Organizations & Services

Educational Technology

The Educational Technology (ET) group within the Department of Knowledge Informatics and Translation (KIT) provides support for all forms of class-room and distance learning technology. The group manages the IUSM Learning Management Services (LMS) and medical student computing support. The LMS is a web-based course management and collaboration portal for IUSM faculty and students. It provides a flexible way to provide confidential student access to resources from home and elsewhere on demand. It is closely integrated with other IUSM online services, such as those provided by the Medical Library, and the pedagogical services provided by the Medical Education and Curricular Affairs (MECA). ET also provides audio streamed recordings of lectures in the major classrooms.

The ET group provides videoconferencing services and video streaming in classrooms and throughout the medical campus, as well as consulting throughout IUSM. The group has videoconferencing rooms in the library, as well as a mobile videoconferencing unit, that can be scheduled by calling (317) 274-1531 or using the online web form at The ET videoconferencing equipment connects students to IUSM centers throughout the state, all IU campuses, IU Health network sites, public Project Athena sites throughout the state, and Internet sites throughout the world.

ET provides consulting on educational technology projects, including the technical information necessary for use of the ANGEL server for distance learning, and classroom design for optimal use of technology. See the group's website for detailed information.

Presentation Technology Services (PTS), a component of ET, provides a variety of technologies and services, including:

  • Computer displays: large screen projection, high intensity overhead, computer interfaces, multi-scan monitors
  • Audio and video recorders: classroom videotaping services, video playback, audio recording
  • Sound reinforcement systems: microphones, speaker, mixers, customized large conference audio systems
  • Slide, overhead, and video projectors: synchronized dual slide projection, clear acetate overheads, video projection, slide/sound playbacks, live video feeds
  • Interactive audience response systems: instantaneous audience survey and polling with audience feedback

See the Presentation Technology Services website for detailed information

Department of Knowledge Informatics and Translation (KIT)

975 W. Walnut Street, IB 310
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Telephone: (317) 274-7183
Fax: (317) 278-2349

KIT Administration

  • Charles M. Clark, Jr. MD, interim chair, Department of Knowledge Informatics and Translation
  • Lola Thompson, Director of Administration and Finance
  • Elaine Skopelja, M.A.L.S., Associate Librarian
  • Elizabeth Whipple, M.L.S., Assistant Librarian
  • Polly Willhite, Financial Manager

Academic Bulletins

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