Program Planning and Counseling GuidelinesThe Student's Responsibility The Student's ResponsibilityStudents are responsible for planning their programs and meeting all graduation requirements. Students should be thoroughly familiar with all sections in this bulletin regarding admission, degree requirements, major requirements, course requirements, academic regulations, and academic standing. Students are also responsible for policy information and meeting all deadlines as published in the Enrollment and Student Academic Information bulletin and for keeping their local and permanent addresses up to date with the office of the Registrar. Students are expected to check their official university e-mail accounts on a frequent and consistent basis to stay current with university-related communications. Faculty advisors, academic counselors, and the recorder can assist students in planning their programs and explain requirements and policies. Students also have access on the Web to the computerized degree-audit system, the Degree Progress Report, through the OneStart portal at AdvisingThe School of Journalism assigns a faculty mentor to each journalism major. Students are encouraged to meet with their faculty mentor as necessary to discuss academic and career planning. In addition, professional staff are available every day for advising. Bloomington Indianapolis Students with Learning Disabilities
Last updated: 12 March 2025 06 54 51
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