SociologyCollege of Arts and Sciences Chairperson Departmental E-mail Departmental URL Graduate Faculty Graduate Faculty(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.) Distinguished Professors Allen and Polly Grimshaw Professor Chancellor's Professors Robert H. Shaffer Class of 1967 Endowed Professor Rudy Professors Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Adjunct Professors Adjunct Associate Professor Director of Graduate Studies Degrees OfferedMaster of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy Special Departmental RequirementsSee also general University Graduate School requirements. Master of Arts DegreeAdmission Requirements Course Requirements Grades Essay Doctor of Philosophy DegreeAdmission Requirements Course Requirements Grades Outside Minor Qualifying Examinations Dissertation Proposal Final Examination Ph.D. Minor in Sociology Courses400-Level 400-LevelCourses in the 400s listed here are open to graduate students with the prior approval of the director of graduate studies in sociology and the course instructor. S409 Social Context of Schooling (3 cr.) 500-LevelS500 Proseminar in Sociology (1 cr.) Introduction to current sociological research interests and concerns through the work of departmental members. May be repeated for credit. S/F grading. S506 Teaching of Undergraduate Sociology (3 cr.) Required of all associate instructors. S/F grading. S501 Sociology as a Vocation (1 cr. ) Students consider the contributions of sociology as a discipline and examine career paths of sociologists both within and outside of academia. The 1 credit course is required of all first-year graduate students. S/F grading. S502 Launching Your Academic Career (1 cr.) In this course, students are introduced to basic issues that are essential for their professional development. Course time is divided between in-class discussions and exercises both in and outside of class. This 1 credit course is required of all second-year students. S/F grading. S510 Introduction to Social Organization (3 cr.) R: one course in sociology. Concepts, perspectives, and theories relevant to the analysis of all social organizations or social systems. Emphasizes both dynamic processes and structural forms, including social roles and interaction, patterns of social ordering, effects of culture, and social systems analysis. Examines both classic and contemporary literature. S530 Introduction to Social Psychology (3 cr.) R: one course in sociology. Examines the broad range of work in social psychology. Emphasis is placed on the relation between the classic and contemporary literature in the field. S540 Sociological Theory (3 cr.) A rigorous examination of a representative set of theoretical products, with the objective of understanding the basic structure and meaning of each and simultaneously learning about the creation of theory. S554 Statistical Techniques in Sociology I (3 cr.) P: S371 or consent of instructor. Statistical analysis of single and multiple equation models with continuous dependent variables. May include techniques such as bivariate and multivariate regression, recursive and nonrecursive structural equation models. S558 Advanced Research Techniques (3 cr.) The logic of analysis, including development of research questions, relationships between theory and evidence, research design, sampling, data collection strategies, reliability and validity, measurement, analysis, and drawing conclusions. Also includes an overview of data collection techniques such as surveys, interviews, field methods, and the use of archival and secondary data. S560 Topics in Sociology (3 cr.) Selected topics in social organization and social psychology, including but not limited to the sociologies of work, sex roles, education, mental illness, science, sociolinguistics, socialization, deviance, sexual patterns and variations, and small group processes. S566-S567 Sociological Research Practicum I-II (1-3; 1-3 cr.) Participation in all aspects of a sociological research project, including conceptualization and design, data collection, analysis, and report writing. Both may be repeated for credit. S569 M.A. Thesis (3 cr.)** **These courses are eligible for a deferred grade. 600-LevelS606 Sociological Issues in College Pedagogy (3 cr.) Introduction to topics such as learning theory, learning and teaching styles, and cognitive development. Focuses on assessment and practice of teaching, challenges to higher education, ethics, and professional responsibility. S610 Urban Sociology (3 cr.) Historical and contemporary causes, trends, and patterns of urbanization throughout the world. Various approaches to studying the process of urbanization, including ecological, social organizational, and political perspectives. Current developments and problems in urban planning. S612 Political Sociology (3 cr.) Possible topics include: experimental studies of power relationships, political socialization, political attitudes, political participation, voting behavior, decision-making processes, theories of social power, organizational power systems and structures, the state as a social institution, and political movements. S613 Complex Organizations (3 cr.) Theory and research in formal organizations: industry, school, church, hospital, government, military, and university. Problems of bureaucracy and decision making in large-scale organizations. For students in the social sciences and professional schools interested in the comparative approach to problems of organization and their management. S615 Problems in Demography and Ecology (3 cr.) Sociological aspects of theories relating human beings and ecological environment. Selected topics, ranging from fertility and population change to community planning and urbanism in underdeveloped areas as well as Western cultures. S616 Sociology of Family Systems (3 cr.) Focus on the nature, structure, functions, and changes of family systems in modern and emerging societies, in comparative and historical perspective. Attention is given to relationships with other societal subsystems, and to interaction between role occupants within and between subsystems. S617 Social Stratification (3 cr.) Nature of social stratification; comparison of caste, estate-class, and open-class systems; theories of stratification; characteristics of local and national stratification systems; comparative analysis of stratification systems in various parts of the world; social circulation, changes in stratification structure. S618 Sociology of Religion and Ideology (3 cr.) The nature of beliefs and value systems and their institutional arrangements, with specific attention to the interrelationship of these systems to the larger social structure, in cross-cultural and historical perspective. S620 Deviance and Social Control (3 cr.) Current theories of genesis, distribution, and control of deviant behavior. Theories about specific forms of deviant behavior, e.g., crime, suicide, and alcoholism, examined from standpoint of their implications for a comprehensive, general theory of deviant behavior. S621 Theory and Research in Human Sexuality (3 cr.) A critical examination of sociological theory and research in the area of human sexuality. Historical and contemporary work will be considered. S631 Intergroup Relations (3 cr.) Topics include nature of prejudice, theories of prejudice, psychology of attitudes related to intergroup relations, critique and evaluation of current research of majority-minority relations, and formulation of research designs. S632 Socialization (3 cr.) The processes of development of the individual as a social being and societal member, focusing on childhood or socialization into adult roles. S633 Social Interaction: Interpersonal Relations (3 cr.) Focuses on social interaction processes. Topics include interpersonal perception, verbal and nonverbal communication, the presentation of self, ecological determinants of interaction, the structure of interactions, social exchange, and stable interaction systems (relationships). S640 Advanced Topics in Sociological Theory (3 cr.) Historical development of sociological theory in Europe and the United States during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with emphasis on contrasting schools of theoretical thought. S647 Social Change (3 cr.) Contemporary theories of social change, analysis of modernization processes such as industrialization and urbanization, examination of current social movements, and models of future societies. S649 Theory Construction (3 cr.) Analysis of the types and structures of formal theory in sociology. Examination of the specific practices of theory construction. S650 Statistical Techniques in Sociology II (3 cr.) P: S554 or consent of instructor. Statistical analysis of models with noncontinuous dependent variables. May include techniques such as logit and probit analysis, log-linear models, censoring, and sample selection models. S651 Topics in Quantitative Sociology (3 cr.) P: S554, S650. Statistical analysis in social research; selected topics. S652 Topics in Qualitative Methods (3 cr.) Selected topics in qualitative data collection and analysis. Various topics which could be covered in a given semester include audiovisual recording in natural settings, comparative/cross-cultural methods, content analysis, ethnographic methods, historical sociology, and intensive interviews and case studies. S655 Experimental Methods in Sociology (3 cr.) Analysis of laboratory experiments; problems in experimentation; practice in conducting experiments. S656 Mathematical Applications in Sociology (3 cr.) P: S650. Mathematical description of social systems and processes; computer simulation; mathematics and sociological theory. S657 Community Power, Politics, and Decision Making (3 cr.) Cross-disciplinary perspectives on community influence structures, governmental forms, and the local and national processes generating community public policies. Research strategies appropriate to the study of these issues. S658 Selected Problems in Cross-Cultural Sociological Research (3 cr.) Problems of research in different cultural settings. Adaptation of standard sociological techniques, development of research designs, administration of research in situations of limited resources. S659 Qualitative Methods in Sociology (3 cr.) P: S558 or permission of instructor. Methods of obtaining, evaluating, and analyzing qualitative data in social research. Methods covered include field research procedures, participant observation, interviewing, and audio-video recording of social behavior in natural settings. S660 Advanced Topics (2-6 cr.) Topics announced when course is to be offered. 700-LevelAll 700-level courses are research seminars. Topics vary each term. S700 Topical Seminar (3-12 cr.) GraduateG591 Methods of Population Analysis and Their Applications (3 cr.) A course in statistics. Techniques of measuring and analyzing population size and trends, fertility and mortality patterns, migration flows. Population estimates and projections. Major models of formal demography.
1 May be repeated three times for credit. |
Last updated: 21 February 2025 16 13 28
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