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Appendix B

Approved Culture Studies Courses

List A
List B
List C

List A

Courses on this list focus on a culture or cultures other than the cultures of the United States and of modern Western Europe.

African American and African Diaspora Studies
A 154 Survey of Histories in the African Diaspora
A 387 Comparative Black Immigration

African Studies
L 231 African Civilization
L 232 Contemporary Africa

E 110 Indians of Mexico: Ancient and Modern
E 310 Introduction to the Cultures of Africa
E 312 African Religions: Myth, Ritual, and Art
E 321 Peoples of Mexico
E 322 Peoples of Brazil
E 324 Native American Art
E 327 Native Amazonians and the Environment
E 330 Indians of South America
E 332 Jewish Women: Anthropological Perspectives
E 334 Jews in Moslem Society
E 335 Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica
E 340 Indians of Mexico and Central America
E 370 Peasant Society and Culture
E 371 Modern Jewish Culture and Society
E 397 (CEUS-U 397/NELC-N 397) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East
E 398 (CEUS-U 398) Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia
E 417 African Women
E 418 Globalization and Consumer Culture
E 475 Law and Culture
P 230 Archaeology of the Ancient Maya
P 370 Ancient Civilizations of the Andes
P 371 Prehistory of Lowland South America

Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design
H 401 Cultural Aspects of Dress

Central Eurasian Studies
U 253 Modern Turkey: Development and Culture
U 254 Introduction to the Ancient Near East and Central Asia
U 284 The Civilization of Tibet
U 311 Prophets, Poets, and Kings: Iranian Civilization
U 346 Literature of the Ottoman Court in Translation
U 350 Turkish Literature in Translation
U 368 The Mongol Century
U 372 Persian Literature in Translation
U 373 Persian Mystical Literature in Translation
U 388 Chinese Inner Asia to 1949
U 390 Shamanism in Inner Asia
U 392 Shrine and Pilgrimage in Central Asian Islam
U 393 The Yasavi Sufis and Central Asian Islam
U 394 Islam in the Soviet Union and Successor States
U 395 Central Asian Politics and Society
U 397 (ANTH-E 397/NELC-N 397) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East
U 398 (ANTH-E 398) Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia
U 423 Hungary between 1890 and 1945
U 427 Hungary between 1945 to Present
U 450 Turkish Oral Literature
U 459 Seminar in Turkish Studies
U 483 Introduction to the History of Tibet
U 489 Tibet and the West
U 490 Sino-Tibetan Relations
U 497 Inner Asian Peoples and Nationality Policy in the People’s Republic of China

Classical Studies
C 101 Ancient Greek Culture
C 102 Roman Culture
C 205 Classical Mythology
C 206 (FINA-A 206) Classical Art and Archaeology
C 308 Roman Law
C 310 Classical Drama
C 311 Classical Epics
C 350 Greek Literature in Translation
C 360 Roman Literature in Translation

Communication and Culture
C 202 World Media
C 419 Classical Oratory
C 422 Performance, Culture, and Power in the Middle East and North Africa

Comparative Literature
C 147 Images of the Self: East and West
C 200 Honors Seminar, Approved Topics:
  "Poetry and Society: the Arabic Ode in Comparative Text"
  "The Arabic Novel, from Center to Periphery"
C 257 Asian Literature and the Other Arts
C 261 Introduction to African Literature
C 262 Cross-Cultural Encounters
C 265 Introduction to East Asian Poetry
C 266 Introduction to East Asian Fiction
C 291 Asian Film and Literature
C 321 Medieval Literature
C 325 The Renaissance
C 340 Women and Literature
C 360 Diasporic Literatures
C 361 African Literature and Other Arts
C 365 Japanese-Western Literary Relations
C 370 Arabic-Western Literary Relations
C 375 Chinese-Western Literary Relations
C 377 Topics in Yiddish Literature
C 378 Topics in Yiddish Culture
C 400 Studies in Comparative Literature, Approved Topic:
  "Arthurian Literature and Film"
C 415 Medieval Lyric
C 417 Medieval Narrative
C 445 Traditions of Christian Literature I
C 464 French Language Literature of Africa and the Americas

East Asian Languages and Cultures
E 100 East Asia: An Introduction
E 101 The World and East Asia
E 110 Popular Culture in East Asia
E 160 The Daoist Body
E 180 Cross-Cultural Experiences of War
E 201 Issues in East Asian Literature
E 202 Issues in East Asian Traditions and Ideas
E 203 Issues in East Asian Cultural History
E 204 Issues in East Asian Society
E 231 Japan: The Living Tradition
E 232 China: The Enduring Heritage
E 233 Survey of Korean Civilization
E 251 Traditional East Asian Civilization
E 252 (HIST-H 207) Modern East Asian Civilization
E 256 Land and Society in East Asia
E 270 Japanese Language and Society
E 271 Twentieth-Century Japanese Culture
E 301 Chinese Language and Culture
E 302 Geographic Patterns in China
E 303 Korean Folk and Elite Cultures
E 305 Korean Language and Culture
E 321-E 322 Japanese Literature I-II
E 331-E 332 Chinese Literature I-II
E 333 Studies in Chinese Cinema
E 350 (HIST-G 380) Studies in East Asian Society, Approved Topic:
  "Early China"
E 354 Society and Education in Japan
E 374 (PHIL-P 374) Early Chinese Philosophy
E 384 East Asian Nationalism and Cultural Identity
E 386 United States-East Asian Relations
E 390 Contemporary Chinese Politics
E 392 Chinese Foreign Policy
E 393 China’s Political Economy
E 394 Business and Public Policy in Japan
E 471 Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature
E 472 Modern Japanese Fiction
E 473 History of Japanese Theatre and Drama
E 497 Overseas Study Tour
J 491 Humanities Topics in Japanese
J 492 Historical and Cultural Topics in Japanese

L 241 American Jewish Writers
L 375 Studies in Jewish Literature
L 383 Studies in British or Commonwealth Culture, Approved Topics:
  "Change and Development in Medieval English Culture"
  "Indian Writing in English"
  "The Medieval Court: Romance and Reality"

Fine Arts
A 160 Introduction to East Asian Art
A 200 Topics in Art History, Approved Topic:
  "Introduction to Jewish Art"
A 206 (CLAS-C 206) Classical Art and Archaeology
A 214 Art and Life in Ancient Rome
A 226 Survey of Medieval Art
A 231 The Age of Giants: Art in the Time of Leonardo and Michelangelo
A 233 Renaissance and Baroque Art in Italy, 1250-1700
A 250 Introduction to African Art
A 262 Introduction to Japanese Art and Culture
A 311 Art of the Classical Age of Greece
A 321 Early Medieval Art
A 327 Survey of Islamic Art
A 337 Age of Rubens and Rembrandt
A 346 Roots and Revolution: Early Twentieth-Century Mexican Art
A 351 Art of the South Pacific
A 352 Art of Eastern and Southern Africa
A 356 Art of Central Africa
A 360 Topics in East Asian Art
A 452 Art of Pre-Columbian America
A 453 Art of Sub-Saharan Africa I: Arts of Africa’s Western Sudan
A 454 Art of Sub-Saharan Africa II: Arts of the West African Coast
A 455 Art, Craft, and Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa
A 464 Art and Archaeology of Early China
A 466 Early Chinese Painting
A 467 Later Chinese Painting
A 480 Russian Art

Folklore and Ethnomusicology
F 121 Black Music of Two Worlds
F 301 African Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 305 Asian Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 307 Middle Eastern Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 315 Latin American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 320 Pacific Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 351 North American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 358 Jewish Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 360 Indiana Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 363 Women’s Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 364 Children’s Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music

French and Italian
F 361 Introduction historique à la civilisation française I
F 410 French Literature of the Middle Ages
F 450 Colloquium in French Studies—Traditions and Ideas
F 463 Civilisation française I
M 222 Topics in Italian Culture
M 234 Florence in Florence
M 307 Masterpieces of Italian Literature I
M 333 Dante and His Times
M 334 Power and Imagination in Renaissance Italy
M 345 Literature of Italian Renaissance Art
M 445 Risorgimento

Gender Studies
G 215 Cross-Cultural Gender Formations
G 225 Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture
G 410 International Feminist Debates, Approved Topic:
  "Black Feminism"

G 317 Geography of Developing Countries
G 323 Geography of Latin America
G 324 Geography of the Caribbean
G 340 Geography of Southeast Asia
G 425 Africa: Contemporary Geographic Problems
G 427 Geography of Former Soviet Lands

Germanic Studies
Y 300 Topics in Yiddish Literature
Y 350 Topics in Yiddish Culture

B 321 Modern Jewish History: From Expulsion to Revolution
B 322 Modern Jewish History since the French Revolution
B 323 History of the Holocaust
B 324 Zionism and the State of Israel
B 351 Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages
B 352 Western Europe in the High and Later Middle Ages
B 353 The Renaissance
B 354 The Reformation
B 355 Europe: Louis XIV to French Revolution
B 356 French Revolution and Napoleon
C 388 Roman History
C 390 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
C 393 Ottoman History
D 101 Icon and Axe: Russia through the Ages
D 302 The Gorbachev Revolution and the Collapse of the Soviet Empire
D 303 Heroes and Villains in Russian History
D 304 Jews of Eastern Europe
D 305 Women in Russian History and Soviet Society
D 306 Muscovy and Imperial Russia, 1500-1801
D 308 Empire of the Tsar
D 309 Russia in World War II: Battles and People
D 310 Russian Revolutions and the Soviet Regime
D 320 Modern Ukraine
D 321 Hungarian History and Civilization to 1711
D 322 Hungarian History and Civilization: 1711-1918
D 325 Path to Emancipation: Nationalism in the Balkans, 1804-1923
D 327 Nation-Making and Imperial Decline in East Central Europe, 1780-1918
D 328 The Search for European Integration: Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century
D 329 Eastern Europe in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
D 330 Eastern Europe in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
E 331 African History from Ancient Times to Empires and City States
E 332 African History from Colonial Rule to Independence
E 333 Conflict in Southern Africa
E 334 History of Western Africa
E 336 History of East Africa
E 338 History of Muslim West Africa
F 336 Modern Central American History
F 343 Modern Brazil since 1850
F 346 Modern Mexico
G 101 East Asia in World History
G 357 Premodern Japan
G 358 Early Modern Japan
G 369 Modern Japan
G 372 Modern Korea
G 380 Early China
G 382 Imperial China I
G 383 Imperial China II
G 385 Modern China
G 387 Contemporary China
H 102 The World in the Twentieth Century II
H 103 Europe: Renaissance to Napoleon
H 203 Islamic Civilization to 1300
H 205 Ancient Civilization
H 206 Medieval Civilization
H 207 (EALC-E 252) Modern East Asian Civilization
H 208 American—East Asian Relations
H 209 English History: General Course I
H 211-H 212 Latin American Culture and Civilization I-II
H 213 The Black Death
H 223 Between Rome and Constantinople: Eastern Europe and Russia to Mid-Fifteenth Century
H 227 African Civilizations
H 237 Traditional East Asian Civilization
H 251 Introduction to Jewish History: From the Bible to the Crusades
H 252 Introduction to Jewish History: From the Crusades to the Present
H 259 American Jewish History
J 300 Seminar in History, Approved Topic:
  "Traditional Chinese Society through Literature"

India Studies
I 300 Passage to India: Emperors, Gurus, and Gods
I 347 Meditation Traditions of India
I 368 Philosophies of India
I 370 Literature of India in Translation: Ancient and Classical
I 371 Medieval Devotional Literatures of India (in translation)
I 380 Women in South Asian Religious Traditions

Jewish Studies
C 240 Contemporary Israeli Culture
L 380 Modern Hebrew Literature in English
L 385 Recent Hebrew Literature in English
L 395 S. Y. Agnon and the Jewish Experience

(Cross-listed courses)
E 332 Jewish Women: Anthropological Perspectives
E 334 Jews in Moslem Society
E 371 Modern Jewish Culture and Society

Comparative Literature
C 300 Modernity and Tradition in Yiddish Literature and Culture
C 350 Yiddish Culture in America

L 241 American Jewish Writers
L 375 Topics in Jewish Literature

Folklore and Ethnomusicology
F 358 Jewish Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music

Germanic Studies
Y 300 Modernity and Tradition in Yiddish Literature and Culture
Y 350 Yiddish Culture in America

B 321 Modern Jewish History: From Expulsion to Revolution
B 322 Modern Jewish History Since the French Revolution
B 323 History of the Holocaust
B 324 Zionism and the State of Israel
D 304 Jews of Eastern Europe
H 251 Introduction to Jewish History: From the Bible to the Crusades
H 252 Introduction to Jewish History: From the Crusades to the Present
H 259 American Jewish History

P 205 Modern Jewish Philosophy
P 305 Topics in the Philosophy of Judaism

Political Science
Y 352 The Holocaust and Politics

Religious Studies
R 152 Religions of the West
R 210 Religion of Ancient Israel
R 245 Introduction to Judaism
R 310 Prophecy in Ancient Israel
R 317 Judaism in the Making
R 341 Introduction to Jewish Mysticism
R 345 Religious Issues in Contemporary Judaism
R 382 Women in South Asian Religious Traditions

Slavic Languages and Literatures
R 345 Jewish Characters in Russian Literatures

Latin American and Caribbean Studies
L 300 The Latin American Experience
L 301 Contemporary Problems in Latin America
L 400 Contemporary Mexico
L 402 Contemporary Brazil
L 403 Contemporary Central America
L 420 New Latin American Cinema

L 481 Languages in Africa

Medieval Studies
M 200 Medieval Cultures

Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
N 205 Topics in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Approved Topics:
  "Poetry and Society: the Arabic Ode in Comparative Contexts"
  "In Praise of the Prophet Muhammed"
  "The Arabic Novel, from Center to Periphery"
N 220 Muhammad: Life of the Prophet
N 225 Turkish Literature in Translation
N 245 Introduction to the Ancient Near East
N 265 Introduction to Islamic Civilization
N 300 Literature of the Ottoman Court in Translation
N 305 Topics in Near Eastern Studies
N 325 Cultural History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey
N 340 Prophets, Poets, and Kings: Iranian Civilization
N 350 Modern Iran
N 370 Koranic Studies
N 380 Topics in Persian Literature in Translation
N 385 Persian Mystical Literature in Translation
N 397 (ANTH-E 397/CEUS-U 397) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East

P 201 Ancient Greek Philosophy
P 205 Modern Jewish Philosophy
P 301 Medieval Philosophy
P 305 Topics in the Philosophy of Judaism
P 328 Philosophies of India
P 374 (EALC-E 374) Early Chinese Philosophy

Political Science
Y 332 Russian Politics
Y 333 Chinese Politics
Y 334 Japanese Politics
Y 337 Latin American Politics
Y 338 African Politics
Y 339 Middle Eastern Politics
Y 340 East European Politics
Y 352 The Holocaust and Politics
Y 353 Women and Politics in Comparative Perspective
Y 381 History of Political Theory I

Religious Studies
R 152 Religions of the West
R 153 Religions of the East
R 210 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
R 220 Introduction to the New Testament/Hebrew Bible
R 245 Introduction to Judaism
R 250 Introduction to Buddhism
R 257 Introduction to Islam
R 310 Prophecy in Ancient Israel
R 317 Judaism in the Making
R 341 Introduction to Jewish Mysticism
R 345 Religious Issues in Contemporary Judaism
R 348 Hindu Goddesses
R 349 Hindu Devotionalism
R 350 East Asian Buddhism
R 356 Islamic Mysticism
R 357 Religions in Japan
R 358 Hinduism
R 367 Shi’ite Islam
R 368 Philosophies of India
R 369 The Taoist Tradition
R 382 Women in South Asian Religious Traditions
R 452 Topics in East Asian Religions
R 454 Tantric Traditions of India
R 456 Seminar in Islamic Studies
R 469 Topics in Taoism and Chinese Religion

Russian and East European Institute
R 301 Russian and East European Area Topics
R 302 Russia Past and Present
R 303 Eastern Europe Past and Present

Slavic Languages and Literatures
C 223 Introduction to Czech Culture
C 363-C 364 Literature and Culture of the Czechs and Slovaks I-II
C 365 Seminar in Czech and Central European Literatures and Cultures
P 223 Introduction to Polish Culture
P 363-P 364 Survey of Polish Literature and Culture I-II
R 223 Introduction to Russian Culture
R 263 Pushkin to Dostoevsky
R 264 Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn
R 334 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky
R 345 Jewish Characters in Russian Literature
R 349 Myth and Reality: Women in Russian Literature and in Life
R 352 Russian and Soviet Film
R 353 Central European Cinema
S 223 Introduction to Balkan and South Slavic Cultures
S 363-S 364 Literature and Culture of the South Slavs I-II

S 335 Race and Ethnic Relations

Spanish and Portuguese
P 290 Topics in Luso-Brazilian Culture, Approved Topics:
  "Afro-Portuguese Culture: Angola and Mozambique"
  "Jorge Amado: A Portrait of Brazil"
  "A Regional View of Brazil: The Northeast"
P 405 Literature and Film in Portuguese
P 410 Brazilian Cinema
P 412 Brazil: The Cultural Context
P 470 Poetry in Portuguese
P 475 Theater in Portuguese
S 260 Introduction to Hispanic Film
S 275 Hispanic Culture and Conversation
S 284 Women in Hispanic Culture
S 331-S 332 The Hispanic World I-II
S 333 The Hispanic World
S 412 Latin American Culture and Civilization

Theatre and Drama
T 370 History of Western Theatre and Drama I
T 460 Development of Dramatic Art I
T 468 Non-Western Theatre and Drama

West European Studies
W 405 Special Topics in West European Studies, Approved Topic:
  "History of Political Thought I"

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List B

Courses on this list focus on a culture or cultures of modern Western Europe.

E 387 The Ethnography of Europe
E 400 Undergraduate Seminar, Approved Topic:
  "Scandinavia: Image and Reality"

Central Eurasian Studies
U 324 Romanticism and the Rise of Nationalism

Communication and Culture
C 393-C 394 History of European and American Films I-II

Comparative Literature
C 145 Major Characters in Literature
C 146 Major Themes in Literature
C 151 Introduction to Popular Culture
C 251 Lyrics and Popular Song
C 255 Modern Literature and the Other Arts: An Introduction
C 256 Literature and the Other Arts: 1870-1950
C 329 The Eighteenth Century
C 333 Romanticism
C 335 Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism
C 337 The Twentieth Century: Tradition and Change
C 347 Literature and Ideas
C 357 The Arts Today: 1950 to the Present
C 358 Literature and Music: Opera
C 446 Traditions of Christian Literature II

Fine Arts
A 342 Twentieth-Century Art
A 440 Nineteenth-Century Painting
A 441 Nineteenth-Century Painting II
A 442 Twentieth-Century Art, 1900-1924

Folklore and Ethnomusicology
F 312 European Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music

French and Italian
F 310 Topics in French Literature in Translation
F 311 Contemporary France: Film and Culture
F 333 Intensive Writing in French Culture
F 350 The Writer and Public Issues in Twentieth-Century France
F 362 Introduction historique à la civilisation française II
F 363 Introduction à la France moderne
F 375 Themes et Perspectives Literaires, Approved Topic:
  "La Belle Epoque: Letters, Art, Music, and Scandal"
F 451 Colloquium in French Studies—Literature and Arts
F 453 Le Roman au 20e siècle I
F 459 Le Théâtre au 20e siècle
F 461 La France contemporaine: cinéma et culture
F 464 Civilisation française II
M 235 Rome, the City and the Myth
M 305 Civiltà Italiana Moderna
M 306 Italian Short Stories from the Political Unification to the Present
M 308 Masterpieces of Italian Literature II
M 390 Studies in the Italian Film, Approved Topics:
  "The Cinema of Fedrico Fellini"
  "Bertolucci, Pasolini, and Wertmuller"
  "Politics, Ideology, and Social Satire in the Italian Cinema"
  "Rosselini, De Sica, and the Heritage of Neorealism in Film and Literature"
M 463 Contemporary and Popular Italian Culture

G 428 Geography of Europe

Germanic Studies
G 262 Contemporary Austria
G 277 Women in German Culture: 1750-Present
G 362 Deutsche Landeskunde
G 363 Deutsche Kulturgeschichte
G 364 German Cultural History
G 390 German Film Culture
G 418 German Film and Popular Culture
G 464 Kultur und Gesellschaft
N 350 Dutch Culture: The Modern Netherlands
N 450 Introduction to the Civilization of the Netherlands
V 400 Contemporary Germany
V 406 Literature and Society since 1945

B 260 Women, Men, and Society in Modern Europe
B 357 Modern France
B 359-B 360 Europe from Napoleon to the First World War I-II
B 366 Paris and Berlin in the 1920s: A Cultural History
B 368 Modern Italy
B 377 History of Germany since 1648 I
B 378 History of Germany since 1648 II
H 104 Europe: Napoleon to the Present
H 210 English History: General Course II

Political Science
Y 331 British Politics
Y 335 West European Politics
Y 347 German Politics
Y 382 History of Political Theory II

Spanish and Portuguese
P 290 Topics in Luso-Brazilian Culture, Approved Topic:
  "Contemporary Portugal"
S 411 Spanish Culture and Civilization

Theatre and Drama
T 371 History of Western Theatre and Drama II
T 461 Development of Dramatic Art II
T 462 Development of Dramatic Art III

West European Studies
W 301 Modern European Politics and Society
W 405 Special Topics in West European Studies, Approved Topics:
  "British Politics"
  "German Politics"
  "History of Political Theory 2"
  "Modern France"
  "Paris and Berlin in the 1920s: A Cultural History"
  "Modern Italy"
  "History of Germany since 1648"
  "Geography of Europe"
W 406 Special Topics in West European Studies, Approved Topics:
  "History of European and American Films"
  "Contemporary France: Film and Culture"
  "Studies in Italian Film"
  "German Film Culture"
  "German Film and Popular Culture"
  "Dutch Culture: The Modern Netherlands"
  "The Netherlands and WWII: Film and Literature"
  "Introduction to the Civilization of the Netherlands"

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List C

Courses on this list focus on a culture or cultures of African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Chicanos and Latinos in North America.

African American and African Diaspora Studies
A 112 Black Music of Two Worlds
A 150 Survey of the Culture of Black Americans
A 169 Introduction to Afro-American Literature
A 210 The Black Woman in Diaspora
A 249 Afro-American Autobiography
A 255 The Black Church in America
A 265 Sports and the Afro-American Experience
A 277 Images of Blacks in Films: 1903-1950s
A 278 Contemporary Black Film
A 290 Sociocultural Perspective of Afro-American Music
A 350 Black Atlantic
A 352 Afro-American Art II: Afro-American Artists
A 354 Transnational Americas
A 355-A 356 (HIST-A 355-A 356) Afro-American History I-II
A 360 Slavery: Worldwide Perspective
A 379 Early Black American Writing
A 380 Contemporary Black American Writing
A 383 Blacks in American Drama and Theatre, 1767-1945
A 384 Blacks in American Drama and Theatre, 1945-Present
A 385 Seminar in Black Theatre
A 386 Black Feminist Perspectives
A 389 Motown
A 392 Afro-American Folklore
A 393 (MUS-M 393/Z 393) History of Jazz
A 394 (MUS-M 394) Black Music in America
A 395 (MUS-M 395/Z 395) Contemporary Jazz and Soul Music
A 396 (MUS-M 396) Art Music of Black Composers
A 397 (MUS-M 397) Popular Music of Black America
A 407 Afro-American and African Protest Strategies
A 408 Race, Gender, and Class in Cross-Cultural Perspectives
A 430 The Cinema of Africana Women
A 480 The Black Novel
A 485 Lorraine Hansberry: Black Dramatist
A 489 Rap Music
A 496 Black Religious Music

E 240 Southwestern American Indian Ritual and Belief
E 319 American Indian Religions
E 320 Indians of North America
E 323 Indians of Indiana
E 324 Native American Art
E 329 Indians in the United States in the Twentieth Century
L 318 Navajo Language and Culture

Communication and Culture
C 201 Race, Ethnicity and the Media
C 238 Communication in Black America
C 412 Race, Gender and Representation
C 430 Native American Communication and Performance

East Asian Languages and Cultures
E 385 Asian Americans: Cultural Conflict and Identity

L 364 Native American Literature
L 374 Ethnic American Literature
L 384 Studies in American Culture, Approved Topics:
  "The Power of Place: Latino Migration Culture and the Spatial Imagination"
  "Just Enough for the City: African Americans and Urban Literature"
L 396 Studies in African American Literature and Culture

Folklore and Ethnomusicology
F 352 Native American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 354 African American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 356 Chicano Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F 389 Hip-Hop Music and Culture

A 310 Survey of American Indians I
A 311 Survey of American Indians II
A 352 History of Latinos in the United States
A 355-A 356 (AFRO-A 355-A 356) Afro-American History I-II

J 375 Race, Gender and the Media

Latino Studies
L 101 Introduction to Latino Studies
L 102 Introduction to Latino History
L 111 Latino Film: An Introduction and Overview
L 301 Latino Immigrants in United States Society
L 302 Latinos in the Media
L 325 Latinos on the Internet
L 380 Latino Education Across the Americas
L 396 Seminar in Latino Studies, Approved Topics:
  "Latino Immigrants and U.S. Society"
  "Latinos in the Media"
  "Learning to Serve Bloomington Latinos"

M 393 (Z 393) History of Jazz
M 394 Black Music in America
M 395 (Z 395) Contemporary Jazz and Soul Music
M 396 Art Music of Black Composers
M 397 Popular Music of Black America

S 220 Chicano and Puerto Rican Literature
S 413 Hispanic Culture in the United States

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