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School of Informatics
Undergraduate 2000-2002
Academic Bulletin

IU Informatics Program
School of Informatics 
Indiana University 
901 E. 10th St. 
Bloomington, IN 47408-3912 
Local (812) 856-5754 
Fax (812) 856-4764 
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IU Informatics Program
Informatics and Communications Complex (IT)
535 W. Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
317) 278-7673
Contact Informatics Office

Cognate Areas

Cognate Areas, IUB
Cognate Areas, IUPUI

Cognate Areas, IUB

Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design

AMID H168 Introduction to Interior Design (3 cr.)
AMID H271 Interior Design I-Three Dimensional Interior Design (3 cr.)
AMID H272 Interior Design II-Space Design (3 cr.)
AMID H264 Basic AutoCAD for Interior Design (3 cr.)
AMID H394 Advanced Computer Aided Design for Interior Design (3 cr.)


CHEM C105 Principles of Chemistry I (3 cr.)
CHEM C106 Principles of Chemistry II (3 cr.)
CHEM C341 Organic Chemistry Lecture I (3 cr.)
CHEM C371 Chemical Informatics I (1 cr.)
CHEM C372 Chemical Informatics II (2 cr.)
CHEM C471 Chemical Information Sources and Services (1 cr.)
CHEM C472 Computer Sources for Chemical Informatics (1 cr.)
CHEM C483 Biological Chemistry (3 cr.)

Cognitive Science

COGS Q240 Philosophical Foundations of the Cognitive and Information Sciences (4 cr.)
COGS Q270 Experiments and Models in Cognition (4 cr.)
COGS Q301 Brain and Cognition (3 cr.)
COGS Q320 Computation in the Cognitive and Information Services (4 cr.)

Computer Science

Option I: Information Technology

CSCI C211 Introduction to Computer Science (4 cr.)
CSCI B351 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Computer Simulation (3 cr.)
CSCI A247 Network Technologies and Administration (4 cr.)
CSCI A348 Mastering the World Wide Web (4 cr.)

Option II: Computer Science

CSCI C211 Introduction to Computer Science (4 cr.)
CSCI C335 Computer Structures (4 cr.)
CSCI C343 Data Structures (4 cr.)

Select one of the following courses:
CSCI A348 Mastering the World Wide Web (4 cr.)
CSCI B351 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Computer Simulation (3 cr.)
CSCI C311 Programming Languages (4 cr.)

Communication and Culture

CMCL C205 Introduction to Communication and Culture (3 cr.)
CMCL C190 Introduction to Media (3 cr.)
CMCL C202 World Media (3 cr.) or
  CMCL C413 Global Villages (3 cr.)
CMCL C337 New Media (3 cr.)
CMCL C410 Media Theory (3 cr.)


ECON E201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.)
ECON E202 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
ECON E321 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3 cr.)
ECON E327 Game Theory (3 cr.)
ECON E490 Advanced Undergraduate Seminar-The Information Economy (3 cr.)
E201, E202, and M119 or M211 are prerequisites for E321. E321 is a prerequisite for E327 and E490.

Fine Arts

Courses selected for a cognate must be approved by the School of Fine Arts.

FINA F102 Fundamental Studio-2D (2 cr.)
FINA N198 Introduction to Photography for Non-majors (3 cr.)

Additional 12 credit hours to include 9 credit hours at the 300-400 level selected from the following:
FINA S250 Graphic Design I (3 cr.) (P: F102)
FINA S351 Graphic Design II (3 cr.) (P: S250)
FINA S352 Production for Graphic Designer (3 cr.) (P: S351)
FINA S451 Graphic Design Problem Solving (1-6 cr.) (P: S352)
FINA T230 Computer Art: Survey and Practice (3 cr.)
FINA T330 Computer Art II: Interactive Media (3 cr.)
FINA T420 Digital Video (3 cr.)
FINA T430 Advanced Multimedia (3 cr.)
FINA T439 Advanced Digital Media Project (3 cr.)


Option I:
GEOG G237 Cartography and Geographic Information (3 cr.)
GEOG G336 Environmental Remote Sensing (3 cr.)
GEOG G337 Computer Cartography and Graphics (3 cr.)
GEOG G338 Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
GEOG G438 Advanced Geographical Information Systems (3 cr.)
GEOG G439 Topics in Geographic Information Science (3 cr.)

Option II:
GEOG G250 Computer Methods in Geography (3 cr.)
GEOG G450 Undergraduate Readings and Research in Geography (1-3 cr.)
GEOG G460 Geography Internship (3-6 cr.)
GEOG G488 Applied Spatial Statistics (3 cr.)
GEOG G489 Atmospheric Data Analysis (3 cr.)

Instructional Systems Technology

Students must have completed 26 hours of course work with a minimum 2.2 GPA. No prerequisite courses are required.

EDUC R321 Introduction to Instructional Technology (3 cr.)
EDUC R341 Applications of Multimedia (3 cr.)
EDUC R347 Simulations and Gaming (3 cr.)
EDUC R441 Resource Development for Distributed Learning (3 cr.)
EDUC R481 Instructional Design and Evaluation (3 cr.)


To be considered for admission, students must file an application with the School of Journalism, be admitted to a degree program in the School of Informatics, and have completed 26 credit hours with a minimum 2.2 cumulative grade point average (FX and WF will be calculated as F) including: J110, Foundations of Journalism and Mass Communications, with a minimum grade of C-.

JOUR J110 Foundations of Journalism and Mass Communications (3 cr.)
JOUR J200 Reporting, Writing, and Editing I* (3 cr.)
JOUR J201 Reporting, Writing, and Editing II (3 cr.)
JOUR J210 Visual Communications (3 cr.)

Electives: Select at least two courses from the following list:
JOUR J360 Topics (Online Journalism) (3 cr.)
JOUR J460 Topics (Information Graphics) (3 cr.)
JOUR J463 Computerized Publication Design I (3 cr.)
JOUR J465 Computerized Publication Design II (3 cr.)

*I111 Basic Tools of Informatics II, Introduction to Databases must be taken before or concurrently with J200.


At least three courses must be taken at the 300 level or higher, and up to 3 credits from a related field.

LING L303, Introduction to Linguistic Analysis (3 cr.)
LING L306 Phonetics (3 cr.)

Any two of the following courses:
LING L307 Phonology (3 cr.)
LING L308 Morphology (3 cr.)
LING L310 Syntax (3 cr.)
LING L325 Semantics (3 cr.)
LING L431 Field Methods (3 cr.)

One of the following courses:
LING L445 Introduction to Computational Linguistics (3 cr.)
LING L485 Topics in Linguistics (3 cr.)
MATH M385 Mathematics from Language, or any course from outside the Department of Linguistics with sufficient computational content, subject to approval by the Linguistics Undergraduate Advisor.


Students must complete at least 16 credit hours including MATH M211 and M212, and three of the following:

MATH M301 or M303 Linear Algebra (3 cr.)
MATH M371 Elementary Computational Methods (3 cr.)
MATH M385 Math for Language (3 cr.)
MATH M447 Math Modeling (3 cr.)


PSY P101 Introduction to Psychology
  (or PSY P151) (3 cr.)
PSY P335 Cognitive Psychology (3 cr.)
PSY P329 Sensation and Perception (3 cr.)
PSY P350 Human Factors/Ergonomics (3 cr.)
COGS Q270 Experiments and Models in Cognition (4 cr.)
COGS Q301 Brain and Cognition (3 cr.)

Public and Environmental Affairs

INFO I303 Organizational Informatics (3 cr.) or
  SPEA V369 Managing Information Technology (3 cr.)

SPEA V418 Vector-Based GIS or V450 GIS in Public Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V461 System Analysis and Design (3 cr.)
SPEA V475 Database Management Systems (3 cr.)

In addition students must select a focus area from one of the following:

Option I: Environmental Issues

SPEA V418 Vector-Based GIS (3 cr.)

Select two courses from the following;
SPEA E325 Computing for Environmental Scientists (2 cr.)
SPEA E363 Environmental Management (E162 recommended prerequisite) (3 cr.)
SPEA E419 Applied Remote Sensing (3 cr.)
SPEA E466 International and Comparative Environmental Policy (3 cr.)
SPEA E476 Environmental Law and Regulation (3 cr.)

Option II: Health Issues

SPEA H320 Introduction to Health Administration (3 cr.)

At least one of the following:
SPEA H316 Environmental Health (3 cr.)
SPEA H402 Hospital Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA H411 Long-Term Care Administration (3 cr.)

Option III: Urban Affairs

Select two of the following:
SPEA V368 Managing Government Operations (3 cr.)
SPEA V340 Urban Government Administration (3 cr.)
SPEA V372 Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.)
SPEA V421 Metropolitan Development (3 cr.)

Option IV: Public Policy Analysis

Select two of the following:
SPEA V348 Management Science (3 cr.)
SPEA V386 Case Studies for Policy Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V370 Research Methods and Statistical Modeling (3 cr.)
SPEA V401 Finance and Cost Benefit Analysis (3 cr.)

Option V: Public Finance

SPEA V372 Government Finance and Budgets (3 cr.)

Select one of the following:
SPEA V346 Introduction to Government and Financial Reporting (3 cr.)
SPEA V361 Financial Management (3 cr.)
SPEA V401 Financial and Cost-Benefit Analysis (3 cr.)
SPEA V441 Topics in Financial Management and Policy (3 cr.)

Capstone Experience:
SPEA V461 System Analysis and Design will serve as a capstone experience and should be taken as the last course in the cognate sequence. This is a project-oriented course, in which students select projects related to their focus areas. A SPEA faculty member, with expertise in that particular area, will direct this project.


Option I: Applications

This cognate area focuses on video and multimedia production using computers.

TEL T101 Living in the Information Age (3 cr.)
TEL T206 Introduction to Design and Production (3 cr.)
TEL T283 Production Techniques and Practices (3 cr.)

Plus at least 9 credit hours (six courses) from the following:
TEL T352 Video Post Production (1.5 cr.)
TEL T354 Program Graphics and Animation (1.5 cr.)
TEL T355 Digital Video (1.5 cr.)
TEL T361 Interactive Transmedia Design for the Internet (1.5 cr.)
TEL T362 Interactive Transmedia Design with Director (1.5 cr.)
TEL T363 Soundscapes for New Media (1.5 cr.)
TEL T364 Introduction to 3D Digital Modeling and Animation (1.5 cr.)

Option II: Implications

The implications cognate area allows students to tailor their studies to issues of particular interest.

TEL T101 Living in the Information Age (3 cr.)
TEL T205 Introduction to Telecommunications and Society (3 cr.)

Plus 9 credit hours from the following list:
TEL T311 Media History (3 cr.)
TEL T312 Politics and the Media (3 cr.)
TEL T316 Media Ethics and Professional Responsibility (3 cr.)
TEL T317 Children and the Media (3 cr.)
TEL T424 Telecommunications and the Constitution (3 cr.)
TEL T427 International Telecommunications (3 cr.)

Option III: Foundations

The Foundations cognate area focuses specifically on the development and operation of advanced telecommunications networks.

TEL T101 Living in the Information Age (3 cr.)
TEL T207 Introduction to Telecommunications Industry and Management (3 cr.)
TEL T322 Telecommunications Networks (3 cr.)
TEL T326 Network Design (3 cr.)
TEL T327 Data Communications (3 cr.)

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Cognate Areas, IUPUI

Department of Computer and Information Science

Option I: Applications Support

The student must obtain a Certificate in Applied Computer Science. This must be done in such a way that courses taken as part of the informatics program that are cross-listed with courses in the Department of Computer and Information Science not be counted towards satisfying the requirements of the Certificate.

CSCI N301 Fundamental Computer Science Concepts (3 cr.)
CSCI N331 Visual Basic Programming (3 cr.)
CSCI N341 Web Programming (3 cr.)

Plus at least 9 credit hours of designated courses in the department selected by the student in consultation with an advisor. The student must maintain a GPA of at least 2.0, with no individual grade in the program below a C.

Option II: Foundations of Computer Science

CSCI 230 Computing I (4 cr.)
CSCI 240 Computing II (4 cr.)
CSCI 265 Advanced Programming (3 cr.)
CSCI 300 Systems Programming (3 cr.)
CSCI 340 Discrete Computational Structures (3 cr.)

Students must maintain at least a 2.5 GPA in these courses. Mathematics 164 is recommended as preparation for this option. A student choosing this cognate area can earn a minor in computer science with the addition of CSCI 362 Data Structures (3 cr.).

Department of Computer Technology

Students who have completed the core courses in informatics should meet all prerequisites for the first course listed in each cognate area.

Option I: Systems and Database Development

CPT 374 Systems and Database Analysis (4 cr.)
CPT 384 Systems Design (3 cr.)
CPT 479 Database Physical Design and Implementation (3 cr.)
CPT 484 Systems Analysis and Design Project (3 cr.)
CPT 499 Ethics and Leadership (3 cr.)

Option II: Data Communications

CPT 303 Communications Security & Network Controls (3 cr.)
CPT 402 Design and Implementation of Local Area Networks (3 cr.)
CPT 440 Communication Network Design (3 cr.)
CPT 499 Data Communications (4 cr.)
CPT 499 Data Communications Lab (2 cr.)

Option III: Web Technologies

Most of these courses are delivered over the Web.

CPT 212 Web Site Design or CPT 223 Web Page Design

CPT 215 Web Programming (3 cr.)
CPT 313 Commercial Web Site Development (3 cr.)
CPT 323 Multimedia (3 cr.)
CPT 423 Electronic Commerce (3 cr.)
CPT 490 Senior Project (3 cr.)

Department of Economics

ECON E201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.)
ECON E202 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.)
ECON E321 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory (3 cr.)
ECON E327 Game Theory (3 cr.)
ECON E385 Economics of Industry (3 cr.)
ECON E201 and calculus (M119 or M163) are prerequisites for E321.

English and Technical Communication

TCM 320 Written Communication in Science and Industry (3 cr.)
TCM 350 Visual Elements of Technical Documents (3 cr.)
ENG G205 Introduction to the English Language (3 cr.)
ENG W315 Composing Computer-Delivered Text (3 cr.)
ENG W365 Theories and Practices of Editing (3 cr.)

Department of Geography

Must complete five of the following courses with a minimum grade of C- in each course; and a minimum average of 2.0 (C) overall.

GEOG G336 Introduction to Remote Sensing and Air Photo Interpretation (3 cr.)
GEOG G337 Computer Cartography and Graphics (3 cr.)
GEOG G338 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
GEOG G436 Advanced Remote Sensing: Digital Image Processing (3 cr.)
GEOG G438 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3 cr.)
GEOG G439 Seminar in Geographic Information Science (3 cr.)
GEOG G488 Spatial Statistics (3 cr.)
G338 is a prerequisite for G438; G336 is a prerequisite for G436; and either G436 or G438 are required for G439.

Additional opportunities to undertake independent research and/or gain internship type experience with this technology and its applications are available through G450 (Independent Research and Readings in Geography, 3 cr.), G460 (Internship in Geography, 1-6 cr.), and G491 (Capstone Experience in Geography, 1 cr.).

Department of Health Science

AHLT W105 Medical Terminology (1 cr.)
AHLT W3ZZ Health Care Information Systems (3 cr.)
AHLT W3ZZ Information Technology in Health Care Reimbursement (2 cr.)
AHLT M322 Organizational Structure of Health Care Systems (3 cr.)
AHLT W410 Trends and Issues in Health Care (3 cr.)
BIOL N212 Human Biology I (2 cr.)
BIOL N214 Human Biology II (2 cr.)

Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Option I: Technical Animation and Spatial Graphics

CGT 116 Geometric Modeling for Visualization and Communication (3 cr.)
CGT 211 Raster Imaging for Computer Graphics (3 cr.)
CGT 241 Introduction to Animation and Spatial Graphics (3 cr.)
CGT 346 Digital Video and Audio (3 cr.)
CGT 441 Advanced Computer Animation (3 cr.)

Option II: Engineering Graphics

CGT 112 Sketching for Visualization and Communication (3 cr.)
CGT 116 Geometric Modeling for Visualization and Communication (3 cr.)
CGT 223 Introduction to Constraint-Based Modeling (3 cr.)
CGT 323 Introduction to 3D Surface Geometry (3 cr.)
CGT 326 Manufacturing Graphics Standards (3 cr.)
CGT 423 Manufacturing Document Production and Management (3 cr.)

New Media

The cognate requires the prerequisites of NEWM N175 Digital Media I and NEWM N180 Digital Media II. Students must receive a C average in the cognate area and at least a C- in each course.

Option I: Animation

NEWM N235 Introduction to Computer Simulation/Animation (3 cr.)
NEWM N324 Introduction to Digital Video (3 cr.)
NEWM N335 Computer-Based Character Simulation/Animation II (3 cr.)
NEWM N340 Digital Video Production (3 cr.)
NEWM N435 Computer Simulation/Animation III (3 cr.) or
  NEWM N440 DV and CGI Special Effects (3 cr.)

Option II: Interactive

NEWM N204 Introduction to Interactive Media (3 cr.)
NEWM N215 On-Line Document Development I (3 cr.)
NEWM N300 Digital Media Production (3 cr.)
NEWM N304 Interactive Media Application (3 cr.)
NEWM N315 On-Line Document Development II (3 cr.) or
  NEWM N420 Multimedia Project Development (3 cr.)

Option III: General

NEWM N200 Desktop Tools for Digital Media (3 cr.)
NEWM N204 Introduction to Interactive Media (3 cr.)
NEWM N250 Team Building in Technology (3 cr.)
NEWM N300 Digital Media Production (3 cr.)
NEWM N420 Multimedia Project Development (3 cr.) or
  NEWM N475 Research in Design Methods (3 cr.)

Political Science

The area of concentration in Information and Political Decision Making consists of any five courses (15 cr.) from the following list.

POLS Y205 Elements of Political Analysis (3 cr.)
POLS Y213 Introduction to Public Policy (3 cr.)
POLS Y310 Political Behavior (3 cr.)
POLS Y317 Voting/Elections/Public Opinion (3 cr.)
POLS Y391 Political Decision Making (3 cr.)
POLS Y394 Public Policy Analysis (3 cr.)

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