit, academic, and government organizations. Upon completion of the M.I.S. program, graduates will be prepared to:
Goals of the Ph.D. ProgramThe school has identified the following goals for the Doctor of Philosophy in Information Science:
Objectives for Students in the Ph.D. ProgramUpon completion of their Ph.D. program, doctoral students should be able to:
Location and FacilitiesThe School of Library and Information Science is housed in the Herman B Wells Library on the Bloomington campus and in the University Library on the Indianapolis campus. The School’s Bloomington facilities include dedicated computer laboratories, lecture and seminar rooms, and an information commons. Both the School of Library and Information Science and Indiana University as a whole are technology-intensive environments, so the opportunities for learning and working with state-of-the-art technology are numerous. In Bloomington, the school maintains two computer labs for use by any student enrolled in SLIS courses. In addition, the school supports a lab dedicated for use by SLIS Ph.D. students. Technology plays a central role in library and information science research and practice; therefore, SLIS devotes significant resources to ensure that students have access to up-to-date hardware and software. The technology staff provides students with opportunities to learn about and use current and emerging technologies that will be essential to their professional development. SLIS computing labs are open approximately 80 hours per week, with consultants generally on duty to assist students. Additionally, the technology staff offers workshops focusing on new developments of interest to the SLIS community. SLIS maintains its own server room, which houses UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh OS servers. These provide services ranging from hosting the SLIS Web site, to ensuring the school is in compliance with software licensing agreements, to supporting faculty and student research on large data sets. As a part of Indiana University, which is consistently rated one of the most wired and most “unwired” university systems in the nation, every member of the SLIS community has access to a vast array of computing and information technology resources. SLIS partners with other IU schools and departments to ensure that the SLIS community continues to enjoy access to university-wide resources. The School of Library and Information Science offers the Master of Library Science degree program in Indianapolis, at the Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) campus. The SLIS Indianapolis program manages distance education opportunities available at several locations in the state of Indiana. For details about the Indianapolis program or distance education options in Indiana, consult the SLIS IUPUI Web site ( |
Last updated: 12 March 2025 07 58 07
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