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University Graduate School 2004-2005 Specific Graduate Program Information


University Graduate
School 2004-2005
Academic Bulletin

University Graduate School
Kirkwood Hall 111  
Indiana University 
Bloomington, IN 47405  
(812) 855-8853  
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Contact University Graduate School

Graduate Office
Union Building 518
Indiana University–Purdue University
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 278-2490
Contact Graduate Office


School of Liberal Arts

Professor Gabrielle Bersier

Departmental E-mail

Departmental URL

Graduate Faculty
Degree Offered
Program Information
Special Departmental Requirements

Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.)

Associate Professors
Marta Anton*, Enrica Ardemagni*, Herbert Brant*, Nancy Newton*

Assistant Professor
Gustavo V. Garcia*

Director of Graduate Studies
Professor Nancy Newton, Cavanaugh Hall 501 F, (317) 274-7342 or 274-3658

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Degree Offered

Master of Arts for Teachers

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Program Information

This graduate program is a collaboration between IUPUI and the University of Salamanca. It leads to the M.A.T. in Spanish, awarded by IUPUI, and to a distinctive international degree entitled Master Interuniversitario Hispano-Norteamericano en la Lengua Espanola y las Culturas Hispanas, awarded by the University of Salamanca. The University of Salamanca has a well-developed curriculum for foreign students who aspire to teach Spanish, and its Cursos para profesores enjoy a high level of academic prestige around the world.

This international course of study has been designed specifically for teachers of Spanish. It provides graduate level course work in the Spanish language, Hispanic cultures, teaching methodology, applied linguistics, and Hispanic art and literature. It provides for the professional development of Spanish teachers through the improvement of their language and teaching skills, and it will enable their career advancement. Graduates of the program will in turn contribute to better teaching of Spanish in Indiana schools, improving the language skills and the cultural awareness of Indiana students.

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Special Departmental Requirements

(See also general University Graduate School requirements.)

Admission Requirements
(1) A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university, with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 grading scale) in the student's undergraduate major, documented by an official transcript. Applicants are expected to have a B.A. in Spanish, but admission is also considered for those who otherwise demonstrate the competency necessary for successful graduate work in Spanish. Students must have knowledge of Spanish phonetics, linguistics, and literary genres and periods. Students with deficiencies may be admitted on a conditional basis until they complete the relevant undergraduate courses in these areas. (2) Proficiency in the Spanish language. There are two options: (a) Exam-Students may take the Basic Diploma in Spanish (DELE) issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. The official exam determining this proficiency is offered once a year at IUPUI; or (b) A tape-including applicant's oral sample of 10-15 minutes of spontaneous speech in Spanish and an essay in Spanish on some aspect of Spanish culture, literature, linguistics, or pedagogy. The essay may be in the form of a paper written for a course. (3) Three letters of recommendation. At least two of these should be from professors. (4) For international students, the university requires a minimum TOEFL score of 550 on the paper version, 213 on the computer-based test. Send scores to Institution Code 1325, Dept. Code 2608. Students who do not achieve this score may be admitted to the university conditionally and may be required to take English as a Second Language courses through the Department of English. While taking these courses they will be allowed to register for a maximum of six credit hours in the M.A.T. in Spanish. If admitted, international students will also be required to take IUPUI's ESL Placement test before registering for the first semester. For further admissions instructions and requirements for international students, prospective students should refer to the Office of International web page at www.iupui.edu/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/oia/wrap?

PLEASE NOTE: We do not require the GRE for admission to the M.A.T. in Spanish program.

Online application: Please access the online portion of the application from this link: www.iupui.edu/~resgrad/grad/apply.htm

Course Requirements
The IUPUI-Universidad de Salamanca M.A.T. in Spanish consists of 37 credits and it may be completed in 3 academic semesters and 2 five-week courses in Spain completed in sequential years. The summer work in Spain MUST be done in consecutive years: for example, in 2004-05; or in 2005-06. The remainder of the course work must be completed in residence at IUPUI. To complete the IUPUI courses as rapidly as possible, students must take 2 graduate courses per semester for 2 of the 3 semesters in the curricular rotation.

Course Work at IUPUI
(to be completed during the academic year):

Methodology and Applied Linguistics
S513 Introduction to Hispanic Sociolinguistics
S515 Acquisition of Spanish as a Second-language
S517 Methods of Teaching College Spanish

Latin American Culture and Literature
S518 Studies in Latino and Spanish-American Culture
S680 Topics in Contemporary Spanish-American Literature
S519 Practicum in the Teaching of Spanish
S685 M.A.T. Thesis

Course Work at the University of Salamanca
(to be completed in two July sessions):

S521 Spanish Grammar and Linguistics for Teachers I (4 cr.) This course presents themes and issues in Spanish grammar and in Hispanic linguistics selected for their relevance to teaching Spanish to non-native students. Pedagogical implications and teaching strategies will be discussed. Content is distinct from that of S524.

S523 Spanish Literature, Art and Culture for Teachers I (4 cr.) This course presents authors, artists, themes and issues in Spanish literature, visual art and cultural life selected to enrich the teaching of Spanish to non-native students. Pedagogical implications and teaching strategies will be discussed. Content is distinct from that of S525.

S524 Spanish Grammar and Linguistics for Teachers II (4 cr.) This course presents themes and issues in Spanish grammar and in Hispanic linguistics selected for their relevance to teaching Spanish to non-native students. Pedagogical implications and teaching strategies will be discussed. Content is distinct from that of S521.

S525 Spanish Literature, Art and Culture for Teachers II (4 cr.) This course presents authors, artists, themes, and issues in Spanish literature, visual art, and cultural life selected to enrich the teaching of Spanish to non-native students. Pedagogical implications and teaching strategies will be discussed. Content is distinct from that of S523.

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S507 Foreign Language Institute (3 cr.) Intensive interdepartmental course involving language laboratory and audiovisual equipment and techniques, lecture, assignments in contemporary civilization (in the foreign language), and discussion of classroom use of applied linguistics. Taught only in summer. Intended primarily for teachers. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.

S513 Introduction to Hispanic Sociolinguistics (3 cr.) Prerequisite: S320, S426 or consent of instructor. This course examines the relationship between language and society in the Spanish-speaking world. It surveys a wide range of topics relevant to Spanish: language as communication, the sociology of language, and linguistic variation. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish. Instructor: Antón.

S515 The Acquisition of Spanish as a Second Language (3 cr.) Prerequisite: S426, S428, or consent of instructor. This course is designed primarily to provide graduate students of Spanish with an introduction to the study of the acquisition of Spanish as a second language. We will survey a selection of studies exploring topics that range from the development of second language (Spanish) grammars, to second language production, second language comprehension, input processing, and the acquisition of pragmatic and sociolinguistic competence. Students are expected to work on a research project. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish.

S517 Methods of Teaching College Spanish (3 cr.) Prerequisite: S428 or consent of instructor. This course on communicative language teaching takes as its point of departure the body of research on second language development. We extrapolate from this base principles and parameters to guide classroom instruction. We cover a full range of topics from grammar and input to spoken and written language. Students are expected to work on a research project and derive pedagogical implications for teaching Spanish. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish.

S518 Studies in Latino and Spanish American Culture (3 cr.) This graduate-level course introduces essential themes and topics in the study of the cultural phenomena produced in Latin America and among Hispanics in the United States. The object of inquiry will include the knowledge, belief systems, artistic production, laws, customs and other socially determined behaviors that pertain to the Spanish-speaking peoples in the Western Hemisphere. Topics such as the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized, the structure of institutions which express or govern social relationships, manifestations of popular culture, the various forms by which communication is effected, high and low art, religious syncretism, and native indigenous cultures will be explored. Students will make an oral presentation on a theoretical text and write a research paper.

S519 Practicum in the Teaching of Spanish (2 cr.) P: S517 or instructor's consent. Practical application of the teaching methodology explored in S517, Methods of Teaching College Spanish. Students will undertake teaching projects supervised by a graduate faculty member in Spanish and meet with their mentors to assess their teaching objectives, techniques, materials and outcomes.

S528 Translation Practice and Evaluation (3 cr.) A graduate credit course in the problems and techniques of Spanish/English and English/Spanish translation. Includes the practical aspects of translation from various texts (literary, technical, scientific, commercial, social) and evaluation of professional translations. Translation theory will also be studied.

S680 Topics in Contemporary Spanish American Literature (3 cr.) Topics include poetry, drama, short story, novel, essay.

S686 M.A.T. Thesis (4 cr.) Students will identify a research theme and develop it under the guidance of a director and a co-director. The topic will be related to the teaching of the Spanish language or to the teaching of an aspect of Hispanic culture.

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