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School of
Academic Bulletin

School of Journalism
Ernie Pyle Hall 
940 E. 7th St.
Bloomington, IN 47405-7108
Local (812) 855-92476166
ax (812) 855-0901
Contact Journalism Office

School of Journalism
Information and Communications Complex(IT)
535 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 278-5320
Contact Journalism Office

Program Planning and Counseling Guidelines

The Student's Responsibility

The Student's Responsibility

Students are responsible for planning their programs and meeting all graduation requirements. Students should be thoroughly familiar with all sections in this bulletin regarding admission, degree requirements, major requirements, course requirements, academic regulations, and academic standing. Students are also responsible for policy information and meeting all deadlines as published in the Schedule of Classes and for keeping their local and permanent addresses up to date with the Office of the Registrar. Faculty advisors, academic counselors, and the recorder can assist students in planning their programs and explain requirements and policies. Students also have access to the computerized degree-audit system, IUCARE.

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The School of Journalism assigns each journalism major a faculty advisor. Students are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor as necessary to discuss academic and career planning. In addition, professional staff are available every day for advising.

For advising appointments, call (812) 855-9248. You may also contact Lauren Kinzer, director of advising services and analysis, Ernie Pyle Hall 200C, (812) 855-1714; or Jean Person, recorder, Ernie Pyle Hall 200B, (812) 855-1698.

Contact Deborah Perkins, assistant to the dean, Education/Social Work 4103, (317) 274-2776, dperkins@iupui.edu.

Journalism majors are required to meet with their faculty advisor prior to each registration. For this purpose, the school administers an advising process each semester. During this advising period, journalism majors may preregister in journalism courses for the next semester.

Advising for registration in fall courses usually occurs in March and for registration in spring courses in October. In these advising conferences students should, as a minimum objective, make certain that they understand the requirements for successful completion of the area requirements and that they have made an appropriate plan for the coming semester.

Sequencing Journalism Courses
By the end of the sophomore year, journalism majors should have completed J110, J200, J201 and J210 (J200 is the prerequisite to J201). JOUR J300 is a prerequisite to J410, and J410 is to be taken the senior year. JOUR J201 and J210 are prerequisites for all 300-level skills courses.

Within this sequence, sophomore journalism majors admitted to the school have priority for the 200-level core courses. Junior and senior journalism majors admitted to the school may have two journalism courses, core or elective, per semester, provided all prerequisites are met. After these courses have been allocated, journalism majors admitted to the school may have additional journalism courses, provided prerequisites are met, and space is still available.

Access to Journalism Courses
Students formally admitted to the School of Journalism, the Certificate in Journalism, and other programs or majors recognized by and requiring application to the school have first priority for access to authorized journalism courses during preregistration.

Any remaining spaces in authorized journalism courses are made available, after preregistration, to other students who have met prerequisites, if any. Students who intend to apply to the B.A.J., the Certificate in Journalism, or other programs or majors recognized by and requiring application to the school are limited to 12 credit hours of journalism courses prior to admission if space is available.

Students with Learning Disabilities
Students with learning disabilities, hearing impairments, speech impairments, or other disabilities that may affect their ability to fulfill a requirement of the school should contact Disabled Student Services, Franklin Hall 096 at Bloomington, (812) 855-3508, prior to registering. Requirements will normally not be waived for students with disabilities; however, some modifications can be made within specific courses.

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