Criminal JusticeCollege of Arts and Sciences Departmental E-mail Departmental URL Graduate Faculty Graduate Faculty(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.) Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Graduate Advisor Degrees OfferedMaster of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy Program InformationThe department offers the opportunity for multidisciplinary graduate degrees in criminal justice that are designed for students coming from a variety of academic backgrounds. A degree in criminal justice may serve as a stepping stone to further graduate work (in the case of those awarded the Master of Arts degree) to law school, or to administrative, research, and management careers in the criminal justice system or the private sector. The faculty represents a diversity of approaches to criminal justice studies: anthropology, criminal justice, geography, history, law, political science, psychology, and sociology. Students may also study with faculty from other departments and schools who make up the university-wide criminal justice consortium. Special Departmental RequirementsSee also general University Graduate School requirements. Master of Arts DegreeAdmission Requirements Course Requirements Thesis Doctor of Philosophy DegreeAdmission Requirements Course Requirements Foreign Language/Research Tool Requirement Qualifying Examination Dissertation Proposal Final Examination Ph.D. Minor in Criminal Justice CoursesCourses in the 300s and 400s listed here are open to graduate students with the prior approval of the director of graduate affairs in criminal justice and the course instructor. P411 Criminal Justice Management (3 cr.) P482 The Family and Formal Control Systems (3 cr.) P501 Proseminar: Criminal Justice I (3 cr.) A proseminar to provide an intensive introduction to the basic areas of criminal justice. P502 Proseminar: Criminal Justice II (3 cr.) Theories of crime and delinquency. P512 Corrections (3 cr.) Reviews historical and philosophical bases of correctional system and examines components of system (community corrections, jails, and prisons). Focuses on the structure and functions of the corrections system with particular attention to the role of broader social forces on the development and operation of the system. P515 Police in Society (3 cr.) Covers the bases and impacts of recent changes in U.S. policing, particularly with respect to community-oriented policing. Changes are analyzed in terms of the organizational and political contexts in which they occur as well as from historical and cross-cultural perspectives. P517 Juvenile Justice (3 cr.) Examines historical development of juvenile justice system, tradition of reform, underlying ideologies, and current debates. P519 Probation and Parole (3 cr.) Primary emphasis on the development and evaluation of probation, parole, and other systems of community corrections. Examines the theoretical underpinnings of community programs for offenders, and analysis of recent research will be undertaken. The policy implications for this area will also be studied. P520 Public Control of Deviant Behavior (3 cr.) Critical review of theoretical and empirical literature on selected topics in deviant behavior, including prostitution, child abuse, psychopathy, homosexuality, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and alcoholism. P594 Introduction to Research Methods (3 cr.) P: one semester of graduate-level statistics (S540 or equivalent). Research methodology in criminal justice. Research design, scientific methods, quantitative applications, ethical questions, and the role of the criminal justice researcher. P595 Data Analysis in Criminal Justice I (3 cr.) Data analysis applied to criminal justice data, including measurement, tables, graphs, probability, nonparametric statics, matrix algebra, correlation and regression, and tests of significance. P596 Data Analysis in Criminal Justice II (3 cr.) P: CJUS P595. Focus on the general linear model and multivariate statistical techniques such as logit, probit, and structural equation modeling. P599 Research Practicum (1-6 cr.) Required course for Ph.D. students. Designed to provide guided experience in conducting research independently. The topic and scope of the student's effort must be approved in advance by the professor. P600 Theories of Crime Causation (3 cr.) Examination of theories of crime and criminal behavior from three major perspectives: biology, psychology, and sociology. The goal of the seminar is twofold: (1) to understand the strengths and weaknesses of existing theories from these diverse perspectives, and (2) to suggest that theoretical explanations of crime must of necessity be multidimensional in order to encompass the complexity of the problem. P602 Courts and Criminal Justice (3 cr.) Addresses the nature and operation of courts with respect to criminal cases: structure and administration of courts; recruitment and selection of major participants; and specific decisions in the processing of criminal cases, including the decision to charge, pretrial release, trials and plea bargains, and criminal appeals. P610 Law and Society (3 cr.) Study of the interaction between social forces and legal processes, focusing on the question of what shapes the law. Subareas to be examined include the courts, sentencing, police, crime, deviance, and community-based justice. Emphasis on the links between crime-related behavior as defined by the law, its social and cultural environments, and the individual. P619 Crime and Public Policy (3 cr.) Examines processes by which societies define crime and develop responses to crime. Particular attention is given to case studies of how particular policies were developed and implemented, and what effects these policies produced. P622 Criminal Careers (3 cr.) A small number of career criminals commit the majority of serious crimes. Seminar explores the major personal and typological dimensions of such criminals by exposing the student to the commonalities among diverse forms of criminal activity and the implications for crime theory development and crime control policies. P623 Violent Behavior (3 cr.) Critical analysis of current theory and research on violent behavior utilizing a multidisciplinary framework. Topics include concepts and methods in the study of violence; prediction of violence; family and sexual violence; institutional violence; drugs and violence; and prevention of violent behavior. P625 Correlates of Crime (3 cr.) Examines the incidence and correlates (individual, community, and cultural) of crime and the varying methods of measuring crime. Implications for criminological theory and research are addressed. P627 White-Collar Crime (3 cr.) Examines the data and research related to white-collar crime in an effort to understand issues of causation and social control of this particular form of crime. Places white-collar crime within the context of general theories of crime, and compares and contrasts the various legal mechanisms (civil administrative and criminal) available to control it. P629 Victimization (3 cr.) Covers current theory, research and measurement issues pertaining to the nature, extent, causes, and effects of criminal victimization; evaluations of programs for crime victims; and political and ideological differences among varying views of victim rights. P633 Dispute Settlement (3 cr.) Examines relationships between social and cultural contexts in the fields of crime and law. Focuses on factors that influence the development and use of dispute settlement processes, such as mediation and negotiation, and the evolution, development, and disintegration of legal and criminal justice systems. P634 Sentencing Theory and Practice (3 cr.) Examines the theoretical and practical issues relating to the sentencing of criminals. In particular, focuses on the aims of punishment and the construction of sentencing models and alternatives designed to achieve these aims. P637 Community, Crime, and Criminal Justice (3 cr.) Examines the role of community structure and function in the distribution of crime and the formal and informal response to crime. P639 History of Criminal Justice in the U.S. (3 cr.) Examination of the development of the American criminal justice system, with particular attention to courts, prisons, and the police. Examines how definitions of deviance and criminality have changed over time and the ways class, gender, and race have shaped law and justice. P670 Cross-Cultural Studies (3 cr.) Examines significance of cross-cultural research to criminology/criminal justice, research practices and problems, with emphasis on analysis of field experiences and findings. P671 Comparative Justice Systems (3 cr.) Engages students in comparative issues and research to reveal political, historical, and cultural factors that have influenced criminal justice and law in the United States. Develops student abilities to conceptualize crime and law without using official legal concepts but for purposes of comparative social scientific research. P672 Ideas About Justice (3 cr.) Explores a school or related schools of thought and practice about what "justice" means and requires. Special topics for the course may vary, focusing, for instance, on feminist justice, "just desserts" theory, restorative justice, retributive justice, or utilitarian justice. P675 Women and Crime (3 cr.) Provides a flexible forum for the discussion of a previously neglected topic in criminology/criminal justice: women and crime. Includes discussion and debate on the nature and extent of women's criminality, processing of women through each step of the criminal justice system, and women working in criminal justice. P680 Seminar: Issues in Criminal Justice (3 cr.) Selected topics in criminal justice that will vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit. P682 Seminar on Law Enforcement and Minorities (3 cr.) Selected topics dealing with problems involving minorities and criminal justice system operations. P694 Research in Criminal Justice (cr. arr.)* P: P594. P751 Topical Research Seminar (3-12 cr.) Students are expected to demonstrate their skills in research design and data analysis on a topic agreed upon with the instructor. The instructor may encourage team research for appropriate designs and topics. Students are encouraged to develop topics related to dissertation research. P794 M.A. Thesis (6 cr.)* P: P594. P851 Reading in Criminal Justice (1-6 cr.)* Individualized readings on topics not covered in regular course offerings. P855 Research in Criminal Justice (1-6 cr.)* P: graduate standing in criminal justice or consent of instructor. The student is expected to make substantial progress toward identification of an eventual dissertation project. P859 Ph.D. Thesis (cr. arr., 30 cr. max.)* Cross-Listed Courses1Afro-American StudiesA669 Independent Project in Black Social Issues (3 cr.) Anthropology Note: There are also a number of regional courses that might fit specific Ph.D. candidates, e.g., E510, Problems in African Ethnography and Ethnology (3 cr.). BusinessW516 Organizational Development and Change (3 cr.) W601 Theoretical and Historical Foundations of Organization Theory (3 cr.) W602 Seminar in Organizational Theory (3 cr.) W603 Special Topics Seminar in Organizational Theory (3 cr.) Z504 Organizational Behavior and Theory (3 cr.) Z513 Administration of Personnel Systems (3 cr.) Z514 Seminar in Industrial Relations (3 cr.) Z517 Legal Issues in Human Resources (3 cr.) Education Gender Studies Geography History Journalism Law Linguistics Philosophy Political Science Psychology Religious Studies Sociology School of Public and Environmental Affairs
1 A student may choose from the following courses or other approved cross-listed courses to complete M.A. requirements |
Last updated: 21 February 2025 15 51 04
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