Social WorkSchool of Social Work Departmental URL Departmental E-mail Director Graduate Faculty Graduate Faculty(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.) Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Academic Advisor Degree OfferedDoctor of Philosophy. The School of Social Work also offers the Master of Social Work degree on the Indianapolis, and IUN/Gary campuses and the first year of this program may also be completed on the South Bend campus. For further information on the M.S.W. program, see the Bulletin of the School of Social Work. Doctor of Philosophy DegreeAdmission Requirements Application Deadlines Course Requirements Advisory Committee Qualifying Examination Research Proposal Final Examination Pre-Doctoral Exploratory OptionThis option is designed to provide prospective Ph.D. students with an opportunity to explore their interests in research and doctoral education before making formal application to the Ph.D. program. Qualified students are admitted under a "special student" status (M9) and are permitted to enroll in up to three of the school's regular Ph.D. foundation courses (9 credit hours) before having to decide whether they intend to apply to the Ph.D. program. If later accepted to the Ph.D. program, credits earned during the pre-doctoral phase will automatically apply toward the Ph.D. degree. Participation in the Pre-Doctoral Exploratory Option does not guarantee acceptance into the Ph.D. program. Applications for the Pre-Doctoral Exploratory Option should be submitted by July 1st for fall admission and by November 1st for spring admission. All inquiries regarding the pre-doctoral option should be directed to the academic advisor listed above. Ph.D. Minor in Social WorkA minor in social work requires the completion of at least 12 credit hours of graduate course work. Students must complete either S730 or S740 and at least one additional course from among the 700-level courses listed below. Remaining course requirements may be taken from among the school's 500- and 600-level courses with the approval of the director of the M.S.W. program and the course instructor. The choice of courses comprising the minor must be made in consultation with the Ph.D. program director and have the approval of the student's identified faculty advisor. CoursesS501 Professional Social Work at the Masters Level: An Immersion (3 cr.) This foundation course provides an overview of social work, including the definition, scope, history, ethics and values of the profession. This course will provide basic orientation to the available resources and expectations of graduate education in general, and the M.S.W. program, in particular, all within the framework of the adult learner model. Students will develop basic communication, self-assessment, and reflection skills necessary for success in the M.S.W. program. Students will have an opportunity to survey various fields of practice and will begin to identify personal learning goals for their M.S.W. education as well as develop a commitment to lifelong learning as a part of professional practice. S503 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I (3 cr.) This course provides content on the reciprocal relationships between human behavior and social environments. It includes empirically based theories and knowledge that focus on the interactions between and within diverse populations of individuals, groups, families, organizations, communities, societal institutions, and global systems. Knowledge of biological, psychological, sociological, cultural, and spiritual development across the lifespan is included. Students learn to analyze critically micro and macro theories and explore ways in which theories can be used to structure professional activities. Concepts such as person-in-environment are used to examine the ways in which social systems promote or deter human well-being and social and economic justice. S505 Social Policy Analysis and Practice (3 cr.) This foundation policy course will focus on using several policy analysis frameworks to analyze current social policies and programs both at the state and federal levels and to develop policies that increase social and economic justice. Students will be expected to develop a range of policy practice skills to influence policy development w ithin legislative, administrative, community, political, and economic arenas.S513 Human Behavior and the Social Environment II (3 cr.) (variable title) This course builds upon S503 and focuses on developing further knowledge of human behavior theories and their application to practice. Students will link course content to the concentration that the student has selected. S600 Intermediate Statistics for Social Work (3 cr.) The intent of this course is for students to acquire an understanding of basic and intermediate statistical analyses that are used in the social sciences, the concepts and uses related to those statistics, and to be able to use a decision-making framework for selecting and computing appropriate statistical techniques for data analysis. The course content will assist students in developing knowledge and skill in selecting appropriate statistics to compute from a variety of basic univariate and bivariate statistics. Students will learn selected parametric and non-parametric statistics to examine research problems. Included in the learning process are hand computations of statistics, development of skills in using a comprehensive computer statistics package, and selection of statistical techniques based on levels of measurement and analyses of the assumptions of statistics. S663 Leveraging Organizations, Communities, and Political Systems (3 cr.) This course focuses on the knowledge and skills essential for understanding, analyzing, and application in organizations, communities, and political arenas. Such knowledge and skills include, but are not limited to: organizational theories, structures, and processes; examination and application of rural, urban and virtual community models, themes and practices; and understanding and involvement in political, social action, and social change interventions and empowerment practices. S665 Designing Transformational Programs (3 cr.) This course focuses on alternative, transformational models of strategic, community, and program planning. Featured development models center on collaboration, cultural competence, empowerment, and social justice. The course will address advanced grant writing, identification of funding and other resources, and philanthropic trends within a variety of social service delivery systems. It will move beyond a focus on the technology of program development, to examine planning as a vehicle for designing organizational, community, and social change. S682 Assessment in Mental Health and Addictions (3cr.) Recognizing the social, political, legal, and ethical implications of assessment, students enrolled in this course critically examine various conceptual frameworks and apply bio-psychosocial and strengths perspectives to understand its multidimensional aspects. Students learn to conduct sophisticated mental status and lethality risk interviews, engage in strengths and assets discovery, and apply the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association and other classification schemes in formulating assessment hypotheses. They gain an understanding of the application of several relevant assessment instruments and learn to evaluate their relevance for service to at-risk populations, including persons affected by mental health and addictions issues. Students learn to collaborate with a diverse range of consumers and other professionals in developing meaningful assessments upon which to plan goals, intervention strategies, and means for evaluation. S710 Proseminar on Client Systems (3 cr.)S720 Philosophy of Science and Social Work (3 cr.) S721 Preparing to Publish: Seminar in Advanced Scholarship Skills (3 cr.) S724 Theory, Practice and Assessment of Social Work Teaching (3 cr.) S726 Advanced Social Work Research: Qualitative Methods (3 cr.) S727 Advanced Social Work Research: Quantitative Methods (3 cr.) S728 Advanced Statistice for Social Work (3 cr.) S730 Proseminar on Social Work Policy Analysis (3 cr.) S740 Interpersonal Social Work Practice: Theory and Research (3 cr.) S790 Special Topics in Social Work Practice, Theory, and Research (1-3 cr.) Ph.D. CoursesIn addition to the required courses listed below, all students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours outside the School of Social Work related to their area of specialization. An advanced course in measurement and statistics is also required and is typically taken as part of the student's area of specialization. All students must enroll for 6 elective credits, which may be taken within or outside the School of Social Work with the approval of the student's advisory committee. Required CoursesS710 Proseminar on Client Systems (3 cr.) This seminar focuses on the converging forces that have shaped the development, dissemination, and utilization of the human-behavior knowledge base of social work. It specifically examines the social and behavioral science theory and research that provide the foundation for social work practice across a variety of system levels. S720 Philosophy of Science and Social Work (3 cr.) This course examines the nature and sources of social work knowledge and considers a range of epistemological issues involved in the selection, development, evaluation, and use of knowledge for social work. S725 Social Work Research Internship (3 cr.) P: S720, S726, S727 or a foundation statistics course, and at least one of the following: S710, S730, or S740. This supervised field internship provides practical experience in conducting research relevant to social work practice. Students participate in a new or ongoing, faculty-supervised research project involving the design and implementation of a study, including the collection and analysis of data, and the development of appropriate research reports. Internship may be registered for up to three times. S726 Advanced Social Work Research: Qualitative Methods (3 cr.) P: S720 and foundation statistics course. This course provides an opportunity for students to initiate a research project using qualitative research methods. Topics covered will include developing the research question, exploring the literature, writing an interview guide, interviewing, analyzing data, computer analysis, writing reports, subjectivity and bias, ethics, role of theory, trustworthiness, and audits. S727 Advanced Social Work Research: Quantitative Methods (3 cr.) P: S720 and foundation statistics course. This advanced quantitative research methods course prepares students with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively engage in independent research, including: literature review, theory development, hypothesis testing, research design, data analysis, and report writing. It includes related computer applications and use of online data sources. S730 Proseminar on Social Work Policy Analysis (3 cr.) This seminar focuses on the development and application of analytical tools necessary to critically examine and evaluate social policy theory and research germane to social work, including the values and ideologies that undergird social problem construction, social policy creation, and social program design. Specific attention is devoted to the application of these schemata for diverse populations. S740 Interpersonal Social Work Practice: Theory and Research (3 cr.) This seminar provides an in-depth orientation to the place of research in social work. It focuses on epistemological, methodological, practical, and ethical issues which affect the way in which research relevant to the profession of social work is conducted and used. S800 Dissertation Research (1-12 cr.) ElectivesS721 Preparing to Publish: Seminar in Advanced Scholarship Skills (3 cr.) This course prepares doctoral students for academic scholarship. Topics include expectations and standards for scholarly discourse, critical and analytical thinking skills, logical argument, scholarly writing and publication, and developing a research agenda. Web-based peer and instructor review of successive drafts of writing assignments culminate in a synthesized review of literature. S724 Theory, Practice, and Assessment of Social Work Teaching (3 cr.) This course prepares doctoral students to effectively and competently teach social work courses. Content includes teaching philosophies; curriculum and syllabus development; teaching methods; technology related to teaching; assessment, testing, evaluation of students; and research related to teaching. Students will learn accreditation standards for bachelors and masters social work education. Course goals will be accomplished using readings, written assignments, guest speakers, demonstrations of teaching, and class discussion. S728 Advanced Statistics for Social Work (3 cr.) Students in this course learn how to evaluate statistical assumptions and select, compute, and substantively interpret a variety of multivariate statistics, using SPSS to analyze actual social work research data. Online resources, WEB-based materials, and model applications of the statistics support students' learning. Prerequisite: S600-Intermediate Statistics for Social Work. S790 Special Topics in Social Work Practice, Theory, and Research (1-3 cr.) P: approval by appropriate instructor. This course provides students with an opportunity to engage in focused study of a substantive area of social work practice directly related to the student's identified area of theoretical and research interest. It is completed with the approval and under the guidance of a member of the Ph.D. faculty.
Last updated: 21 February 2025 16 09 29
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