Programs by Campus


East Asian Languages and Cultures
Cross-Listed Courses



P600 Seminar in Prehistoric Archaeology (3 cr.)

Central Eurasian Studies

R595 Politics of Identity in China and Inner Asia (3 cr.)

Comparative Literature

C546 Sexuality and the Arts (4 cr.)
C574 Japanese-Western Studies (4 cr.)
C575 Chinese-Western Studies I (4 cr.)
C576 Comparative Approaches to Chinese Literature(4 cr.)

Fine Arts

A560 Special Studies in Chinese Art (4 cr.)
A564 Art and Archaeology of Early China (4 cr.)
A566 Early Chinese Painting (4 cr.)
A567 Later Chinese Painting (4 cr.)
A662 Problems in Chinese Painting (4 cr.)

Folklore and Ethnomusicology

F600 Asian Folklore/Folk Music (3 cr.)


G567 Premodern Japan (3 cr.)
G568 Early Modern Japan (3 cr.)
G569 Modern Japan (3 cr.)
G580 Early China (3 cr.)
G582 Imperial China I (3 cr.)
G583 Imperial China II (3 cr.)
G585 Modern China (3 cr.)
G587 Contemporary China (3 cr.)
H675 Colloquium in East Asian History (4 cr.)
H775 Seminar in East Asian History (4 cr.)1

Political Science

Y333 Chinese Politics (3 cr.)
Y334 Japanese Politics (3 cr.)
Y557 Comparative Politics Approaches and Issues (3 cr.)1
Y657 Comparative Politics (3 cr.)1

Religious Studies

R554 Religions of East Asia (3 cr.)
R654 The Taoist Tradition (3 cr.)
R655 East Asian Buddhism (3 cr.)
R657 Religion in Japan (3 cr.)

Theatre, Drama, and Contemporary Dance

T468 Non-Western Drama and Theatre (3 cr.)1

1 This course will count toward fulfilling departmental requirements when it deals substantially with East Asian materials.

Academic Bulletins

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