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University Graduate School 2004-2005 Specific Graduate Program Information


University Graduate
School 2004-2005
Academic Bulletin

University Graduate School
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Indiana University 
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(812) 855-8853  
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Graduate Office
Union Building 518
Indiana University–Purdue University
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 278-2490
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Political Science

College of Arts and Sciences

Professor Jeffrey C. Isaac

Departmental URL

Departmental E-mail

Apply electronically for admission

Graduate Faculty
Degrees Offered
Special Departmental Requirements
Master of Arts Degree
Master of Arts for Teachers Degree
Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Graduate Faculty)

(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.

University Professor
York Willbern (Emeritus, Public and Environmental Affairs)

Rudy Professors
Edward G. Carmines, Jeffrey Isaac

Arthur F. Bentley Professors
Lynton Caldwell (Emeritus, Public and Environmental Affairs), Elinor Ostrom (Public and Environmental Affairs), Vincent Ostrom (Emeritus)

Warner O. Chapman Professor
Edward G. Carmines

Jack Bielasiak, Alfred Diamant (Emeritus), William Fierman (Central Eurasian Studies), Norman Furniss, Russell Hanson, Iliya Harik (Emeritus), Jeffrey Hart, Marjorie Hershey, Francis Hoole (Emeritus), Gregory Kasza (East Asian Languages and Cultures), Michael McGinnis, Eugene McGregor (Public and Environmental Affairs), Bernard Morris (Emeritus), Patrick O'Meara (African Studies, Public and Environmental Affairs), James Perry (Public and Environmental Affairs), Karen Rasler, Leroy Rieselbach (Emeritus), Jean Robinson, Robert Rohrschneider, William Thompson, Timothy Tilton, Charles Wise (Public and Environmental Affairs), Lois Wise (Public and Environmental Affairs), Gerald Wright

Associate Professors
Yvette Alex-Assensoh*, Judith Failer, Lawrence Hanks*, Robert Hattery (Emeritus), Scott Kennedy* (Emeritus, East Asian Languages and Cultures), Dina Spechler, Richard Stryker

Assistant Professors
Aurelian Craiutu*, Henry Hale*, Amber Levanon Seligson*

Director of Graduate Studies
Professor Yvette Alex-Assensoh, Woodburn Hall 210, (812) 855-1208

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Degrees Offered

Master of Arts, Master of Arts for Teachers, and Doctor of Philosophy

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Special Departmental Requirements

(See also general University Graduate School requirements.)

Admission Requirements
Satisfactory scores on the Graduate Record Examination General Test; satisfactory previous academic record; three letters of recommendation. Applicants holding no academic degree higher than the bachelor's may be admitted to the M.A. or M.A.T. program; those with master's degrees must be admitted as Ph.D. students. Admission to the Ph.D. program is based primarily on performance by the applicant in graduate work at Indiana University that can be applied toward the Ph.D. Application for admission to the Ph.D. program may be made after the completion of one semester of graduate study in the department, but not later than the conclusion of the third semester of such study. If the application is rejected, the student may reapply once any time after one additional semester has elapsed, through the fourth semester of graduate study. (In the case of a student enrolled on a part-time basis, the appropriate number of semester equivalents will be determined by the departmental director of graduate studies.) Evidence considered by the departmental Admissions and Awards Committee in reviewing applications to the Ph.D. program includes: (1) student performance in seminars and course work in political science; (2) successful completion of at least the first language/research-skill requirement; and (3) other evidence of scholarly skill and attainment, as provided by research projects and faculty evaluations.

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Master of Arts Degree

Course Requirements
A total of 30 credit hours, including Y570. At least 15 of the 30 credit hours must be in graduate courses (500 level or higher). Each graduate student must complete five graduate seminars in political science, averaging at least a grade of B (3.0) in all seminars, to qualify for the M.A. degree. (For students entering with previous graduate work, the director of graduate studies, with the recommendation of the student's M.A. committee, can reduce the number of required seminars based on the prior graduate training.)

Required. The essay may be based on a research paper prepared in a departmental seminar. If a new paper is written and presented as a thesis, it may receive no more than 4 hours of credit. The essay must be presented to all members of the examining committee, prior to the examination, for approval.

Foreign Language/Research-Skill Requirement
The student must demonstrate reading proficiency in one foreign language or proficiency in an approved research skill. Students specializing in public policy must use an approved research skill, not a foreign language, to meet this requirement.

Other Provision
Work taken to meet the requirements of such programs as the area certificate of the Russian and East European Institute may be applied toward the M.A. degree.

Final Examination
An oral examination for the M.A. degree will be conducted by a faculty committee and will cover both the student's course of study and required essay.

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Master of Arts for Teachers Degree

Information regarding this degree program may be obtained from the director of graduate studies.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Course Requirements
A total of 90 credit hours, including dissertation. Y570 Introduction to the Study of Politics is to be taken in the first year of residence. Students who select a field with an approaches-and-issues seminar should take the seminar during the first two years of residence. Each graduate student must complete 10 graduate seminars numbered 500 and above in political science (excluding directed reading and directed research courses), averaging at least a B (3.0) in all seminars, prior to nomination to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. (For students entering with previous graduate work the director of graduate studies, with the recommendation of the student's advisory committee, can reduce the number of required seminars based on the prior graduate training.) Students must also complete Y550. A substantial research paper is required at the end of a student's second year. This paper should represent original research performed by the student. The advisory committee will evaluate whether the student's paper is adequate for purposes of this requirement.

Fields of Study
The student will select two fields in political science from the following: American politics; international relations; comparative politics; political theory and methodology; public policy; political philosophy.

In exceptional cases, with the written approval of the director of graduate studies, the student may offer as one of the fields a course of study that cuts across two of the established fields. For students in comparative politics, the department offers specialized training on Russia, the other Soviet successor states, and Eastern Europe; Western Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and East Asia (China, Japan, and Korea).

One or more minor fields in related departments or in an interdepartmental program, embracing either substantive material or methodology.

Advisory Committee
Each student will be assigned an advisory committee, which will include two faculty members from each of the student's two fields in political science and a representative of each minor. The chairperson of the committee serves as the student's principal advisor. The committee will supervise the student's course of study. Early in the student's residence, but in no case later than the third semester of study, the advisory committee will provide the student with a formal review of progress toward the degree.

Foreign Language/Research-Skill Requirement
The student must demonstrate proficiency in any two of the following: French, German, Spanish, Russian, mathematics, logic, statistics, or computer science. With approval of the department and the dean of the University Graduate School, another language may be substituted if appropriate to the student's proposed program. With the approval of the advisory committee, the student may qualify in a single language or research skill at an advanced level, rather than in two. In order to qualify in a language at the advanced level, the student must satisfy the in-depth proficiency requirement. For rules regarding qualification in a research skill at the advanced level, consult the director of graduate studies. The student is expected to make satisfactory progress in meeting the requirements for the degree; in particular, the student must satisfy the first language or research-skill requirement during the first year of study, the second requirement no later than the second year.

Qualifying Examination
The qualifying field examination is intended to evaluate the student's substantive knowledge and analytical ability in both of the student's fields of study. The written qualifying examination is administered two times a year: in the fall and spring.

Research Committee
Upon completion of the qualifying examination and presentation of a satisfactory dissertation proposal, the student will be nominated to candidacy for the Ph.D. The University Graduate School, on the recommendation of the department, will appoint a research committee to supervise the dissertation.

Final Examination
Covers the field of study related to the dissertation and defense of the dissertation.

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300 Level1
500 Level
600 Level
700 Level
800 Level

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300 Level1

Y311 Democracy and National Security (3 cr.)
Y313 Environmental Policy (3 cr.)
Y333 Chinese Politics (3 cr.)
Y334 Japanese Politics (3 cr.)
Y337 Latin American Politics (3 cr.)
Y338 African Politics (3 cr.)
Y339 Middle Eastern Politics (3 cr.)
Y340 East European Politics (3 cr.)
Y342 Topics on the Regional Politics of Africa (3 cr.) May be repeated once for credit with consent of instructor and department graduate advisor.
Y343 Development Problems in the Third World (3 cr.)
Y368 Russian and Soviet Foreign Policy (3 cr.)
Y381-Y382 History of Political Theory I-II (3-3 cr.)
Y383-Y384 American Political Ideas I-II (3-3 cr.)
Y385 Russian Political Ideas (3 cr.)
Y394 Public Policy Analysis (3 cr.)

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500 Level

Y550 Political Science and Professional Development (1-3 cr.) Philosophies and techniques of teaching various types of political science courses in different learning environments; factors related to the motivation and performance of students; development of course materials for undergraduate courses; preparing to present papers at conventions and to apply for grants; improving self-presentation skills for job interviews. May be repeated for up to three credits.

Y557 Comparative Politics: Approaches and Issues (3 cr.) Overview and analysis of the approaches and issues in the literature of comparative politics. Required of students taking comparative politics as a field of study for the Ph.D. It is recommended that this course be taken during the first two years of graduate work at Indiana University.

Y561 American Politics: Approaches and Issues (3 cr.) Overview and analysis of the approaches and issues in the literature of American politics. Required of students taking American politics as a field of study for the Ph.D. It is recommended that this course be taken during the first two years of graduate work at Indiana University.

Y565 Public Administration, Law, and Policy: Approaches and Issues (3 cr.) Overview and analysis of the approaches and issues in the literature of public administration, law, and policy. Required of students taking public administration, law, and policy as a field of study for the Ph.D. It is recommended that this course be taken during the first two years of graduate work at Indiana University.

Y569 International Relations: Approaches and Issues (3 cr.) Overview and analysis of the approaches and issues in the literature of international relations. Required of students taking international relations as a field of study for the Ph.D. It is recommended that this course be taken during the first two years of graduate work at Indiana University.

Y570 Introduction to the Study of Politics (3 cr.) Problems of graduate study and professional scholarship; central organizing concepts and the use of theory in political science and related disciplines; specialized areas of research and scholarship in political science; conditions of scientific inquiry and methodological problems in the study of political phenomena; central importance of theory in explanation.

Y572 Mathematical Tools for Political Scientists (1 cr.) Review of topics in mathematics that are particularly useful in the application of formal political theory and political methodology. Typical topics include Euclidean spaces and functions; sets, neighborhoods, sequences, and limits; derivatives; integrals; vectors and matrices; optimization. To be taken prior to or concurrent with Y573 and Y577.

Y573 Introduction to Formal Political Theory (3 cr.) Introduction to the use of formal models in political science. Provides the training required to develop basic models of political process and exposes students to classic works and problems in formal political theory.

Y575 Political Data Analysis I (3 cr.) Basic quantitative analysis techniques applied to political science data: principles of measurement, tables, graphs, probability distributions, nonparametric statistics, matrix algebra, Markov chains, correlations and simple regression, tests of significance. Computer processing of data and applications of bivariate statistics to problems in political science emphasized.

Y576 Political Data Analysis II (3 cr.) P: Y575 or equivalent. Focuses on general linear model and multivariate statistical techniques such as analysis of variance and covariance, partial and multiple regression and correlation, time series analysis, logit and probit analysis, canonical correlation, and discriminant analysis. Applications to problems in political science research emphasized.

Y577 Advanced Topics in Political Data Analysis (3 cr.) P: Y576 or equivalent. Content varies. Topics include analysis of covariance structures, dynamic modeling, estimation of multiple equation systems, mathematical models, time series analysis. Applications to problems in political science research emphasized. May be repeated for credit if topic differs.

Y580 Research Methods in Political Science (1-3 cr.) Foundations of political research; alternative research strategies; problems of measuring political variables; design of research to test hypotheses. S/F grading.

Y591 Computer Applications in Political Science (1 cr.) Introduces students to computing applications for political scientists. Topics include computing packages such as STATA, GAUSS, and EXCEL; creating datasets; and transferring datasets among programs. Covers only personal computer (DOS) applications and operating systems.

Y592 Bibliography of Political Science (1 cr.) Introduction to library research tools in political science, problems of bibliographical research, special resources of Indiana University, problems of utilizing library resources.

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600 Level

With the exception of individual readings courses, 600-level courses are seminars or colloquia. In some instances a seminar will introduce students broadly to the principal scholarly literature in a field; in others, the objective will be to provide an in-depth analysis of a more specialized area of research. The kinds of seminar topics that are offered regularly are illustrated below.

Seminar topics often have relevance for each of several of the departmental examination fields. Furthermore, a given topic may be approached from a variety of perspectives. Therefore, although cross-listing is avoided here for the sake of brevity, it should be noted that essentially the same topic may appear under each of two or more generic titles at various times.

Interested students should consult detailed course descriptions, which are available on request from the departmental graduate office in advance of each semester. Any course at the 600 level may be taken more than once, provided the topic is not repeated.

Y657 Comparative Politics (3 cr.) (The focus may be on one or more political systems within regions indicated.) Illustrative topics: political elites and social stratification, comparative administration and public policy, cross-national analysis, West Europe, East Europe, comparative Communist systems, Russia, Africa, Middle East, Latin America, East Asia, comparative development strategies.

Y661 American Politics (3 cr.) Illustrative topics: the presidency, legislative process, political behavior, political parties and representation, political socialization, comparative state politics, urban politics, bureaucratic politics.

Y663 Political and Administrative Development (3 cr.) Illustrative topics: politics of social change, comparative urbanization, political and administrative development.

Y665 Public Law and Policy (3 cr.) Illustrative topics: urban policy analysis; politics of higher education; science, technology, and public policy; politics of environmental policy.

Y669 International Relations (3 cr.) Illustrative topics: international conflict, international organization, quantitative international relations, analysis and evaluation of policy making, U.S. foreign policy, Russian and Soviet foreign policy, international and comparative communism, international political economy.

Y671 Public Administration (3 cr.) Illustrative topics: organization theory, urban administration, public administration.

Y673 Empirical Theory and Methodology (3 cr.) Illustrative topics: survey of empirical theory, theory building and causal inference, positive political theory, institutional analysis and design, empirical democratic theory, research design.

Y675 Political Philosophy (3 cr.) Illustrative topics: analysis of political concepts; political theory of the Enlightenment; nineteenth-century political thought; welfare state: theory and practice; Marxist theory; American political thought.
Y681 Readings in Comparative Politics (1-4 cr.)
Y683 Readings in American Politics (1-4 cr.)
Y685 Readings in Public Administration, Law, and Policy (1-4 cr.)
Y687 Readings in International Relations (1-4 cr.)
Y689 Readings in Political Theory and Methodology (1-4 cr.)

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700 Level

All 700-level courses are research seminars. Students are expected to demonstrate their own research enterprise on a topic agreed upon with the instructor. In some instances, team research may be carried out. Students are also expected to make significant progress toward identification of an eventual dissertation project in the research seminars in the major field. Each course may be taken more than once.

Y757 Comparative Politics (3 cr.)
Y761 American Politics (3 cr.)
Y763 Political and Administrative Development (3 cr.)
Y765 Public Law and Policy (3 cr.)
Y769 International Relations (3 cr.)
Y771 Public Administration (3 cr.)
Y773 Empirical Theory and Methodology (3 cr.)
Y775 Political Philosophy (3 cr.)
Y780 Directed Research in Political Science (1-4 cr.)**

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800 Level

Y880 M.A. Thesis (1-4 cr.)**
Y890 Ph.D. Thesis (cr. arr.)**

**These courses are eligible for a deferred grade.

1 Graduate students must obtain consent of the instructor in order to enroll for graduate credit.

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