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University Graduate School 2004-2005 Specific Graduate Program Information


University Graduate
School 2004-2005
Academic Bulletin

University Graduate School
Kirkwood Hall 111  
Indiana University 
Bloomington, IN 47405  
(812) 855-8853  
Toll Free (888) 335-7547  
Contact University Graduate School

Graduate Office
Union Building 518
Indiana University–Purdue University
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 278-2490
Contact Graduate Office

TESOL/Applied Linguistics

College of Arts and Sciences

Departmental E-mail

Departmental URL

Professor Harry L. Gradman

Graduate Faculty
Degrees Offered
Special Departmental Requirements
Master of Arts Degree
Certificate in TESOL and Applied Linguistics
Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Linguistics with
  a Concentration in TESOL and Applied Linguistics

English as a Foreign Language

Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.)

Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig, Harry L. Gradman, Beverly Hartford

Associate Professor
Bill Johnston*

Adjunct Rudy Professor
Albert Valdman (French and Italian)

Adjunct Professor
Robert Port (Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Linguistics)

Adjunct Associate Professors
Kenneth de Jong (Linguistics), Samuel G. Obeng (Linguistics), Rex Sprouse (Germanic Studies)

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Daniel Reed*

Academic Advisor for TESOL and Applied Linguistics
Professor Harry L. Gradman, Memorial Hall 309, (812) 855-3302

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Degrees Offered

Master of Arts in Linguistics with a concentration in TESOL and Applied Linguistics, Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics with a concentration in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (degree offered by Linguistics), and Certificate in TESOL and Applied Linguistics

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Special Departmental Requirements

See also general University Graduate School requirements.

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Master of Arts Degree

Admission Requirements
Admission to the M.A. program will be based on evaluations of

  1. undergraduate grade record,
  2. level of achievement on the Graduate Record Examination General Test,
  3. three letters of recommendation, and
  4. undergraduate exposure to linguistics and related course work.
Students not satisfying requirement (4) may be admitted but may be required to do course work prerequisite to introductory graduate courses.

Optional; maximum of 4 credit hours.

Final Examination

TESOL and Applied Linguistics Course Requirements
A total of 30 credit hours, including T510, T511, T532, T534, T535, T550; L503 may be required for students without a background in linguistics; T560 is also required for international students only. Additional electives as approved by the department. A grade point average of 3.0 (B) is required in 500-level courses in linguistics.

Foreign Language Requirements
Reading knowledge of one foreign language approved by the department.

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Certificate in TESOL and Applied Linguistics

Students not intending to get a master's degree with a major in applied linguistics may wish to pursue a program leading to the Certificate in TESOL and Applied Linguistics. The requirements for such a certificate include 20 credit hours, approved by the department, in linguistics and applied linguistics courses. Normally, students will complete at least L503 or its equivalent, T532, T534, T535, and T550. Other hours will be selected in consultation with a departmental advisor. A grade point average of 3.0 (B) must be maintained for the 20 credit hour certificate program. The certificate is a postbaccalaureate award.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Linguistics with a Concentration in TESOL and Applied Linguistics

Admission Requirements
Admission to the Ph.D. program will be based upon evaluation of

  1. previous academic record,
  2. level of achievement on the Graduate Record Examination General Test,
  3. three letters of recommendation, and
  4. previous exposure to TESOL/applied linguistics and related course work.
Course Requirements
A minimum of 90 credit hours, including dissertation. Specific requirements include one graduate course each in phonetics, phonology, syntax, historical linguistics, and language acquisition, plus at least four courses in linguistics at the 600-700 levels. L653, the first half of the field methods sequence, may not be counted if it is used in partial fulfillment of the language structure requirement. Additional course requirements may be set by the student's advisory committee.

The choice of a minor field should be agreed to by the student's advisory committee. The specific requirements for the minor are established by the department that grants the minor. The student is responsible for ascertaining what those requirements are and for meeting them.

Advisory Committee
All students in the Ph.D. program will select an advisory committee consisting of at least three faculty members, one of whom should normally represent the student's minor field. The committee must be selected no later than the end of the semester following the completion of the master's degree at Indiana University, or, in the case of students entering the program with master's degrees from other institutions, no later than two semesters after matriculation.

Students will plan their programs with the advisory committee, which will be responsible for counseling students with regard to the qualifying examination, setting the examination, and administering it.

Foreign Language Requirements
Three languages:

  1. Reading or speaking knowledge of two foreign languages, one of which should be either French, German, or Russian, and
  2. knowledge of the structure of a language or languages other than English and outside the student's general language family (choice to be determined in consultation with the student's advisory committee).

Qualifying Examination
Comprehensive; specific focus and scheduling of the examination determined by the student's advisory committee.

Research Proposal
After nomination to candidacy, the student will select a research committee composed of no fewer than three members of the Department of TESOL and Applied Linguistics faculty and an outside representative. This committee must approve the proposed dissertation topic.

Final Examination
Oral defense of dissertation. This defense is open.

Ph.D. Minor in TESOL and Applied Linguistics
The minor consists of a minimum of 12 credit hours of TESOL and applied linguistics or related courses. A grade point average of 3.0 (B) or better must be achieved in these courses. The specific program for satisfying this requirement must be developed in consultation with the student's minor advisor.

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English as a Foreign Language

The Department of TESOL and Applied Linguistics also offers English language improvement courses which do not carry graduate credit. The courses, designed for the international student who needs instruction in English as a second language, are T100 (0 cr.) Intensive English, and T101 (1-9 cr.) English Language Improvement.

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T510 Applied Traditional and Structural English Grammar (3 cr.) An examination of pregenerative treatments of English grammar with emphasis on their pedagogical application in the teaching of English as a second language.

T511 Applied Alternate English Grammar (3 cr.) P: L503. Readings in generative theory with emphasis upon the ability to analyze within the framework of a transformational grammar. Special attention to generative treatments of English syntax for pedagogical purposes.

T514 Phonology and Second-language Learning and Teaching (3 cr.) Introduction to phonology as it applies to the learning and teaching of second languages. Does not satisfy the phonology requirement for the Ph.D. in linguistics.

T522 Survey of Applied Linguistics (3 cr.) P: L503 or equivalent. Intensive readings on selected topics relevant to the acquisition of second languages, sociolinguistics, bilingualism, testing, and research directions. Readings will, for the most part, be current and subject to change as the course is offered.

T532 Second-language Acquisition (3 cr.) A survey of the major theories of first- and second-language learning and their potential applications to language development strategies.

T534 Methods in Teaching ESL/EFL to Adults (TESOL) (3 cr.) Analyzes and critiques approaches and methods in teaching ESL/EFL to adults, including research and experiential perspectives on practice and theory. Surveys traditional and innovative approaches in language teaching, analyzes language classroom interaction, and sets language teaching in cultural and sociopolitical context. To be taken concurrently with T535 TESOL Practicum.

T535 TESOL Practicum (3 cr.) Under supervision, students teach English as a second language to adult learners. The course also provides experience in testing, placement, and materials preparation. Classroom lectures focus on issues related to the art and profession of language teaching. To be taken concurrently with L534 Linguistic Resources and the Teaching of English as a Second-language (TESOL).

T538 Second-language Writing (3 cr.) P: L503 and T532 or their equivalents. Examines the relationship of second-language writing to composition theory, writing research, second-language acquisitions, and second-language teaching. Topics include theories of second-language composition, second-language writing processes, reading as input for writing, measurement of proficiency, and individual variation.

T539 Pragmatics and Second-language Learning (3 cr.) This course familiarizes students with principles and issues in pragmatics and cross-cultural pragmatics. Students will learn appropriate data collection techniques and will collect primary data, learn to analyze spoken and written data, and discuss the application of pragmatics to language learning and teaching, cross-cultural research, and international communication.

T550 Language Testing (3 cr.) P: L503 or equivalent. Consideration of theory of assessing competence in second languages. Preparation and administration of various language testing instruments. Primary emphasis on English as a second language.

T556 The Language Laboratory: Hardware and Software (3 cr.) Instructional rationale, equipment, and practical operation of the language laboratory. Lectures on theory combined with actual use of laboratory equipment.

T560 American Culture (3 cr.) P: for international students only. A survey of issues related to the culture and character of the people of the United States. Topics include the national, social, and linguistic origins of the American people, political and social institutions, and the arts.

T600 Topics in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (3 cr.) May vary with topic. Intensive study and analysis of selected issues and problems in TESOL and applied linguistics. Topics in this course are of particular interest to the second-language practitioner. May be taken more than once with different topics.

T622 English Dialects (3 cr.) Investigation of the basic features of English dialects as formally structured systems. Attitudes toward speech and the relationship of language differences to the attainment of social and educational goals.

T632 Current Research in Second-Language Acquisition (3 cr.) P: L532. This course addresses issues in recent research in second-language acquisition. Examines selected cases illustrating the relation of second-language acquisition studies to linguistic theory. Emphasis on the collection and analysis of acquisition data.

T640 Discourse Analysis (3 cr.) Surveys theories of discourse analysis including speech acts, conversational maxims, conversation analysis, ethnomethodology, text analysis, and critical discourse analysis. Applications of those theories to areas of special interest to applied linguistics including native speaker-nonnative speaker interaction, nonnative speaker conversation, classroom discourse, and analysis of language in professional settings.

T660 Contrastive Discourse (3 cr.) P: T532 or consent of the instructor. Considers cross-cultural text organization from the native and nonnative reader's and writer's viewpoints. Various aspects of text are emphasized, including coherence and cohesion, and formal and cultural schemata in genres such as expository writing, letters, news articles, and narratives.

T690 Advanced Readings in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (1-4 cr.)
T695 M.A. Thesis Research in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (1-4 cr.)

T700 Seminar on Current Issues in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (1-4 cr.) This seminar will deal with major books and articles which have defined important areas of debate in the current development of linguistic theory. The specific title will be announced well in advance of each semester. Course may be retaken for up to 12 credit hours.

T711 Seminar in Applied Linguistics (4 cr.) Selected problems in linguistics applied to language teaching. May be repeated for credit when topic changes.

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