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Appendix B

Approved Culture Studies Courses

List A
List B
List C

List A

Courses on this list focus on a culture or cultures other than the cultures of the United States and modern Western Europe.

African Studies
L231 African Civilization
L232 Africa in the Twentieth Century

E110 Indians of Mexico: Ancient and Modern
E310 Introduction to the Cultures of Africa
E321 Peoples of Mexico
E322 Peoples of Brazil
E327 Native Amazonians and the Environment
E330 Indians of South America
E332 Jewish Women: Anthropological Perspectives
E334 Jews in Moslem Society
E335 Ancient Civilizations of Mesoamerica
E340 Indians of Mexico and Central America
E370 Peasant Society and Culture
E371 Modern Jewish Culture and Society
E397 (CEUS U397) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East
E398 (CEUS U398) Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia
E417 African Women
E475 Law and Culture
P370 Ancient Civilizations of the Andes
P371 Prehistory of Lowland South America

Central Eurasian Studies
U194 Religion and Religions in Central Eurasia
U253 Modern Turkey: Development and Culture
U284 The Civilization of Tibet
U292 Inner Asian Religious Beliefs
U388 Chinese Inner Asia to 1949
U390 Shamanism in Inner Asia
U394 Islam in the Soviet Union and Successor States
U395 Central Asian Politics and Society
U397 (ANTH E397) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East
U398 (ANTH E398) Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia
U423 Hungary between 1890 and 1945
U427 Politics, Society, and Culture in Present Day Hungary
U483 Introduction to the History of Tibet
U489 Tibet and the West
U490 Sino-Tibetan Relations
U497 Inner Asian Peoples and Nationality Policy in the People's Republic of China

Classical Studies
C101 Ancient Greek Culture
C102 Roman Culture
C205 Classical Mythology
C206 (FINA A206) Classical Art and Archaeology
C310 Classical Drama
C350 Greek Literature in Translation
C360 Roman Literature in Translation

Communication and Culture
S419 Classical Oratory

Comparative Literature
C147 Images of the Self: East and West
C200 Approved Topic: "Poetry and Society: the Arabic Ode in Comparative Text"
C257 Asian Literature and the Other Arts
C261 Introduction to African Literature
C265 Introduction to East Asian Poetry
C266 Introduction to East Asian Fiction
C291 Asian Film and Literature
C300 Modernity and Tradition in Yiddish Literature and Culture in Translation
C321 Medieval Literature
C325 The Renaissance
C340 Women and Literature
C350 Yiddish Culture in America
C361 Literature and Cultures of Africa
C365 Japanese-Western Literary Relations
C370 Arabic-Western Literary Relations
C375 Chinese-Western Literary Relations
C400 Approved Topic: "Arthurian Literature and Film"
C415 Medieval Lyric
C417 Medieval Narrative
C445 Traditions of Christian Literature I
C463 African Literary Traditions
C464 French Language Literatures of Africa and the Americas

East Asian Languages and Cultures
E100 East Asia: An Introduction
E101 The World and East Asia
E231 Japan: The Living Tradition
E232 China: The Enduring Heritage
E233 Survey of Korean Civilization
E251 Traditional East Asian Civilization
E252 (HIST H207) Modern East Asian Civilization
E256 Land and Society in East Asia
E271 Twentieth-Century Japanese Culture
E301 Chinese Language and Culture
E302 Geographic Patterns in China
E303 Korean Folk and Elite Cultures
E305 Korean Language and Culture
E321-E322 Japanese Literature I-II
E331-E332 Chinese Literature I-II
E333 Studies in Chinese Cinema
E350 Approved Topic: "Early China" (HIST G380)
E354 Society and Education in Japan
E374 (PHIL P374) Early Chinese Philosophy
E384 East Asian Nationalism and Cultural Identity
E394 Business and Public Policy in Japan
E471 Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature
E472 Modern Japanese Fiction
E473 History of Japanese Theatre and Drama
E474 Modern Korean Women's Writing
E475 Twentieth-Century Korean Literature in Translation

L208 Approved Topic: "Medieval Court Culture"
L241 American Jewish Writers
L383 Approved Topics: "Change and Development in Medieval English Culture"
  "Indian Writing in English"
L385 Topics in Jewish Literature

Fine Arts
A160 Introduction to East Asian Art
A206 (CLAS C206) Classical Art and Archaeology
A226 Survey of Medieval Art
A231 The Age of Giants: Art in the Time of Leonardo and Michelangelo
A233 Renaissance and Baroque Art in Italy, 1250-1700
A234 (Italian M234) Renaissance Florence
A250 Introduction to African Art
A262 Introduction to Japanese Art and Culture
A311 Art of the Classical Age of Greece
A321 Early Medieval Art
A327 Survey of Islamic Art
A337 Age of Rubens and Rembrandt
A346 Roots and Revolution: Early Twentieth-Century Mexican Art
A351 Art of the South Pacific
A356 Art of Central Africa
A360 Topics in East Asian Art
A452 Art of Pre-Columbian America
A453 Art of Sub-Saharan Africa I: Arts of Africa's Western Sudan
A454 Art of Sub-Saharan Africa II: Arts of the West African Coast
A455 Art, Craft, and Technology in Sub-Saharan Africa
A464 Art and Archaeology of Early China
A466 Early Chinese Painting
A467 Later Chinese Painting
A480 Russian Art

F301 African Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F305 Asian Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F307 Middle Eastern Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F315 Latin American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F320 Pacific Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F351 North American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F358 Jewish Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F360 Indiana Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F363 Women's Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F364 Children's Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music

French and Italian
F361 Introduction historique à la civilisation française I
F410 French Literature of the Middle Ages
F450 Colloquium in French Studies-Traditions and Ideas
F463 Civilisation française I
M234 (Fine Arts A234) Renaissance Florence
M307-M308 Masterpieces of Italian Literature I
M333 Dante and His Times
M345 Literature of Italian Renaissance Art

Gender Studies
G215 Cross-Cultural Gender Formations
G225 Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture
G410 Approved Topic: "Black Feminism"

G323 Geography of Latin America
G340 Geography of Southeast Asia
G427 Geography of Former Soviet Lands

Germanic Studies
Y300 Modernity and Tradition in Yiddish Literature and Culture in Translation
Y350 Yiddish Culture in America

B321 Modern Jewish History: from Expulsion to Revolution
B322 Modern Jewish History since the French Revolution
B323 History of the Holocaust
B324 Zionism and the State of Israel
B351 Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages
B352 Western Europe in the High and Later Middle Ages
B353 The Renaissance
B354 The Reformation
B355 Europe: Louis XIV to French Revolution
B356 French Revolution and Napoleon
C388 Roman History
C390 The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
C393 Ottoman History
D101 Icon and Axe: Russia through the Ages
D302 Historical Roots of Contemporary Russian Society
D303 Heroes and Villains in Russian History
D305 Women in Russian History and Soviet Society
D306 Muscovy and Imperial Russia, 1500-1801
D308 Empire of the Tsar
D309 Russia in World War II: Battles and People
D310 Russian Revolutions and the Soviet Regime
D321 Hungarian History and Civilization to 1711
D322 Hungarian History and Civilization: 1711-1918
D325 History of the Balkans: 1804-1923
D327 Habsburg Empire: 1780-1918
D328 Eastern Europe: 1914-Present
E331-E332 History of Africa I-II
E333 Conflict in Southern Africa
E334 History of Western Africa
E336 History of East Africa
E338 History of Muslim West Africa
F336 Modern Central American History
F343 Modern Brazil since 1850
F346 Modern Mexico
G357 Premodern Japan
G358 Early Modern Japan
G369 Modern Japan
G372 Modern Korea
G380 Early China
G382 Imperial China I
G383 Imperial China II
G385 Modern China
G387 Contemporary China
H102 World in Twentieth Century II
H103 Europe: Renaissance to Napoleon
H203 Islamic Civilization to 1300
H205 Ancient Civilization
H206 Medieval Civilization
H207 (EALC E252) Modern East Asian Civilization
H208 American-East Asian Relations
H209 English History: General Course I
H211-H212 Latin American Culture and Civilization I-II
H213 The Black Death
H223 Between Rome and Constantinople: Eastern Europe and Russia to Mid-Fifteenth Century
H227 African Civilization
H237 Traditional East Asian Civilization
H251 Introduction to the History of the Jews and Judaism
H252 Introduction to Jewish History: From the Crusades to the Present
H259 American Jewish History

India Studies
I300 Passage to India: Emperors, Gurus, and Gods
I347 Meditation Traditions of India
I370 Literature of India in Translation: Ancient and Classical

Jewish Studies (cross-listed courses) Anthropology
E332 Jewish Women: Anthropological Perspectives
E334 Jews in Moslem Society
E371 Modern Jewish Culture and Society

F358 Jewish Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music

B321-B322 Modern Jewish History I-II
B323 History of the Holocaust
B324 Zionism and the State of Israel
H251-H252 Jewish History and Civilization I-II
H259 American Jewish History
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
N205 Approved Topics:
  "Turning Point in the Religion of Israel"
  "The Silencing of the Gods: The Religion of the Ancient Near East"
N241-N242 Contemporary Israeli Culture I-II
N322 Language of Jewish Diaspora Communities (in English)
N387 Modern Hebrew Literature in English
N388 Recent Hebrew Literature in English
N395 S. Y. Agnon and the Jewish Experience
N415 Comparative Intertestamental Literature
N416 Comparative Talmudic Literature
N475 Scripture and Interpretation in Israelite Religion and Judaism

P205 Modern Jewish Philosophy
P305 Topics in the Philosophy of Judaism

Religious Studies
R210 Religion of Ancient Israel
R245 Introduction to Judaism
R310 Prophecy in Ancient Israel
R341 Introduction to Jewish Mysticism
R345 Religious Issues in Contemporary Judaism

Latin American Studies
L300 The Latin American Experience
L301 Contemporary Problems in Latin America
L400 Contemporary Mexico
L402 Contemporary Brazil
L403 Contemporary Central America
L420 New Latin American Cinema

L481 Languages in Africa

Medieval Studies
M200 Medieval Cultures

Near Eastern Languages and Cultures N200 Arabian Nights East and West
N205 Approved Topics:
  "Turning Point in the Religion of Israel"
  "The Silencing of the Gods: The Religion of the Ancient Near East"
  "Poetry and Society: the Arabic Ode in Comparative Contexts"
N220 Muhammad: Life of the Prophet
N225 Turkish Literature in Translation
N241-N242 Contemporary Israeli Culture I-II
N245 Introduction to the Ancient Near East
N265 Introduction to Islamic Civilization
N300 Literature of the Ottoman Court in Translation
N325 Cultural History of the Ottoman Empire and ModernTurkey
N330 Islamic Law and Society
N340 Prophets, Poets, and Kings: Iranian Civilization
N350 Khomeni: The Roots of Revolution
N370 Koranic Studies
N380 Topics in Persian Literature in Translation
N385 Persian Mystical Literature in Translation
N387 Modern Hebrew Literature in English
N388 Recent Hebrew Literature in English
N395 S. Y. Agnon and the Jewish Experience

P201 Ancient Greek Philosophy
P205 Modern Jewish Philosophy
P301 Medieval Philosophy
P305 Topics in the Philosophy of Judaism
P328 Philosophies of India
P374 (EALC E374) Early Chinese Philosophy
Political Science
Y332 Russian Politics
Y333 Chinese Politics
Y334 Japanese Politics
Y337 Latin American Politics
Y338 African Politics
Y339 Middle Eastern Politics
Y340 East European Politics
Y347 German Politics
Y352 The Holocaust, Genocide, and Political Responsibility
Y381 History of Political Theory I

Religious Studies
R152 Religions of the West
R153 Religions of the East
R210 Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
R220 Introduction to the New Testament
R245 Introduction to Judaism
R257 Introduction to Islam
R310 Prophecy in Ancient Israel
R317 Judaism in the Making
R341 Introduction to Jewish Mysticism
R345 Religious Issues in Contemporary Judaism
R348 Hindu Godesses
R349 Hindu Devotionalism
R350 East Asian Buddhism
R354 Buddhism
R356 Islamic Mysticism
R357 Religions in Japan
R358 Hinduism
R367 Shi'ite Islam
R368 Philosophies of India
R369 The Taoist Tradition
R452 Topics in East Asian Religions
R454 Tantric Traditions of India
R456 Seminar in Islamic Studies
R469 Topics in Taoism and Chinese Religion

Russian and East European Institute
R301 Russian and East European Areas Topics
R302 Russia, Past and Present
R303 Eastern Europe Past and Present

Slavic Languages and Literatures
C363-C364 Literature and Culture of the Czechs and Slovaks I-II
P223 Introduction to Polish Culture
P363-P364 Survey of Polish Literature and Culture I-II
R223 Introduction to Russian Culture
R263 Pushkin to Dostoevsky
R264 Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn
R334 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky
R345 Jewish Characters in Russian Literature
R349 Myth and Reality: Women in Russian Literature and in Life
R352 Russian and Soviet Film
R353 Central European Cinema
S223 Introduction to Balkan and South Slavic Cultures
S363-S364 Literature and Culture of the South Slavs I-II

Spanish and Portuguese
P290 Approved Topics:
  "Afro-Portuguese Culture: Angola and Mozambique"
  "Jorge Amado: A Portrait of Brazil"
  "A Regional View of Brazil: The Northeast"
P412 Brazilian Civilization
S260 Introduction to Hispanic Film
S275 Hispanic Culture and Conversation
S284 Women in Hispanic Culture
S331-S332 The Hispanic World I-II
S333 The Hispanic World
S412 Latin American Culture and Civilization

Theatre and Drama
T370 History of Western Theatre and Drama I
T460 Development of Dramatic Art I
T468 Non-Western Theatre and Drama

West European Studies
W405 Approved Topic: "History of Political Thought I"

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List B

Courses on this list focus on a culture or cultures of modern Western Europe.

E387 The Ethnography of Europe
E400 Approved Topic: "Scandinavia: Image and Reality"

Communication and Culture
C204 Media, Culture, and Society

Comparative Literature
C145 Major Characters in Literature
C146 Major Themes in Literature
C151 Introduction to Popular Culture
C251 Lyrics and Popular Song
C255 Modern Literature and the Other Arts: An Introduction
C256 Literature and the Other Arts: 1870-1950
C329 The Eighteenth Century
C333 Romanticism C335 Realism, Naturalism, Symbolism
C337 The 20th Century: Tradition and Change
C347 Ideas in Literature
C357 The Arts Today: 1950 to the Present
C358 Literature and Music: Opera
C390 Film and Society
C446 Traditions of Christian Literature II

Fine Arts
A342 Twentieth-Century Art
A440 Nineteenth-Century Painting
A441 Nineteenth-Century Painting II
A442 Twentieth-Century Art, 1900-1924

F312 European Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music

French and Italian
F310 Topics in French Literature in Translation
F311 Contemporary France: Film and Culture
F333 Intensive Writing in French Culture
F350 The Writer and Public Issues in Twentieth-Century France
F362 Introduction historique à la civilisation française II
F363 Introduction à la France moderne
F375 Approved Topic: "La Belle Epoque: Letters, Art, Music, and Scandal"
F451 Colloquium in French Studies-Literature and Arts
F453 Le Roman au 20e siècle I
F459 Le Théâtre au 20e siècle
F461 La France contemporaine: cinéma et culture
F464 Civilisation française II
M235 Rome, the City and the Myth
M305 Civiltà Italiana Moderna
M306 Italian Short Stories from the Political Unification to the Present
M308 Masterpieces of Italian Literature II
M390 Approved Topics:
  "The Cinema of Fedrico Fellini"
  "Bertolucci, Pasolini, and Wertmuller"
  "Politics, Ideology, and Social Satire in the Italian Cinema"
  "Rosselini, De Sica, and the Heritage of Neorealism in Film and Literature"
M463 Feelings of Estrangement in Contemporary Italian Culture

G428 Geography of Western Europe

Germanic Studies
G163 Deutschland: An Introduction to German Culture
G262 Contemporary Austria
G270 German Film Culture
G277 Women in German Culture: 1750-the Present
G362 Deutsche Landeskunde
G363 Deutsche Kulturgeschichte
G364 German Cultural History
G418 German Film and Popular Culture
G464 Kultur und Gesellschaft
N350 Dutch Culture: The Modern Netherlands
N450 Introduction to the Civilization of the Netherlands
V400 Contemporary Germany
V406 Literature and Society since 1945

B260 Women, Men, and Society in Modern Europe
B357 Modern France
B359-B360 Europe from Napoleon to the First World War I-II
B366 Paris and Berlin in the 1920s: A Cultural History
B368 Modern Italy
B377 History of Germany since 1648 I
B378 Germany since 1648 II
H104 Europe: Napoleon to the Present
H210 English History: General Course II

Political Science
Y331 British Politics
Y335 West European Politics
Y382 History of Political Theory II

Spanish and Portuguese
P290 Approved Topic: "Contemporary Portugal"
S411 Spanish Culture and Civilization

Theatre and Drama
T371 History of Western Theatre and Drama II
T461 Development of Dramatic Art II
T462 Development of Dramatic Art III

West European Studies
W301 Modern European Politics and Society
W405 Approved Topics:
  "British Politics"
  "Contemporary Spain"
  "Modern France"
  "Modern Spain since 1640"
  "Scandinavia: Image and Reality"
  "Geography of Western Europe"
  "Modern Italy"
  "Germany Since 1648"
W406 Approved Topics:
  "Cultural Dimensions of Violence"
  "Dynamics of Franco-German Relations"
  "Paris and Berlin in the 1920s: A Cultural History"
  "Bertolucci, Pasolini, and Wertmuller"
  "The Cinema of Federico Fellini"
  "Italian Film Culture from the Silent Era to the Present"
  "Politics, Ideology, and Social Satire in the Italian Cinema"
  "Rosselini, De Sica, and the Heritage of Neorealism in Film and Literature"

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List C

Courses on this list focus on a culture or cultures of African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Chicanos and Latinos in North America.

Afro-American Studies
A112 Black Music of Two Worlds
A150 Survey of the Culture of Black Americans
A210 The Black Woman in Diaspora
A249 Afro-American Autobiography
A255 The Black Church in America
A265 Sports and the Afro-American Experience
A277 Images of Blacks in Films: 1903-1950s
A278 Contemporary Black Film
A290 Sociocultural Perspective of Afro-American Music
A350 Black Atlantic
A352 Afro-American Art II: Afro-American Artists
A355-A356 (HIST A355-A356) Afro-American History I-II
A360 Comparative Slavery
A379 Early Black American Writing
A380 Contemporary Black American Writing
A383 Blacks in American Drama and Theatre, 1767-1945
A384 Blacks in American Drama and Theatre, 1945-Present
A385 Seminar in Black Theatre
A386 Black Feminist Perspectives
A389 Motown
A392 Afro-American Folklore
A393 History of Jazz
A394 Black Music in America
A395 Contemporary Jazz and Soul
A396 Art Music of Black Composers
A397 Popular Music of Black America
A407 Afro-American and African Protest Strategies
A408 Race, Gender, and Class in Cross-cultural Perspectives
A430 The Cinema of African American Women
A480 The Black Novel
A485 Lorraine Hansberry: Black Dramatist
A489 Rap Music
A496 Black Religious Music

E320 Indians of North America
E329 Indians in the United States in the Twentieth Century
L318 Navajo Language and Culture

Communication and Culture
S238 Communication in Black America

L364 Native American Literature
L374 Ethnic American Literature
L384 Approved Topic:
  "The Power of Place: Latino Migration Culture and the Spatial Imagination"

F352 Native American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F354 African American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music
F356 Chicano Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music

A310 Survey of American Indians I
A311 Survey of American Indians II
A352 History of Latinos in the United States
A355-A356 (AFRO A355-A356) Afro-American History I-II

Latino Studies
L396 Approved Topic: "Latino Immigrants and U.S. Society"

M393 History of Jazz
M394 Black Music in America
M395 (Z395) Contemporary Jazz and Soul Music
M396 Art Music of Black Composers
M397 Popular Music of Black America

S220 Chicano and Puerto Rican Literature
S413 Hispanic Culture in the United States

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