Programs by Campus
African Studies
Cross-Listed Courses
- B568 The Evolution of Primate Social Behavior (3 cr.)
- B600 Seminar in Bioanthropology (3 cr.) [Africa-related topics]
- E510 Problems in African Ethnography and Ethnology (3 cr.)
- E523 Life Histories (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- E600 Seminar in Cultural and Social Anthropology [African topics] (3 cr.)
- E617 African Women (3 cr.)
- E620 Seminar in Cultural Ecology (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- E644 People and Protected Areas (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- E650 African Systems of Thought (1-3 cr.)
- E660 Arts in Anthropology (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- E690 Development and Anthropology (3 cr.)
- P600 Seminar in Prehistoric Archaeology (3 cr.)
Comparative Literature
- C537-8 The Twentieth Century I-II (4 cr.) [with Africa Content]
- C572 Modern African Letters (4 cr.)
- C603 Topics in Comparative Literature (4 cr.) [African topics]
- C611 Topics in Literary Genres, Modes, and Forms (4 cr.) [African topics]
- C670 Topics in Cross-Cultural Studies [with Africa content] (4 cr.)
- E592 Economic Development of Less-Developed Countries (3 cr.)
- H520 Education and Social Issues (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- H551-H552 Comparative Education I-II (3-3 cr.)
- H560 Education and Change in Societies (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- H620 Seminar in Educational Policy Studies (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- H637 Topical Seminar (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- K780 Seminar in Special Education (1-4 cr.)
- L601 Theoretical Issues: Study of Language and Literacies (3 cr.)
- R640 Planning Educational Media Systems: National and International (3 cr.)
Fine Arts
- A552 Art of Eastern and Southern Africa (3 cr.)
- A555 Art/Craft/Tec in sub-Saharan Africa (3 cr.)
- A556 Art of Central Africa (3 cr.)
- A580 Art of Sub-Saharan Africa I: Arts of Africa's Western Sudan (3 cr.)
- A650 Problems in African Art (3 cr.)
Folklore and Ethnomusicology
- E698 African American Religious Music (3 cr.)
- F501 Folklore Colloquium (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- F516 Proseminar in Folklore Theory and Method I: Materials of Folklore (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- F523 Field Work in Folklore/Ethnomusicology (3 cr.)
- F609 African and Afro-American Folklore/Folk Music (3 cr.)
- F722 Music, (Im)migration and Diaspora (3 cr.)
- F740 History of Ideas in Folklore/Ethnomusicology (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- F750 Performance Studies (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- F755 Folklore, Culture, and Society (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- F667 Studies in Francophone Literature (3 cr.)
- G604 Topical Seminar in Food and Agriculture (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- E531 African History from Ancient Times to Empires and City States (3 cr.)
- E532 African History from Colonial Rule to Independence (3 cr.)
- E533 Conflict in Southern Africa (3 cr.)
- E534 History of Western Africa (3 cr.)
- E536 History of East Africa (3 cr.)
- E538 History of Muslim West Africa (3 cr.)
- H695 Colloquium in African History (4 cr.)
- H795 Seminar in African History (4 cr.)
The Media School
- J514 International Communication (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- J518 Field Experience in Journalism [Uganda] (4 cr.)
- J614 Globalization, Media, and Social Change (3 cr.) [with Africa content]
- A501 Introduction to African Linguistics (3 cr.)
- A502 Language in Africa (3 cr.)
- A503 Bantu Linguistics (3 cr.)
- A504 Chadic Linguistics (3 cr.)
- A747 Seminar in African Linguistics (4 cr.)
- L619 Language and Society (3 cr.)
- L625 Bilingualism and Language Contact (3 cr.)
- L636 Pidgins and Creoles (3 cr.)
- L653-L654 Field Methods in Linguistics I-II (3-3 cr.)
- L720 Seminar in Sociolinguistics (3 cr.)
Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
- E500-550 Elementary Hieroglyphic Egyptian I-II (3-3 cr.)
- E501-2 Elementary Middle Egyptian I-II (3-3 cr.)
- E505 Ancient Egyptian History and Civilization (3 cr.)
- E510 Religions of Ancient Egypt (3 cr.)
- E590 Directed Readings in Egyptology
- E600 Intermediate Middle Egyptian (3 cr.)
- E650 Late Egyptian Grammar and Texts
- E660-670 Demotic Egyptian I-II (3-3 cr.)
- E695 Graduate Topics in Egyptology (1-3 cr.)
- N695 Religions of Ancient Egypt (3 cr.)
- A500-A550 Elementary Arabic I-II (3-3 cr.)
- A600-A650 Intermediate Arabic I-II (3-3 cr.)
- A660-A670 Advanced Arabic I-II (3-3 cr.)
Political Science
- Y657 Comparative Politics [African Politics] (3 cr.)
- Y673 Empirical Theory and Methodology (3 cr.) [with Africa content] (3 cr.)
Public and Environmental Affairs
- N524 Civil Society in Comparative Perspective (3 cr.)
- N534 NGO management in Comparative Perspective (3 cr.)
- V550 Topics in Public Affairs (3 cr.) [Africa-related topics]
Public Health
- E655 Infectious Disease Epidemiology (3 cr.)
- H504 Breastfeeding: Practice and Policy (3 cr.)
- H510 Organization of School Health Programs (3 cr.)
- H514 Health Education in Pre-K - Grade 6 (3 cr.)
- H650 Seminar in Health Education (various topics) (1-3 cr.)
Spanish and Portuguese
- P500-501 Literatures of the Portuguese-Speaking World I-II (3 cr.)
- P515 Women Writing in Portuguese (3 cr.)
- P520 Literatures of the Portuguese-Speaking World in Translation (3 cr.)
- P710 Seminar: African Literature in Portuguese (3 cr.)