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University Graduate School 2004-2005 Specific Graduate Program Information


University Graduate
School 2004-2005
Academic Bulletin

University Graduate School
Kirkwood Hall 111  
Indiana University 
Bloomington, IN 47405  
(812) 855-8853  
Toll Free (888) 335-7547  
Contact University Graduate School

Graduate Office
Union Building 518
Indiana University–Purdue University
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 278-2490
Contact Graduate Office

Ph.D Minor in Ancient Studies

College of Arts and Sciences

Acting Chairperson
Associate Professor Matthew R. Christ (Classical Studies)

Departmental E-mail

Departmental URL

Graduate Faculty
Ph.D. Minor in Ancient Studies

Graduate Faculty

(An asterisk [*] denotes associate membership in University Graduate School faculty.)

Paul Eisenberg (Philosophy), James Franklin (Classical Studies), William Hansen (Classical Studies), Eleanor Leach (Classical Studies), Timothy Long (Classical Studies), Thomas Mathiesen (School of Music), Michael Morgan (Philosophy), William Newman (History and Philosophy of Science), K. D. Vitelli (Anthropology)

Associate Professors
Cynthia Bannon* (Classical Studies), David Brakke (Religious Studies), Matthew Christ (Classical Studies), Michael Dickson (History and Philosophy of Science), J. Albert Harrill (Religious Studies), Betty Rose Nagle (Classical Studies), Steven Weitzman (Religious Studies)

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Ph.D. Minor in Ancient Studies

The Program in Ancient Studies seeks to encourage the study of antiquity in all its facets-including its history, art, architecture, literature, music, philosophy, religion, and science-and to promote interdisciplinary approaches to ancient culture. The program draws on the faculty of seven departments: Anthropology, Classical Studies, Fine Arts, History, History and Philosophy of Science, Philosophy, and Religious Studies. The Minor in Ancient Studies aims to help students expand the depth and scope of their knowledge of ancient cultures and learn about different approaches to them. To promote these ends, it permits students to draw on courses from two or more departments outside of their home department. A student might choose to group together courses from different departments that focus on a certain period (e.g., late antiquity) or topic (e.g., social history).

Course Requirements
Students must complete twelve (12) graduate credit hours of appropriate courses outside their home department. These courses must be in at least two (2) different departments. No more than three (3) credit hours of directed readings can be applied to the minor. The minor advisor (Matthew R. Christ, Classical Studies: mrchrist@indiana.edu) must approve the particular courses that are to be counted toward the minor.

Courses in which a student receives less than a B (3.0) will not count toward the minor.

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Classical Studies

G510 Readings in Greek Historians (4 cr.)
G511 Readings in Greek Oratory and Rhetoric (4 cr.)
G512 Readings in Greek Philosophers (4 cr.)
G513 Readings in the Greek Novel (3 cr.)
G516 Readings in Greek Comedy (4 cr.)
G517 Readings in Greek Tragedy (4 cr.)
G518 Readings in Greek Epic (4 cr.)
G536-G537 Survey of Greek Literature I-II (4-4 cr.)
G540 Readings in Byzantine Greek (4 cr.)
G601 Seminar in Greek Poetry (4 cr.)
G603 Seminar on Greek Tragedy (4 cr.)
G610 Seminar in the Greek Novel (4 cr.)
G611 Seminar in Greek Epigraphy, Papyrology and Paleography (4 cr.)
G620 Seminar in Historical Texts and Historiography (4 cr.)
L509 Cicero, His Life and Works (4 cr.)
L510 Readings in Latin Historians (4 cr.)
L511 Readings in Latin Oratory and Rhetoric (4 cr.)
L513 Readings in the Roman Novel (4 cr.)
L515 Readings in Latin Elegy (4 cr.)
L530 Roman Rhetoric and Oratory (4 cr.)
L536-L537 Survey of Latin Literature I-II (4-4 cr.)
L540 Medieval Latin (4 cr.)
L550 Roman Historians (4 cr.)
L600 Seminar in Latin Epic (4 cr.)
L602 Seminar in Latin Comedy (4 cr.)
L603 Seminar in Latin Tragedy (4 cr.)
L610 Seminar in the Roman Novel (4 cr.)
L620 Seminar in Latin Historical Texts and Historiography (4 cr.)
C405 Comparative Mythology (4 cr.)
C409 Roman Literature and Art (3 cr.)
C411 (Fine Arts A411) The Art and Archaeology of Anatolia (4 cr.)
C412 (Fine Arts A412) The Art and Archaeology of the Aegean (4 cr.)
C413 (Fine Arts A413) The Art and Archaeology of Greece (4 cr.)
C414 (Fine Arts A414) The Art and Archaeology of Rome (4 cr.)
C416 Ovidian Mythology and its Tradition (3 cr.)
C419 The Art and Archaeology of Pompeii (4 cr.)
C501 Introduction to Graduate Study: Literary and Cultural Theory for Classicists (3 cr.)
C503 The Ancient City (4 cr.)
C610 Seminar in the Greek and Roman Novels (4 cr.)
C623 Seminar in Classical Archaeology (4 cr.)

Fine Arts

A410 History and Methodology of Classical Archaeology (4 cr.)
A411 (Classics C411) Art and Archaeology of Anatolia (4 cr.)
A412 (Classics C412) The Art and Archaeology of the Prehistoric Aegean (4 cr.)
A413 (Classics C413) The Art and Archaeology of Greece (4 cr.)
A414 (Classics C414) The Art and Archaeology of Rome (4 cr.)
A416 Greek Architecture (4 cr.)
A418 Roman Architecture (4 cr.)
A513 Greek Vase Painting (4 cr.)
A514 Greek Sculpture: Fifth Century (4 cr.)
A516 Greek Sculpture: Hellenistic (4 cr.)
A517 Early Italian and Etruscan Art (4 cr.)
A518 Roman Sculpture (4 cr.)
A519 Roman Painting (4 cr.)
A611 Problems in Prehistoric Aegean Archaeology (4 cr.)
A612 Problems in Greek Archaeology (4 cr.)
A613 Problems in Greek Architecture (4 cr.)
A614 Problems in Greek Sculpture (4 cr.)
A615 Problems in Greek Painting (4 cr.)
A616 Problems in Roman Art (4 cr.)


C386 Greek History (3 cr.)
C388 Roman History (3 cr.)
C580 History of Ancient Medicine (3 cr.)
H605 Colloquium in Ancient History (4 cr.)
H705 Seminar in Ancient History (4 cr.)

History and Philosophy of Science

X556 Philosophy of Science in Antiquity (3 cr.)
X601 Seminar in Ancient Science (3 cr.)


P511 Plato (3 cr.)
P512 Aristotle (3 cr.)
P595 Intensive Reading: Ancient Philosophy from the Greek or Latin Texts (cr. arr.)

Religious Studies

R521 Studies in Early Christianity (3 cr.)
R610 Studies in Biblical Literature and Religion (3 cr.)
R620 Ancient and Medieval Christianity (3 cr.)
R713 Historical Studies in Western Religions (3 cr.)

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