Degree ConferralThe University Graduate School will recommend the candidate to the Board of Trustees for the degree only upon completion of all the requirements stated previously. Degrees are awarded on the last day of each month of the year. For all students seeking a master's degree, an application for the degree must be filed with the University Graduate School at least 60 days before the date anticipated for degree conferral. All degree requirements must be completed at least 30 days before the date of expected degree conferral, including submission to the University Graduate School of the bound copies of the master's thesis (if required for degree). For doctoral students, submission to the University Graduate School of the copies of the completed dissertation and abstract as described under Submission of the Dissertation constitutes an application for conferral of the Ph.D. degree. The dissertation in its final form and the abstract must be submitted to the University Graduate School at least 30 days before the expected date of degree conferral. Doctoral students are reminded (a) that the 30-day announcement deadline prior to the defense of the dissertation and the 30-day deadline prior to degree conferral are nonoverlapping time periods, and (b) that research committees frequently require revisions and corrections after the defense of the dissertation and that these revisions must be made before the dissertation is ready for binding and submission to the University Graduate School. Commencement
Last updated: 31 March 2025 19 10 40
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