Academic RegulationsGrading System Grading SystemSee the 2002-2004 School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin for details. Program change: All Education (EDUC) courses that are required in a student's program must be passed with a grade of C or higher. Any student who receives a grade of C- or lower in a required School of Education course must retake that course before student teaching. Exceptions to the grade of C or higher rule include EDUC-M 135, M 323, and Q 200. These courses require only a passing grade. In addition, EDUC-X 460 is exempt from the grade of C or higher requirement in all undergraduate programs except the Early Childhood Education Program. Extended-X (Amended FX Policy)Program change: Any undergraduate student may retake a course for which he or she received a grade below an A during the first 45 credit hours of course work. A student may exercise this option for no more than three courses, totaling no more than 10 credits. A student may use this option only once for a given course. The student's transcript shall record both grades. For the course retaken, only the second grade shall be counted in the determination of the student's grade point average (GPA). Any GPA calculated in accord with this policy shall be marked with an asterisk denoting that a lower grade has been replaced by a second grade in the course. Note: This policy was implemented fall semester 2001-2002. Courses taken before that term do not apply. For more information regarding the Extended-X policy, see the Office of Registrar's Web site at
Satisfactory/Fail GradesSee the 2002-2004 School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin for details. Pass/Fail OptionSee the 2002-2004 School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin for details.
See the 2002-2004 School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin for details. Withdrawal from CoursesSee the 2002-2004 School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin for details. See the 2002-2004 School of Education Undergraduate Program Bulletin for details.
Last updated: 22 February 2025 23 11 11
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