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School of Informatics and Computing Undergraduate 2008-2010 Online Bulletin Table of Contents



School of Informatics
Undergraduate 2008-2010
Academic Bulletin

IU Informatics and Computing Program
School of Informatics and Computing 
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Appendix II

International Dimension Courses

African Studies
Central Eurasian Studies
Communication and Culture
Comparative Literature
East Asian Languages and Cultures
French and Italian
India Studies
Latin American Studies
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
Political Science
Slavic Languages and Literatures
Spanish and Portuguese
Western European Studies

International Dimension courses may require prerequisites.

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African Studies

AFRI-L 231 African Civilization (3 cr.)
AFRI-L 232 Contemporary Africa (3 cr.)

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ANTH-E 110 Indians of Mexico: Ancient and Modern (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 240 Southwestern American Indian Ritual and Belief (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 310 Introduction to the Cultures of Africa (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 312 African Religions: Myth, Ritual, and Art (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 319 American Indian Religions (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 320 Indians of North America (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 321 Peoples of Mexico
ANTH-E 322 Peoples of Brazil (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 323 Indians of Indiana (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 324 Native American Art (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 327 Native Amazonians and the Environment (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 329 Indians in the United States in the Twentieth Century (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 330 Indians of South America (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 340 Indians of Mexico and Central America (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 370 Peasant Society and Culture (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 397 (CEUS-U 397/NELC-N 397) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 398 (CEUS-U 398) Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 417 African Women (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 418 Globalization and Consumer Culture (3 cr.)
ANTH-E 475 Law and Culture (3 cr.)
ANTH-L 318 Navajo Language and Culture

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BUS-D 301 The International Business Environment (3 cr.)
BUS-D 302 International Business: Operations of International Enterprises
(3 cr.)
BUS-L 411 International Business Law (3 cr.)
BUS-F 494 International Finance (3 cr.)
BUS-G 494 Public Policy and the International Economy (3 cr.)
BUS-M 401 International Marketing (3 cr.)

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Central Eurasian Studies

CEUS-U 253 Modern Turkey: Development and Culture (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 254 Introduction to the Ancient Near East and Central Asia (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 284 The Civilization of Tibet (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 311 Prophets, Poets, and Kings: Iranian Civilization (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 350 Turkish Literature in Translation (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 372 Persian Literature in Translation (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 373 Persian Mystical Literature in Translation (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 390 Shamanism in Inner Asia (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 392 Shrine and Pilgrimage in Central Asian Islam (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 393 The Yasavi Sufis and Central Asian Islam (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 394 Islam in the Soviet Union and Successor States (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 395 Central Asian Politics and Society (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 397 (ANTH-E 397/NELC-N 397) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 398 (ANTH-E 398) Peoples and Cultures of Central Asia (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 427 Hungary from 1945 to Present (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 450 Turkish Oral Literature (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 459 Seminar in Turkish Studies (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 483 Introduction to the History of Tibet (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 489 Tibet and the West (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 490 Sino-Tibetan Relations (3 cr.)
CEUS-U 497 Inner Asian Peoples and Nationality Policy in the People's Republic of China (3 cr.)

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Communication and Culture

CMCL-C 202 Media in the Global Context (3 cr.)
CMCL-C 422 Performance, Culture, and Power in the Middle East and North Africa (3 cr.)
CMCL-C 430 Native American Communication and Performance (3 cr.)

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Comparative Literature

CMLT-C 147 Images of the Self: East and West (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 257 Asian Literature and the Other Arts (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 261 Introduction to African Literature (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 262 Cross-cultural Encounters (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 265 Introduction to East Asian Poetry (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 266 Introduction to East Asian Fiction (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 291 Studies in Non-Western Film (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 340 Women in World Literature (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 360 Diasporic Literatures (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 361 African Literature and Other Arts (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 365 Japanese-Western Literary Relations (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 370 Arabic-Western Literary Relations (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 375 Chinese-Western Literary Relations (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 377 Topics in Yiddish Literature (3 cr.)
CMLT-C 378 Topics in Yiddish Culture (3 cr.)

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East Asian Languages and Cultures

EALC-E 100 East Asia: An Introduction (3 cr.)
EALC-E 101 The World and East Asia (3 cr.)
EALC-E 110 Popular Culture in East Asia (3 cr.)
EALC-E 180 Cross-Cultural Experiences of War: East Asia and the United States (3 cr.)
EALC-E 201 Issues in East Asian Literature (3 cr.)
EALC-E 202 Issues in East Asian Traditions and Ideas (3 cr.)
EALC-E 203 Issues in East Asian Cultural History (3 cr.)
EALC-E 204 Issues in East Asian Society (3 cr.)
EALC-E 231 Japan: The Living Tradition (3 cr.)
EALC-E 232 China Past and Present: Culture in Continuing Evolution (3 cr.)
EALC-E 233 Survey of Korean Civilization (3 cr.)
EALC-E 252 (HIST-H 207) Modern East Asian Civilization (3 cr.)
EALC-E 256 Land and Society in East Asia (3 cr.)
EALC-E 270 Japanese Language and Society (3 cr.)
EALC-E 271 Twentieth-Century Japanese Culture (3 cr.)
EALC-E 300 Studies in East Asian Literature (3 cr.)
EALC-E 301 Chinese Language and Culture (3 cr.)
EALC-E 302 Geographic Patterns in China (3 cr.)
EALC-E 303 Korean Folk and Elite Cultures (3 cr.)
EALC-E 305 Korean Language and Culture (3 cr.)
EALC-E 321-E 322 Japanese Literature I-II (3-3 cr.)
EALC-E 331-E 332 Chinese Literature I-II (3-3 cr.)
EALC-E 333 Studies in Chinese Cinema (3 cr.)
EALC-E 350 (HIST-G 380) Studies in East Asian Society (3 cr.)
EALC-E 351 Studies in East Asian Thought (3 cr.)
EALC-E 352 Studies in East Asian History (3 cr.)
EALC-E 354 Society and Education in Japan (3 cr.)
EALC-E 384 East Asian Nationalism and Cultural Identity (3 cr.)
EALC-E 386 United States-East Asian Relations (3 cr.)
EALC-E 390 Contemporary Chinese Politics (3 cr.)
EALC-E 392 Chinese Foreign Policy (3 cr.)
EALC-E 393 China's Political Economy (3 cr.)
EALC-E 394 Business and Public Policy in Japan (3 cr.)
EALC-E 395 Japan in World Trade and Politics (3 cr.)
EALC-E 471 Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature (3 cr.)
EALC-E 472 Modern Japanese Fiction (3 cr.)
EALC-E 473 History of Japanese Theatre and Drama (3 cr.)
EALC-E 497 Overseas Study Tour (3 cr.)
EALC-J 491 Humanities Topics in Japanese (3 cr.)
EALC-J 492 Historical and Cultural Topics in Japanese (3 cr.)

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ECON-E 303 Survey of International Economics (3 cr.)
ECON-E 331 International Trade (3 cr.)
ECON-E 332 International Monetary Economics (3 cr.)
ECON-E 337 Economic Development (3 cr.)
ECON-E 386 Soviet-Type Economies in Transition (3 cr.)

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French and Italian

FRIT-M 222 Topics in Italian Culture (3 cr.)

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HIST-A 310 Survey of American Indians I (3 cr.)
HIST-A 311 Survey of American Indians II (3 cr.)
HIST-B 324 Zionism and the State of Israel (3 cr.)
HIST-D 302 The Gorbachev Revolution and the Collapse of the Soviet Empire (3 cr.)
HIST-D 309 Russia in World War II: Battles and People (3 cr.)
HIST-D 310 Russian Revolutions and the Soviet Regime (3 cr.)
HIST-D 320 Modern Ukraine (3 cr.)
HIST-D 329 Eastern Europe in the First Half of the Twentieth Century (3 cr.)
HIST-D 330 Eastern Europe in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century (3 cr.)
HIST-E 332 African History from Colonial Rule to Independence (3 cr.)
HIST-E 333 Conflict in Southern Africa (3 cr.)
HIST-E 334 History of Western Africa (3 cr.)
HIST-E 336 History of East Africa (3 cr.)
HIST-E 338 History of Muslim West Africa (3 cr.)
HIST-F 336 Modern Central American History (3 cr.)
HIST-F 343 Modern Brazil Since 1850 (3 cr.)
HIST-F 346 Modern Mexico (3 cr.)
HIST-G 101 East Asia in World History (3 cr.)
HIST-G 369 Modern Japan (3 cr.) HIST-G 372 Modern Korea (3 cr.)
HIST-G 385 Modern China (3 cr.)
HIST-G 387 Contemporary China (3 cr.)
HIST-H 102 The World in the Twentieth Century II (3 cr.)

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India Studies

INST-I 300 Passage to India: Emperors, Gurus, and Gods (3 cr.)
INST-I 368 Philosophies of India (3 cr.)

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INFO-I 399 Topic: Globalization (3 cr.)
INFO-I 400 Topic: Globalization (3 cr.)

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Latin American Studies

LTAM-L 300 The Latin American Experience (3 cr.)
LTAM-L 301 Contemporary Problems in Latin America (3 cr.)
LTAM-L 400 Contemporary Mexico (3 cr.)
LTAM-L 402 Contemporary Brazil (3 cr.)
LTAM-L 403 Contemporary Central America (3 cr.)
LTAM-L 420 New Latin American Cinema (3 cr.)

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LING-L 481 Languages in Africa (3 cr.)

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Near Eastern Languages and Cultures

NELC-N 205 Topics in Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (Topics: Poetry and Society; The Arabic Ode in Comparative Contexts; In Praise of the Prophet Muhammad; The Arabic Novel, from Center to Periphery)
NELC-N 305 Topics in Near Eastern Studies (3 cr.)
NELC-N 350 Modern Iran (3 cr.)
NELC-N 380 Topics in Persian Literature in Translation (3 cr.)
NELC-N 385 Persian Mystical Literature in Translation (3 cr.)
NELC-N 397 (ANTH-E 397/CEUS-U 397) Peoples and Cultures of the Middle East (3 cr.)

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Political Science

POLS-Y 331 British Politics (3 cr.)
POLS-Y 332 Russian Politics (3 cr.)
POLS-Y 333 Chinese Politics (3 cr.)
POLS-Y 334 Japanese Politics (3 cr.)
POLS-Y 335 West European Politics (3 cr.)
POLS-Y 337 Latin American Politics (3 cr.)
POLS-Y 338 African Politics (3 cr.)
POLS-Y 339 Middle Eastern Politics (3 cr.)
POLS-Y 340 East European Politics (3 cr.)
POLS-Y 347 German Politics (3 cr.)

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Slavic Languages and Literatures

SLAV-C 223 Introduction to Czech Culture (3 cr.)
SLAV-C 363 History of Czech Literature and Culture (3 cr.)
SLAV-C 364 Modern Czech Literature and Culture (3 cr.)
SLAV-C 365 Seminar in Czech and Central European Literatures and Cultures (3 cr.)
SLAV-P 223 Introduction to Polish Culture (3 cr.)
SLAV-P 363-364 Survey of Polish Literature and Culture I-II (3-3 cr.)
SLAV-R 223 Introduction to Russian Culture (3 cr.)
SLAV-R 264 Tolstoy to Solzhenitsyn (3 cr.)
SLAV-R 334 Tolstoy and Dostoevsky (3 cr.)
SLAV-R 345 Jewish Characters in Russian Literature (3 cr.)
SLAV-R 349 Myth and Reality: Women in Russian Literature and in Life (3 cr.)
SLAV-R 352 Russian and Soviet Film (3 cr.)
SLAV-R 353 Central European Cinema (3 cr.)
SLAV-S 223 Introduction to Balkan and South Slavic Cultures (3 cr.)
SLAV-S 363-364 Literature and Culture of the South Slavs I-II (3-3 cr.)

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Spanish and Portuguese

HISP-P 290 Topics in Luso-Brazilian Culture (Topics: Afro-Portuguese Culture: Angola and Mozambique; Jorge Amado: A Portrait of Brazil; A Regional View of Brazil: The Northeast)
HISP-P 405 Literature and Film in Portuguese (3 cr.)
HISP-P 410 Brazilian Cinema (3 cr.)
HISP-P 412 Brazil: the Cultural Context (3 cr.)
HISP-P 470 Poetry in Portuguese (3 cr.)
HISP-P 475 Theater in Portuguese (3 cr.)
HISP-S 260 Introduction to Hispanic Film (3 cr.)
HISP-S 275 Introduction to Hispanic Culture (3 cr.)
HISP-S 284 Women in Hispanic Culture (3 cr.)
HISP-S 331-332 The Hispanic World I-II (3-3 cr.)
HISP-S 333 The Hispanic World (3 cr.)
HISP-S 412 Spanish America: The Cultural Context (3 cr.)

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Western European Studies

WEUR-W 405 Special Topics in West European Studies (Topic: History of Political Thought I) (3 cr.)

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