AAAD | African American and African Diaspora Studies (COLL) |
AMID | Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design (COLL) |
AMST | American Studies Program (COLL) |
ANAT | Anatomy (Medical Sciences Program) |
AST | Astronomy (COLL) |
BIOL | Biology (COLL) |
BUS | Business (Kelley School of Business) |
CHEM | Chemistry (COLL) |
CLAS | Classical Studies (COLL) |
COLL | College of Arts and Sciences |
COGS | Cognitive Science Programs (COLL) |
CMLT | Comparative Literature (COLL) |
CJUS | Criminal Justice (COLL) |
CSCI | Computer Science (COLL and INFO) |
ECON | Economics (COLL) |
EDUC | Education (School of Education) |
ENG | English (COLL) |
FINA | Fine Arts (COLL) |
GEOG | Geography (COLL) |
GEOL | Geological Sciences (COLL) |
GNDR | Gender Studies (COLL) |
HIST | History (COLL) |
HPER | School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation |
HPSC | History and Philosophy of Science (COLL) |
HON | Honors (COLL) |
INFO | Informatics (School of Informatics) |
JOUR | Journalism (School of Journalism) |
LAMP | Liberal Arts and Management Program (COLL) |
LING | Linguistics (COLL) |
MATH | Mathematics (COLL) |
MUS | Music (COLL) |
NEWM | New Media (School of Informatics) |
NURS | Nursing (School of Nursing) |
PHIL | Philosophy (COLL) |
PHSL | Physiology (Medical Sciences Program) |
PHYS | Physics (COLL) |
POLS | Political Science (COLL) |
PSY | Psychology (COLL) |
REL | Religious Studies (COLL) |
SLIS | School of Library and Information Science |
SOC | Sociology (COLL) |
SPEA | School of Public and Environmental Affairs |
SPHS | Speech and Hearing Sciences (COLL) |
TEL | Telecommunications (COLL) |
THTR | Theatre and Drama (COLL) |
UDIV | University Division |