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University Gradute
School 2002-2004
Academic Bulletin

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Graduate Faculty

The names of all members of the graduate faculty who hold appointments in graduate degree-granting units of Indiana University are listed with the respective unit entries. (Asterisks following names designate associate status.) Other members of the graduate faculty are listed below by category.

Full Members
Associate Members

Full Members

ABRAMOVICH, YURI, Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

ALAM, MOHAMMAD, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering (FW)

ALVIS, DEAN, Associate Professor of Mathematics (SB)

AMBA-RAO, SITA, (Emerita) Professor of Management (KO)

ANDERSON, ALLEN, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice (KO)

ANDERSON, WILLIAM J., Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology (TH)

ARSHANAPALLI, BALA, Professor of Finance (NW)

BAILEY, JOHN, Visiting Professor of Clinical Medicine (IN)

BALDWIN, WILLIAM W., Professor of Microbiology and Immunology (NW)

BANDYOPADHYAY, SUBIR, Associate Professor of Marketing, School of Business and Economics (NW)

BANKSTON, PATRICK, Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology, and Pathology (NW)

BARR, ALAN P., Professor of English (NW)

BARRY, JAMES, Jr., Professor of Philosophy (SE)

BARTON, PAUL, (Emeritus) Professor of Community Dentistry and of Journalism (IN)

BEIN, FREDERICK, Professor of Geography (IN)

BEINEKE, LOWELL E., J. W. Schrey Professor of Mathematics (FW)

BENDER, EILEEN, Professor of English (SB)

BENSON, MERRILL, Professor of Medicine, and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (IN)

BERSIER, GABRIELLE, Professor of German and Adjunct Associate Professor of Women's Studies (IN)

BESANA, GIAN MARIO, Associate Professor of Mathematics (NW)

BHATIA, SHAM, Professor of Economics (NW)

BHATTACHARYA, PRADEEP, Professor of Biology (NW)

BLAKE, JOSEPH, Associate Professor of Sociology (EA)

BLANEY, DORIS, (Emerita) Professor of Nursing (NW)

BLEHER, PAVEL, Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

BLOMQUIST, WILLIAM A., Associate Professor of Political Science (IN)

BODMER, GEORGE, Professor of English (NW)

BOGDEWIC, STEPHEN, Professor of Family Medicine and SPEA (P-T), Adjunct Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics (IN)

BOND, GARY R., Chancellor's Professor of Psychology and Adjunct Professor of Nursing (IN)

BRINGLE, ROBERT G., Professor of Psychology (IN)

BROWN, JAMES W., Professor of Journalism and Adjunct Professor of Communication Studies (IN)

BROXMEYER, HAL, Professor of Medicine and of Microbiology and Immunology (IN)

BUCKLEY, WILLIAM, Professor of English (NW)

BUHNER, JOHN, (Emeritus) Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs and Political Science (IN)

BURKINSHAW, OWEN, Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

BUSHNELL, PETER, Associate Professor of Biology (SB)

CARDUCCI, BERNARDO J., Professor of Psychology (SE)

CARR, STEVEN ALAN, Associate Professor, Communication (FW)

CHAPA, JORGE, Professor of Latino Studies, Adjunct Professor of Sociology (BL)

CHARY, FREDERICK, Professor of History (NW)

CHERNOFF, ELLEN, Associate Professor of Biology (IN)

CHERRY, CHARLES C., Distinguished Professor, Adjunct Professor of American Studies (IN)

CHESNUT, GLENN, Professor of History (SB)

CHOWDHURY, DIPAK (Emeritus), Professor of Geology (FW)

CIULLA, THOMAS, Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Adjunct Associate Professor of Optometry (IN)

COFFIN, DONALD A., Associate Professor of Economics, School of Business and Economics (NW)

COHEN, RONALD, Professor of History (NW)

COOPER, WILLIAM E., Professor of Biology (FW)

COUFOUDAKIS-PETROUSSIS, E., Professor of Political Science (FW)

COX, DENA S., Associate Professor of Marketing (Business), Adjunct Associate Professor Public Health (Medicine) (IN)

DARNEL, MICHAEL R., Professor of Mathematics (SB)

DAVIS, THOMAS J., Associate Professor of Religious Studies (IN)

DE LEON, NELSON, Associate Professor of Chemistry (NW)

DEMAREE, ROBERT W., Jr., (Emeritus) Professor of Music (SB)

DEMYER, MARIAN K., (Emerita) Professor of Psychiatry (IN)

DENNE, SCOTT C., Professor of Pediatrics (IN)

DICK, ROBERT, Professor of Communication Studies (IN)

DOLPH, GARY, Professor of Botany (KO)

DUBIN, PAUL L., Professor of Chemistry (IN)

DUFF, DOUGLAS, (Emeritus) Professor of Biological Sciences (SB)

DYKSTRA, CLIFFORD, Chancellor's Professor of Chemistry (IN)

DZIARSKI, ROMAN, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology (NW)

EAST, JAMES, (Emeritus) Professor of Communication Studies (IN)

ECHTENKAMP, STEPHEN F., Associate Professor of Cellular and Integrative Physiology (NW)

EICKMEIER, VALERIE, Professor of Herron School of Art (IN)

EVENBECK, SCOTT, Associate Professor of Psychology (IN)

FARLOW, JAMES, Professor of Geology (FW)

FETTERMAN, JOHN G., Professor of Psychology (IN)

FIFE, WILMER, (Emeritus) Professor of Chemistry (IN)

FINDLING, JOHN E., Professor of History (SE)

FINEBERG, NAOMI S., Professor of Medicine, Adjunct Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics (IN)

FINKEL, DEBORAH, Professor of Psychology (SE)

FOLTZ, TANICE G., Associate Professor of Sociology (NW)

FREDLAND, RICHARD, (Emeritus) Professor of Political Science, Adjunct Professor of Environments for Health/Nursing (IN)

FRITSCHNER, LINDA, Professor of Sociology (SB)

GALLMEIER, CHARLES P., Associate Professor of Sociology (NW)

GARDNER, CAROL B., Professor of Sociology, Adjunct Professor of American Studies and Women's Studies (IN)

GOERING, ELIZABETH, Associate Professor of Communication Studies (IN)

GOFF, PHILIP, Associate Professor of Religious Studies (IN)

GOMPA, RAGHU R., Professor of Mathematical Sciences (KO)

GOODLETT, CHARLES, Professor of Psychology (IN)

HAMBURGER, PETER, Professor of Mathematical Sciences (FW)

HENDRIE, HUGH CURTIS, Professor of Psychiatry, Adjunct Professor of Nursing (IN)

HERON, RANDALL, (Emeritus) Associate Professor of Finance (IN)

HILL, EMITA B., (Emerita) Professor of Romance Languages (KO)

HINNEFELD, JERRY D., Associate Professor of Physics (SB)

HOFTIEZER, VIRGIL, Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology (NW)

HOUSEMAN, GERALD, (Emeritus) Professor of Political Science (FW)

HOYT, GILES, Professor of German (IN)

HOZO, IZTOK, Associate Professor of Mathematics (NW)

HUBBARD, RICHARD W., Associate Professor of Psychology (SB)

HUI, SIU L., Professor of Medicine, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Public Health (IN)

IATRIDIS, PANAYOTIS, (Emeritus) Professor of Physiology, Biophysics and of Medicine (NW)

JACKSON, WILLIAM J., Professor of Religious Studies (IN)

JENKS, RICHARD, Professor of Sociology (SE)

JOHNSON, ERIC N., Associate Professor of Accounting (IN)

JOHNSTON, BARRANCE V., Professor of Sociology (NW)

JONES, EARL, Associate Professor of Afro-American Studies, Associate Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs (P-T) (NW)

KAMEN, JOSEPH M., (Emeritus) Professor of Marketing (NW)

KAMINKER, JEROME, Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

KASEM, KASEM, Associate Professor of Chemistry (KO)

KATZ, BARRY P., Professor of Medicine, Adjunct Professor of Oral Biology and Public Health (IN)

KEMPLE, MARVIN, Professor of Physics (IN)

KENNEDY, BRIAN GERARD, Associate Professor of Cellular and Integrative Physiology (NW)

KINYON, MICHAEL, Associate Professor of Mathematics (SB)

KLAMEN, DAVID, Professor of Fine Arts (NW)

KLEINHANS, FREDERICK, Adjunct Associate Professor of Geology, Associate Professor of Physics (IN)

KNOWLES, BRENDA, Professor of Business (SB)

KOCHANOWSKI, PAUL, Professor of Economics, Adjunct Professor of Continuing Studies (SB)

KOFAS, JON, Professor of History (KO)

KREMER, JOHN F., Professor of Psychology (IN)

KROENKE, KURT, Professor of Medicine (IN)

LAFUZE, JOAN E., Professor of Biology and Adjunct Professor of Nursing (EA/IN)

LAMON, LESTER C., Professor of History (SB)

LEE, MONLE, Professor of Marketing (SB)

LEWIS, DAVID, Librarian of University Library (IN)

LIELL, JOHN, (Emeritus) Professor of Sociology (IN)

LIPKOWITZ, KENNETH, Associate Director, Chemical Informatics, Professor of Chemistry (IN)

LONG, ERIC C., Professor of Chemistry (IN)

LUTZ, JAMES M., Professor of Political Science (FW)

LYNKER, MONIKA, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy (SB)

MALIK, DAVID, Professor of Chemistry (IN)

MANGINI, NANCY, Associate Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology (NW)

MANN, SUSAN GARLAND, Associate Professor of English (SE)

MARCH, KEITH, Associate Professor of Medicine and of Cellular and Integrative Physiology (IN)

MARFURT, CARL, Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology (NW)

MASON, GLENN, Professor of Geography (SE)

McCORMICK, JOHN, Associate Professor of Political Science (IN)

MCDONALD, CLEMENT J., Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs (IN)

McGEEVER, PATRICK, (Emeritus) Professor of Political Science and Adjunct Professor of American Studies (IN)

McGOVERN, LIGAYA, Associate Professor of Sociology (KO)

MCGOWAN, JULIE J., Professor of Pediatrics, Professor of Knowledge Informatics, Adjunct Professor of Nursing (IN)

McINTOSH, JOHN L., Professor of Psychology (SB)

McNEAL, PATRICIA, Professor of Women's Studies (SB)

MEHRAN, JAMSHID, Professor of Finance (SB)

MENA, LUCILIA, (Emerita) Associate Professor of Spanish (IN)

MERKEL, GLENN J., Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology (FW)

MEYBODI, MOHAMMAD, Associate Professor of Business (KO)

MISIUREWIZA, MICHAL, Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

MOLLER, DAVID W., Associate Professor of Sociology, Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine (IN)

MORRIS, BARNETT, (Emeritus) Professor of Psychology (IN)

MUKHOPADHYAY, SNEHASIS, Associate Director for Bioinformatics, Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science (IN)

MURPHY, JAMES, Professor of Psychology (IN)

NAFFZIGER, FREDERICK J., Professor of Business Law (SB)

NEEL, ROBERT, (Emeritus) Professor of Psychology (IN)

NEWCOMB, PAUL, Associate Professor of Social Work (SB)

NG, BART, Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

NICOL, GRANT, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology (IN)

NNAEMEKA, OBIOMA, Director, Women's Studies, Associate Professor of French (IN)

NUROK, DAVID, Associate Professor of Chemistry (IN)

O'DONNELL, MARTIN J., Professor of Chemistry (IN)

OLSON, ANDREW, Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science (IN)

OTTENSMANN, JOHN, Adjunct Professor of Geography and Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs (IN)

PALAKAL, MATTHEW, Professor of Computer and Information Science (IN)

PAPKE, DAVID R., R. Bruce Townsend Professor of Law, Adjunct Professor of American Studies (IN)

PATTERSON, RICHARD R., Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science (IN)

PEACOCK, MUNRO, Professor of Medicine (IN)

PEARLSTEIN, ROBERT, Professor of Physics (IN)

PETERSEN, BRUCE, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology (IN)

PIPPERT, RAYMOND, Professor of Mathematics (FW)

RAJECKI, DONALD W., Professor of Psychology (IN)

RAND, LEON, (Emeritus) Professor of Chemistry (SE)

RAO, B. D. NAGESWARA, Professor of Physics (IN)

RICKARD, KARYL, Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics (IN)

ROSS, JOHN, Associate Professor of Information Systems (KO)

RUDY, JOHN, Professor of English (KO)

SABBAGHI, ASGHAR, Professor of Decision Sciences (SB)

SACHS, STEPHEN, Professor of Political Science (IN)

SANDSTROM, ALAN, Professor of Anthropology (FW)

SARGEANT, ADRIAN, Visiting Associate Professor of Marketing (IN)

SAYWELL, ROBERT M. JR., Professor of Family Medicine, Adjunct Professor of Nursing and Public and Environmental Affairs (IN)

SCANLAN, MARGARET T., Professor of English (SB)

SCHANSBERG, D. ERIC, Professor of Economics (SE)

SCHULTZ, FRANKLIN, Professor of Chemistry (IN)

SEN, STEPHANIE E., Associate Professor of Chemistry (IN)

SHANKS-MEILE, STEPHANIE, Professor of Sociology (NW)

SHELDON, MARK, Professor of Philosophy (NW)

SHEN, ZHONGMIN, Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

SHERRILL, ROWLAND, Professor of Religious Studies, Adjunct Professor of American Studies (IN)

SHILLINGSBURG, MIRIAM, Professor of English (SB)

SHORE, STEVEN, Professor of Physics (SB)

SINGER, LESLIE, (Emeritus) Professor of Economics (NW)

SIVAM, SUBBIAH P., Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology (NW)

SONG, YU, Associate Professor of Mathematics (SB)

SOTHMANN, MARK, Professor of Allied Health Sciences (IN)

STATEN, CLIFFORD, Associate Professor of Political Science (SE)

STILLWELL, WILLIAM H., Professor of Biology (IN)

STOCUM, DAVID L., Professor of Biology (IN)

STRUPECK, C. DAVID, Associate Professor of Accounting (NW)

SUZUKI, DAVID A., Associate Professor of Ophthalmology, and Anatomy and Cell Biology (IN)

SVANUM, SOREN, Associate Professor of Psychology (IN)

SWARTZ, DARL, Associate Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology (IN)

TAYLOR, DAVID W., Professor of Biology (SE)

THACKERAY, FRANK, Professor of History (SE)

TOWNSEND, DOUGLAS W., Professor of Mathematical Sciences (FW)

TROUT, ANDREW P., Jr., (Emeritus) Professor of History (SE)

TUCERYAN, MIHRAN, Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science (IN)

TURK, ELEANOR, Professor of History (EA)

TWIGG, HOMER, Associate Professor of Medicine (IN)

TZENG, OLIVER C. S., Professor of Psychology, Adjunct Professor of Nursing (IN)

VANDEN BERGE, JAMES, (Emeritus) Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology (NW)

VARGUS, BRIAN, Professor of Political Science, Adjunct Professor of Communication Studies and Philanthropic Studies (IN)

VASAVADA, KASHYAP, Professor of Physics (IN)

VILENSKY, JOEL A., Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology (FW)

VINODGOPAL, KIZHANIPURAM, Professor of Chemistry (NW)

VON DER EMBSE, THOMAS J., Professor of Management (KO)

WARE, J. ROGER, Associate Professor of Psychology (IN)

WASHBURN, MICHAEL, Professor of Philosophy (SB)

WASSALL, STEPHEN, Associate Professor of Physics (IN)

WHITCHURCH, GAIL, Associate Professor of Communication Studies (IN)

WHITE-MILLS, KIM, Associate Professor of Communication Studies (IN)

WILLIAMS, LYNN R., Professor of Mathematics (SB)

WILLIAMSON-IGE, DOROTHY, Associate Professor of Communications (NW)

WOLF, THOMAS, (Emeritus) Professor of Political Science (SE)

WOLLONS, ROBERTA, Associate Professor of History (NW)

WYSONG, EARL, Professor of Sociology (KO)

YOVITS, MARSHALL, (Emeritus) Professor of Computer and Information Science (IN)

ZELDIN, MARTEL, Professor of Chemistry (IN)

ZHENG, JIANG YU, Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science (IN)

ZUSMAN, MARTY E., Professor of Sociology (NW)

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Associate Members

ALDRICH, CARLA, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology (IN)

ALLEN, RUTH, Associate Professor of Biology (IN)

ALSE, JANARDHANAN, Associate Professor of Economics (SE)

ASARE, BENJAMIN, Associate Professor of Sociology (SE)

ASH, ROBERT C., Assistant Professor of Business Administration (SE)

ATNIP, GILBERT, Professor of Psychology (SE)

BAHAMONDE, RAFAEL, Assistant Professor of Physical Education (IN)

BAKER, CRUMP, Professor of Mathematics (SE)

BARNEY, DOUGLAS, Associate Professor of Business Administration (SE)

BARTON, DAVID K., Professor of Music (SE)

BELL, JOHN P., (Emeritus) Associate Professor of History (FW)

BERTRAND, DIDIER, Associate Professor of French (IN)

BJORK, ULF JONAS, Associate Professor of Journalism (IN)

BJORNSON, CHRISTIAN, Associate Professor of Business Administration (SE)

BLOOM, JACK M., Associate Professor of Sociology, Adjunct Associate Professor of History and of Philosophy (NW)

BLUMENSHINE, GARY, Associate Professor of History (FW)

BLUMENTHAL, ELLIOTT, Assistant Professor of Biology (FW)

BORDEN, VICTOR, Associate Professor of Psychology (IN)

BOSCHMANN, ERWIN, Professor of Chemistry (IN)

BOWER, STEPHANIE, Professor of History (SE)

BRENNER, MARK L., Professor of Biology (IN)

BROWN, PAUL, Professor of Herron School of Art (IN)

CANTOR, LOUIS, (Emeritus) Professor of History (FW)

CAROW, KENNETH, Assistant Professor of Finance (IN)

CAUCCI, FRANK, Professor of French (NW)

CHAURET, CHRISTIAN, Assistant Professor of Biology (NW)

CLEM, DEBRA, Associate Professor of Fine Art (SE)

COLLINS, LOUISE, Associate Professor of Philosophy (SB)

CORTWRIGHT, SPENCER, Associate Professor of Biology (NW)

COX, STEVEN, Associate Professor of Business (KO)

CULLEN, DEBORAH, Professor of Respiratory Therapy (IN)

CURTIS, RICHARD, (Emeritus) Professor of Communication and Theatre (IN)

DAHLGREN, DONNA, Associate Professor of Psychology (SE)

DALKILIC, MEHMET, Assistant Professor of Informatics, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science (BL)

DESAI, MAYUR S., Assistant Professor of Business (EA)

DHAWALE, SHRIKRISHNA W., Professor of Chemistry (EA)

DOBRIS, CATHERINE, Associate Professor of Communication and Studies (IN)

DRUMMOND, CARL, Associate Professor of Geology (FW)

DUFRENE, URIC, Associate Professor of Business Administration (SE)

DULL, RICHARD, Assistant Professor of Business (IN)

DUNLOP, STEPHEN R., Volunteer Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry (IN)

DUNN, MILLARD, Professor of English (SE)

EDMONDS, KENT, Assistant Professor of Biology (SE)

ELMORE, GARLAND, Associate Professor of Communication Studies (IN)

ERNST, MICHAEL, Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

ERNSTBERGER, KATHYRN, Associate Professor of Business Administration (SE)

ESSELSTROM, MICHAEL, Professor of Music (IN)

FANG, SHIAOFEN, Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Science (IN)

FARLOW, MARTIN, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Professor of Neurology(IN)

FARNSLEY, ARTHUR, Assistant Dean of the Graduate School (IN)

FASTENAU, PHILIP, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology (IN)

FELTON, MARIANNE, (Emeritus) Professor of Economics (SE)

FINKLER, MICHAEL, Assistant Professor of Biology (KO)

FISCHER, BERND, Professor of History (FW)

FISHER, TIMOTHY, Associate Professor of Geosciences and Geography (NW)

FOOS, K. MICHAEL, Professor of Biology (EA)

FORINASH, KYLE, Professor of Physics (SE)

FRENCH, GEORGE, Associate Professor of Business Administration (SE)

FRENCH, SANDRA, Professor of Sociology (SE)

FRICKE, GORDON H., (Emeritus) Associate Professor of Chemistry (IN)

GABLE, KAREN, Associate Professor of Allied Health Sciences and Adjunct Associate Professor of Education (IN)

GALVIN, PETER, Associate Professor of Geography (SE)

GAO, SUJUAN, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Health (IN)

GERENCSER, STEVEN, Assistant Professor of Political Science (SB)

GINDELE, KAREN, Associate Professor of English (SB)

GOLDSTEIN, JOANNA, Professor of Music (SE)

GOODMAN, NEIL, Professor of Fine Arts (NW)

GRAHAME, NICHOLAS J., Assistant Professor of Neurobiology, Psychiatry (IN)

GRECKEL, FAY R., (Emerita) Professor of Economics (SE)

GRENS, ANN, Assistant Professor of Developmental Biology (SB)

GUENTHER, JOHN, Professor of Fine Arts (SE)

GUGIN, LINDA, Professor of Political Science (SE)

HAW, JAMES, Professor of History (FW)

HAZER, JOHN T., Associate Professor of Psychology (IN)

HOJNACKI, WILLIAM P., Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs (SB)

HOWARD, JAY R., Associate Professor of Sociology (CO)

HUANG, JEFFREY, Assistant Professor of Computer and Information Science (IN)

HUITINK, GERALDINE, Professor of Chemistry (SB)

HUNT, RANDY E., Assistant Professor of Biology (SE)

IRWIN, ARCHIBALD, (Emeritus) Professor of English (SE)

ISIORHO, SOLOMON, Associate Professor of Geography (FW)

JANSSEN, ERICK, Associate Scientist at the Kinsey Institute, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pschology (BL)

JUNG, SIN-HO, Associate Professor of Medicine, Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Health (IN)

KARAKATSANIS, NEOVI M., Asssistant Professor of Political Science (SB)

KAUFFMAN, JAMES, Professor of Speech Communication (SE)

KERN, GARY, Associate Professor of Decision Sciences (SB)

KIN, SUN, Assistant Professor of Informatics, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science (BL)

KING, GRANVILLE, Associate Professor of Speech Communication (SE)

KINGSBURY, BRUCE, Assistant Professor of Biology (FW)

KINGSLEY, ROBERT, Associate Professor of Cellular and Integrative Physiology (SB)

KIRCHNER, GRETCHEN, Associate Professor of Biology (SE)

KOMENICH, ANGELINE, (Emerita) Professor of Spanish (NW)

KRISHNA, VIJAY, Associate Professor of Speech Communication (SE)

LANG, WILLIAM, Associate Professor of Mathematics (SE)

LAUER, JOAN, Associate Professor of Psychology (IN)

LIECHTY, EDWARD A., Professor of Pediatrics (IN)

LOWE, MARK J., Assistant Professor of Radiology (IN)

LUKE, JON C., Associate Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

MANATUNGA, AMITA K., Assistant Professor of Medicine (IN)

MARTI, DONALD, Associate Professor of History (SB)

MAWHINNEY, V. THOMAS, Associate Professor of Psychology (SB)

McGREW, JOHN H., Associate Professor of Psychology (IN)

MENDONCA, MARC, Assistant Professor/Assistant Scientist of Radiation Oncology (IN)

MILSTEIN, VICTOR, Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry (IN)

MORGAN, ROBIN, Professor of Psychology (SE)

MOSER, WILLIAM H., Assistant Professor of Chemistry(IN)

MULLINS, PAUL, Assistant Professor of Anthropology (IN)

MUKHIN, EVGENY, Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

NASHEL, JONATHAN, Assistant Professor of History (SB)

NASSIM, BAHMAN, Professor of Chemistry (SE)

NAUMANN, CHRISTOPH A., Assistant Professor of Chemistry (IN)

NAYLOR, ANDREW E., Professor of Philosophy (SB)

NEWMAN, JOHN, Professor of Sociology (SE)

O'PALKA, JACQUELYNN, Professor of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics (IN)

OTU, EMMANUEL, Associate Professor of Chemistry (SE)

OUKADA, LARBI, Professor of French and Adjunct Professor of Education (IN)

PARKISON, KATHY, Associate Professor of Economics (KO)

PELLICCIOTTI, JOSEPH, Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs (NW)

PERRY, DOUGLAS G., Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine, Associate Professor of Respiratory Therapy (IN)

POPE, ROBERT K., Assistant Professor of Biology (SB)

PRESSON, ROBERT G., Professor of Anesthesia (IN)

QUATE, SHIRLEY, (Emerita) Associate Professor of Journalism (IN)

QUILLEN, WILLIAM, Associate Professor of Physical Therapy (IN)

QUINET, KENNA, Associate Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs (IN)

RAJE, RAJEEV R., Assistant Professor, Computer and Information Science (IN)

RAKICH, JONATHAN S., Professor of Management (SE)

ROBERTSON, JEAN, Professor of Herron School of Art (IN)

RODEN, DIANNE, Associate Professor of Finance (KO)

ROMINGER, ANNA S., Associate Professor of Business Administration, School of Business and Economics (NW)

RYTTING, MARVIN B., Associate Professor of Psychology (IN)

SABINE, NEIL, Associate Professor of Biology (EA)

SAKELLARIDIS, NIKOS N., Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, and Neurology (NW)

SCHNABEL, ANDREW, Associate Professor of Biology (SB)

SCHRADER, STUART, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies (IN)

SCHREIBER, ROY E., (Emeritus) Professor of History (SB)

SCHULTZ, GEOFFREY F., Professor of Education (NW)

SEDDIGHIN, MORTEZA, Associate Professor of Mathematical Science (EA)

SEGAL, MARCIA, Professor of Sociology (SE)

SHEFFER, RICHARD D., Associate Professor of Biology (NW)

SHI, DYLAN, Associate Professor of Mathematics (SE)

SHLAPENTOKH, DMITRY, Associate Professor of History (SB)

SLOSS, G. SAM, Associate Professor of Sociology (SE)

ST. CLAIR, JAMES, Associate Professor of Journalism (SE)

STABLER, TIMOTHY, Associate Professor of Biology (NW)

STANTON, KATHLEEN, Assistant Professor of Physical Education (IN)

SUNDERMAN, JACK, (Emeritus) Associate Professor of Geology (FW)

SUTTON, ROBERT F., JR., Associate Professor of Classics (IN)

SWEIGART, WILLIAM, Associate Professor of English (SE)

SZARKOWICZ, DONALD, Associate Professor of Computer and Information Systems (NW)

TORSTRICK, REBECCA L., Assistant Professor of Anthropology (SB)

TU, WANZHU, Assistant Professor of Medicine (IN)

TULL, CHARLES J., (Emeritus) Professor of History (SB)

TURNIPSEED, DAVID L., JR., Associate Professor of Management (FW)

UDRY, EILEEN, Assistant Professor of Physical Education (IN)

VAN SCODER, LINDA, Associate Professor of Respiratory Therapy (IN)

VERAMALLAY, ASHTON, Professor of Economics (EA)

VIOLETTE, AURELE, Associate Professor of History (FW)

WADSWORTH, FRANK, Associate Professor of Business Administration (SE)

WALLIHAN, JAMES, Professor of Labor Studies (IN)

WALSTON, STEPHEN L., Associate Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, Adjunct Associate Professor of Business Administration, Kelley School of Business (IN)

WEBB, DOROTHY L., Professor of Communication Studies (IN)

WEBB, J. EDGAR, (Emeritus) Professor of Communication and Theatre (IN)

WHEAT, JERRY, Professor of Business Administration (IN)

WIGGINS, GARY, Librarian, University Libraries (BL)

WILLE, DIANE E., Professor of Psychology (SE)

WOEPPEL, JAMES J., Professor of Mathematics (SE)

WOJCIECHOWSKI, KRYZYSZTOF, Professor of Mathematical Sciences (IN)

WYANDOTTE, ANNETTE, Associate Professor of English (SE)

ZHOU, XIAO-HUA (ANDREW), Associate Professor of Medicine, Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Health (IN)

ZOPPI, KATHLEEN, Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Medicine, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communication Studies (IN)

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