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University Graduate School 2004-2005 Specific Graduate Program Information


University Graduate
School 2004-2005
Academic Bulletin

University Graduate School
Kirkwood Hall 111  
Indiana University 
Bloomington, IN 47405  
(812) 855-8853  
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Graduate Office
Union Building 518
Indiana University–Purdue University
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 278-2490
Contact Graduate Office


College of Arts and Sciences

Professor Elizabeth Raff

Departmental E-mail

Departmental URL

Graduate Faculty
Degrees Offered
Special Departmental Requirements
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
Plant Sciences
Master of Arts for Teachers Degree

Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.)

Clyde Culbertson Professor
Carl Bauer

Distinguished Professors
Howard Gest (Emeritus), Charles Heiser (Emeritus), Thomas Kaufman, Jeffrey Palmer, John Preer (Emeritus), Frank Putnam (Emeritus, Biochemistry), Anthony San Pietro (Emeritus), Rudolf Raff

José Bonner, Edmund Brodie III, Yves Brun, Peter Cherbas, Keith Clay, Sears Crowell (Emeritus), Lynda Delph, Thomas F. Donahue, Mark Estelle, Patricia Foster, Gerald Gastony, George Hegeman (Emeritus), Roger Innes, Ellen Ketterson, Arthur Koch (Emeritus), Curtis Lively, Mike Lynch, Paul Mahlberg (Emeritus), George Malacinski, Carlos Miller (Emeritus), Craig Nelson, Val Nolan (Emeritus, Law), David Parkhurst (Public and Environmental Affairs), Elizabeth Raff, J. C. Randolph (Public and Environmental Affairs), Loren Rieseberg, William Rowland, Albert Ruesink, William Saxton, Drew Schwartz (Emeritus), Susan Strome, Milton Taylor, Robert Togasaki (Emeritus), Michael Wade, Maxine Watson, Eugene Weinberg (Emeritus), Meredith West (Psychology), David White (Emeritus), Donald Whitehead (Emeritus), Malcolm Winkler, Frank Zeller (Emeritus), Miriam Zolan

Associate Professors
Alan D. Bender, Yean Chooi-Odle, James Drummond, Roger Hangarter, George Hudock (Emeritus), Emilia Martins, Stefan Surzycki, Michael Tansey

Assistant Professors
James Bever, Lingling Chen*, Greg Demas, Joseph Duffy, Viola Ellison*, Wayne Forrester, Clay Fuqua, Richard Hardy*, David Kehoe, Justin Kumar*, Scott Michaels*, Anne Prieto*, Heather Reynolds*, Troy Smith*, Kelly Williams, Joel Alcasid Ybe*

Senior Scientist
Lucy Cherbas*, Kathy Matthews*

Assistant Scientist
Kevin R. Cook*

Adjunct Professors
David Dilcher (Geological Sciences), James Glazier (Physics), Elisabeth Lloyd (History and Philosophy of Science), John Richardson (Chemistry), Roderick Suthers (Medical Sciences), Nicholas Toth (Anthropology), Daniel Willard (Emeritus, Public and Environmental Affairs), William Timberlake (Psychology)

Adjunct Associate Professors
David Daleke (Medical Sciences), Richard DiMarchi (Chemistry), Vicki Meretsky*, Anton Neff (Medical Sciences), Martha Oakley, Flynn Picardal (Public and Environmental Affairs), Henry Prange (Medical Sciences), Ted Widlanski (Chemistry)

Adjunct Assistant Professors
Donald Burke* (Chemsitry), Andrew Feig* (Chemistry), Martin Stone* (Chemistry), Thomas Tolbert (Chemistry)

Director of Graduate Studies
Professor Elizabeth Raff, Myers Hall 100A, (812) 855-1861

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Degrees Offered

Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in ecology and evolutionary biology; Doctor of Philosophy in genetics; Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in microbiology; Doctor of Philosophy in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology; Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in plant sciences; Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in zoology; and Master of Arts for Teachers.

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Special Departmental Requirements

(See also general University Graduate School requirements.)

Admission Requirements
Undergraduate major in one of the biological sciences and course work in the program in which a degree is sought. A degree in a related field (e.g., chemistry, physics, or mathematics) may suffice if appropriate biology courses were included in the student's degree program. Students seeking admission to biology degree programs should apply directly to the Department of Biology. Applications must include a complete entrance form, letters of recommendation, undergraduate transcripts, and scores on the Graduate Record Examination General Test. (While it is not required that applicants also submit scores on the Subject Test in biology, it is recommended that they do so.)

Special Requirement for the M.A. Degree
It is a requirement of the Department of Biology that the M.A. degree be completed within five semesters, although some programs such as the M.A.T. and joint SPEA/Biology programs allow additional time.

Ph.D. Qualifying Examination
Includes written, oral, and research components. All full-time Ph.D. students must take the qualifying examination by the end of the fourth week of their fifth semester. In the event of failure or postponement, students may retake the examination once, but no later than the end of the twelfth week of their fifth semester.

Final Examination
Oral defense of the dissertation before the research committee. For additional requirements in certain programs, see below.

Other Provisions
All students enrolled in a Ph.D. program in the Department of Biology will be expected to serve as associate instructors for at least two semesters, regardless of their source of support; and they must complete formal instruction in teaching methods in order to enhance their teaching skills. It is the conviction of the department that teaching experience is a vital aspect of graduate education, whether or not the student intends to pursue a teaching career after attainment of the desired degree(s).

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Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Master of Arts Degree

Course Requirements
A total of 30 credit hours, of which at least 20 credit hours must be taken in approved ecology and evolutionary biology courses. The courses that each student takes must have a coherent focus within the general field of ecology and evolutionary biology. At least one seminar should be taken each year.

Normally required; an alternative project may, however, be approved by the student's advisory committee.

Final Examination
Normally includes a public research seminar and an oral defense of the thesis or alternative project before the advisory committee.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Course Requirements
A total of 90 credit hours, including two courses from one concentration area listed below and one course from a second area, Z620 Biostatistics (or equivalent), and dissertation. Students must enroll in a seminar at least one semester during each of the first three years in the program.

Concentration Area Requirements

Ecology/Population Biology
E455 (SPEA) Limnology
L575 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning
L578 Advanced Population Biology
L579 Community Ecology
L591 Plant Population Biology—An Experimental Approach

Evolutionary Biology
B555 Special Topics in Plant Systematics
L505 Molecular Biology of Evolution
L567 Evolution
Z540 Genetics of Populations
L567 Evolution
Z620 Molecular Evolutionary Genetics

Z460 Ethology
P548 Neuroethology
L560 Physiological Ecology
Z566 Laboratory in Endocrinology
L581 Behavioral Ecology

The minor may be in a separate department, an interdepartmental program, a different graduate program in the Department of Biology, or in biometrics. Requirements are as set by the unit administering the minor.

Foreign Language/Research Skill Requirements
Determined by the student's advisory committee.

Final Examination
In addition to the oral defense of the dissertation before the student's research committee, a public research seminar is required.

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Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Programs leading to the Ph.D. degrees in genetics, and in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology are administered by the Faculty Committee on Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG), in collaboration with members of the Department of Chemistry. The Ph.D. in plant sciences can be pursued under the supervision of MBG or that of ecology and evolutionary biology, depending upon the nature of a student's research interests.

Programs leading to the Ph.D. degrees in genetics, and in molecular, cellular, and developmental biology are administered by the Faculty Committee on Molecular Biology and Genetics (MBG), in collaboration with members of the Department of Chemistry. The Ph.D. in plant sciences can be pursued under the supervision of MBG or that of ecology and evolutionary biology, depending upon the nature of a student's research interests.

Common Requirements
During the first year, each student takes a common core program. Fall: L501, L523, L585/Z620, and B501 or another graduate-level biochemistry course; spring: L501, L586, L587. Biology L501 is a rotation course in which each student participates in research projects in at least three different laboratories prior to selecting a permanent research advisor and laboratory at the end of the first year. In addition, students whose native language is not English are expected to become sufficiently fluent to pass the university's Examination in English for Associate Instructors during the course of the first year.

At the end of the first year, each student selects a research advisor and laboratory. Together with the advisor, the student also selects the other members of an advisory committee of three or four faculty members appropriate to the student's intended degree and one from the prospective minor field (see below). This advisory committee guides and monitors the student's subsequent independent work and guides the student's selection of advanced courses. MBG requires that each student meet with the advisory committee at least once per year.

The MBG-administered degree programs require a total of 90 credit hours including the core program and at least three advanced courses (see below). They also require that each student register for Journal Club (Z620) during the second year and make two oral presentations in Journal Club during the course of his/her career. Each student must also take a Z620 Grant Writing course in their second year, and a Z620 course in Scientific Practices (Ethics) during the third year, and each student must teach for at least two semesters.

Every student must maintain a minimum GPA of B (3.0) in order to remain in good standing. Courses to be counted toward the Ph.D. degree must be passed with a grade of B- (2.7) or better.

Preliminary Examination
Students in all programs take a preliminary examination at the end of the fourth semester. Students who pass this examination and complete the required course work are admitted to formal candidacy for the Ph.D.

Satisfactory Progress Toward a Degree
After passing the preliminary examination, for a student to remain in "good standing" in MBG requires that sufficient progress be made toward completing a thesis. If the research advisory committee judges progress to be unsatisfactory, probation may be recommended. At the end of the probationary period (usually a semester), if the advisory committee judges the student's progress to be satisfactory, then probation will be lifted. If the advisory committee judges the student's progress to remain unsatisfactory, then the student will be required to leave the program.

The final requirement of each program is a Ph.D. thesis, which must be defended in a public research seminar and in a meeting of the research advisory committee.

Advanced Courses and Minor
The MBG, in conjunction with the degree program committees, offers a program of half-semester advanced courses (Z620). The selection of courses changes each year. Courses are offered in all the degree subjects. Each program requires that its students take at least three of these courses, which should be certified by the student's committee as appropriate to the chosen degree.

Each student must select a minor field distinct from the chosen degree. Ordinarily a student will select as a minor one of the MBG degree programs not selected for the major. In those cases, the Core Program courses meet minor requirements. In some cases a student may select another minor and must meet any additional requirements set by that minor.

For students from other programs who wish to minor in one of the MBG degree areas, the requirement is 6 credit hours of work in that field. The course selection should be approved by the director of MBG.

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Degree programs are available for students with interests in many areas of microbiology. Each student's curriculum is designed by the student in consultation with the graduate program director, the student's mentor, and an appointed advisory committee.

Master of Arts Degree with a Research Thesis

Course Requirements
A total of 30 credit hours; 12 of these must be course work not including M500, M800, or M850. Course options include B501 (4.5 cr.), L585/Z620 (4.5 cr.), C483, C484, M440, M460, M480, M416, M430, M525, L586, Z620 (Special Topics, 1.5-3 cr.). Students are expected to rotate (M500) in at least two laboratories during the fall semester and to participate in M850 Microbiology Journal Club each time it is offered in the fall and spring.

A minimum of B- (2.7) in each required course.


Final Examination
Oral defense of thesis.

Master of Arts Degree with a Library Thesis

The department also offers a program in microbiology leading to a terminal master's degree that does not require a laboratory research project. A student enrolled in this program will write a thesis critically evaluating and reviewing some aspect of microbiology reported in the literature. All other requirements for the degree are identical to those stated above for the research-thesis Master of Arts. The degree is designed to give individuals an opportunity to pursue graduate study at the master's level without acquiring expertise in laboratory research.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Course Requirements
A total of 90 credit hours, including the following core courses: L585/Z620 (4.5 cr.), B501 (4.5 cr.), L523, and M500. C483 and C484 may be substituted for the core B501. Two or 3 elective courses are also required. Electives include but are not limited to M430, M572, M525, L586, Z620 (Special Topics). Additional courses from this or other departments with written permission of the Microbiology Program Director may be substituted for the electives. Also required are M850 (Microbiology Journal Club), taken each fall and spring (except for the first semester); three advanced courses Z620 Half-Semester Seminars, Z620 Grant Writing and Scientific Practices (Ethics) in the third year. During the first year, students are required to complete three rotations (M500).

A minimum of B- (2.7) or better in each required course.

Advisory Committee
The committee will consist of the research advisor, one member of the microbiology faculty, a faculty representative of the student's minor field, and one or two additional members of the faculty.


Final Examination
In addition to the oral defense of the dissertation before the research committee, a public seminar is required.

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Plant Sciences

Master of Arts Degree

Course Requirements
A total of 30 credit hours, stressing suitable advanced courses in plant sciences and cognate areas. At least 20 of the credit hours must be in the major area.

B average (3.0) required.

Required. An equivalent creative project may be accepted in lieu of the thesis.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Ph.D. students choosing a molecular approach will follow the procedures in all respects (courses, seminars, research rotations, preliminary examination, etc., of the Genetics and MCDB (Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology) graduate programs. Likewise, students choosing an organismal approach will follow the exact procedures of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology program.

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Each degree program is tailored to the specific interests and needs of the student.

Master of Arts Degree

Course Requirements
A total of 30 credit hours, of which at least 20 credit hours must be taken in the Department of Biology.

B average (3.0) required.

Required. An alternative project may be accepted in lieu of the thesis.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree

Course Requirements
A total of 90 credit hours of advanced course work, including dissertation.

Selected in consultation with research advisor and zoology program director.

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Master of Arts for Teachers Degree

The Master of Arts for Teachers in biology is offered by the University Graduate School (not the School of Education) to provide training beyond the bachelor's degree for those who intend to teach in junior or senior high school and who wish additional training in biology. Each student in the program must possess a teacher's certificate by the time the degree is conferred, with the exception of international students who intend to return to their native country.

Admission Requirement
Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution with sufficient hours in biology to enable the student to take courses carrying graduate credit.

Course Requirements
A total of 36 credit hours, of which a minimum of 25 credit hours must be in courses in the biological sciences that carry graduate credit; the remaining 11 credit hours may be in education. All programs of study must be approved by the Master of Arts for Teachers program advisor.

Certification Requirements
For a complete list of courses in education and other areas that are required for provisional certification, consult the School of Education Bulletin, Undergraduate Program.

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M300 Biomedical Sciences Documentation (1 cr.)
M310 Microbiology (3 cr.)
L313 Cell Biology Laboratory (3 cr.) P: BIOL L113 and L211, or CHEM C342, or consent of instructor. R: BIOL L312, CHEM C484.

M315 Microbiology Laboratory (2 cr.)
B351 Fungi (3 cr.)
B352 Fungi: Laboratory (2 cr.)
B364 Summer Flowering Plants (5 cr.)
B368 Ethnobotany (3 cr.) P: BIOL L111. Plants in relation to man with primary emphasis on food plants. Credit given for only one of L370 or B368.
B371 Ecological Plant Physiology (3 cr.)
B372 Ecological Plant Physiology Laboratory (2 cr.)
B373 Mechanisms of Plant Development (3 cr.)
Z373 Entomology (3 cr.)
Z374 Invertebrate Zoology (3 cr.)
Z383 Laboratory in Entomology (2 cr.)
Z406 Vertebrate Zoology (5 cr.)
B415 Phytogeography (2 cr.)
L417 Molecular Aspects of Development (3 cr.)
Z420 Cytology (3 cr.)
B423 Introduction to Paleobotany (3 cr.)
M430 Virology: Lecture (3 cr.)
M435 Viral-Tissue-Culture Laboratory (3 cr.) P or C: M430, or consent of instructor.
M440 Medical Microbiology (3 cr.)
B445 Experimental Molecular and Cellular Biology of Eukaryotes (4 cr.)
M460 Biology of the Prokaryotes (3 cr.)
Z460 Ethology (3 cr.)
L465 Advanced Field Biology (3 cr.)
M465 Biology of the Prokaryotes: Laboratory (3 cr.)
Z466 Endocrinology (3 cr.)
L473 Ecology (3 cr.)
L474 Field and Laboratory Ecology (2 cr.)
Z476 Biology of Fishes (3 cr.)
L479 Evolution and Ecology (4 cr.)
M480 Microbial and Molecular Genetics (3 cr.)
M485 Microbial and Molecular Genetics Laboratory (3 cr.)
Z486 Standards and Techniques of Animal Experimentation (2 cr.)
L500 Independent Study (cr. arr.) P: written consent of faculty member supervising research.

M500 Introduction to Research (Microbiology) (1-6 cr.) P: graduate standing. Objectives and techniques of microbiological research. Assignment to a research problem with a faculty member to be completed in two semesters.

T500 Project Laboratory in Biotechnology (6 cr.) In this course students explore the different stages of scientific investigation by performing research using the techniques of chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and cell biology on problems related to biotechnology. Students design and execute research projects under supervision of the instructor in a teaching laboratory setting on problems chosen in consultation with the instructor.

L501 Independent Study (1-6 cr.) P: written consent of faculty member supervising work. Supervised work. S/F grading.

T501 Topics in Biotechnology I (2 cr.) Students read and analyze research articles from the current literature and present the articles in a journal club format. Students will practice their presentation with the instructor prior to presenting to the group and will receive feedback on the content and the presentation style. Guest lecturers from industry are invited to present on a wide range of topics relevant to biotechnology.

T502 Topics in Biotechnology II (2 cr.) Follows from BIOL T501. Students read and analyze research articles from the current literature and present the articles in a journal club format. Articles can cover any area of biotechnology or any area relevant to biotechnology. Occasionally, invited guest lecturers from industry are invited to present on a wide range of topics relevant to biotechnology.

L505 Evolution of Development (3 cr.) P: senior or graduate standing and consent of instructor. An integrative approach to the link between development and the evolution of morphology. Topics: evolution of developmental mechanisms and of developmental regulatory genes, production of evolutionary changes through changes in developmental processes, developmental constraints, and origins of major body plans.

Z508 Advanced Ornithology (4 cr.) P: Z406. Emphasis on avian ecology, distribution, and behavior; discussion and evaluation of recent literature. Field work includes investigation of populations of a wintering species and a breeding species.

L509 Field Exercises for Biology Education (1-5 cr.) L509 is a graduate course for students in biology and education with an intended career in biology education. Credits are variable (1-5) and will be arranged. Students will design field exercises based at the Indiana University Research and Teaching Preserve on topics in organismal biology and ecology appropriate for public school and other outside groups.

L510 Introduction to the Research Laboratory (3 cr.) P: graduate standing. Objectives and techniques of biological research. Completion of a one-semester research problem with a faculty member.

T510 Theory and Applications of Biotechnology Lecture I (3 cr.) This advanced, graduate-level course will focus on the applications of molecular genetics and recombinant DNA in biotechnology. Fundamental concepts of relevant molecular biology and biochemistry will be covered in depth in the first portion of the class, followed by sections on recombinant DNA technology, macromolecular purification and genomics/bioinformatics.

M511 Molecular Biology of Prokaryotes (3 cr.) P: CHEM C584. The course will first develop an understanding of nucleic acid structure and function to a professional level, then use these principles to explore molecular aspects of gene expression and evolution. Emphasis will be on prokaryotes.

T511 Theory and Application of Biotechnology Lecture II (3 cr.) Course continues from BIOL T510, Theory and Applications of Biotechnology Lecture I, but focuses on applications of biotechnology including genetic engineering of plants and animals, bioremediation, biopharmaceutical production, vaccine development, and molecular diagnostics. Bioengineering principles of fermentation, scale-up and high throughput functional screening will be an important component of this material.

M512 Molecular Biology of AIDS Virus (3 cr.) P: CHEM C341 and BIOL L311. A detailed consideration of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV, causative agent of AIDS). The functions of the HIV genes and how those functions affect pathology and normal cellular mechanisms.

T515 Theory and Applications of Biotechnology Laboratory I (3 cr.) Students will learn advanced laboratory techniques that are currently used in biotechnology. This course is designed to cover advanced techniques at a deep level. As far as possible the laboratory exercises will be coordinated with BIOL T510, Theory and Applications of Biotechnology Lecture I. There will be two modules, one emphasizing cell biology and one emphasizing molecular biology.

T516 Theory and Applications of Biotechnology Laboratory II (3 cr.) Course continues from BIOL T515 Theory and Applications of Biotechnology Laboratory I. As far as possible the laboratory exercises will be coordinated with BIOL T511, Theory and Applications of Biotechnology Lecture II. There will be two modules, one emphasizing cell biology and one emphasizing molecular biology.

L519 Bioinformatics: Theory and Application (3 cr.) Overview of theory and applications in bioinformatics, based on fundamentals of molecular biology and information sciences. Common problems, data and tools in the field are outlined. These include biosequence analysis, alignment and assembly, genomics, proteomics and phylogenetics, biological databases and data mining, and internet bio-information services.

L520 Seminar in Genetics (cr. arr.) P: L364 or Z420 or equivalents.

L521 Problems in Genetics-Higher Organisms (3 cr.) P: L364 or equivalent. Selected topics in the genetics of higher organisms emphasizing studies at the molecular level.

T521 Research Design and Ethics (2 cr.) Fundamentals of research protocol design and planning with applications to practical problems. Problems of research ethics and the role of biotechnology in human society will be addressed in class discussion and seminars.

L522 Advanced Eukaryotic Molecular Genetics (3 cr.) P: consent of instructor; beginning course in genetics. Correlation of genetic data with changes in chromosome structure and number. Mechanics of chromosome behavior in crossing over and disjunction.

L523 Critical Analysis of the Scientific Literature (1-6 cr.) Detailed analysis of current research papers in biology. Emphasis on experimental design, research methods, interpretation of results, and suitability of controls. Generally taken in the first semester of graduate residence. Topics may vary to suit specific fields (e.g., molecular, cellular, and developmental biology and genetics, or ecological and evolutionary biology).

M525 Topics in Microbial Biochemistry and Physiology (3 cr.) P: graduate standing and C483 or M350 or equivalent. The course will consider topics in physiology and biochemistry of eukaryotic and prokaryotic microorganisms. Subjects include membrane physiology and regulatory networks in metabolism and gene expression.

L529 Bioinformatics in Molecular Biology and Genetics: Practical Applications (4 cr.) P: I501, I502, L519, or consent of instructor. Practical experience in a range of data analysis and software engineering methods applied to molecular biology data.

B530 Anatomy and Morphology Seminar (cr. arr.) P: consent of instructor. Seminars will include current research studies in plant anatomy and morphology.

M540 Medical Microbiology and Medical Immunology (2-5 cr.) Basic concepts of immunology; microorganisms as agents of disease; host-parasite relationships; epidemiology; chemotherapy.

Z540 Genetics of Populations (3 cr.) P: consent of instructor: R: Z465, MATH M216 or equivalent. Survey of the theoretical basis of population genetics and a review of current problems and experimental findings. Content varies from year to year.

M545 Medical Microbiology Laboratory (1 cr.) P: M540. Laboratory experiments to illustrate material discussed in M540.

M550 Microbiology (3 cr.) P: two semesters of college chemistry; L211 recommended prior or concurrently. Application of fundamental principles to the study of microorganisms. Significance of microorganisms to humans and their environment. Critical evaluation of current microbiological literature.

B555 Special Topics in Plant Systematics (3 cr.) Topics vary from year to year. Examples of subjects to be treated: phylogeny and families of flowering plants, biology of ferns, biosystematics, molecular markers in populational biology and systematics. Enrollment of advanced undergraduates encouraged.

L555 Alternative Approaches to Teaching College Biology (2 cr.) Frameworks for teaching college biology. Addresses different teaching objectives (knowledge, applications, scientific thinking, ethical and policy considerations); different teaching methods (lectures, readings, recitations, discussions, exercises, experiments, projects); student heterogeneity (expectations, abilities, development, learning styles); evaluation and grading; course and curriculum design; and evaluation and improvement of teaching.

B560 Seminar in Systematics (cr. arr.) P: consent of instructor. Topics vary each semester.

L560 Physiological Ecology (3 cr.) Influence of the abiotic environment on energy and material transfers in individual organisms, with emphasis on terrestrial animals.

Z566 Laboratory in Endocrinology (2 cr.) P: Z466. Development and structure of major endocrine glands; their role in maintaining constancy of internal environment. Limited to 12 students.

L567 Evolution (3 cr.) P: graduate standing in Psychology or Biology or consent of the instructor. Topics include quantitative genetics, population genetics and strategic models of natural selection. Special topics include: life history theory, sex and sexual selection, kin selection, shifting-balance theory, speciation, macroevolution, and comparative methods.

B570 Seminar in Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (cr. arr.) P: consent of instructor.

L570 Seminar in Ecology and Environmental Biology (1 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Presentations and discussions of current research in evolution, ecology, and behavior. May be repeated for credit.

B572 Photobiology (3 cr.) P: S305 or L367 or CHEM C483 or equivalent. Biochemical and biophysical relationship between light and biological systems. Topics will include photosynthesis, visual processes, photorespiration, phototaxis, bioluminescence, and photomorphogenesis, with emphasis on photosynthesis.

L572 Microbial Ecology (3 cr.) Principles of microbial ecology with emphasis on the population, community, and ecosystem ecology of bacteria and fungi.

B573 Special Topics in Plant Physiology (2-5 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Advanced topics in plant physiology. With consent of instructor, may be taken more than once for credit.

L575 Ecosystem Structure and Function (3 cr.) P: L473 and L474 (or equivalent) or instructor's consent. Does biodiversity matter? Analysis of relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Emphasis on current literature, including theoretical and empirical work. Lectures will alternate with class discussion and debate.

M575 Human Parasitology (4 cr.) P: BIOL M310 and M315. Biology of human parasites focusing on their etiology, epidemiology, immunology, diagnosis, and treatment. Major groups of protozoa, helminths, and medically important arthropods covered. Independent research assigned on a special topic. Lab presents both live and fixed materials complementing lecture.

B576 Developmental Plant Physiology (3 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Chemically oriented; examination of substances uniquely involved in growth and development in higher plants. Application of information to lower plants only briefly discussed.

Z576 Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory (2 cr.) P or C: Z374. Laboratory and field studies of invertebrates, with an emphasis on experiments with living specimens.

B577 Plant Biochemistry (2 cr.) A comparative treatment of selected biochemical topics, emphasizing unique or important processes in plant metabolism and development.

L578 Advanced Population Biology (3 cr.) P: courses in ecology, genetics, and basic calculus, and permission of instructor. A detailed assessment of population-ecological and population-genetic theory, and the factors determining the size and composition of animal populations in nature.

L579 Community Ecology (3 cr.) P: ecology and genetics. Survey of ecological and evolutionary topics between population and ecosystem levels. Review of scientific levels of selection and speciation. Major emphasis on interactions among populations (consumer-producer, competition, symbiosis, etc.) and community analysis (island biogeography, niche, diversity, and community structure).

L580 Introduction to Research (1 cr.) Individual faculty from the various graduate programs in biology present seminars on their research programs. Discussion between students and faculty about possible thesis research projects is encouraged.

L581 Behavioral Ecology (3 cr.) Integrated elements of ethology, physiology, ecology, and evolutionary biology providing a synthetic approach to animal behavior. Emphasis on integrated studies providing new insights into both evolutionary and mechanistic questions. Students are asked to analyze the literature critically and debate controversial issues actively.

L585 Molecular Genetics (3 cr.) The molecular basis of genetic interactions, with emphasis on microbial systems. The course covers the molecular mechanisms of mutation, suppression, recombination, complementation, etc., as well as mechanisms for gene transfer in bacteria and bacteriophage. The application of genetic analysis to variety of molecular biological topics is emphasized.

L586 Cell Biology (4.5 cr.) Critical analysis of recent advances in our understanding of molecular organization and function of cellular structures. The emphasis of this course will be on eukaryotic cells. Topics include membrane organization, cytoskeleton assembly and functions, signal transduction, cell-cycle regulation, protein sorting, and vesicle trafficking.

L587 Developmental Biology (4.5 cr.) Evaluation of classical and current molecular and genetic approaches to studying development of eukaryotic organisms. A significant portion of the course is devoted to discussing recent findings from molecular genetic studies in Drosophila and C. elegans.

L590 Seminar in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (2 cr.) P: consent of instructor. Presentation and discussion of topics in molecular and cellular biology as seminar by students. Topics from current literature. Concentration on a particular area each semester to be announced before registration. S/F grading.

L591 Plant Population Biology—An Experimental Approach (3 cr.) P: ecology course and evolution course. The mechanisms by which plants, as individuals, contribute to development of population structure. Experimental studies of intra- and inter-specific mechanisms of population regulation, reproduction, and vegetative growth. Emphasis on development and physiological characteristics which determine mode of interaction. Greenhouse projects designed and conducted by students.

L600 Special Topics in Genetics (cr. arr.) P: L364 or equivalent. Topics not extensively treated in other courses, e.g., population genetics, human genetics, immunogenetics, biochemical genetics of clones of mammalian cells. Topic presented will not be duplicated within three to five years. L600 carries credit in Plant Sciences, Microbiology, and Zoology programs.

M610 Recent Advances in Microbiology (1-3 cr.) P: graduate standing in microbiology or related area. Course content changes each semester so that over a cycle of several years, major research areas are covered. May be repeated for credit.

M612 Microbial Development (3 cr.) P: graduate standing or consent of instructor. An analysis of recent publications concerned with the biochemistry of development in viral, prokaryotic, and simple eukaryotic systems. The topics vary and emphasize the regulatory aspects of development. Cell differentiation and cell-cell interactions are discussed.

Z620 Special Topics in Zoology (cr. arr.) P: advanced undergraduate or graduate standing. Topics not extensively treated in other courses, e.g., theoretical zoology, oceanography, reservoir limnology, human ecology, biochemistry, viruses and disease, critical analysis of the scientific literature, and other fields. Topics presented will be treated every three to five years.

L800 Research (1-15 cr.)
M800 Research (1-12 cr.)
M850 Seminar (1 cr. ) P: graduate standing in microbiology or consent of instructor. Reports on assigned topics of current interest. May be repeated for credit. S/F grading.

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