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School of Informatics
Undergraduate 2000-2002
Academic Bulletin

IU Informatics Program
School of Informatics 
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Undergraduate Courses

Key to Course Codes
Undergraduate Courses in the School of Informatics, IUB and IUPUI
Undergraduate Courses in the New Media Program, IUPUI

Key to Course Codes

Afro-American Studies (COAS)
Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design (COAS)
American Studies Program (COAS)
Anatomy (Medical Sciences Program)
Astronomy (COAS)
Biology (COAS)
Business (Kelley School of Business)
Chemistry (COAS)
Classical Studies (COAS)
College of Arts and Sciences
Cognitive Science Programs (COAS)
Comparative Literature (COAS)
Criminal Justice (COAS)
Computer Science (COAS)
Economics (COAS)
Education (School of Education)
English (COAS)
Fine Arts (COAS)
Geography (COAS)
Geological Sciences (COAS)
Gender Studies (COAS)
History (COAS)
School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
History and Philosophy of Science (COAS)
Honors (COAS)
Informatics (School of Informatics)
Journalism (School of Journalism)
Liberal Arts and Management Program (COAS)
Linguistics (COAS)
Mathematics (COAS)
Music (COAS)
New Media (School of Informatics)
Nursing (School of Nursing)
Philosophy (COAS)
Physiology (Medical Sciences Program)
Physics (COAS)
Political Science (COAS)
Psychology (COAS)
Religious Studies (COAS)
School of Library and Information Science
Sociology (COAS)
School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Speech and Hearing Sciences (COAS)
Telecommunications (COAS)
Theatre and Drama (COAS)
University Division (COAS)

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Undergraduate Courses in the School of Informatics, IUB and IUPUI

The abbreviation "P" refers to the course prerequisite or prerequisites. The number of hours of credit given a course is indicated in parentheses following the course title.

I101 Introduction to Informatics (3 cr.) P: Computer literacy. Emphasis on topics in human computer interaction and human factors, collaborative technologies, group problem solving, ethics, privacy, and ownership of information and information sources, information representation and the information life cycle, the transformation of data to information, and futuristic thinking.
I110 Basic Tools of Informatics I-Programming Concepts (1.5 cr.) P: CSCI A110, CSCI A111, or equivalent computing experience. Introduction to programming for users of computer systems. Emphasis on problem-solving techniques. An eight-week lecture and laboratory course. Cross listed with CSCI A112. Credit given for only one of the following: INFO I110, CSCI A112, or INFO I112.
I111 Basic Tools of Informatics II-Introduction to Databases (1.5 cr.) P: CSCI A110, CSCI A111, or equivalent computing experience. Introduction to database design concepts. Entering and modifying data, accessing data using visual tools and SQL, building database applications using forms and application development tools. Emphasis on problem-solving techniques. An eight-week lecture and laboratory course. Cross listed with CSCI A114. Credit given for only one of the following: INFO I111, CSCI A114, or INFO I112.
I112 Basic Tools of Informatics-Programming and Database Concepts (3 cr.) Introduction to programming and database design concepts. Emphasis on problem-solving and information-gathering techniques. The lecture will discuss general concepts and syntax. The lab will focus on the use of software, including a programming language, modifying and accessing data using visual tools, and building database applications using forms and development tools. Lecture and laboratory. Offered on the IUPUI campus only. Equivalent to the combination of INFO I110 and INFO I111. Credit given for INFO I112 and either INFO I110 or INFO I111.
I200 Information Representation (3 cr.) P: Knowledge of a programming language as can be obtained from INFO I110, INFO I210, or similar courses. Recommended prerequisite or concurrent: INFO I201. The basic structure of information representation in social and scientific applications. Representational structures and approaches from many disciplines are introduced: philosophical theories of classification and categorization; information access and representation on the World Wide Web; object-oriented design and relational databases; AI knowledge representation and discovery. Cross listed with COGS Q200. Credit given for either INFO I200 or COGS Q200.
I201 Mathematical Foundations of Informatics (4 cr.) Recommended prerequisite or concurrent: INFO I101. An introduction to the suite of mathematical and logical tools used in information sciences, including finite mathematics, automata and computability theory, elementary probability and statistics, and basics of classical information theory. Cross listed with COGS Q250. Credit given for either INFO I201 or COGS Q250.
I202 Social Informatics (3 cr.) P: INFO I101. Introduces the social and behavioral foundations of informatics. Theoretical approaches to how technology is used from psychological and sociotechnical perspectives. Examples of how current and emerging technologies such as games, e-mail, and electronic commerce are affecting daily lives, social relations, work, and leisure time.
I210 Information Infrastructure I (4 cr.) Recommended prerequisite or concurrent: INFO I101. The software architecture of information systems. Basic concepts of systems and applications programming. Cross listed with CSCI A201. Credit given for only one of the following: INFO I210, CSCI N331 (IUPUI) or CSCI A201 (IUB).
I211 Information Infrastructure II (4 cr.) P: INFO I210. The systems architecture of distributed applications. Advanced programming, including an introduction to the programming of graphical systems. Cross listed with CSCI A202. Credit given for only one of the following: INFO I211, CSCI N345 (IUPUI), CSCI A202 (IUB), or CSCI C212 (IUB).
I300 Human Computer Interaction (3 cr.) P: INFO I211. The analysis of human factors and the design of computer application interfaces. A survey of current best practice with an eye toward what future technologies will allow.
I303 Organizational Informatics (3 cr.) P: INFO I101. Examines the various needs, uses, and consequences of information in organizational contexts. Topics include organizational types and characteristics, functional areas and business processes, information-based products and services, the use of and redefining role of information technology, the changing character of work life and organizational practices, sociotechnical structures, and the rise and transformation of information-based industries. Credit given for either INFO I303 or SPEA V369.
I310 Multimedia Arts and Technology (3 cr.) P: INFO I200. The study of the evolution of media arts and underlying principles of communication. Application development paradigms in current practice.
I320 Distributed Systems and Collaborative Computing (3 cr.) P: INFO I211. An introductory treatment of distributed systems and programming. Topics range from the distributed and object models of computation to advanced concepts, such as remote method invocations, object brokers, object services, open systems, and future trends for distributed information systems.
I400 Topics in Informatics (1-3 cr.) P: At least junior standing or permission of instructor. Variable topic. Emphasis is on new developments and research in informatics. Can be repeated twice for credit when topics vary, subject to approval of the dean.
I420 Internship in Informatics Professional Practice (3-6 cr.) P: Approval of dean and completion of 100 and 200 level requirements in informatics. Students gain professional work experience in an industry or research organization setting, using skills and knowledge acquired in informatics course work.
I450/451 Design and Development of an Information System (3-3 cr.) P: Senior standing and approval of the dean. System design and development present both technical and managerial problems with which students will be familiar from their undergraduate course work. This course puts these lessons into practice as students work in teams to develop an information system. Examples of course projects include design and development of a database for a business or academic application, preparation and presentation of an interactive media performance or exhibit, or design and implementation of a simulated environment (virtual reality).
I460/461 Senior Thesis (3-3 cr.) P: Senior standing and approval of the dean. The senior student prepares and presents a thesis: a substantial, typically multichapter paper based on a well-planned research or scholarly project, as determined by the student and a sponsoring faculty member.
I499 Readings and Research in Informatics (1-3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor and completion of 100 and 200 level requirements in informatics. Independent readings and research related to a topic of special interest to the student. Written report required.

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Undergraduate Courses in the New Media Program, IUPUI

The abbreviation "P" refers to the course prerequisite or prerequisites. The number of hours of credit given a course is indicated in parentheses following the course title.

N100 Introduction to Digital Media Principles (3 cr.) The development of interactive multimedia requires principles garnered from a variety of disciplines. Through readings, critiques, exercises and discussion, students will explore what makes an interactive multimedia application successful and what types of applications are best suited to interactive multimedia. This course provides an introduction to the design of interactive multimedia drawing upon user interface design, task analysis, analysis of audience characteristics, and usability testing, as well as design and editing principles from animation and video production.
N101 Topics in Interactive Multimedia (3 cr.) P: N100. Interactive multimedia is a rapidly evolving field that is significantly influenced by changes in theory, storage media, computing hardware, authoring/presentation software and communication capabilities in disciplines such as music, art, and journalism. Students will be exposed to recent trends through the development of interactive media projects for use on multiple platforms, the Internet, and CD-ROM.
N110 Visualizing Information (3 cr.) A course to sketch visualization: perspective, projection, and actually "seeing" the world around us. The projects will be using traditional media in the beginning, and then computer - shading, shadows, and lighting.
N175 Digital Media I: Vector Imaging (3 cr.) P: N101. Vector graphics are produced using traditional visualization (sketches) and computer methods. Color theory, geometric construction, and rendering techniques are utilized in vector-based graphic creation for use in new media applications. (Illustrator)
N180 Digital Media II: Raster Imaging (3 cr.) P: N101. Raster graphics are produced using traditional visualization (sketches) and computer methods. Topics will include image composition, realistic representation, digital imaging for new media, color mode and pallet usage, material and value representation. (PhotoShop)
N200 Desktop Tools for Digital Media (3 cr.) P: N101. An introduction to the principles of multimedia creation and digital effects. The class will focus on a number of different software programs including Adobe Premiere, Director Authorware, Adobe PhotoShop, SoftImage 3D, Houdini, Kodak Cineon, 3D Studio Max. Authoring, video, and sound editing computer applications, as well as cyberspace protocols and language are engaged.
N204 Introduction to Interactive Media (3 cr.) P: N101. The creation of interactive multimedia products for multiplatform delivery. Topics include: the multimedia production process, audience analysis, hardware and software requirements, authoring tools, scripting, content development, interface design, distribution and development strategies. Concentration will be on practical applications for interactive multimedia. (Director)
N210 Introduction to Digital Sound (3 cr.) P: N101. An introduction to digital sound creation and editing. Topics will focus on analog sound techniques and equipment, analog to digital conversion, basic editing, formats and conversions, digital to analog conversion, and basic sound effect techniques for new media. (Soundforge and Cool Edit 16)
N215 Online Document Development (3 cr.) P: N101. An introductory course for the creation, publication, and management of documents and images for online distribution. Topics include an introduction to Web site development, portable document formats, online publishing, document conversion, file exchanges, and image preparation. (Dreamweaver)
N230 Introduction to Game Design and Development (3 cr.) P: N101, N175, N180. An introduction course to "video" game design and development for entertainment. Topics include game theory, design and development of computer-based games, current game delivery systems and software, the commercial development cycle, case studies of current games, ethical issues including the current game- rating system, emerging technical developments in game development, and current game trends. Students will develop new levels of existing games.
N235 Introduction to Computer Simulation/Animation (3 cr.) P: N101. An introductory course covering applied three-dimensional computer graphic animation for students interested in the use of design, time, and motion study; surface texture mapping; lighting; color; and the technology required to produce computer animations for commercial applications in manufacturing design, marketing, training, gaming, Web creation, and entertainment. (3D Studio Max)
N240 Introduction to Digital Video (3 cr.) P: N101. An introductory course covering applied video techniques for digital media production and introducing the basics of equipment associated with analog and digital video production. Designed for students interested in the use of design, time, and motion study; lighting; color; and the technology required to produce video for commercial applications in manufacturing design, marketing, training, gaming, Web creation, and entertainment. (Adobe Premiere)
N250 Team Building in Technology (3 cr.) P: N101. This methods course helps students improve their effectiveness in solving problems and expand their critical thinking when working in groups. This course is practical in orientation, including the interpersonal process, decision-making styles, problem- solving concepts and procedures, the creative effort, conflict resolution, leadership, and assessment. Students develop projects with objectives, requirements, and constraints; client requests and implementation of the design solution. They execute the design plan and evaluate the final project.
N300 Digital Media Production (3 cr.) P: N101. This is an advanced course demanding innovational design and technical skills to meet systematic studio work on complex computational undertakings resulting in multimedia and cyber-communication projects that are conceived, observed, and analyzed. Students learn digital skills and tools through lectures and hands-on experimentation, including creative process and evaluation. Combines the production of journalism, music composition, and animation/simulation, with computer transmission of imaging, sound, and video.
N302 Media Simulation Methods (3 cr.) P: N101. A study of the fundamentals and methods of building and using computer-based simulation models, including the utility of simulation as a decision support tool; representing queuing systems in a computer model; simulated sampling from distributions of input variables; point and interval estimates of expected values of output variables; and the design of simulation sampling experiments.
N304 Interactive Media Applications (3 cr.) P: N204. Digital design methodology and techniques, control and timing, machine organization, instruction sequencing, and data flow control; control unit implementation by means of hardware and micro-programming; synchronization of input/output operations with interface design. (Director 2).
I310 Multimedia Arts: History, Criticism, and Technology (3 cr.) This course studies how the paradigm shift to a digital world will affect humanity. The course will consider the evolution of media arts and its underlying principles of communications. Students will study application development paradigms in current practice. Readings, lectures, class discussions, and research papers.
N311 The Digital Paradigm Shift: Effects in International Cultures and Society (3 cr.) This course teaches how the paradigm shift to a digital world will affect international cultures and societies. A study of the major paradigm shifts in reference to culture and society as well as the effect for the future for humanity as a culture. Readings, lectures, class discussions, and papers with supported citations.
N315 Online Document Development II (3 cr.) P: N215. Advanced creation, publication, and management of interactive publications for online distribution with the inclusion of emerging technologies for a media-rich experience. Topics include interactive Web site development, animations for the Web, online interactive design, document conversion, file exchanges, and digital media development for online usage. (Dreamweaver, Flash, DeBabilizer, Fireworks).
N330 Game Design, Development, and Production (3 cr.) P: N230. Advanced game development by producing interactive computer-based games. The process learned in N230 will be put into practice by developing a story, characters, programming, and an interactive game based on current trends in game development. Use of actual game development systems for current console gaming systems.
N335 Computer-Based Character Simulation/Animation II (3 cr.) P: N235. This course takes the basics of computer animation to the next level by including character animation. Topics include character development, modeling for character animation, 3D painting for custom texture, character animation techniques, and more advanced topics in relation to animation, such as particle systems. (3D Studio Max, Bryce, 3D Painter).
N340 Digital Video Production (3 cr.) P: N240. An advanced course covering applied video techniques for digital media production. More features for creating, editing, and producing digital video will be explored through collaborative production. Designed for students interested in the use of more advanced techniques utilizing video. (After Effects).
N400 Imaging and Digital Media Seminar (3 cr.) Variable titled course designed to bring guest speakers from industry as well as other disciplines on campus to expose students to the wide realm of new media and how it can be utilized in each discipline. Class discussions, assigned readings, and research papers.
N410 History and Theory of Digital Media (3 cr.) Examines the history of computer-based media, technologies, and the digital information age. Topics include studying historical components and developments, current digital media, and research speculation towards the future of digital media and technologies.
N420 Multimedia Project Development (3 cr.) This course will focus on total project design and development of interactive multimedia applications. Topics to be covered include system design and development, selection of appropriate hardware and software platforms, use of productivity tools, project management, dynamics of team-based project development, cost analysis, prototyping, pilot testing, and other evaluation techniques. Students will work in teams to develop large-scale projects.
N435 Computer Simulation/Animation III Production (3 cr.) P: N335. An advanced class in working with computer animation. This class will focus more on greater story development and on a commercially finished product. Topics will include outputting techniques for broadcast usage, incorporation of digital sound and music, good story and character development, and development process with focus on end product.
N440 DV and CGI Special Effects (3 cr.) P: N340 and CSCI N345. An advanced course covering computer generated imagery and special effects techniques for video production as utilized in the industry. Techniques for creating special effects, video shooting for effects, and the use of effects to aid in the telling of a story. Topics include the integration of text, graphics, sound, video, and animation into video development software. Editing and producing special effects will be explored through projects. (After Effects, Elastic Reality, Boris FX).
N475 Research in Design Methods (3 cr.) This course is designed to give students an understanding of the advanced concepts of theoretical topics, simulation modeling, and analysis concepts. Investigate applications of simulation in systems characterized by probabilistic behavior and where artists compete for scarce resources.
N485 Seminar in New Media (3 cr.) Current trends, problems, best practices, and developments in new media. Students pursue a special interest and share information and experience with the group. This course is an in-depth exploration of topics and issues at the forefront of new media. Seminar-format with research papers and class discussion/presentations.
N490 Independent Study (1-6 cr.) Research and practical experience in various areas of new media as selected by the student prior to registration, outlined in consultation with the instructor and approved by the program advisor. Total credit of Internship/Independent Study cannot exceed 9 credit hours.
N495 Enrichment Internship (3 cr.) P: Junior standing and approval of program advisor. Industry, corporate, or similar experience in new media-oriented employment. Projects jointly arranged, coordinated, and evaluated by faculty and industrial supervisors. Apply during the semester prior to desired internship.
N499 Capstone Experience (3 cr.) The capstone experience culminates the student's major and integrates the student's learning across the field. Students select a particular area of interest in New Media and may elect an internship or project in media arts and technology in collaboration with their academic advisor. Requirements vary depending upon choice of internship or project. (To be taken during the students' senior year)

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