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School of
Academic Bulletin

School of Journalism
Ernie Pyle Hall 
940 E. 7th St.
Bloomington, IN 47405-7108
Local (812) 855-92476166
ax (812) 855-0901
Contact Journalism Office

School of Journalism
Information and Communications Complex(IT)
535 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 278-5320
Contact Journalism Office

Appendix A

Approved Distribution Courses by Departments
Courses with two or more prerequisite courses that carry distribution credit in the same area are not normally listed for automatic distribution credit because it is assumed that students would have completed the distribution requirement in that area while completing the prerequisite courses that carry distribution credit.

Students should contact an academic advisor under the following circumstances:

  • they have unusual proficiency that prepares them for an upper-level course not listed on this chart and that would ordinarily require two or more prerequisite courses that carry distribution credit in a particular area;
  • they have permission of the instructor to enter the course without the stated prerequisites;
  • they would like to use the upper-level course to fulfill a distribution requirement.

Department Arts & Humanities Social & Historical Studies Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Afro- American Studies A112, A141, A142, A150, A249, A277, A278, A290, A350, A352, A359, A379, A380, A383, A384, A385, A389, A392, A393, A394, A395, A396, A397, A430, A479, A480, A485, A489, A496 A205, A210, A250, A255, A263, A265, A355, A356, A360, A363, A382, A386, A391, A405, A407, A408, A415, A425, A452, A481

American Studies A200, A201, A202

Anthropology E310, E312, E460, E463 A105, A150, A200, A303, B310, E101, E105, E110, E200, E230, E240, E303, E307, E319, E320, E321, E322, E327, E329, E330, E332, E334, E340, E370, E371, E372, E381, E382, E385, E387, E392, E397, E398, E417, E418, E420, E427, E430, E445, E455, E457, L200, L320, P200, P210, P220, P230, P310, P314, P315, P360, P361 B200, B301, B368, B370, P380, P385

Apparel Merchan- dising and Interior Design
H265, H411


A100, A105, A110, A115, A201, A202


B300, B364, B368, E111, E112, L100, L104, L111, L112, L113, L211, L302, L322, L330, L340, L341, L350, L369, L440, M250, M430, S211

Department Arts & Humanities Social & Historical Studies Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Central Eurasian Studies U345, U385, U390, U394, U424, U426, U450, U481, U484 U253, U284, U333, U368, U369, U370, U388, U395, U397, U398, U423, U427, U436, U437, U483, U489, U490, U493, U494, U496, U497


C100, C101, C102, C103, C105, C106, C341, C342, C360, C361, C430, C460, C483, C484, C485, S105, S106, S341, S342

Classical Studies C101, C102, C205, C206, C308, C310, C311, C350, C351, C360, C361, C405, C409, C412, C413, C414, C416, C419, C420, C421, G305, G306, G307, G308, G406, G407, G410, G411, L305, L307, L308, L309

Cognitive Science

Q240, Q250, Q260, Q270, Q301, Q320, Q351

College of Arts and Sciences E103, S103 E104, S104 E105, S105

Collins Living- Learning Center L110, L115, L210, L215, L310, L315 L120, L125, L220, L225, L320, L325 L130, L135, L230, L235, L330, L335

Commun- ication and Culture C190, C205, C228, C238, C304, C306, C312, C313, C321, C323, C324, C326, C335, C339, C392, C393, C394, C398, C414, C418 C122, C201, C202, C203, C204, C223, C225, C229, C290, C292, C301, C305, C311, C314, C315, C336, C380, C411, C412, C413, C415, C420

Comparative Literature C100, C145, C146, C147, C151, C155, C200, C205, C216, C217, C218, C219, C251, C252, C255, C256, C257, C261, C265, C266, C291, C300, C305, C310, C311, C313, C315, C321, C325, C329, C333, C335, C337, C340, C347, C350, C351, C355, C356, C357, C358, C361, C365, C370, C375, C400, C405, C415, C417, C445, C446, C464, C492

Department Arts & Humanities Social & Historical Studies Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Computer Science

A110, A201, A202, B351, C211, C212, C241, H211, H212, H241

Criminal Justice
P100, P200, P202, P301, P302, P303, P305, P306, P340, P360, P375, P380, P381, P412, P413, P414, P415, P417, P419, P420, P422, P423, P435, P457, P462, P471, P482 K300

East Asian Languages & Cultures C431, E100, E160, E201, E202, E231, E232, E233, E270, E271, E300, E301, E303, E321, E322, E331, E332, E333, E351, E374, E471, E472, E473, J431, K431, K432 E101, E180, E186, E203, E204, E251, E252, E256, E302, E305, E350, E351, E352, E354, E384, E385, E386, E390, E392, E393, E394, J441 J421

E201, E202, E303, E304, E305, E308, E309, E321, E322, E327, E359, E364, E496, S201, S202, S321, S322 E370, S370

English A202, E301, E302, E303, E304, L141, L142, L198, L202, L203, L204, L205, L206, L207, L208, L210, L213, L214, L220, L230, L240, L241, L249, L295, L305, L306, L308, L309, L313, L314, L317, L318, L320, L327, L332, L335, L345, L346, L347, L348, L350, L351, L352, L354, L355, L356, L357, L358, L360, L363, L364, L365, L366, L367, L369, L371, L373, L374, L375, L378, L380, L381, L383, L384, L389, L390, L391, L395

Department Arts & Humanities Social & Historical Studies Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Fine Arts A160, A206, A226, A231, A234, A250, A276, A310, A323, A329, A346, A347, A348, A349, A356, A360, A412, A413, A414, A447, A471, A472, A473, A474, F100, F101, F102, H100, H150, N110, N198, S200, S220, S230, S240, S250, S260, S270, S271, S280, S291, S301, S311, S321, S331, S341, S343, S344, S351, S352, S361, S371, S381, S392, S445, T220, T230, T320 A101, A102, A108, A150, A214, A233, A262, A290, A311, A312, A321, A322, A325, A327, A330, A331, A332, A333, A334, A335, A337, A341, A342, A345, A351, A352, A372, A415, A417, A421, A423, A424, A425, A426, A436, A437, A443, A452, A453, A454, A458, A464, A466, A467, A476, A480

Folklore and Ethno- musicology F101, F111, F121, F131, F252, F301, F305, F307, F312, F315, F320, F351, F352, F354, F356, F358, F360, F363, F364, F389, F404, F410, F420, F440, F492, F494 F251, F253, F430, F497

French and Italian F300, F303, F304, F305, F306, F310, F311, F350, F361, F362, F363, F375, F410, F413, F425, F435, F436, F443, F446, F450, F451, F453, F456, F459, M234, M235, M305, M306, M307, M308, M333, M345, M390, M403, M445, M450, M453, M455, M463, S300 F317

Freshman Sem. S103 S104 S105

Gender Studies G101, G225, G290, G310 G102, G215, G230, G235, G303, G325, G335, G399, G402, G425, G435

G110, G120, G210, G302, G312, G314, G315, G316, G317, G320, G323, G324, G326, G340, G341, G409, G412, G414, G415, G419, G425, G427, G428, G441 G107, G109, G185, G208, G237, G250, G304, G305, G336, G337, G338, G350, G405, G407, G431, G433, G434, G438, G439, G470, G471, G472, G473, G475, G477, G488, G489

Department Arts & Humanities Social & Historical Studies Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Geological Sciences

G103, G104, G105, G111, G112, G114, G116, G121, G131, G141, G150, G161, G171, G221, G222, G225, G300, G302, G316, G321, G329, G341, G471, S121, S124

Germanic Studies G255, G305, G306, G363, G364, G390, G403, G404, G415, G416, G418, N450, V406, Y300, Y350 G262, G277, G362, G464, N350, V400 G448, G451, G458

A100, A200, A222, A225, A261, A300, A301, A302, A303, A304, A307, A309, A310, A311, A313, A315, A317, A319, A325, A326, A337, A338, A345, A346, A347, A351, A352, A353, A354, A355, A356, A361, A362, A363, A365, A366, A370, A380, A381, A382, A383, A389, A400, B100, B200, B224, B260, B300, B321, B322, B323, B324, B325, B342, B343, B351, B352, B353, B354, B355, B356, B357, B358, B359, B360, B361, B362, B366, B368, B377, B378, B391, B400, C100, C200, C300, C380, C386, C387, C388, C390, C391, C393, C400, D100, D101, D200, D300, D302, D303, D304, D305, D306, D308, D309, D310, D320, D321, D322, D325, D327, D328, D400, E100, E200, E300, E331, E332, E333, E334, E336, E338, E400, F100, F200, F300, F336, F343, F346, F400, G100, G101, G200, G300, G357, G358, G369, G372, G380, G382, G383, G385, G387, G400, H101, H102, H103, H104, H105, H106, H115, H203, H205, H206, H207, H208, H209, H210, H211, H212, H213, H217, H220, H223, H227, H237, H240, H251, H252, H259, H260, H263, H333, J200, J300, J400, J450, T300, T400, W100, W300, W325, W400

Department Arts & Humanities Social & Historical Studies Natural & Mathematical Sciences

History & Philosophy of Science X100, X207, X308, X338, X390, X391, X394, X451, X452, X456 X102, X110, X205, X210, X222, X369, X370, X371, X406, X407 X200, X253

Honors H211, H226 H212, H228 H230

India Studies I300, I347, I368, I370, I371

Jewish Studies H375, L380, L385, L390, L395 C240


Latin American and Caribbean Studies L420 L300, L301, L400, L402, L403, L406

Latino Studies
L111, L210, L211, L380, L396

L103, L112, L113, L205, L210, L327, L367, L430, L480, L481 A118, D117, K305, M118, M119, M120, M211, M212, M213, M301, M303, M311, M330, M343, M344, M347, M365, M371, M385, M391, M453, S118, S212, S303, S311, T321, T336

Medical Science

A215, P215

Medieval Studies M200

Music M393, M394, M395, M396, M397, T151, T152, T251, T252, T351, T410, T418, Z101, Z102, Z103, Z111, Z201, Z202, Z301, Z320, Z375, Z393, Z395, Z401, Z402, Z413 M401, M402 Z396

Department Arts & Humanities Social & Historical Studies Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Near Eastern Languages & Cultures N225, N300, N330, N365, N370, N380, N385, P365 N220, N245, N265, N325, N340, N350

Philosophy P100, P103, P105, P135, P140, P145, P150, P201, P205, P211, P240, P242, P246, P270, P301, P304, P305, P310, P312, P319, P320, P328, P330, P332, P335, P340, P342, P343, P345, P346, P347, P352, P360, P366, P370, P371, P374, P375, P401, P470
P250, P251


P101, P105, P111, P120, P150, P151, P201, P202, P211, P221, P222, P300, P301, P310, P321, P331, P332, P340, P360, P400, P401, P410, P425, P441, P442, P453, P454

Political Science Y105, Y212, Y379, Y381, Y382, Y383, Y384, Y385, Y388 Y100, Y101, Y102, Y103, Y107, Y109, Y200, Y204, Y205, Y210, Y211, Y301, Y302, Y303, Y304, Y305, Y306, Y307, Y308, Y311, Y313, Y315, Y317, Y318, Y319, Y320, Y324, Y325, Y326, Y331, Y332, Y333, Y334, Y335, Y337, Y338, Y339, Y340, Y342, Y343, Y345, Y346, Y347, Y350, Y352, Y353, Y360, Y361, Y362, Y363, Y366, Y367, Y368, Y372, Y375, Y376, Y391, Y394, Y401 Y395

P102, P152, P315, P316, P319, P320, P323, P324, P460 P101, P106, P151, P201, P204, P211, P325, P327, P328, P329, P330, P335, P336, P350, P405, P417, P438

Department Arts & Humanities Social & Historical Studies Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Religious Studies R102, R152, R153, R160, R170, R180, R201, R202, R210, R220, R222, R245, R250, R257, R264, R270, R271, R280, R300, R310, R311, R317, R320, R322, R325, R327, R330, R331, R333, R335, R336, R338, R340, R341, R342, R345, R348, R349, R350, R352, R354, R356, R357, R358, R360, R362, R364, R365, R367, R368, R369, R371, R372, R373, R374, R375, R376, R380, R410, R420, R425, R430, R432, R434, R445, R450, R452, R454, R456, R458, R462, R465, R469, R473, R474

Russian and East European Institute
R301, R302, R303

Slavic Languages & Literatures C363, C364, P223, P363, P364, P365, R123, R223, R263, R264, R334, R345, R349, R352, R353, R405, R406, R407, R408, S223, S363, S364 R403, R404

H100, S100, S101, S105, S201, S210, S215, S217, S230, S302, S305, S308, S309, S311, S312, S313, S315, S316, S317, S319, S320, S321, S324, S325, S326, S327, S329, S335, S338, S339, S340, S344, S360, S361, S370, S409, S410, S412, S413, S417, S419, S420, S422, S427, S431, S433, S435, S438, S439, S441, S450 S110, S371

Spanish & Portuguese C450, P400, P401, P412, P420, S220, S260, S284, S331, S332, S333, S407, S408, S411, S412, S413, S417, S418, S419, S420, S425, S426, S435, S450, S470, S471, S472, S473, S474, S479, S480

Department Arts & Humanities Social & Historical Studies Natural & Mathematical Sciences

Speech & Hearing Sciences
S110 S111, S115, S201, S290, S302, S307, S319, S433

Telecom- munications T206, T416 T101, T191, T192, T195, T205, T207, T242, T311, T312, T313, T314, T316, T317, T321, T322, T329, T348, T413, T414, T421, T422, T424, T425, T427, T445, T480

Theatre & Drama T100, T115, T210, T370, T371, T460, T461, T462, T468

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