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University Graduate School 2004-2005 Specific Graduate Program Information


University Graduate
School 2004-2005
Academic Bulletin

University Graduate School
Kirkwood Hall 111  
Indiana University 
Bloomington, IN 47405  
(812) 855-8853  
Toll Free (888) 335-7547  
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Graduate Office
Union Building 518
Indiana University–Purdue University
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 278-2490
Contact Graduate Office


College of Arts and Sciences

Professor Karen Hanson

Departmental URL

Departmental E-mail

Graduate Faculty
Degrees Offered
Special Departmental Requirements
Master of Arts Degree
Doctor of Philosophy Degree

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Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.)

Oscar R. Ewing Professor
J. Michael Dunn

Rudy Professor
Karen Hanson

Marcia Baron, Myles Brand, Andy Clark, Nino Cocchiarella (Emeritus), Paul D. Eisenberg (Emeritus), Milton Fisk (Emeritus), Mark Kaplan, David McCarty, Michael McRobbie, Michael Morgan, Frederick Schmitt, Paul Vincent Spade, Joan Weiner

Associate Professors
Timothy O'Connor*, Dennis Senchuk, Josefa Toribio

Assistant Professors
Peg Zeglin Brand*, Adam Leite*, Jonathan M. Weinberg*

Adjunct Professors
Barry Bull (Education), James Hart (Emeritus, Religious Studies), Douglas Hofstadter (Computer Science), Jeffrey Isaac (Political Science), Oscar Kenshur (Comparative Literature), Noretta Koertge (Emerita, History and Philosophy of Science), Gerry Larson (Religious Studies), Daniel Leivant (Computer Science), Elisabeth Lloyd (History and Philosophy of Science), Larry Moss (Mathematics), John Walbridge (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures)

Adjunct Associate Professors
Michael Dickson (History and Philosophy of Science), Robert Eno* (East Asian Languages and Cultures), Luise Prior McCarty (Education), William Rasch (Germanic Studies), Cornelis de Waal*

Director of Graduate Studies
Professor Fred Schmitt, Sycamore Hall 121, (812) 855-9503

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Degrees Offered

Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy

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Special Departmental Requirements

(See also general University Graduate School requirements.)

Applicants must take the Graduate Record Examination General Test. Those who have an inadequate background in philosophy may, with the approval of their faculty advisor, enroll in P590 for supplemental work, provided that the number of graduate credits so acquired does not exceed 9 credit hours. Upon admission, a graduate major in philosophy will be assigned a departmental faculty advisor who, in conjunction with the director of graduate studies, will help plan the student's program of study.

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Master of Arts Degree

Course Requirements
A total of 30 credit hours, at least 20 credit hours of which must be in philosophy. These must include at least one course in each of four subject areas: history of philosophy, metaphysics and epistemology, logic, and value theory.

A minimum grade of B (3.0) is required in each course that counts toward the degree.

Language/Thesis Requirements
The student must either demonstrate reading proficiency in classical Greek, French, German, or Latin, or write an acceptable thesis. Up to 6 hours of thesis credit may be applied to the course requirements and may be counted in the 20 credit hours of philosophy.

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Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Course Requirements
A total of 90 credit hours, including dissertation (minimum of 30 credit hours).

A minimum grade point average of 3.0 (B) is required of work that counts toward the degree.

Foreign Language Requirement
Proficiency in at least one approved foreign language. Some specializations will require additional foreign languages.

First-Year Course
Each fall semester, one graduate course is designated as a required course for all incoming graduate students. An aim of this course is to convey a sense of the depth of research and the level of writing needed for success in the graduate program. Satisfactory completion of this course is required. This course can be counted toward the student's nine units of distribution requirements (see below).

Distribution and Specialization Requirements
Specific requirements vary across subject areas, but generally the distribution requirements can be satisfied by taking two courses each in metaphysics and epistemology, logic, and value theory, and three courses in the history of philosophy. Generally, specialization requirements can be satisfied by taking a total of four courses in one of these areas. Distribution requirements are normally satisfied by the end of the student's second year, and specialization requirements by the end of the third year. Students who are taking extensive course work (18 credit hours or more) in another department outside of philosophy can apply for exemption from two of the nine distribution units. For more details on the distribution and specialization requirements, see the document IU Department of Philosophy-Ph.D. Requirements, obtainable from the department office and on the department's Web site.

Qualifying Exam
An essay, together with an oral exam, on a topic that the student plans to pursue further in the dissertation. The qualifying exam will test whether the student is ready to write a dissertation on the chosen topic. Students who have passed the qualifying exam and have satisfied the course and language requirements are ready to be nominated for candidacy. The qualifying exam should normally be taken by the end of three-and-one-half years of graduate study. Students who have not been admitted to candidacy by the beginning of their sixth year will be dropped from the program.

Dissertation Prospectus
A one- or two-page plan of the proposed dissertation that is submitted to the graduate school after it has been approved by the dissertation committee.

Dissertation Chapter Exam
A long essay (about 25 pages long) on the dissertation topic, with an optional oral component. The dissertation chapter exam should be taken within one year of passing the qualifying exam.

Ph.D. Minor in Philosophy
Doctoral students outside the department may minor in philosophy by completing 12 credit hours of graduate-level philosophy courses with a B (3.0) average or higher. No more than 9 credit hours may be taken as P590. The program must be approved by the director of graduate studies of the Department of Philosophy. Students planning to take P590 as part of their program must, in addition, obtain consent to do so from the instructor of that course.

Ph.D. Minor and Certificate in Logic

The Department of Philosophy participates in the Program in Pure and Applied Logic, along with the Departments of Computer Science, Linguistics, and Mathematics. For details of the requirements for the Logic Minor and the Logic Certificate, see the booklet IU Program in Pure and Applied Logic, available in the departmental office, Sycamore 026.

Philosophy Ph.D. students may minor in logic, provided that (1) no courses are double-counted for major and minor, (2) at least three of the minor courses are taken outside the Department of Philosophy, and (3) the courses constituting the minor are approved by the Philosophy Logic Area Committee.


History of Philosophy
P511 Plato (3 cr.)
P512 Aristotle (3 cr.)

P522 Topics in the History of Modern Philosophy (3 cr.) Selected topics from the philosophies of one or more of the following: Contintental rationalists (Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz), British empiricists (Locke, Berkeley, Hume), and Kant. May be repeated twice with consent of instructor(s).
P526 Nineteenth-Century Philosophy (3 cr.) Selected topics as announced.

P530 Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy I (3 cr.) Nineteenth-century British idealism, early Russell, and Moore.

P531 Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy II (3 cr.) Logical atomism and logical positivism.

P532 Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy III (3 cr.) Trends in recent analytic philosophy.

P535 Phenomenology and Existentialism (3 cr.) Selected topics as announced

P595 Intensive Reading: Ancient Philosophy from the Greek or Latin Texts (cr. arr.) Substantive philosophical topics investigated directly from Greek or Latin texts. Reading knowledge of ancient Latin or Greek required. May be repeated for credit.

P596 Intensive Reading: Medieval Philosophy from the Sources (cr. arr.) Substantive philosophical topics investigated directly from Latin or Hebrew texts. Reading knowledge of medieval Latin or Hebrew required. May be repeated for credit.

P597 Intensive Reading: Modern Philosophy from the Sources (cr. arr.) Substantive philosophical topics investigated directly from modern foreign-language texts. Reading knowledge of language or languages involved is required. May be repeated for credit.

P710 Seminar: Topics in History of Philosophy (4 cr.) Selected topics from ancient, medieval, or modern philosophy. May be repeated.

P748 Seminar in American Philosophy (3 cr.) Advanced study of a principal philosopher or a set of selected topics in classical American philosophy.

Special Topics
P520 Philosophy of Language (3 cr.) Advanced study of selected topics.

P546 Philosophy of Art (3 cr.) In-depth discussion of contemporary aesthetic theories.

P561 Philosophy of Mind (3 cr.) In-depth discussion of representative contemporary theories.

P570 Philosophical Psychology (3 cr.) P720 Seminar: Philosophy of Language (4 cr.) Advanced topics in the philosophy of language, e.g., reference, meaning of truth, nature of language.

P540 Contemporary Ethical Theories (3 cr.) Fundamental problems of ethics in contemporary analytic philosophy, from G. E. Moore's Principia Ethica to present.

P541 Selected Topics in the History of Ethics (3 cr.) Selected topics in the history of ethics, ancient, medieval, or modern.

P542 The Ethics and Values of Philanthropy (3 cr.) An inquiry into the ethics and values of philanthropy, rooted in a general understanding of philanthropy as voluntary action of the public good, and as an ethical ideal. A consideration of philanthropic activity in light of the ideal.

P694 Biomedical Ethics (3 cr.) A rigorous examination of bioethical theory and practice. Emphasis is placed on moral and conceptual issues embedded in biomedical research, clinical practice, and social policy relating to the organization and delivery of health care.

P740 Seminar: Ethical Theory (4 cr.) Selected topics in ethical theory.

Social and Political Philosophy

P543 Contemporary Social and Political Philosophy (3 cr.)
P544 Selected Topics in History of Social and Political Philosophy (3 cr.)
Selected topics in the history of social and political philosophy, ancient, medieval, or modern.
P743 Seminar: Social and Political Theory (4 cr.) Selected topics in social and political theory.

Philosophy of Law

P545 Legal Philosophy (3 cr.) An introduction to major legal philosophers and fundamental legal philosophical questions. Logic
P350 Logic of Sets (3 cr.)
P505 Logical Theory I (3 cr.)
P: P250 or equivalent. A survey of modern logic consisting of syntactic and semantic (proof-theoretic and model-theoretic) treatments of the propositional and predicate calculi.

P506 Logical Theory II (3 cr.) P: P505 or equivalent. A survey of central metatheoretic topics in modern logic with special emphasis on (a) model theory and first-order completeness, (b) incompleteness and undecidability results of Gödel and Church, and (c) recursive function theory.

P550 Systems of Modal Logic (3 cr.) P: P251 or consent of instructor. Formal semantical and syntactical analysis of modal concepts, including temporal, dontic, epistemic, and general pragmatic modalities.

P551 Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics (3 cr.) P: P251 or consent of instructor. R: P350. Philosophical and formal investigations on the foundations of mathematics. Examination of logicism, on the nature of mathematics, mathematical entities, and mathematical truth. Gödel's incompleteness theorem and its philosophical significance.

P552 Philosophy of Logic (3 cr.) P: P251 or consent of instructor. Philosophical issues on the nature of logic, alternative logics, the ontological commitments of logic, the analytic-synthetic dichotomy, the analysis of logical truth, etc. History of logic.

P750 Seminar: Logical Theory (4 cr.) Selected problems in the interpretation and application of logical systems. Such topics as model theory, nonstandard logics, and theory of meaning will be discussed.

P751 Seminar: Logic (4 cr.) Selected topics in advanced logic, e.g., set theory, recursive function theory, foundations of mathematics.


P560 Metaphysics (3 cr.) In-depth discussion of representative contemporary theories.

P571 Philosophy of Nature (3 cr.) In-depth study of representative contemporary theories of space, time, causality, action, dispositions, and particulars.

P760 Seminar: Metaphysics and Epistemology (4 cr.) Advanced topics in metaphysic or epistemology or both.

Theory of Knowledge

P562 Theory of Knowledge (3 cr.) Twentieth-century developments
P730 Seminar: Contemporary Philosophy (4 cr.) Selected topics on the works of twentieth-century philosophers.

Philosophy of Science

(Available from the Department of History and Philosophy of Science)
X456 Historical Development of Philosophy of Science (3 cr.)
X551-X552 Survey of the Philosophy of Science I-II (3-3 cr.)
X571 Research Topics in the Philosophy of Science (1-3 cr.)
X600 Advanced Readings Course (cr. arr.)*
X654 Seminar: Philosophy of the Social Sciences (4 cr.)
X683 Philosophical Problems of Quantum Mechanics (4 cr.)
X691 Seminar: Philosophical Problems of Space and Time (4 cr.)
X692 Seminar: Foundations of Scientific Inference (4 cr.)
X755 Special Topics in the Philosophy of Science (2-5 cr.)
X756 Special Topics in the Philosophy of Science (2-5 cr.)

Special Research

P590 Intensive Reading (1-3 cr.) A tutorial course involving in-depth consideration of a specific philosophical area of problem or author. May be repeated for credit.
P803 Master's Thesis in Philosophy (cr .arr.)**
P805 Doctor's Thesis in Philosophy (cr. arr.)**

**These courses are eligible for a deferred grade.

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