General Requirements for Advanced Degrees

Master's Degree

Preparing and Submitting Theses

Composition Guidelines

Theses must be typed with the body of the text double-spaced and with one-inch margins on all sides. Theses must be written in English unless you and your department/committee have decided otherwise.

Page numbers must be consecutive throughout, with Arabic numerals used for the body of the work and small or lowercase Roman numerals for the front matter. Script fonts (ex. Monotype Corsica) and itali­cizing large sections of text are not allowed for the main body of your text, although italics may be used appropriately.

Thesis Approval and Submission

The title page must bear the statement: “Submitted to the faculty of the University Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of ______ in the Department of ______________ , Indiana University.”

At least three members of the faculty shall normally participate in the approval of the thesis and must sign an acceptance page which appears after the title page. The statement, “Accepted by the faculty of the University Graduate School, Indiana University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master of ___________ ,” should precede the signatures on the acceptance page. Each copy of the thesis is to be accompanied by the student’s vita sheet inserted at the end.

Should the student wish to submit the thesis as an unbound paper copy rather than electronically for review by the University Graduate School, they should contact the University Graduate School recorders.

For more information, see Theses and Dissertations on the University Graduate School website.

Academic Bulletins

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