Human SexualityThe Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction and the Interdepartmental Graduate Committee on Human Sexuality Departmental E-mail Departmental URL Faculty(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.) Co-Chairpersons Professors Associate Professors Adjunct Assistant Professor Cynthia Graham*, Psychology Building 365, (812) 855-9782 Academic Advisor Ph.D. Minor in Human SexualityThis minor is co-directed by the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction and the Interdepartmental Graduate Committee on Human Sexuality. The Human Sexuality Program offers a doctoral minor of 15 credits from related interdisciplinary subject areas. It is intended for students currently enrolled in a doctoral program, such as counseling, education, health behavior, psychology, or sociology. Students should select an advisor for this minor from members of the Interdepartmental Graduate Committee, listed above, or from affiliated faculty. One core course is required, with the remaining hours being selected from other courses listed below, upon consent of the student's minor area faculty advisor. The program provides a basic yet broad overview of human sexuality. The behavioral, biological, cultural, and social components of sexuality are examined, including the study of the role of sexuality in the arts and public policy. The program will be particularly useful for persons entering fields involving the social and behavioral sciences, education, health science and medicine, counseling and therapy, nursing, social work, humanities, criminal justice, and public policy. Students interested in the Ph.D. Minor in Human Sexuality should check the Web site for current information about the minor, course offerings, and a list of affiliated faculty. All students intending to complete the minor should contact Professor William Yarber, Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Building 142, (812) 855-7974 or Adjunct Assistant Professor Cynthia Graham, Department of Psychology, Room 365, (812) 855-9782. CoursesRequired Core Courses(one of the following two courses is required) Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Psychology Electives(12 credits required) Anthropology Biology Comparative Literature Communication and Culture Criminal Justice East Asian Languages and Cultures Education Folklore Gender Studies G602 Survey of Contemporary Research in Gender Studies: The Humanities (3 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. G695 Graduate Readings and Research in Gender Studies (1-6 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. G701 Graduate Topics in Gender Studies (3-4 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. Health, Physical Education, and Recreation H641 Readings in Health Education (1-5 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. H740 Research in Health Behavior (1-10 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. History H610 Colloquium: Medieval European History (4 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. History and Philosophy of Science X756 Special Topics in the Philosophy of Science (2-5 cr.) May count toward minor when topic relates to human sexuality. Kinsey Institute Law Political Science Y675 Political Philosophy (3 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. Y681 Readings in Comparative Politics (1-4 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. Y689 Readings in Political Theory and Methods (1-4 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. Psychology Religious Studies Sociology S660 Advanced Topics (2-6 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. S700 Topical Seminar (3 cr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. S864 Readings in Sociology (cr. arr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality. S866 Research in Sociology (cr. arr.) May count toward minor when topic applies to human sexuality.
Last updated: 21 February 2025 16 04 23
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