Cellular and Integrative PhysiologySchool of Medicine Chairperson Departmental E-mail Departmental URL Graduate Faculty Graduate Faculty(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.) Professors Associate Professors Associate Scientist Richard N. Friedman* Assistant Professors Adjunct Assistant Professor Director of Graduate Studies Master's Degree Graduate Advisor Degrees OfferedMaster of Science and Doctor of Philosophy Graduate training in the department reflects the modern view of physiology as an integrative science, utilizing information obtained from several different levels to gain a better understanding of organ system functions. State-of-the-art techniques are used to study physiological responses at the molecular, cellular, and whole-organ levels. The specific research interests of most of the faculty can be grouped under four principal themes: cardiovascular physiology, cell growth and development, respiratory biology, and signal transduction mechanisms. Special Departmental Requirements(See also general University Graduate School requirements.) Admission Requirements Master of Science DegreeCourse Requirements Thesis Final Examination Doctor of Philosophy DegreeCourse Requirements Minor Qualifying Examination Final Examination Other Provision Ph.D. Minor in Cellular and Integrative Physiology CoursesF503 Human Physiology (4 cr.) P: Introductory biology (K101, K103), and organic chemistry (C341, C342), and physics (P201, P202); or equivalent. Advanced course in human physiology designed for students with no prior exposure to the discipline. Emphasis on basic physiological mechanisms of control with regard to membrane, neural, endocrine, reproductive, muscle, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, renal, and multisystems physiology. F613 Mammalian Physiology Lecture (5 cr.) Neurophysiology, physiology of muscular activity, respiration, circulation, gastrointestinal physiology, excretion, metabolism, and endocrinology. Emphasis on basic physiological mechanisms and control systems. See F614. F650 Membrane Biophysics (3 cr.) Structure and function of special membranes; mitochondria, RBC, nerve, and muscle. F701 Research in Physiology (cr. arr.)* F702 Seminar in Physiology (1 cr.) Literature reports and group discussion by students and staff. F705 Molecular and Cellular Physiology (4 cr.) Emphasis is on the principles of cellular structure and function that underlie the physiological functions of many organ systems. Three fundamental topics will be discussed: cell structure, the organization of the cells to form tissues, and cell physiology. Modern techniques in cellular physiology will be covered through critical analysis of the primary research literature. F710 Physiology of Membranes (2 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Structure and function of cell membranes. Kinetics and energetics of membrane transport. Regulation of intracellular ionic concentrations. Hormonal and pathophysiological modification of membrane function. F725 Muscle Macromolecules and Contraction (2 cr.) Structure and function of various macromolecules involved in muscle contraction. The aspects covered include excitation-contraction coupling, regulation of myoplasmic free calcium level, the contractile machinery, and force generation. Comparison in skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles. Lectures and guided discussion of papers. F780 Special Topics in Physiology (cr. arr.) Tutorial instruction in physiology. GRAD G706 Cell-Cell Communication (3 cr.) P: Consent of instructor. This course provides a basic understanding of chemical mechanisms of cellular communication, including the functional, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms of the communication processes involved. Modern techniques of signal transduction physiology will be covered through critical analysis of primary research literature. GRAD G760 Epithelial Cell Biology (3 cr.) P: graduate mammalian physiology/biology or consent of instructor. An integrated approach to epithelial structure and function and the role of subcellular organization in organ physiology and pathophysiology. GRAD G804 Cell and Molecular Biology (3 cr.) Cellular and molecular biology for medical students that emphasizes the structural organization, biochemistrya nd molecular biology of cells. Includes cellular processes, development and differentiation and their relationship to medicine. GRAD G817 Eukaryotic Cell Biology (2 cr.) P: one semester of biochemistry. Organization and function of subcellular structures. Intracellular coordination of cell activity: protein and RNA trafficking, chromatin dynamics, and intracellular processing of receptor-mediated signals. GRAD G818 Integrative Cell Biology (3 cr.) This course provides broad understanding of ways in which cells are organized and integrated into tissues. Emphasis is on the function of cells in neural/neuroendoctrine system, cardiopulmonary, renal, and immune systems and in cytomechanics. Modern approaches to the study of tissue function by analysis of cellular regulation will be emphasized. GRAD G865 Fundamental Molecular Biology (3 cr.) P: BIOC B800 or equivalent. Principles of molecular structure, function and biosynthesis; core information regarding procaryotic and eukaryotic gene continuity and metabolic coordination; introduction to multicellular systems and problems. (Joint program: biochemistry, medical genetics, microbiology.) GRAD G890 Methods in Molecular Biology and Pathology (3 cr.) P: G865 and/or J838, and consent of instructor. Basic principles and techniques in molecular biology and pathology. Particular emphasis will be on molecular techniques that can be used to study problems related to biochemistry and pathology. GRAD G910 Advanced Molecular Biology Methods (1-3 cr.) P: G865 and/or G890 and permission of instructor. Advanced theory and techniques in molecular biology. The focus of the course will be on techniques related to manipulation of cloned DNA to study their expression, structure, and function.
Last updated: 21 February 2025 15 55 17
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