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School of Education 2002-2004 Undergraduate Online Bulletin Table of Contents



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Academic Bulletin

School of Education
W. W. Wright Education Building 
201 North Rose Avenue  
Bloomington, IN 47405-1006 
(812) 856-8500    Fax (812) 856-8440
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School of Edcation
Education/Social Work Building (ES) 3137
902 W. New York Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-6801

Bloomington Programs

New Directions for Teacher Education in Bloomington
IU Bloomington's Six Principles for Teacher Education
Project TEAM
Early Childhood Education Program
Elementary Education Program
Teaching All Learners: A Program in Exceptional Needs and
  Elementary Teacher Education

Secondary Education Programs
All School Settings Education Program
Dual Licensing Programs


Several of the education programs at the Bloomington campus have been recently revised or are currently under revision. Students who are already enrolled in programs should consult the 2000-2002 bulletin.

In this section, courses from several schools and departments of Indiana University are listed and coded with three- and four-letter codes that indicate the originating department. Full descriptions of courses not offered in the School of Education can be found in the bulletins for the schools and colleges offering the courses. A guide to the codes is as follows:

EDUC (School of Education)
HPER (School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation)
JOUR (School of Journalism)
MUS (School of Music)
SLIS (School of Library and Information Science)
SPEA (School of Public and Environmental Affairs)
University Graduate School

Departments of the College of Arts and Sciences:
AFRO (Afro-American Studies)
AMST (American Studies)
ANTH (Anthropology)
AST (Astronomy)
BIOL (Biology)
CHEM (Chemistry)
CLAS (Classical Studies)
CMCL (Communication and Culture)
CMLT (Comparative Literature)
CSCI (Computer Science)
EALC (East Asian Languages and Cultures)
ECON (Economics)

ENG (English)
FINA (Fine Arts)
FOLK (Folklore)
FRIT (French and Italian)
GEOG (Geography)
GEOL (Geology)
GER (Germanic Studies)
GNDR (Gender Studies)
HISP (Spanish and Portuguese)
HIST (History)
HPSC (History and Philosophy of Science)
LING (Linguistics)
LTAM (Latin American Studies)
MATH (Mathematics)
MEST (Medieval Studies)
NELC (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures)
PHIL (Philosophy)
PHYS (Physics)
POLS (Political Science)
PSY (Psychology)
REL (Religious Studies)
SLAV (Slavic Languages and Literatures)
SOC (Sociology)
SPHS (Speech and Hearing Sciences)
TEL (Telecommunications)
THTR (Theatre and Drama)

The Indiana University School of Education at Bloomington offers teacher education programs leading to Indiana teaching licenses in kindergarten-primary/early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education (senior high/junior high/middle school), special/ elementary education and all-grade education as outlined below. The secondary and all-grade programs require at least one major chosen from those outlined.

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New Directions for Teacher Education in Bloomington

Indiana University has been involved in preparing students to become teachers since 1851, although the School of Education itself was not founded until 1908. Much has changed since the time of those initial efforts. The campus as a whole has expanded and become world-renowned for its research status. At the same time, the School of Education itself has developed a national and international reputation for both its undergraduate and graduate offerings.

We now find ourselves facing unique challenges in the 21st century. Our technological age requires citizens who can apply knowledge, reason analytically, and solve problems. American society is increasingly diverse, so school classrooms serve students who come from many backgrounds and cultures and who bring with them a wide range of abilities and interests. The educational community at large is engaged, along with policymakers and the general public, in a national debate about high standards for what all students should know and be able to do. The need for teachers who can help all students meet society's high performance expectations has created new challenges for teacher preparation.

In 2000, the IU Bloomington faculty approved a set of five goals to serve as guides for all efforts in the School of Education. The goals include: (1) to continue IU's commitment to strong pre-service teacher education, (2) to strengthen the School of Education's partnerships with P-12 schools and communities, (3) to enhance the school's research and graduate education programs, (4) to provide leadership in the appropriate use of technologies to enhance teaching and learning experiences, and (5) to promote diversity. These goals are interdependent. Together, they reflect the direction that the School of Education will take as it moves forward in the coming years.

One effort that has been constant throughout our history is a commitment to creating and sustaining high-quality, rigorous, engaging courses and programs for candidates aspiring to be teachers at all P-12 levels. A commitment to high-quality programs in turn requires that faculty and candidates in the School of Education, with our colleagues from other units of Indiana University and from the public schools, engage in conversations that lead to novel initiatives, alternative directions, and new ways of thinking about teacher education. We must work collaboratively to help our teacher candidates attain the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for teaching in contemporary schools.

Our collective commitment at IU Bloomington to the development of exemplary teacher education programs has been abundantly clear throughout the past decade. This bulletin provides an outline of our most recent efforts to offer contemporary, responsive, and effective teacher education programs, courses, and policies. Central to our deliberations about the direction of teacher education has been the adoption and enactment in all our teacher education programs of a set of six principles that define, in comprehensive ways, our conceptual framework for teacher education. The six principles are listed below. Accompanying each is an elaboration composed of three parts: a statement about why the principle is important, a statement about implications of the principle for our teacher education programs, and a statement about what the principle implies for teacher candidate expectations.

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IU Bloomington's Six Principles for Teacher Education

  1. Knowledge and Multiple Forms of Understanding
    Effective teachers possess a well-grounded knowledge of the content areas that are central to their teaching. They also have an in-depth comprehension of the forms of knowledge embodied in the traditional disciplines, of the interdisciplinary nature of inquiry, and of the multiple forms of understanding that individual students bring to the classroom. Thus, all our teacher education programs help teacher candidates acquire practical wisdom that integrates forms of understanding, skilled action in and outside classrooms, and a particular sensitivity to the diversity of students. Teacher candidates are expected to be well grounded in student development, the content areas that are central to their teaching, and assessment strategies.
  2. Learning Environment
    Teachers are expected to be thoughtful, reflective, caring practitioners in actual educational settings. Teacher education programs must maintain or create experiences in schools and on campus so that instructors can assist candidates in developing and assessing this professional expertise. Thus, all our teacher education programs include early and continuous engagement—through direct immersion or simulation—with the multiple realities of children, teaching, and schools. Teacher candidates are expected to create and nurture a positive physical, social, and academic learning environment.
  3. Personalized Learning
    Good teachers build on their students' interests, orientation to learning, and hopes. Similarly, teacher education programs should offer teacher candidates opportunities to individualize and personalize their preparation as teachers. Thus, all our teacher education programs give teacher candidates a significant measure of control over how, when, and where their learning takes place, thus enabling their interests and values to shape major portions of their work. Teacher candidates are expected to understand students' ability levels, interests, and learning styles. They should demonstrate instruction that reflects the diversity among all learners.
  4. Community
    Effective teacher preparation requires that participants develop a sense of community through engagement in shared activities and issues. The longevity of relationships required to establish community has several advantages for all its members. It brings coherence to programs, fosters an appreciation of the power of cooperative effort, and encourages a dialogue that promotes the continual rejuvenation of teacher education. Thus, all our teacher education programs foster a sense of community among their teacher candidates, among faculty members, between faculty members and candidates, and between the university and the schools. Teacher candidates are expected to understand and to be involved in their academic learning community. They should build and develop relationships within the school, corporation, and community.
  5. Critical Reflection
    Effective teachers reflect critically on the moral, political, social, and economic dimensions of education. This requires an understanding of the multiple contexts in which schools function, an appreciation of diverse perspectives on educational issues, and a commitment to democratic forms of interaction. Thus, all our teacher education programs encourage students to develop their own social and educational visions that are connected to critically reflective practice. Teacher candidates are expected to reflect continuously on all aspects of their teaching experience to identify ways for improvement as individuals, as a part of the school community, and as part of the teaching profession.
  6. Intellectual, Personal, and Professional Growth
    Teachers are more than technicians or purveyors of information. Accordingly, they must be committed to lifelong intellectual, personal, and professional growth. Because both faculty and teacher candidates must continually develop these habits of mind, teacher education programs must stimulate the exploration and development of the full range of human capabilities. Thus, all our teacher education programs foster intellectual curiosity and encourage an appreciation of learning through the sustained analysis of ideas, values, and practices; and through intuition, imagination, and aesthetic experience. Teacher candidates are expected to develop a philosophy of teaching and learning. This philosophy and continuous professional growth should include values, commitments, and professional development.
As part of a premiere research institution, the IU Bloomington teacher education community is committed to seeing inquiry practices and an inquiry orientation as foundational to all our teacher education programs. This commitment means that undergraduate instructors rarely tell teacher candidates what it means to be an effective teacher, but instead provide guidance along with intellectual and practical entry points into the range of literature, scholarly debates, and experiences that help define contemporary education. Candidates, as a result of this inquiry orientation, will develop the understanding necessary to become effective teachers. In other words, "inquiry" and "practice," "research" and "teaching," "thinking" and "doing" are expected to be integrated concepts and activities, rather than oppositional ones.

Accountability and improvement in teacher preparation are central to IU Bloomington's mission. Graduates of all of our teacher education programs are expected to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions expected of beginning teachers as set forth by the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) and as adopted by the Indiana Professional Standards Board (IPSB) in its new licensing regulations, known as Rules 2000. Through these standards that focus on systematic assessment and performance-based learning, our teacher education programs commit to engaging in continuous reevaluation and improvement.

As we begin this new millennium, our individual and collective efforts in the School of Education at IU Bloomington continue to be focused on developing the very best possible experiences for teacher candidates, and ultimately on improving the quality of education for P-12 pupils. We eagerly begin this new phase of Indiana University's 150-year institutional commitment: to offer exemplary educational opportunities for prospective teachers and to enhance the quality of educational experiences in classrooms throughout Indiana, the nation, and the world.

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Project TEAM

Project TEAM is a research and development initiative designed to increase the number of students from underrepresented minority backgrounds who complete their baccalaureate degree and enter the teaching profession. Based on the theme of "strengthening social justice through education," Project TEAM offers a supportive teaching-learning community for selected students and provides academic, social, and financial assistance as needed. An important part of Project TEAM is the honors seminar that students take each semester, which is limited to students in TEAM and may be taken for 1-3 credits. The honors seminars focus on issues of social justice, multicultural teaching, collaborative inquiry, professional development, and educational leadership. Criteria for acceptance include academic record (a minimum GPA of 2.5), academic goals (a genuine interest in intellectual development and lifelong learning), involvement in community service, and a commitment to a career in education. Students admitted into Project TEAM may participate in any of the teacher education programs offered on the Bloomington campus.

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Early Childhood Education Program

About the Program
General Education
Professional Education

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About the Program

The undergraduate program in early childhood education is a four-year sequence of courses that prepares individuals to teach in infant/toddler and preschool programs, kindergarten through grade 3 classrooms, and work in other settings that employ early childhood professionals. The course of study is premised on the belief that students should engage in an exploration of literacy and diversity through inquiry and reflection. Literacy involves mastering a variety of symbol systems in which meaning is created and shared with others: reading, writing, art, mathematics, music, science, and others. The program enables students to acquire competence in these areas and the pedagogical expertise necessary to nurture growth and development in all young children.

Students will be actively engaged in a variety of activities, assignments, projects, and field experiences in order to: 1) acquire the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of an effective teacher; 2) develop sensitivity to issues of diversity of all forms (e.g. race, class, culture, gender, disability); and 3) embrace ethical, social, and intellectual commitments to young children.

Students will be admitted in and progress through their course work in a cohort with others who have begun at the same time. The small size of the program is designed to enhance a sense of community among students, core faculty, and practicing professionals. Practitioners from a variety of early childhood settings will be involved in the teaching of courses and the design of field experiences, thereby fostering community among those inside and outside the university.

The Early Childhood Education Program is divided into three main components, as follows:

General Education 41 cr.
Electives 6 cr.
Professional Education 78 cr.
Total 125 cr.

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General Education (41 credit hours)

Students who think they have the competence required in a course may contact the chairperson of the department offering the course. If the department chairperson agrees, the student will be permitted to take a credit examination.

Courses listed by number are either specifically required or are part of a group from which selections must be made to fill a specific requirement. See the appropriate school bulletins for course descriptions. The speech requirement may not be met by correspondence.

Language Arts (15 credit hours)

Oral Expression (3 credit hours)

Select one course (grade of C or better required):
CMCL C121 Public Speaking (3 cr.)
CMCL C122 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
CMCL C223 Business and Professional Communication (3 cr.)
EDUC G203 Communication in the Classroom (3 cr.)

Written Expression (3 credit hours)

Select one course (grade of C or better required):
ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.)
ENG W170 Projects in Reading and Writing (3 cr.)

World or American Literature (3 credit hours)

Select one course:
AFRO A141-A142 Introduction to Writing and the Study of Black Literature I-II (4-4 cr.)
AFRO A379 Early Black American Writing (3 cr.)
CMLT C145 Major Characters in Western Literature (3 cr.)
CMLT C146 Major Themes in Western Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L101-L102 Literature Masterpieces (3-3 cr.)
ENG L115 Literature for Today (3 cr.)
ENG L141-L142 Introduction to Writing & Study of Literature I-II (4-4 cr.)
ENG L213-L214 Literary Masterpieces (3-3 cr.)
ENG L357 Twentieth-Century American Poetry (3 cr.)
ENG L358 Twentieth-Century American Fiction (3 cr.)
ENG L369 Studies in British and American Authors (3 cr.)

Children's Literature Requirement (3 credit hours) (grade of C or better required):
EDUC X460 Children's Literature: Books for Reading Instruction (3 cr.)

Literature and Writing Electives (3 credit hours)

Select one course:
AFRO A371 Black Literature for Teachers (3 cr.)
CMLT C340 Women in World Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L202 Literary Interpretation (3 cr.)
ENG L203 Introduction to Drama (3 cr.)
ENG L204 Introduction to Fiction (3 cr.)
ENG L205 Introduction to Poetry (3 cr.)
ENG L364 Native American Literature (3 cr.)
ENG W103 Introductory Creative Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W203 Creative Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.)
ENG W270 Argumentative Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W301 Writing Fiction (3 cr.)
ENG W303 Writing Poetry (3 cr.)
ENG W350 Advanced Expository Writing (3 cr.)

Fine Arts (4-5 credit hours)

MUS E241 Introduction to Music Fundamentals (2 cr.)

Electives (2-3 credit hours)
Any studio art class (3 cr.)
Any music performance, instrument, band, ensemble, or dance class (3 cr.)

Mathematics (7-10 credit hours)

Prerequisites (3-6 cr.)
MATH M118 or A118 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.) or
MATH D116 & D117 Introduction to Finite Math I-II (2+2 cr.) or
MATH M119 & K300 Survey of Calculus & Statistics (3+3 cr.) or
MATH M211 Calculus I (4 cr.)

Required (4 cr.)
MATH T104 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers (4 cr.)

Science and Technology (9 credit hours)

Science and Technology Requirements (6 credit hours):
EDUC Q200 Introduction to Scientific Inquiry (3 cr.) (grade of C or better required)
EDUC W200 Using Computers in Education (3 cr.) (grade of C or better required)

Science Elective (3 credit hours)

Select one course:
AST A100 The Solar System (3 cr.)
AST A110 Introduction to Astronomy (3 cr.)
BIOL L100 General Biology (5 cr.)
BIOL L104 Introductory Biology Lectures (3 cr.)
BIOL Q201 Biological Science for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.)
GEOG G107 Physical Systems of the Environment (3 cr.)
GEOG G109 Weather and Climate (3 cr.)
GEOL G103 Earth Science: Materials and Processes (3 cr.)
GEOL G104 Earth Science: Evolution of the Earth (3 cr.)
GEOL G105 Earth, Our Habitable Planet (3 cr.)
GEOL G114 Prehistoric Life ( 3 cr.)
GEOL G300 Environmental and Urban Geology (3 cr.)
PHYS P101 Physics of the Modern World (3 cr.)
PHYS Q202 Physical Science for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.)

Social Studies (6 credit hours)

Social Studies Requirement (3 credit hours)

Select one course:
HIST A301 or A302 American Colonial History I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST A303 or A304 United States, 1789-1865 I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST A314 or A315 Recent US History I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST H101 or H102 The World in the Twentieth Century I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST H105 or H106 American History I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST H111 or H112 Historical Background to Contemporary Problems I-II (3-3 cr.)

Social Studies Elective (3 credit hours)

Select an additional course from above or select a course from one of the following departments to complete the Social Studies requirement:

Geography (non-physical)
Political Science
Religious Studies
Criminal Justice
Gender Studies

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Electives (6 credit hours)

Six additional credit hours of course work is required to be selected from any department within the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business, School of Music, or School of Health, Education, and Recreation.

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Professional Education (78 credit hours)

The professional component begins early in the student's educational career. Laboratory/field experiences are initiated as soon as possible and continue throughout the student's program. This component includes full-time student teaching in preschool, kindergarten, and primary, elementary programs.

Sophomore Spring Semester 16 credit hours
EDUC E348 Foundations of Early Childhood I (3 cr.)
EDUC E349 Teaching and Learning for All Young Children I (7 cr.)
EDUC F205 The Study of Education and Practice of Teaching (3 cr.)1
EDUC P348 Child Development I (3 cr.)

Fall Semester 17 credit hours
EDUC E351 Foundations of Growth, Development, and Learning Ages 3-6 (6 cr.)
EDUC E352 Teaching and Learning for All Young Children II (10 cr.)
EDUC P351 Foundations of Child Development (1 cr.)

Spring Semester 17 credit hours
EDUC E353 Foundations of Growth, Development, and Learning Ages 5-8 (6 cr.)
EDUC E354 Teaching and Learning for All Young Children III (11 cr.)

Fall Semester 15 credit hours
EDUC E450 Senior Seminar and Student Teaching (12 cr.)
EDUC P450 Child Development Seminar (3 cr.)

Spring Semester 13 credit hours
EDUC E451 Senior Seminar and Student Teaching (13 cr.)

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Elementary Education Program

Theory Into Practice: A Program in Both Primary and
  Intermediate Elementary, K-6

General Education: Distribution
General Education: Area of Concentration
Professional Education

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Theory Into Practice: A Program in Both Primary and Intermediate Elementary, K-6

The Theory Into Practice Program (TIP) is a four year program for students who want to be elementary school teachers. The TIP program emphasizes the application of theory and research to the day-to-day world of elementary teachers in a wide range of schools. Courses and field experiences focus on helping students develop the entry-level skills and knowledge needed to employ the current and emerging diagnostic and instructional "tools" that are used in a majority of elementary schools and that will allow them to successfully teach students with a diverse set of abilities. Through their subject concentration area, students gain in-depth experience in the subject of their choice—such as math, science, language arts, social studies, or fine arts. Program experiences are designed to help students identify knowledge that is worthwhile for elementary students and to design and teach lessons constructed around such knowledge. As a whole, program experiences provide for a close "fit" between course work and field experiences, with the goal of providing students with many opportunities to apply and reflect upon what they are learning.

Students will typically apply to the TIP program toward the end of their freshman year or early during their sophomore year. Admission criteria include an overall GPA of at least 2.5, passing scores on the PPST/Praxis exams, successful completion of EDUC P251/M101, EDUC Q200, EDUC W200, and MATH M118/A118 or D116 and D117. During their program of studies, students will complete three basic sets of requirements. The General Education component includes work in a cross-section of courses in numerous subject areas. The Area of Concentration enables students to gain a depth of knowledge in a subject of their choice. The Professional Component includes a series of subject-specific methods courses, work in the psychology of learning, applying technology in education settings, multicultural issues, the history of American education, an examination of the purpose of schooling in America, an ongoing set of increasingly demanding field experiences and related seminars, and culminates with a semester-long student teaching experience. Throughout their program, students will build a professional portfolio demonstrating their intellectual growth and ability to reflect.

TIP is an improved version of a program with a proven track record, a history of placing its graduates, and a group of faculty who are leaders in their respective fields. Students who desire a very practical, hands-on approach to their studies and who wish to graduate with the knowledge and skills required by a wide range of employers should consider the TIP program.

The Theory Into Practice K-6 Elementary Education Program is divided into three main components, as follows:

General Education 62 cr.
  Distribution 47 cr.
  Area of Concentration 15 cr.
Electives 0-5 cr.
Professional Education 61 cr.
Total 128 cr.

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General Education: Distribution (62 credit hours)

Students who think they have the competence required in a course may contact the chairperson of the department offering the course. If the department chairperson agrees, the student will be permitted to take a credit examination.

Courses listed by number are either specifically required or are part of a group from which selections must be made to fill a specific requirement. See the appropriate school bulletins for course descriptions. The speech requirement may not be met by correspondence.

Language Arts (12 credit hours)

Oral Expression (3 credit hours) (grade of C or higher required):
CMCL C121 Public Speaking (3 cr.)
CMCL C122 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
EDUC G203 Communication in the Classroom (3 cr.)

Written Expression (3 credit hours) (grade of C or higher required):
AFRO A141-A1422 Introduction to Writing and the Study of Black Literature I-II (4-4 cr.)
ENG L141-L1422 Introduction to Writing and the Study of Literature I-II (4-4 cr.)
ENG L198 Freshman Literature (3 cr.)
ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.)
ENG W1433 Interdisciplinary Study of Expository Writing (1 cr.)
ENG W170 Projects in Reading and Writing (3 cr.)

Children's Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG L390 Children's Literature (3 cr.) or
  EDUC X460 Books for Reading Instruction (3 cr.)

World Literature (3 credit hours)
AFRO A141 or A1422 Introduction to Writing and the Study of Black Literature I-II (4-4 cr.)
CMLT C145 Major Characters in Western Literature (3 cr.)
CMLT C146 Major Themes in Western Literature (3 cr.)
CMLT C340 Women in World Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L141 or L1422 Introduction to Writing and the Study of Literature I-II (4-4 cr.)
ENG L202 Literary Interpretation (3 cr.)
ENG L203 Introduction to Drama (3 cr.)
ENG L204 Introduction to Fiction (3 cr.)
ENG L205 Introduction to Poetry (3 cr.)

Fine Arts (7 credit hours)

Music (4 credit hours)
EDUC M323 The Teaching of Music in the Elementary Schools (2 cr.) (grade of C or higher required in M323) P: MUS E241
MUS E241 Introduction to Music Fundamentals (2 cr.)

Art (3 credit hours)
FINA N110 Introduction to Studio Art (3 cr.)

Mathematics (7-8 credit hours)

MATH M118 or A118 OR D116-D117 Finite Mathematics (3-4 cr.)
MATH T104 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers via Problem Solving (4 cr.) P: Finite Mathematics

Science (12 credit hours)

BIOL Q201 Biological Science for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.)
EDUC Q200 Introduction to Scientific Inquiry (3 cr.) (grade of C or higher)
GEOL G103 Earth Science: Materials and Processes (3 cr.) or
  GEOL G104 Earth Science: Evolution of the Earth (3 cr.) or
  GEOL G105 Earth, Our Habitable Planet (3 cr.)
PHYS Q202 Physical Science for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.)

Social Studies (9 credit hours)

United States History (3 credit hours)
HIST A301 or A302 American Colonial History I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST A303 or A304 United States, 1789-1865 I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST A314 or A315 Recent U.S. History I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST H105 or H106 American History I-II (3-3 cr.)

World Civilization (3 credit hours)
GEOG G110 Introduction to Human Geography (3 cr.)
GEOG G120 World Regional Geography (3 cr.)
HIST H101 or H102 The World in the Twentieth Century I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST H103 Europe: Renaissance to Napoleon (3 cr.)
HIST H104 Europe: Napoleon to the Present (3 cr.)
HIST H111 or H112 Historical Background to Contemporary Problems I-II (3-3 cr.)

Electives (3 credit hours)
Select one course from any of the following departments:

Gender Studies
Geography (non-physical)
Political Science
Religious Studies

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General Education: Area of Concentration (15 credit hours)

The Area of Concentration requirement is designed to provide the prospective elementary teacher with depth in one school-related curriculum. Students should choose 15 credit hours from one area listed below to complete with a minimum GPA of 2.5. The credit hours completed to fulfill this requirement must be in addition to those completed to fulfill the distribution requirement. Students should consult an academic advisor to plan an approved sequence to fulfill the Area of Concentration requirement.

Select one area:

Fine Arts: History of Art, Studio Art, or Music
Language Arts/Humanities
Social Studies

History of Art (FINA) Area of Concentration (15 credit hours)

Required (9 credit hours):
A101 Ancient and Medieval Art (3 cr.)
A102 Renaissance through Modern Art (3 cr.)
H100 Art Appreciation (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)
Select from FINA art history courses at the 200 level or above.

Studio Art (FINA) Area of Concentration (15 credit hours)

Required (12 credit hours):
F100 Fundamental Studio—Drawing (3 cr.)
F101 Fundamental Studio—3D (3 cr.)
F102 Fundamental Studio—2D (3 cr.)
H100 Art Appreciation (3 cr.)
(Other 200-level studio courses may also apply)

Electives (3 credit hours):
These 3 credit hours must be chosen from the following studio areas:

Ceramics Drawing
Graphic Design Jewelry Design/Silversmithing
Painting Photography
Printed and Dyed Textile Design Sculpture

Music (MUS) Area of Concentration (15 credit hours)

Students must take the theory proficiency examination that is given during orientation week each fall or on Monday evening of the first week each fall, spring, or second summer session. Students who score below a grade of C are required to enroll in T109 Rudiments of Music. T109 may be taken concurrently with T151.

Required Core Courses (7 credit hours):
T132 Musical Skills I (1 cr.)
T151 Music Theory and Literature I (3 cr.)
T152 Music Theory and Literature II (3 cr.)

Required Performance Courses (8 credit hours):
P110 Piano Class I (2 cr.)
P120 Piano Class II (2 cr.)
V100 Voice Class (2 + 2 cr.)

Health Area of Concentration (15 credit hours)

Required (12 credit hours):
HPER H160 First Aid and Emergency Care (3 cr.)
HPER H263 Personal Health (3 cr.)
HPER H414 Health Education Grades K - 8 (3 cr.)
HPER H464 Coordination of School Health Promotion (3 cr.) (Sem. II only)

Elective (3 credit hours):
HPER F255 Human Sexuality (3 cr.)
HPER F258 Marriage and Family Interaction (3 cr.)
HPER H180 Stress Prevention and Management (3 cr.)
HPER H220 Death and Dying (3 cr.)
HPER N220 Nutrition for Health (3 cr.)

Language Arts/Humanities Area of Concentration (15 credit hours)

These 15 credit hours must be chosen from no more than two of the following departments:

Afro-American Studies (literature/music) Classical Studies
Communication and Culture Comparative Literature
English Folklore
Foreign Language Journalism
Linguistics Music
Philosophy Religious Studies
Speech and Hearing Science Theatre and Drama

Note: At least 6 of the 15 credit hours must be taken at the 300 level or above; no more than 6 credit hours may be from the 100 level.

Mathematics Area of Concentration (15 credit hours)

EDUC N443 Teaching Elementary School Math Problem Solving (3 cr.)
MATH M119 Brief Survey of Calculus I (3 cr.) and MATH M120 Brief Survey of Calculus II (3 cr.) or
  MATH M211 Calculus I (4 cr.) and MATH M212 Calculus II (4 cr.)

Remaining credit hours to be selected from:
MATH K300 Statistical Techniques (3 cr.)
MATH M025 Pre-Calculus Mathematics (3 cr.)
MATH M026 Trigonometric Functions (2 cr.)
MATH T336 Topics in Euclidean Geometry (3 cr.)

Science Area of Concentration (15 credit hours)

Required Biology Course (3 credit hours)

Select one course:
BIOL L330 Biology of the Cell (3 cr.)
BIOL L350 Environmental Biology (3 cr.)
BIOL L369 Heredity, Evolution, and Society (3 cr.)
BIOL M250 Microbiology (3 cr.) and
  BIOL M255 Microbiology Laboratory (2 cr.) P: CHEM 2 semesters

Required Earth Science Course (3 credit hours)

Select one course:
AST A100 The Solar System (3 cr.)
AST A105 Stellar Astronomy (3 cr.)
AST A110 Introduction to Astronomy (3 cr.)
GEOG G109 Weather and Climate (3 cr.)
GEOG G315 Environmental Conservation (3 cr.)
GEOL G105 Earth, Our Habitable Planet (3 cr.) or
  GEOL G104 Earth Science: Evolution of the Earth (3 cr.)
GEOL G114 Prehistoric Life (3 cr.)
GEOL G121 Meteorites and Geological Processes in Planets (3 cr.)
GEOL G300 Environmental and Urban Geology (3 cr.)

Required Physical Science Course (5 credit hours)

Select from the following:
CHEM C101 Elementary Chemistry I (3 cr.)
CHEM C121 Elementary Chemistry Laboratory I (2 cr.)
CHEM C102 Elementary Chemistry II (3 cr.)
CHEM C122 Elementary Chemistry Laboratory II (2 cr.)
PHYS P110 Energy (2 cr.)
PHYS P120 Energy and Technology (3 cr.)
PHYS P151 Excursions into Physics (3 cr.)
PHYS P201 General Physics I (5 cr.)
PHYS P202 General Physics II (5 cr.)

Required Interdisciplinary Courses (4 credit hours):
COAS E405 Integrated Science for Elementary Education (3 cr.) and
  EDUC Q405 Integrated Laboratory Field Experience (1-3 cr.) P: E328

Social Studies Area of Concentration (15 credit hours)

These 15 credit hours must be chosen from no more than two of the following departments:

Afro-American Studies (history) Anthropology
Economics Geography (non-physical)
History History and Philosophy of Science
Political Science Psychology

Note: At least 6 of the 15 credit hours in the Social Studies Area of Concentration must be from the 200 level or above. No more than 6 credit hours may be from the 100 level. Courses may be taken from more than two of the departments listed above if the courses are thematically connected.

Return to Elementary Education Program

Electives (0 - 5 credit hours)

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Professional Education (61 credit hours)

The professional component begins early in the student's educational career. Laboratory/field experiences are initiated as soon as possible and continue throughout the student's program. This component includes a minimum of a full semester of full-time student teaching in either the first or second semester of the senior year.

These courses are required and may be taken before admission to the Teacher Education Program:
EDUC E300 Teaching in a Pluralistic Society (3 cr.)
EDUC E310 Legal and Ethical Issues in Education (3 cr.)
EDUC F205 The Study of Education (3 cr.) or
  EDUC H340 Education and American Culture (3 cr.)
EDUC K305 Teaching Exceptional Learner in Elementary School (3 cr.)

Admission to the Teacher Education Program, including satisfactory completion of the PPST exam, is required for the remaining professional education courses (grouped by cluster):

201 Cluster
EDUC E328 Science in the Elementary School (3 cr.) P/C: MATH 104, PHYS Q202
EDUC E343 Mathematics in the Elementary School (3 cr.)
EDUC M201 Laboratory/Field Experience (2 cr.)

301 Cluster
EDUC E339 Methods of Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School (3 cr.)
EDUC E340 Methods of Teaching Reading I (3 cr.)
EDUC M301 Laboratory/Field Experience (2 cr.)

401 Cluster
EDUC E325 Social Studies in the Elementary School (3 cr.)
EDUC E341 Methods of Teaching Reading II (3 cr.) P: E340
EDUC M333 Art Experiences for Elementary Teachers (2 cr.)
EDUC M401 Laboratory/Field Experience (2 cr.)

All of the above Professional Education courses must be completed before student teaching.
EDUC M420 The Student Teaching Seminar: Understanding Schools (2 cr.)
EDUC M425 Student Teaching: Elementary (13 cr.)

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Teaching All Learners: A Program in Exceptional Needs and Elementary Teacher Education

About the Program
General Education
Professional Education

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About the Program

The goal of the Teaching All Learners Program is to prepare undergraduate students with knowledge of effective strategies and curriculum associated with teaching in classrooms with students having a wide range of developmental levels and abilities. Graduates of this program will be prepared to work as consultant teachers, co-teachers in inclusive settings, teachers in self-contained classrooms for students with exceptional needs, and general elementary education teachers. Successful completion of this program will result in license recommendation for K-6 Elementary, both Primary and Intermediate, and K-6 Exceptional Needs.

In Teaching All Learners, we emphasize the following:

  • Developing a strong understanding of general education curriculum and techniques
  • Developing mastery in working with students with exceptional behavioral and educational needs
  • The integration of theories, philosophies, and techniques more typically associated separately with either general or special education traditions
  • Research and inquiry
  • Collaborative teaching and learning
  • Intensive field-experience
The Teaching All Learners Program is divided into two main components as follows:
General Education 48-49 cr.
Professional Education 79 cr.
Total 128-129 cr.

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  Elementary Teacher Education

General Education: Distribution (48-49 credit hours)

Students who think they have the competence required in a course may contact the chairperson of the department offering the course. If the department chairperson agrees, the student will be permitted to take a credit examination.

Courses listed by number are either specifically required or are part of a group from which selections must be made to fill a specific requirement. See the appropriate school bulletins for course descriptions. The speech requirement may not be met by correspondence.

Language Arts (15 credit hours)

Oral Expression (3 credit hours) (grade of C or better required):
CMCL C121 Public Speaking (3 cr.)
CMCL C122 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
EDUC G203 Communication in the Classroom (3 cr.)

Written Expression (3 credit hours) (grade of C or better required):
ENG L198 Freshman Literature (3 cr.)
ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.)
ENG W1433 Interdisciplinary Study of Expository Writing (1-2 cr.)
ENG W170 Projects in Reading and Writing (3 cr.)

Oral/Written Electives

Select any course from above or the following, to total 9 credit hours in oral and written expression:
CMCL C223 Business and Professional Communication (3 cr.)
CMCL C324 Persuasion (3 cr.)
ENG W103 Introductory Creative Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W203 Creative Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.)
ENG W270 Argumentative Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W301 Writing Fiction (3 cr.)
ENG W303 Writing Poetry (3 cr.)
ENG W350 Advanced Expository Writing (3 cr.)
SPHS A100 American Sign Language I (4 cr.)

Children's Literature (3 credit hours)
ENG L390 Children's Literature (3 cr.) or
  EDUC X460 Books for Reading Instruction (3 cr.)

World Literature (3 credit hours)
AFRO A141-A1422 Introduction to Writing and the Study of Black Literature I-II (4-4 cr.)
CMLT C145 Major Characters in Western Literature (3 cr.)
CMLT C146 Major Themes in Western Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L141-L1422 Introduction to Writing and the Study of Literature I-II (4-4 cr.)
ENG L202 Literary Interpretation (3 cr.)
ENG L203 Introduction to Drama (3 cr.)
ENG L204 Introduction to Fiction (3 cr.)
ENG L205 Introduction to Poetry (3 cr.)

Fine Arts (5 credit hours)

Music (2 credit hours)
MUS E241 Introduction to Music Fundamentals (2 cr.)

Art (3 credit hours)
FINA N110 Introduction to Studio Art (3 cr.)

Mathematics (7-8 credit hours)

MATH M118 or A118 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.) or
  MATH D116/D117 Introduction to Finite Mathematics I/II (3-4 cr.)
MATH T104 Mathematics for Elementary Teachers via Problem Solving (4 cr.) P: M118 or A118

Science (12 credit hours)

EDUC Q200 Introduction to Scientific Inquiry (3 cr.)

Select one course:
BIOL L100 Humans and the Biological World (5 cr.)
BIOL Q201 Biological Science for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.)

Select one course:
GEOL G103 Earth Science: Materials and Processes (3 cr.)
GEOL G104 Earth Science: Evolution of the Earth (3 cr.)
GEOL G105 Earth, Our Habitable Planet (3 cr.)

Select one course:
PHYS P101 Physics in the Modern World (4 cr.)
PHYS Q202 Physical Science for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.)

Social Studies (9 credit hours)

United States History (3 credit hours)
HIST A301-A302 American Colonial History I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST A303-A304 United States, 1789-1865 I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST A314-A315 Recent United States History I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST H105-H106 American History I-II (3-3 cr.)

World Civilization (3 credit hours)
GEOG G110 Introduction to Human Geography (3 cr.)
GEOG G120 World Regional Geography (3 cr.)
HIST H101-H102 The World in the Twentieth Century I-II (3-3 cr.)
HIST H103 Europe: Renaissance to Napoleon (3 cr.)
HIST H104 Europe: Napoleon to the Present (3 cr.)

Electives (3 credit hours)

Select one course from any of the following departments:

Anthropology Economics
Gender Studies Geography (non-physical)
History Political Science
Psychology Religious Studies

Return to Teaching All Learners: A Program in Exceptional Needs and
  Elementary Teacher Education

Professional Education (79 credit hours)

In the Teaching All Learners Program, the professional education courses begin early in the student's educational career. The courses in the program begin in the spring of the sophomore year. Although there is some flexibility, by the junior year most general education requirements should be completed.

Computing Course (3 credit hours)
EDUC W200 Using Computers in Education (3 cr.)

Educational Foundation Courses (10 credit hours)
EDUC E300 Teaching in a Pluralistic Society (3 cr.)
EDUC K205 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3 cr.)
EDUC P251 Educational Psychology for Elementary Teachers (3 cr.) and
  EDUC M101 Laboratory/Field Experience (2 cr.)

Admission to the Teacher Education Program, including satisfactory completion of the PPST exam, is required for the following courses.

Learner and Learning Environments
Sophomore II - spring semester only (7 credit hours)
EDUC K343 Survey of Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders (3 cr.)
EDUC K370 Introduction to Learning Disorders (3 cr.)
EDUC K490 Special Topics (1 cr.)

Instructional Content and Context I: Curriculum Development and Lesson Presentation
Junior I - fall semester only (14 credit hours)
EDUC E328 Science in Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
EDUC E342 Survey of Reading and Language Arts Methods (3 cr.)
EDUC E343 Mathematics in the Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
EDUC K352 Education of Children with Learning Problems (3 cr.)
EDUC K495A Practicum (2 cr.)

Instructional Content and Context II: Organizing and Adapting Instruction Environments
Junior II - spring semester only (14 credit hours)
EDUC E325 Social Studies in Elementary Schools (3 cr.)
EDUC E341 Methods of Teaching Reading II: Diagnosis and Corrective Instruction in Elementary Reading (3 cr.)
EDUC K352 Education of Children with Learning Problems (1 cr.)
EDUC K371 Assessment and Individualized Instruction (3 cr.)
EDUC K495B Practicum (2 cr.)
EDUC M333 Art Experiences for Elementary Teachers (2 cr.)

Becoming a Teacher: Defining and Expanding Roles
Senior I - fall semester only (14 credit hours)
EDUC H340 Education and American Culture (3 cr.)
EDUC K344 Teaching Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders (3 cr.)
EDUC K361 Assistive Technology for Elementary Students with Disabilities (2 cr.)
EDUC K362 Team Approaches to the Education of Students with Disabilities (3 cr.)
EDUC K495C Practicum (2 cr.)
EDUC Y420 Educational Research: Approaches and Issues (1 cr.)

Student Teaching
Senior II - spring semester only (16 credit hours)
EDUC M425 Student Teaching Elementary (8 cr.)
EDUC K488 Supervised Teaching in Special Education (8 cr.)

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  Elementary Teacher Education

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Secondary Education Programs

About the Program
General Education—Anchor Program and
  A Community of Teachers (33 credit hours)

Content Fields (36-68 credits)—Anchor Program and
  A Community of Teachers (majors)

Special Education/Community Of Teachers
Professional and Exceptional Needs (56+ credits)
Professional Education—Anchor Program (46 credits)
Professional Education—A Community of Teachers
Electives to total 124 credits

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About the Program

The Secondary Education Programs lead to a Bachelor of Science: Secondary Education degree in specific content fields. The content fields include: exceptional needs, foreign languages, journalism, language arts/English, mathematics, science, and social studies. The School of Education, in cooperation with the School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation, and the College of Arts and Sciences, also offers secondary content fields in Health and Theatre, respectively.

Successful completion of a secondary education program requires meeting both academic content and performance-based standards as assessed at different points by the School of Education and by state-designated tests. The secondary education teacher license in Indiana mandates a content field; a target population developmental level of early and late adolescence and young adulthood; and in the school setting multiple assignments at the middle school/junior high or high school grades 5-12.

The Bloomington campus offers two secondary programs:

  1. the Anchor Secondary Education Program
  2. the Community of Teachers
Both secondary programs include three basic areas of course work:
  1. General Education Requirements (33 credits)
  2. Content Field Requirements (36-68 credits)
  3. Professional Education Requirements (arranged-46 credits)
  4. Electives to total 124 credits
Return to Secondary Education Programs

General Education—Anchor Program and A Community of Teachers (33 credit hours)

Courses used to satisfy general-education requirements also may be applied to fulfill requirements for a subject matter specialty study. In such cases, the course may be used to meet all requirements to which it will apply, but the credit hours may be counted only once towards the total of 124 credit hours needed for a degree. With the exception of MATH M025, MATH M026, M027, and MUS ensemble courses, no course below the 100 level and no course with a "J" prefix in the College of Arts and Sciences may be used to meet the subject matter specialty requirement.

To attain the minimum 40 credit hours, the student will have to take more than the minimum number of credit hours in at least one of the three stated categories. The number of credit hours in each category is also limited by a maximum number. The speech requirement may not be met by correspondence. Credit examinations are available to students who believe they have the competence required in a course, if the department chairperson agrees. See appropriate school bulletins for course descriptions. Also, some COAS TOPICS courses may be used toward completing the general-education requirement. See an advisor for course eligibility.

ARTS AND HUMANITIES (12-15 credits)

Oral Expression (3 cr.) (grade of C or higher)
CMCL C121 Public Speaking (3 cr.)
CMCL C122 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
EDUC G203 Communication in the Classroom (3 cr.)

Written Expression (3 cr.) (grade of C or higher)
ENG W110 Writing Across the Curriculum (3 cr.)
ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.)
ENG W170 Projects in Reading and Writing (3 cr.)

Intensive Writing (0/3 cr.)
COAS W333 Intensive Writing or corequisite attached to a designated writing course in the major at the 200 level or higher.

Remaining Humanities
Select 6 credits from the A&H Arts and Humanities course list (see Appendix II in this bulletin)


(See Appendices II and III in this bulletin) (One of the courses used to satisfy this area must have a lab)


(See Appendices II and III in this bulletin)


(See Appendix I in this bulletin)

Return to Secondary Education Programs

Content Fields (36-68 credits)—Anchor Program and A Community of Teachers (majors)

Credit hour requirements for majors are listed below. To be licensed, a student must have at least one major area.

The specific requirements in the various subject matter majors are given in detail below. A student may be exempted from some of the required subject matter courses if such courses, or their education equivalent, have been successfully completed on the high school level. In this case the student should substitute electives or an equivalent number of credit hours in the subject matter area.

Credit earned in general education may be used where applicable to meet the course requirements in any subject matter area.

Foreign Languages
Health Education
Language Arts/English
Environmental Science
Social Studies

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Foreign Languages (36-39 Credits)

All foreign language teaching majors require the completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours, including 30 credit hours (Chinese, 24; Japanese, 24; Russian, 31) in 300- and 400-level courses. No course below the 200 level will count toward completion of the major.

Students may place out of some 200-level language requirements by examination. See an advisor for details.

During EDUC M445 Methods of Teaching Foreign Language, majors must take a departmental proficiency examination that tests oral or written (for Latin) proficiency. The examination may be taken more than once, but it must be passed before the student can be admitted to student teaching.


Return to Content Fields

Chinese (EALC) (36 credit hours)

The Chinese teaching major at IU Bloomington requires the completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours, including 24 hours at the 300 and 400 levels. The candidate may not count any Chinese course below the 200 level toward licensing.

Language (14 credit hours)

EALC C201-C202 Second-Year Chinese I-II (4-4 cr.) or
  EALC C223 Intensive Second-Year Chinese (10 cr.)
†† EALC C301-C302 Third-Year Chinese I-II (3-3 cr.) or
  EALC C323 Intensive Third-Year Chinese (10 cr.)

Literature (6 credit hours)

Select one course:
CMLT C375 Chinese-Western Literary Relations (3 cr.)
EALC C361-C362 Introduction to Classical Chinese (3-3 cr.)
EALC C451-C452 Advanced Classical Chinese (3-3 cr.)
EALC E351 Studies in East Asian Culture (3 cr., subject to approval of advisor)
EALC E374 Early Chinese Philosophy (3 cr.)

Select one course:
EALC C431 Readings in Modern Chinese Literature I (3 cr.)
EALC E331-E332 Chinese Literature I-II (3-3 cr.)
EALC E333 Chinese Cinema (3 cr.)
EALC E351 Studies in East Asian Culture (3 cr., subject to approval of advisor)
EALC E471 Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature (3 cr.)

Culture and Civilization (6 credit hours)

EALC E251 Traditional East Asian Civilization (3 cr.) or
  HIST H237 Traditional East Asian Civilization (3 cr.)

Select one course:
EALC E232 China: The Enduring Heritage (3 cr.)
EALC E252 Modern East Asian Civilization (3 cr.) or
  HIST H207 Modern East Asian Civilization (3 cr.)
EALC E300 Studies in East Asian Civilization (3 cr.)
EALC E301 Chinese Language and Culture (3 cr.)
EALC E302 Geographic Patterns in China (3 cr.)
EALC E350 Studies in East Asian Society (3 cr.)
EALC E351 Studies in East Asian Culture (3 cr.)
EALC E384 East Asian Nationalism and Cultural Identity (3 cr.)
FINA A464 Early Chinese Art and Archaelogy (4 cr.)
HIST G380 Early China (3 cr.)
HIST G382 China: The Age of Glory (3 cr.)
HIST G383 China: The Later Empires (3 cr.)
HIST G385 Modern China (3 cr.)
HIST G387 Contemporary China (3 cr.)
POLS Y333 Chinese Politics (3 cr.)

Electives (10 credit hours)

CMLT C257 Asian Literature and Other Arts (3 cr.)
CMLT C265 Introduction to East Asian Poetry (3 cr.)
CMLT C266 Introduction to East Asian Fiction (3 cr.)
CMLT C291 Studies in Non-Western Film (3 cr.)
EALC C411-C412 Cantonese I-II (4-4 cr.)
EALC C421 Introduction to Chinese Linguistics (3 cr.)
EALC C423 Intensive Fourth-Year Chinese (10 cr.)
EALC E256 Land and Society in East Asia (3 cr.)
EALC E495 Individual Readings (1- 6 cr.)
EALC H499 Honors Thesis (3 cr.)
FINA A360 Topics in East Asian Art (3 cr.)
FINA A466 Early Chinese Painting (4 cr.)
FINA A467 Late Chinese Painting (4 cr.)
FOLK F305 Asian Folklore (3 cr.)
HIST H208 American-East Asian Relations (3 cr.)
PHIL P271 Issues in Oriental Philosophy (3 cr.)
REL R350 East Asian Buddhism (3 cr.)
REL R469 Topics in Taoism and Chinese Religion (3 cr.)

Candidates who successfully place out of C202 by examination without taking the second-year language courses shall be required to take 6 credit hours (2 courses) in East Asian culture courses in addition to the requirements in the Literature, Culture, and Electives categories.
†† Candidates who successfully place out of C302 by examination without taking the second-year and third-year language courses shall be required to take 12 credit hours (4 courses) from other EALC course offerings in addition to the requirements in the Literature, Culture, and Electives categories.

Return to Foreign Languages

French (FRIT) (36 credit hours)

200-Level Course Work (6 credits)

Choose one of the following options:

  1. Complete:
      F200 or F205 Second-Year French I (3 cr.)
      F250 or F255 Second-Year French II (3 cr.)
  2. Place by examination in the second semester of second-year French (F265) and receive 3 hours of special credit in F205 upon successful completion of F265. This course is then followed by successful completion of F300.
  3. Place by examination into a 300-level French class and receive 6 credit hours of special credit in F200 and F250 upon successful completion of the 300-level course.
Language (12 credit hours)

This category must include at least one course from each of the following three areas. (Courses marked with an asterisk [*] are recommended by the department.)

  1. Language structure
    F300* Lecture et analyses littéraires (3 cr.)
    F401* Structure and Development of French (3 cr.)
    F402 Introduction to French Linguistics (3 cr.)
    F472 Contrastive Study of French and English (2 cr.)
  2. Grammar and composition
    F313*-F314* Advanced Grammar and Composition I-II (3-3 cr.)
    F473 Writing of Expository French Prose (2 cr.)
    F474 Thème et version (3 cr.)
  3. Oral practice and conversation
    F315* Phonetics and Pronunciation (3 cr.)
    F316 Conversational Practice (3 cr.)
    F475 Le Français oral:cours avancé (2 cr.)
Literature (6 credit hours)

Select at least one course:
F305 Théâtre et essai (3 cr.)
F306 Roman et poésie (3 cr.)

Literature Electives

At least one course selected from any literature course at the 300 or 400 level, including courses not taken above.

Culture and Civilization (6 credit hours)

Select at least one course:
F363 Introduction à la France moderne (3 cr.)
F461 La France contemporaine (3 cr.)

Select at least one course:
F361-F362 Introduction historique à la civilisation française I-II (3-3 cr.)
F463-F464 Civilisation française I-II (3-3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)

Any 6 credit hours of course work at the 300 or 400 level.

Return to Foreign Languages

German (GER) (36 credit hours)

Consult department advisor concerning information about placement, special credit, and course sequencing.

200-Level Course Work (6 credit hours)

Choose one of the following options:

  1. Complete:
      G200 Oral Practice, Writing, and Reading I (3 cr.)
      G250 Oral Practice, Writing, and Reading II (3 cr.)
  2. Place by examination in the second semester of second-year French (G250) and receive 3 hours of special credit in G200 upon successful completion of G250. This course is then followed by successful completion of G300.
  3. Place by examination in G300 and receive 6 credit hours of special credit in G200 and G250 upon successful completion of G300.
Language (12 credit hours)

GER G300 Deutsch: Mittelstufe I (3 cr.) (Scheduled every semester)
GER G330 Deutsch: Mittelstufe II (3 cr.) (Scheduled every semester)

Select two courses:
GER G400 Deutsch: Oberstufe (3 cr.) (Scheduled every year)
GER G448 The Sounds of Modern German (3 cr.) (Scheduled every other semester beginning in 1996-97)
GER G451 Introduction to the Structure of Modern German (3 cr.) (Scheduled every other semester beginning in 1997-98)

Literature (6 credit hours)

Select one course:
GER G305 Introduction to German Literature: Types (3 cr.)
GER G306 Introduction to German Literature: Themes (3 cr.)

Select one course:
GER G403 Deutsche Literatur: Mittelalter bis Romantik (3 cr.) (Scheduled every other semester beginning in 1996-97)
GER G404 Deutsche Literatur seit der Romantik (3 cr.) (Scheduled every other semester beginning in 1997-98)
GER G415 Perspectives on German Literature (3 cr.) (Scheduled every other semester beginning in 1996-97)
GER G416 Studies in German Authors (3 cr.) (Scheduled every other semester beginning in 1997-98)

Culture and Civilization (6 credit hours)

GER G363 Deutsche Kulturgeschichte (3 cr.)

Select one course:
FOLK F470 German Folklore (3 cr.)
GER G464 Kultur und Gesellschaft (3 cr.) (Scheduled every other semester beginning in 1996-97)
GER V400 Contemporary Germany since 1945 (3 cr.)
HIST B377-B378 History of Germany since 1648 I-II (3-3 cr.)

Note: Some of these courses are taught in English (B377-B378, F470, V400, V405). Teacher certification candidates are required to do a substantial part of the reading in German.

Electives (to total 36 credits)

Credit hours to be selected from any of the above 300- or 400-level courses not already taken in fulfillment of the above.

Return to Foreign Languages

Japanese (EALC) (36 credit hours)

The Japanese teaching major at IU Bloomington requires the completion of a minimum of 36 credit hours*, including 24 hours at the 300 and 400 levels. The candidate may not count any Japanese course below the 200 level toward licensing.

Language (14 credit hours)

EALC J201-J202 Second-Year Japanese I-II (4-4 cr.) or
  EALC J223 Intensive Second-Year Japanese (10 cr.)**
††EALC J301-J302 Third-Year Japanese I-II (3-3 cr.) or
  EALC J323 Intensive Third-Year Japanese (10 cr.)***

Literature (6 credit hours)

Select one course:
EALC E351 Studies in East Asian Culture (3 cr., subject to approval of advisor)
EALC J431 Readings in Modern Japanese Literature (3 cr.)
EALC J441 Readings in Japanese Scholarly Materials (3 cr.)
EALC J461-J462 Literary Japanese I-II (3-3 cr.)

Select one course:
CMLT C365 Japanese-Western Literary Relations (3 cr.)
EALC E321-E322 Japanese Literature I-II (3-3 cr.)
EALC E351 Studies in East Asian Culture (3 cr., subject to approval of advisor)
EALC E472 Modern Japanese Fiction (3 cr.)
EALC E473 History of Japanese Theatre and Drama (3 cr.)

Culture and Civilization (6 credit hours)

EALC E251 Traditional East Asian Civilization (3 cr.) or
  HIST H237 Traditional East Asian Civilization (3 cr.)

Select one course:
EALC E231 Japan: The Living Tradition (3 cr.)
EALC E252 Modern East Asian Civilization (3 cr.) or
  HIST H207 Modern East Asian Civilization (3 cr.)
EALC E271 Twentieth-Century Japanese Culture (3 cr.)
EALC E300 Studies in East Asian Civilization (3 cr.)
EALC E350 Studies in East Asian Society (3 cr.)
EALC E351 Studies in East Asian Culture (3 cr.)
EALC E354 Society and Education in Japan (3 cr.)
EALC E384 East Asian Nationalism and Cultural Identity (3 cr.)
EALC E394 Business and Public Policy in Japan (3 cr.)
FINA A262 Introduction to Japanese Art and Culture (3 cr.)
HIST G357 Premodern Japan (3 cr.)
HIST G358 Early Modern Japan (3 cr.)
HIST G369 Modern Japan (3 cr.)
POLS Y334 Japanese Politics (3 cr.)
REL R357 Religions in Japan (3 cr.)

Electives (10 credit hours)

CMLT C257 Asian Literature and the Other Arts (3 cr.)
CMLT C265 Introduction to East Asian Poetry (3 cr.)
CMLT C266 Introduction to East Asian Fiction (3 cr.)
CMLT C291 Studies in Non-Western Film (3 cr.)
EALC E256 Land and Society in East Asia (3 cr.)
EALC E495 Individual Readings (1-6 cr.)
EALC J421 Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (3 cr.)
EALC J423 Intensive Fourth-Year Japanese (10 cr.)
FOLK F305 Asian Folklore (3 cr.)
HIST G372 Modern Korea (3 cr.)
HIST H208 American-East Asian Relations (3 cr.)
PHIL P271 Issues in Oriental Philosophy (3 cr.)
REL R350 East Asian Buddhism (3 cr.)
REL R359 The Taoist Tradition (3 cr.)
REL R450 Topics in the Buddhist Tradition (3 cr.)
REL R452 Topics in East Asian Religions (3 cr.)

* Please note: specific courses listed under each requirement are subject to change (i.e., there may be deletions or additions as the curriculum is revised). Students must consult the EALC advisor to determine the appropriate courses for the teaching major.
** Only 8 credits count toward the language requirement.
*** Only 6 credits count toward the language requirement.
Candidates whose performance in the placement examination exempts them from taking the second-year language courses shall be required to take 6 credit hours (2 courses) in East Asian culture courses in addition to the requirements in the Literature, Culture, and Electives categories.
†† Candidates whose performance in the placement examination exempts them from taking the second-year and third-year language courses shall be required to take 12 credit hours (4 courses) from other EALC course offerings in addition to the requirements in the Literature, Culture, and Electives categories.

Return to Foreign Languages

Latin (CLAS) (36 credit hours)

200-Level Course Work (6 credit hours)

Choose one of the following options:

  1. Complete:
      L200 Second-Year Latin I (3 cr.)
      L250 Second-Year Latin II (3 cr.)
  2. Place by examination at the 300 level and receive 6 credit hours of special credit in L200 and L250 upon successful completion of the 300-level course.
Language (3 credit hours)

L310 Latin Prose Composition (3 cr.)

Literature (12 credit hours)

Select two courses:
L305 Ovid (3 cr.)
L307 Cicero (3 cr.)
L308 Caesar, Civil War (3 cr.)
L309 Introduction to Vergil's Aeneid (3 cr.)

Select two courses:
L407 Roman Lyric (3 cr.)
L408 Roman Comedy (3 cr.)
L409 Readings in Medieval Latin (3 cr.)

Culture and Civilization (9 credit hours)

C102 Roman Culture (3 cr.)

Select one course:
C206 Classical Art and Archaeology (3 cr.)
C414 The Art and Archaeology of Rome (3 cr.)

Select one course:
C205 Classical Mythology (3 cr.)
C405 Comparative Mythology (3 cr.)

Electives (6 credit hours)

Courses to be selected from any of the above 300- or 400-level Latin courses not already taken or from the following electives:

L400 Intensive Study of Literary Latin (5 cr.)
L423 Roman Satire (3 cr.)
L424 Silver Age Historians (3 cr.)
L425 Roman Elegy (3 cr.)
L426 Rhetoric and Oratory (3 cr.)
L427 Vergil's Eclogues and Georgics (3 cr.)
L428 Advanced Study of Vergil's Aeneid (3 cr.)
L429 Roman Letters (3 cr.)
L430 Lucretius (3 cr.)
L432 Livy (3 cr.)

Return to Foreign Languages

Russian (SLAV) (37-39 credit hours)

Required—completion or equivalent placement in the following:
R201-R202 Intermediate Russian I-II (3-3 cr.)
R221-R222 Intermediate Oral Russian I-II (2-2 cr.)

Also required:
R301-R302 Advanced Intermediate Russian I-II (3-3 cr.)
R307 Readings in Russian Expository Prose (2 cr.)
R325 Advanced Oral Russian (2 cr.)
R401-R402 Advanced Russian I-II (3-3 cr.)
R403 Russian Phonetics (3 cr.)
R404 Structure of Russian (3 cr.)
R405-R406 Readings in Russian Literature I-II (3-3 cr.)
R407 Readings in Russian Culture I (3 cr.) or
  R408 Readings in Russian Culture II (3 cr.)

Return to Foreign Languages

Spanish (HISP) (Minimum of 36 credit hours)

Minimum of 36 credit hours must include 30 credit hours in 300- and 400-level courses. No course below S250 will count toward the major or minor.

200-Level Course Work (6 credit hours)

Select one of the following options:

  1. S250 Second-Year Spanish II (3 cr.) and
      S275 Hispanic Culture and Conversation (3 cr.)
  2. Place by examination in S275 and complete the course with a grade of B- or better to earn special credit in S250.
  3. Place by examination in S310 and complete the course with a grade of B- or better to earn special credit in S250; the 3 credits of S275 must be replaced with one additional course at the 300- or 400-level.
Language (12 credit hours)

S310 Spanish Grammar and Composition (3 cr.) P:S275 or equivalent
S312 Written Composition in Spanish (3 cr.) P:S310, S311, or equivalent
S3174 Spanish Conversation and Diction (3 cr.) P: S310, S311, or equivalent or
  S425 Spanish Phonetics (3 cr.) P: S310, S311, or equivalent
S326 Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics (3 cr.) P: S310, S311, or equivalent or
  S428 Applied Spanish Linguistics (3 cr.) P: S310, S311, or equivalent

Literature (9 credit hours)

S331 Hispanic World I (3 cr.) P: S310, S311, or equivalent
S332 Hispanic World II (3 cr.) P: S331
At least one 400-level literature course

Culture and Civilization (3 credit hours)

Select at least one course:
S411 Spanish Culture and Civilization (3 cr.) P:S275 or equivalent
S412 Latin American Culture and Civilization (3 cr.) P:S275 or equivalent
S413 Hispanic Culture in the United States (3 cr.) P:S275 or equivalent

Electives (6 credit hours)

Six credit hours to be selected from any 300- or 400-level courses not taken to fulfill language, literature, or culture and civilization requirements.

Return to Foreign Languages

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Health Education

Please see the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER) bulletin for details about this program.

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Journalism (JOUR) (36 credit hours) Program under revision.

For access to 12 credit hours of authorized journalism courses prior to admission to the Teacher Education Program, the student should:

  1. Meet with and obtain the signature of an advisor in University Division, the School of Journalism, or the School of Education.
  2. Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.3 (Note: a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 is required for admission to the Teacher Education Program).
  3. Complete listed prerequisites.
Required (15 credit hours):
JOUR J110 Foundations of Journalism and Mass Communication (3 cr.)
JOUR J200 Reporting, Writing, and Editing I (3 cr.) P: ENG W131 and P/C: SLIS L155
JOUR J201 Reporting, Writing, and Editing II (3 cr.) P: JOUR J200
JOUR J210 Visual Communications (3 cr.)
JOUR J425 Supervision of School Publications (3 cr.) P: 12 cr. of journalism, fall

Group I (select one)

JOUR J300 Communications Law (3 cr.)
JOUR J410 The Media as Social Institutions (3 cr.)

Group II (select one)

JOUR J351 Newspaper Editing (3 cr.) P: J201 and J210
JOUR J352 Magazine Editing (3 cr.) P: J201 and J210
JOUR J353 Broadcast News Editing (3 cr.) P: J201, J210, and J343

Group III (select one)

JOUR J320 Principles of Creative Advertising (3 cr.)
JOUR J321 Principles of Integrated Marketing (3 cr.)
JOUR J337 Economics of Mass Media (3 cr.)
JOUR J409 Media Management (3 cr.)
JOUR J420 Advertising as Communication (3 cr.) P: J320

Group IV (select one)

JOUR J344 Photojournalism Reporting (3 cr.) P: J201 and J210
JOUR J354 Photojournalism Editing (3 cr.) P: JOUR J344 or permission of instructor
JOUR J463 Computerized Publication Design I (3 cr.) P: J210
JOUR J465 Computerized Publication Design II (3 cr.) P: J210 and J463

Electives (3-9 credit hours)

Select from the following courses to complete the requirement:
ENG G205 Introduction to the English Language (3 cr.)
ENG G302 Structure of Modern English (3 cr.) P: G205
ENG G405 Studies in English Grammar (3 cr.) P: G205
ENG L220 Introduction to Shakespeare (3 cr.)
ENG L313 Early Plays of Shakespeare (3 cr.)
ENG L351 American Literature 1800-1865 (3 cr.)
ENG L352 American Literature 1865-1914 (3 cr.)
ENG L354 American Literature since 1914 (3 cr.)
ENG L355 American Fiction to 1900 (3 cr.)
JOUR J341 Newspaper Reporting (3 cr.) P: J201 and J210
JOUR J342 Magazine Reporting (3 cr.) P: J201 and J210
JOUR J343 Broadcast News (3 cr.) P: J201 and J210

Return to Content Fields

Language Arts/English (37 credits)

Required Courses (12 credits)

ENG L202 Literary Interpretation (3 cr.)
ENG L371 Introduction to Criticism (3 cr.) (P: L202)
EDUC M412/L512 Teaching Writing in Middle and Secondary Schools (3 cr.)
ENG W350 Advanced Expository Writing (3 cr.)

Writing (3 credit hours)

Select one course:
ENG W203 Creative Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.)
ENG W240 Community Service Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W270 Argumentative Writing (3 cr.)

Language (4 credit hours)

Group I (select one)
ENG G205 Introduction to English Language (3 cr.)
ENG G302 Structure of Modern English (3 cr.)
ENG G405 Studies in English Language (3 cr.)
LING L103 Introduction to the Study of Language (3 cr.)
EDUC L400/L500 (English section) Instructional Issues in Language Education (3 cr.)

Group II (select one)
EDUC M454 Grammar for Teachers (1 cr.) or
  ENG W202 English Grammar Review (1 cr.)

Literature (15 credit hours)

Group I (select one)
ENG E301 Literature in English to 1600 (3 cr.)
ENG L305 Chaucer (3 cr.)
ENG L306 Middle English Literature (3 cr.)

Group II (select one)
ENG E302 Literature in English 1600-1800 (3 cr.)
ENG L220 Shakespeare (3 cr.)
ENG L308 Elizabethan Drama and Its Background (3 cr.)
ENG L309 Elizabethan Poetry (3 cr.)
ENG L313 Early Plays of Shakespeare (3 cr.)
ENG L314 Later Plays of Shakespeare (3 cr.)
ENG L317 English Poetry of the Early Seventeenth Century (3 cr.)
ENG L318 Milton (3 cr.)
ENG L320 Restoration and Early Eighteenth-Century Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L327 Later Eighteenth-Century Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L347 British Fiction to 1800 (3 cr.)
ENG L350 Early American Writing and Culture to 1800 (3 cr.)

Group III (select one)
ENG E303 Literatures in English 1800-1900 (3 cr.)
ENG L332 Romantic Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L335 Victorian Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L348 Nineteenth Century British Fiction (3 cr.)
ENG L350 Early American Writing and Culture to 1800 (3 cr.)
ENG L351 American Literature to 1865 (3 cr.)
ENG L352 American Literature 1865-1914 (3 cr.)
ENG L355 Nineteenth-Century American Fiction (3 cr.)

Group IV (select one)
ENG E304 Literature in English 1900-present (3 cr.)
ENG L345 Twentieth-Century British Poetry (3 cr.)
ENG L346 Twentieth-Century British Fiction (3 cr.)
ENG L354 American Literature since 1914 (3 cr.)
ENG L357 Twentieth-Century American Poetry (3 cr.)
ENG L358 Twentieth-Century Fiction (3 cr.)
ENG L366 Modern Drama: English, Irish, American (3 cr.)
ENG L380 Literary Modernism (3 cr.)
ENG L381 Recent Writing (3 cr.)
ENG L383 Studies in British Culture (3 cr.)

Group V (select one course)
ENG L391 Literature for Young Adults (3 cr.)
EDUC M435/L535 Teaching Young Adult Literature (3 cr.)

Diverse Literature (3 credits)

AFRO A249 African-American Biography (3 cr.)
AFRO A277/A278 Images of Blacks in Film 1903 - 1950s; Contemporary Black Film (3-3 cr.)
AFRO A363/A364 Blacks in American Drama and Theatre 1767 - 1914; 1945 - Present (3-3 cr.)
AFRO A379 Early Black American Writing (3 cr.)
AFRO A380 Contemporary Black American Writing (3 cr.)
AFRO A471 Contemporary Black Poetry (3 cr.)
AFRO A480 The Black Novel (3 cr.)
ENG L207 Women and Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L241 American Jewish Writers (3 cr.)
ENG L249 Representations of Gender and Sexuality (3 cr.)
ENG L364 Native American Literatures (3 cr.)
ENG L374 Ethnic American Literatures (3 cr.)
ENG L376 Studies in Jewish Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L378 Studies in Women and Literature (3 cr.)
CMLT C257 Asian Literature and the Other Arts (3 cr.)
CMLT C261 Introduction to African Literature (3 cr.)
CMLT C266 Introduction to East Asian Fiction (3 cr.)
CMLT C300 Modernity and Tradition in Yiddish Literature and Culture (3 cr.)
CMLT C340 Women in World Literature (3 cr.)
CMLT C361 Literature and Cultures of Africa (3 cr.)
FOLK F131 Introduction to Folklore in the U.S. (3 cr.)
FOLK F352 Native American Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.)
FOLK F356 Chicano Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.)
FOLK F363 Women's Folklore/Folklife/Folk Music (3 cr.)
GER Y350 Yiddish Culture in America (3 cr.)
GNDR G101 Women, Gender, and Culture (3 cr.)
GNDR G225 Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture (3 cr.)
HISP S220 Chicano and Puerto Rican Literature (3 cr.)

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Mathematics (MATH) (42 credit hours)

The student must have already achieved a knowledge of mathematics with the competence to enter a first-semester calculus course. College course work may be taken to acquire competence, but such course work will not count as hours of credit toward the major or minor in mathematics.

Analysis (12 credit hours)

MATH M211 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (4 cr.)
MATH M212 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (4 cr.)
MATH M311 Calculus III (4 cr.)

Algebra (6 credit hours)

MATH M301 Applied Linear Algebra (3 cr.) or
  MATH M303 Linear Algebra for Undergraduates (3 cr.)
MATH T403 Modern Algebra for Secondary Teachers (3 cr.)

Probability and Statistics (3 credit hours)

MATH M365 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3 cr.)

Geometry (3 credit hours)

MATH T336 Topics in Euclidean Geometry (3 cr.)

Applied Mathematics (3 credit hours)

MATH M447 Mathematical Models and Applications I (3 cr.)

Computer Programming (3 credit hours)

MATH M371 Elementary Computational Methods (3 cr.)

Corequisite Math Courses (3 cr.)

Three 1-credit education courses will be attached to selected mathematics requirements as corequisites.

EDUC MXXX (1 cr.)
EDUC MXXX (1 cr.)
EDUC MXXX (1 cr.)

Electives (to total 42 credits)

MATH M321 Intuitive Topology (3 cr.)
MATH M330 Exploring Mathematical Ideas (3 cr.)
MATH M343 Introduction to Differential Equations (3 cr.)
MATH M380 History of Mathematics (3 cr.)
MATH M391 Foundations of the Number Systems (3 cr.)
MATH M405 Number Theory (3 cr.)
MATH M413 Introduction to Analysis I (3 cr.)
MATH M448 Mathematical Models and Applications II (3 cr.)
MATH M467 Advanced Statistical Techniques I (3 cr.)

At the time of printing, course numbers were not assigned.

Return to Content Fields

Science (64-68 credits)

Because requirements in the secondary science program total 130 hours, IU cannot guarantee that students will be able to complete the program within four years. As a result, although most students do complete the program within four years, the secondary science program is not included in the GradPact initiative.

Secondary Science Education Core (35 credits)

(All science majors must complete the following courses)
BIOL L111 Introduction to Biology: Evolution and Diversity (3 cr.)
BIOL L112 Introduction to Biology: Biological Mechanisms (3 cr.)
BIOL L113 Biology Lab (3 cr.) (P: L112 and C: L111)
CHEM C105 Principles of Chemistry I (3 cr.)
CHEM C106 Principles of Chemistry II (3 cr.)
CHEM C125 Experimental Chemistry (2 cr.) (C: C105)
CHEM C126 Experimental Chemistry (2 cr.) (C: C106)
GEOG G107 Physical Systems of the Environment (3 cr.)
GEOL G104 Earth Science: Evolution of the Earth (3 cr.)
PHYS P201 General Physics I (5 cr.)
PHYS P202 General Physics II (5 cr.)

Scientific Philosophical Societal Impact and Modeling (9-10 credits)

Group I: Scientific Philosophy (select one)
HPSC X100 Human Perspective on Science (3 cr.)
HPSC X102 Revolutions in Science (3 cr.)
HPSC X200 Scientific Reasoning (3 cr.)
HPSC X222 Big Science in the Twentieth Century (3 cr.)
PHIL P150 Elementary Logic (3 cr.)

Group II: Computer Science and Modeling (select one)
CSCI A201 Introduction to Programming (4 cr.)
GEOG G237 Cartography and Geographic Information (3 cr.)
GEOG G250 Computer Methods in Geography (3 cr.) (P: MATH M118, M119, or M211)
GEOG G338 Introduction to GIS (3 cr.)
SPEA E326 Mathematical Methods in Environmental Issues (3 cr.) (P: MATH M119 or M211; CSCI C211 or BUS K201)

Group III: Human Impact on the World (select one)
GEOG G185 Global Environmental Change (3 cr.)
GEOG G208 Human Impact on Environment (3 cr.)
GEOL G105 Earth Our Habitable Planet (3 cr.)
GEOL G300 Environmental and Urban Geography (3 cr.) (P: one physical or general geology or physical geography course)
PHYS P310 Environmental Physics (3 cr.) (P: PHYS P201 or P221 and MATH M211 or M215)

Certification Concentration Areas (20-23 credits)

(select one area)

Area I: Earth-Space Science (21 Credits)
Area II: Life Science—Option A: Biology (21 Credits)
Area II: Life Science—Option B: Life/Physical Science Hybrid (23 Credits)
Area III: Physical Science—Environmental Science (21 credits)
Area IV: Chemistry (20 credits)
Area V: Physics (20 credits)

Return to Science

Area I: Earth-Space Science (21 Credits)

AST A201 General Astronomy I (3 cr.)
AST A202 General Astronomy II (3 cr.)
GEOG G304 Physical Meteorology and Climatology (3 cr.)
GEOL G225 Earth and Materials (4 cr.) (P: CHEM C101 or C105)
GEOL G329 Introductory Field Experience in Environmental Science (5 cr.) (P: one course in environmental science and G225)

Elective Group (select one):
GEOL G300 Environmental and Urban Geology (3 cr.) (P: one course physical or general geology or physical geography)
GEOL G302 Development of the Global Environment (3 cr.) (P: one semester of college chemistry, physics, or astronomy; mathematics M118 or equivalent.)
GEOL G334 Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (3 cr.) (P: G222 or G225)
GEOL G415 Geomorphology (3 cr.) (P: G222 or G225 and C101 or C105 and M119 or M211)

Return to Certification Concentration Areas

Area II: Life Science—Option A: Biology (21 Credits)

BIOL L211 Molecular Biology (3 cr.) (P: L112)
BIOL L311 Genetics (3 cr.) (P: L211)
BIOL L318 Evolution (3 cr.) (P: L311)
BIOL L473 Ecology (3 cr.) (P: L318 or consent of instructor)

Elective Group (select 9 credits):
BIOL B300 Vascular Plants (3 cr.) (P: Introduction to Biology)
BIOL B364 Summer Flowering Plants (5 cr.) (P: Introduction to Biology)
BIOL B373 Plant Development (3 cr.) (P: L111 and L211)
BIOL L312 Cell Biology (3 cr.) (P: L211)
BIOL L313 Cell Biology Lab (3 cr.) (P: L112 and L113 or C383 or C384 and C: L312)
BIOL L317 Developmental Biology (3 cr.) (P: L311)
BIOL L319 Genetics Lab (3 cr.) (P or C: L317)
BIOL L341 Natural History of Coral Reefs Field Course (4 cr.) (P: Introduction to Biology, one course in organism biology or ecology, sedimentology or stratigraphy, and swimming proficiency)
BIOL L351 Fungi (3 cr.) (P: L111, and L112)
BIOL L352 Fungi Lab (2 cr.) (P or C: B351)
BIOL L376 Biology of Birds (3 cr.) (P: L111 and L211)
BIOL L433 Tropical Biology (Field Course) (3 cr.)
BIOL L490 Independent Research (3 cr.) (P: 2.5 cumulative GPA)
BIOL M310 Microbiology (3 cr.) (P: L211 and two semesters of chemistry)
BIOL M315 Microbiology Lab (2 cr.) (C: M310)
BIOL M375 Human Parasitology (3 cr.) (P: L111 and L211)
BIOL Z374 Invertebrate Zoology (3 cr.) (P: Introduction to Biology)
BIOL Z406 Vertebrate Zoology (3 cr.) (P: L11 and L211)
SPEA E410 Introduction to Environmental Toxicology (3 cr.) (P: SPEA E272 or H316 and one biology course)
SPEA E442 Habitat Analysis: Terrestrial (Field Course) (3 cr.)
SPEA E443 Habitat Analysis: Aquatic (Field Course) (3 cr.)
SPEA E455 Limnology (3 cr.) (P: SPEA E272 or H316, and C101 or C105)
SPEA E547 Introduction to Conservation Biology (P: an ecology course) (3 cr.)
GEOL G411 Invertebrate Paleontology (3 cr.) (P: L111 or L112, and one 300-400-level BIOL or GEOL course)

Return to Certification Concentration Areas

Area II: Life Science—Option B: Life/Physical Science Hybrid (23 Credits)

BIOL L211 Molecular Biology (3 cr.) (P: L112)
BIOL L311 Genetics (3 cr.) (P: L211)
BIOL L318 Evolution (3 cr.) (P: L311)
BIOL L473 Ecology (3 cr.) (P: L318 or consent of instructor)
CHEM C341 Organic Chemistry I (3 cr.) (P: C106)

Elective Group I (select one):
CHEM C360 Introduction to Physical Chemistry (3 cr.) (P: C106, M119, and P201) or
  CHEM C361 Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter (3 cr.) (P: C106 or M216 and P202 or P222)

Elective Group II (select one pair):
CHEM C342 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.) (P: C341) and
  CHEM C343 Organic Chemistry Lab (2 cr.) (P: C341, C: C342) or
CHEM C317 Equilibria and Electrochemistry (2 cr.) (P: C341 and M211 or M215) and
  GEOL G444 Methods in Analytical Chemistry (2 cr.)

Return to Certification Concentration Areas

Area III: Physical Science—Environmental Science (21 credits)

BIOL L473 Ecology (3 cr.) (P: L318 or consent of instructor)
GEOG G304 Physical Meteorology and Climatology (3 cr.)
GEOG G305 Environmental Change—Nature and Impact (3 cr.) (P: G107 or G109)
GEOG G336 Environmental Remote Sensing (3 cr.)
GEOG G350 Instrumentation and Field Methods in Atmosphere (3 cr.)
GEOG G434 Air Pollution Meteorology (3 cr.) (P: G304)
GEOG G440 Topics in Environmental Geography (3 cr.) (P:G305 or G315)
GEOG G470 Micrometeorology (3 cr.) (P: G304, Math M215-216 or M211-M212, or consent of instructor)
GEOG G475 Climate Change (3 cr.) (P G107 or G109)
GEOL G225 Earth Materials (3 cr.) (P: C101 or C105)

Elective Group (select 15 hours)
GEOL G329 Introduction Field Experiences in Environmental Science (5 cr.) (P: a minimum of one introductory-level course in the environmental sciences, and some additional course work in chemistry, biology, earth materials, calculus, or physics.)
GEOL G334 Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (3 cr.) (P: G222 or G225) (P: G107 or G109)
GEOL G415 Geomorphology (3 cr.) (P: G222 or G225, and C101 or C105, and M119 or M211)
GEOL G423 Methods of Applied Geophysics (3 cr.) (P: G412 or P202, or P222 and M212)
GEOL G451 Principles of Hydrogeology (3 cr.) (P: C106 and M212)
PHYS P309 Modern Physics (2 cr.) (P: P222, or P202 and C301)
PHYS P310 Environmental Physics (3 cr.) (P: P201 and M211)
PHYS P340 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (3 cr.) (C: M311)
SPEA E360 Introduction to Biological Resources (3 cr.)

Return to Certification Concentration Areas

Area IV: Chemistry (20 credits)

CHEM C341 Organic Chemistry I (3 cr.) (P: C106)
CHEM C342 Organic Chemistry II (3 cr.) (P:C341)
CHEM C343 Organic Chemistry Lab (2 cr.) (P: C341 and C: C342)
CHEM C360 Introduction to Physical Chemistry (3 cr.) (P: C106, M119, and P201)

Elective Group (select 9 credits):
CHEM C315 Chemical Measurements (3 cr.) (P: C317 and C318)
CHEM C317 Equilibria and Electrochemistry (3 cr.) (P: C341 or S341, and either M211 or M215)
CHEM C318 Spectrochemistry and Separations (2 cr.) (P: C341 or S341, and either M211 or M215)
CHEM C360 Introduction to Physical Chemistry (3 cr.) (P: C106, M119, and P201)
CHEM C361 Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter (3 cr.) (P: C106 and M212 or M216 and P202 or P222)
CHEM C430 Inorganic Chemistry (3 cr.) (P: C106 and C: C341)
CHEM C483 Biological Chemistry (3 cr.) (P: C342 and 15 credits of chemistry)
CHEM C484 Biomolecules and Catabolism (3 cr.) (P: C341 and C342, and 12 credits of chemistry)
CHEM C485 Biosynthesis and Physiology (3 cr.) (P: C484)
GEOG G434 Air Pollution Meteorology (3 cr.) (P: G304)
GEOL G406 Introduction to Geochemistry (3 cr.) (P: G222 or G225, and M212 and C106)
GEOL G444 Methods in Analytical Chemistry (2 cr.)
SPEA E451 Air Pollution and Control (3 cr.) (P: E272 or H316 and C101, or C105 and M119, or M211)

Return to Certification Concentration Areas

Area V: Physics (20 credits)

PHYS P301 Physics III (3 cr.) (P: P202 or P222) or
  PHYS P300 General Physics III (3 cr.) (P: P202 or P222)
PHYS P309 Modern Physics Lab (2 cr.) (P: P301)
PHYS P310 Environmental Physics (3 cr.) (P: P201 and M211)
PHYS P331 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism (3 cr.) (P: P222, or P202 and M212)

Elective Group (select 9 credits):
AST A201 General Astronomy I (3 cr.)
AST A202 General Astronomy II (3 cr.)
AST A320 Computational Problems in Astronomy (3 cr.) (P: A202, M212, P222, and FORTRAN)
CHEM C360: Introduction to Physical Chemistry (3 cr.) (P: C106 and M119 and P201)
CHEM C361 Physical Chemistry of Bulk Matter (3 cr.) (P: C106, MATH M216, P202, and P222)
GEOG G304 Physical Meteorology and Climatology (3 cr.)
GEOG G336 Environmental Remote Sensing (3 cr.)
GEOG G350 Instrumentation and Field Methods in Atmospheric Science (3 cr.) (P: G107 or G109)
GEOG G431 Dynamic Meteorology (3 cr.) (P: G304)
GEOG G433 Synoptic Meteorology (3 cr.) (P: G304)
GEOL G423 Methods in Applied Geophysics (3 cr.) (P: G413 or P202, or P222 and M212)
PHYS P332 Theory of Electricity and Magnetism II (3 cr.) (P: P331 and M212)
PHYS P340 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (3 cr.) (C: M311)
PHYS P360 Physical Optics (3 cr.) (P:331)
PHYS P400 Digital-Analog Electronics I (3 cr.) and
  PHYS P401 Digital-Analog Electronics II (3 cr.)
PHYS P410 Computing Applications in Physics (3 cr.) (P: P332 and C301)
PHYS P441 Analytical Mechanics (3 cr.) (P: M343 and M212)
PHYS P451 Experiments in Modern Physics (2 cr.) (P: P301 and P309)
PHYS P453 Quantum Mechanics (3 cr.) (P: P332)
Subject-specific independent readings and research course (1-3 cr.)

Return to Certification Concentration Areas

Return to Content Fields

Environmental Science (21 Credits) Unclassified (option under development, license undetermined)

Required Courses (6 credits)
GEOG G304 Physical Meteorology and Climatology (3 cr.)
GEOL G225 Earth Materials (3 cr.) (P: C101 or C105)

Elective Group (select 15 credits)
BIOL L473 Ecology (3 cr.) (P: L318 or consent of instructor)
GEOG G305 Environmental Change: Nature and Impact (3 cr.) (P: G107 or G109)
GEOG G336 Environmental Remote Sensing (3 cr.)
GEOG G350 Instrumentation and Field Methods in Atmospheric Science (3cr.) (P: G107 or G109)
GEOG G434 Air Pollution Meteorology (3 cr.) (P: G304)
GEOG G440 Topics in Environmental Geography (3cr.) (P: G305 or G315)
GEOG G470 Micrometeorology (3 cr.) (P: G304 and M211 and M212)
GEOG G475 Climate Change (3 cr.) (P: G107 or G109)
GEOL G329 Introductory Field Experience in Environmental Science (5 cr.) (P: one course in environmental science and G225)
GEOL G334 Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (3 cr.) (P: G222 or G225) (P: G107 or G109)
GEOL G415 Geomorphology (3 cr.) (P: G222 or G225, and C101 or C105, and M119 or M211)
GEOL G423 Methods of Applied Geophysics (3 cr.) (P: G412 or P202, or P222 and M212)
GEOL G451 Principles of Hydrogeology (3 cr.) (P: C106 and M212)
PHYS P309 Modern Physics (2cr.) (P: P222, or P202 and C301)
PHYS P310 Environmental Physics (3 cr.) (P: PHYS P201 or P221, and MATH M211 or M215)
PHYS P340 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (3 cr.) (C: M311)
SPEA E360 Introduction to Biological Resources (3 cr.)

Return to Content Fields

Social Studies Major (51-63 credits)

This major consists of an overall minimum of 51 credit hours in the areas listed below. At least 24 of these must be in courses numbered 200 or above. In no single area can more than 6 credit hours of course work at the 100 level be counted toward the major requirements. Advanced course work may be substituted for those courses specifically listed.

  1. Choose three social studies subject areas and complete the required number (15-21) of credit hours in each area. Recommendation: government and citizenship, historical perspectives, geographical perspectives, and economics are considered critical subject areas for schools; psychology and sociology are considered less critical.
  2. Select up to 6 hours of required 100-level survey courses in each social studies subject area. No more than 6 hours at the 100 level may be used in any subject area.
  3. At least 24 credit hours must be completed at the 300 level or higher in the social studies major.
  4. Choose an additional 6 hours distributed from two of the remaining social studies subjects to complete the 51 hours.
  5. A 2.5 overall GPA is required in the social studies major, including content field designated seminars attached to methods courses M341 and M421.
  6. A 2.5 minimum GPA is required in each of the three social studies subject areas for certification.
Government And Citizenship (18 credits)
Historical Perspectives (21 credits)
Economics (15 credits)
Geographical Perspectives (18 credits)

Return to Content Fields

Government And Citizenship (18 credits)

Required courses: select Y103 and one other course from the following list:
POLS Y103 Introduction to American Politics (3 cr.) and
  POLS Y105 Introduction to Political Theory (3 cr.) or
  POLS Y107 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 cr.) or
  POLS Y109 Introduction to World Politics (3 cr.)

Additional courses: select at least one course from state/local government, international/comparative politics, and topical issues in government.

Return to Social Studies

Historical Perspectives (21 credits)

Required courses: select from the pairs below:
HIST H105-H106 American History (3-3 cr.) or
  HIST H101-H102 The World in the Twentieth Century (3-3 cr.) or
  HIST H103-H104 Europe Renaissance to Napoleon, Napoleon to Present (3-3 cr.)

Additional courses: select at least one course each in comparative history, U.S. history, and world regional history. Additional recommendations: A301, A302, A303, A304, A314, and A315).

Return to Social Studies

Economics (15 credits)

Required courses: select E175, E201, and E202
ECON E175 Economics for Social Studies Teachers (3 cr.)
ECON E201 Introduction to Microeconomics (3 cr.)
ECON E202 Introduction to Macroeconomics (3 cr.)

Additional courses: select at least one course in international/comparative economics and topical issues in economics.

Return to Social Studies

Geographical Perspectives (18 credits)

Required courses: select G110 and G107, or G110 and G120
GEOG G110 Introduction to Human Geography (3 cr.) and
  GEOG G107 Physical Systems of the Environment (3 cr.) or
  GEOG G120 World Regional Geography (3 cr.)

Additional courses: select at least one course in regional geography and one in topical issues in geography.

Return to Social Studies

Psychology (15 credits)

Required courses: select from the pairs below:
PSY P101-P102 Introductory Psychology I-II (3-3 cr.)
PSY P151-P152 Introduction to Psychology for Majors I-II (3-3 cr.)

Additional courses: select at least one course in developmental psychology and one in topical issues in psychology.

Return to Social Studies

Sociology (15 credits)

Required courses: select S100 and S101
SOC S100 Introduction to Sociology (3 cr.)
SOC S101 Social Problems and Policies (3 cr.)

Additional courses: select at least one course in socialization/institutions, and one in topical issues in sociology.

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Special Education/Community Of Teachers

Content Field Concentration (18-32 credits)

Additional concentration fields pending.
These content field concentrations do not include enough credits for eligibility for a teaching license in the content field. Additional courses are required for a content field license. The Special Education CoT program is available as a secondary major only through CoT, not through the Anchor program.

ART (32 credits)

FINA A101 Ancient and Medieval Art History (3 cr.)
FINA A102 Renaissance through Modern Art History (3 cr.)
FINA F100 Fundamental Studio Drawing (3 cr.)
FINA F101 Fundamental Studio 3-D (3 cr.)
FINA F201 Fundamental Studio 2-D (2 cr.)

Select three art history or studio art courses (9 cr.)
EDUC M330/M301 Foundations of Art Education and Methods I (Fall) (4 cr.)
EDUC M430/M401 Foundations of Art Education and Methods II (Spring) (4 cr.)

COMPUTING (18 credits)

EDUC K500 Computer Uses in Special Education (3 cr.)
EDUC W200 Using Computers in Education (3 cr.)
EDUC W210 Survey of Computer-Based Education (3 cr.)
EDUC W220 Technical Issues in Computer-Based Education (3 cr.)
EDUC W310 Computer-Based Teaching Methods (3 cr.)
EDUC W410 Practicum in Computer-Based Education (3-6 cr.)


Language (select one):
EDUC M400 Instructional Issues in Language Learning (3 cr.)
ENG G205 Introduction to the English Language (Fall) (3 cr.)
ENG G302 Structure of Modern English (Spring) (3 cr.) (P:G205 or L103)
ENG G405 Studies in English Language (3 cr.) (P: G205)
LING L103 Introduction to the Study of Language (3 cr.)

Literature (Select one from major list) (3 cr.)

Young Adult Literature (Select one):
EDUC M435 Young Adult Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L391Young Adult Literature (3 cr.)

Diversity (Select one from major list) (3 cr.)

Writing (Select one):
ENG W203 Creative Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W231 Professional Writing Skills (3 cr.)
ENG W240 Community Service Writing (3 cr.)
ENG W270 Argumentative Writing (3 cr.)

(Select one):
EDUC M454 Grammar for Teachers (1 cr.)
ENG W202 English Grammar Review (1 cr.)

EDUC MXXX English Methods II (3 cr.)
ENG L412 Teaching Writing in the Secondary Schools (3 cr.)

HEALTH AND SAFETY (24 credits)

EDUC M458 and M403 Methods of Health and Safety (3 cr.)
HPER F255 Human Sexuality (3 cr.)
HPER N220 Nutrition (3 cr.)
HPER H263 Personal Health (3 cr.)
HPER H318 Drug Abuse in American Society (3 cr.)
HPER H464 Coordination of School Health (3 cr.)

(Select two):
HPER F258 Marriage and Family (3 cr.)
HPER F345 Parent-Child Relations (3 cr.)
HPER H163 Topics in Health (3 cr.)
HPER H180 Stress Prevention and Health (3 cr.)
HPER H305 Women's Health (3 cr.)
HPER H310 Health Care in Minority Communities (3 cr.)
HPER H320 Nature of Cancer (3 cr.)

MATHEMATICS (23 credits)

MATH M211 Calculus I (4 cr.)
MATH M212 Calculus II (4 cr.)
MATH M301 Applied Linear Algebra (3 cr.) or
  MATH M303 (3 cr.)
MATH M365 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3 cr.)
MATH T336 Topics in Euclidean Geometry (3 cr.)

(Select one):
CSCI A201 Introduction to Programming I (3 cr.)
MATH M371 Elementary Computational Methods (3 cr.)
MATH M447 Mathematical Models and Applications I (3 cr.)
MATH MXXX Mathematics Methods II (3 cr.)

SCIENCE: BIOLOGY (33 credits)

BIOL L111 Introduction to Biology: Evolution and Diversity (3 cr.)
BIOL L112 Introduction to Biology: Biological Mechanisms (3 cr.)
BIOL L113 Biology Lab (3 cr.) (P/C: L111)
BIOL L330 Biology of the Cell (3 cr.)
BIOL L369 Heredity, Evolution, and Society (3 cr.)
CHEM C105/C125 Principles of Chemistry I with Lab (5 cr.)
CHEM C106/C126 Principles of Chemistry II with Lab (5 cr.)
(Select one advanced plant or animal course) (3 cr.)
M446 Methods of Teaching High School Science (5 cr.)

SCIENCE: PHYSICAL (31 credits)

AST A110 Astronomy (3 cr.)
CHEM C105/C125 Principles of Chemistry I with Lab (5 cr.)
CHEM C106/C126 Principles of Chemistry II with Lab (5 cr.)
EDUC M446 Methods of Teaching High School Science (5 cr.)
GEOL G105 Earth or Habitable Planet (3 cr.) or
  GEOL G104 (3 cr.)
PHYS P201 General Physics I (5 cr.)
PHYS P202 General Physics II (5 cr.)

SOCIAL STUDIES (27 credits)

Economics, Geographical Perspectives, Historical Perspectives, Government and Citizenship, Psychology, or Sociology

Select 5 courses in one area (15 cr.)
Select 3 courses from three different areas (9 cr.)
EDUC MXXX Social Studies Methods II (3 cr.)
No more than 6 hours at the 100 level and at least 12 hours at the 200 level or higher.

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Professional and Exceptional Needs (56+ credits)


Admission to Indiana University
Written application
2.5 cumulative GPA in all course work
Interviews with Community of Teachers faculty and students


Spring Only
EDUC K343 Survey of Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders (3 cr.)
EDUC K370 Introduction to Learning Disorders (3 cr.)
EDUC S400 Field Based Seminar in Teacher Education (4 cr.)
(Enroll each semester, with a minimum of 2 semesters for program)


2.5 GPA overall.
EDUC K205 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3 cr.)
EDUC S400 Field-Based Seminar in Teacher Education (4 cr.)
PRAXIS I Exam (Math 175, Reading 176, and Writing 172)
Submit TEP application online: libertas.ucs.indiana.edu/~edschool/students/omnibase.pl


EDUC K405 Building Inclusive Middle and Secondary Schools (1 cr.)
(Required each semester after having established placement with mentor teacher)

Fall Only
EDUC E342 Survey of Reading and Language Arts Methods (3 cr.)
EDUC K344 Teaching Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders (3 cr.)
EDUC K352 Education of Children with Learning Problems (3 cr.)

Spring Only
EDUC K371 Assessment and Individualized Instruction (3 cr.)
EDUC K490/K541 Transition Across the Life Span (3 cr.)

Semester Before Student Teaching
EDUC MXXX Specialized methods for academic subject (3-6 cr.)
EDUC M470 Practicum in Content Field Concentration Area (6 cr.)
EDUC M488 Student Teaching in Special Education (10 cr.)

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Theatre (THTR)

(Please see a College of Arts and Sciences advisor for details about courses in this major)

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Professional Education—Anchor Program (46 credits)

Prerequisite Education courses (10 credits)

EDUC M300 Teaching in a Pluralistic Society (3 cr.)
EDUC P312 Learning Theory into Practice (3 cr.)
EDUC P313 Perspectives on Adolescence in Multicultural Contexts (3 cr.)
EDUC W200 Technology A (1 cr.)

Admission to the TEP is required for the remaining education courses (36 credit hours)

Courses that may be taken anytime after admission to the TEP:
EDUC H340 Education in American Culture (3 cr.)
EDUC K306 Special Education (3 cr.)
EDUC S303 Topics in Secondary Education (3 cr.)

Courses that must be taken in prescribed blocks:

Semester I
EDUC MXXX Major Methods course I (3 cr.)
EDUC M303 Field Experience I (2 cr.)
EDUC M469 Literacy course (2 cr.)
EDUC W300 Technology B (1 cr.)

Semester II
EDUC MXXX Major Methods course II (3 cr.)
EDUC M403 Field Experience II (2 cr.)
EDUC W400 Technology C (1 cr.)

Semester III
EDUC M420 Professional Development Seminar (1 cr.)
EDUC M480 Student Teaching (12 cr.)

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Professional Education—A Community of Teachers

A highly individualized way to earn a secondary teaching license, A Community of Teachers (CoT) centers on an ongoing seminar that features intensive, hands-on work in one school. Students complete the program not by earning course credits, but by completing a portfolio of evidence of their ability as teachers.

The Seminar
The central requirement of the program is an ongoing seminar (EDUC S400) that is led from one semester to the next by the same faculty member. Each seminar group contains students from different majors and includes both beginning students and student teachers. Each semester, the seminar's focus is determined by the students and their professor; and under the umbrella of the seminar, each student organizes and carries out an individualized program of preparation. The seminar replaces six of the professional education courses of the standard program: EDUC W200, EDUC P312, EDUC P313, EDUC H340, EDUC M300, and the first special methods course, EDUC MXXX, as well as all fieldwork courses associated with them (EDUC M201, EDUC M301, EDUC M401, and EDUC M403). However, completion of any of these courses still counts as progress toward the completion of the CoT program.

The Apprenticeship
CoT students spend one day a week in a school of their choice, working with a teacher of their choice who has consented to be their mentor. The relationship continues throughout students' professional preparations, including student teaching.

The Portfolio
The activities of the apprenticeship are guided by a list of 30 Program Expectations that students satisfy by building evidence of their teaching capabilities. The evidence is organized in a portfolio that supports the case students must make to the faculty of their readiness to enter the profession.

Requirements (24-44 credit hours)

EDUC S400 Field-Based Seminar in Teacher Education (4 cr., repeatable) Students take S400 each semester that they are in the program. The minimum tenure in S400 is two semesters (8 cr.), but five semesters (20 cr.) is more typical. The CoT requirements for admission to teacher education are identical to those of the standard program, except that students need to complete only one semester of S400 to apply.

EDUC M464 Methods of Teaching Reading (3 cr.)

EDUC M480 Student Teaching: Secondary School (10-16 cr. )

Electives and other area requirements to reach 124 credit hours.

Students must satisfy the portfolio requirement to earn their teaching licenses. Students who already hold bachelors' degrees may also complete their license requirements through CoT.

Admittance to CoT is by application and interview. For more information, contact Tom Gregory, Education 3206, 856-8144; Internet: gregory@indiana.edu; or visit the CoT web site: education.indiana.edu/~comteach.

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Electives to total 124 credits

For completion in both Anchor and CoT Secondary Programs.

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All School Settings Education Program

About the Program
General Education
All School Settings Content Fields
All School Settings Professional Education Courses

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About the Program

The All School Settings programs in music education, physical education, and visual arts education lead to a Bachelor of Science degree in those select content fields. The School of Music and the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation offer the degree programs in those respective fields. These programs are currently under revision. Detailed information and advising about those particular programs is provided by those schools.

Successful completion of the Bachelor of Science in music education, physical education, and visual arts programs requires meeting both academic content and performance-based standards as assessed at different points by the respective schools and by state designated testing. The All-Grade education teacher license in Indiana mandates a content field; a target population at developmental levels of early and middle childhood, early and late adolescence and young adulthood; and multiple assignments in the school settings of kindergarten, elementary, middle school/junior high or high school grades 5-12.

Music education, physical education, and visual arts are the only majors that lead to certification in teaching grades K-12.

The All School Settings program is divided into three main components. With the addition of electives, course work must total a minimum of 124 credit hours, as follows:

General Education 33 cr.
Professional Education 28-53 cr.
Subject Matter Specialty Studies 36-62 cr.5
Electives 0-22 cr.6
Total 124 cr.

Courses used to satisfy general education requirements also may be applied to fulfill requirements for a subject matter specialty study. In such cases, the course may be used to meet all requirements to which it will apply, but the credit hours may be counted only once toward the total of 124 credit hours needed for a degree. With the exception of MATH M025 and M026, no course below the 100 level and no course with a "J" prefix in the College of Arts and Sciences may be used to meet the subject matter specialty study requirement.

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General Education

ARTS AND HUMANITIES (12-15 credits)

Oral Expression (3 credits) (grade of C or higher)
CMCL C121 Public Speaking (3 cr.)
CMCL C122 Interpersonal Communication (3 cr.)
EDUC G203 Communication in the Classroom (3 cr.)

Written Expression (3 credit hours) (grade of C or higher)
ENG W110 Writing Across the Curriculum (3 cr.)
ENG W131 Elementary Composition (3 cr.)
ENG W170 Projects in Reading and Writing (3 cr.)

Intensive Writing (0/3 credits)
COAS W333 Intensive Writing or corequisite attached to a designated writing course in the major at the 200 level or higher


(See Appendices II and III in this bulletin)


(See Appendices II and III in this bulletin)


(See Appendix I in this bulletin)

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All School Settings Content Fields

Credit hour requirements are listed below. The specific requirements in the various subject matter areas are given in detail in this bulletin. A student may be exempted from some of the required subject matter courses if such courses have been successfully completed on the high school level or their education equivalent. In this case, the student should substitute electives or an equivalent number of credit hours in the subject matter area.

Credit earned in general education may be used where applicable to meet the course requirements in any subject matter area.


(See the School of Music Bulletin for program details)


(See HPER Bulletin for program details)

VISUAL ARTS (FINA) Major (52 credit hours)

Introductory courses (19 credit hours)

Fundamental Studios
FINA F100 Fundamental Studio—Drawing (3 cr.)
FINA F101 Fundamental Studio—3-D (3 cr.)
FINA F102 Fundamental Studio—2-D (3 cr.)

Art History
A101 Ancient and Medieval Art (3 cr.)
A102 Renaissance Through Modern Art (3 cr.)

Art Content
EDUC M130 Introduction to Art Teaching (3 cr.)
EDUC M101 Field Experiences in Education (1 cr.)

EDUC K306 Teaching Students with Special Needs in Secondary Classrooms (3 cr.)

Breadth (21 cr.): A variety of 100- and 200-level courses in the following areas: art studio, art history/theory, other areas selected with an art education advisor's approval.

Depth (12 cr.): 300- and 400-level courses.
Advanced study in the visual arts including art studio, art history/theory, electronic media, etc.

Program requires a minimum of 34 credits in studio courses and 15 credits in art history, theory, or criticism.

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All School Settings Professional Education Courses

These required courses may be taken before admission to the Teacher Education Program:
EDUC W200 Using Computers in Education (3 cr.) (not required of music education majors; physical education majors may substitute HPERP200)
EDUC P254 Educational Psychology for Teachers of All Grades (3 cr.) and
  EDUC M201 Laboratory/Field Experience (1 cr.)
EDUC H340 Education and American Culture (3 cr.)
EDUC M300 Teaching in a Pluralistic Society (3 cr.)

Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), including satisfactory completion of the PPST exam, is mandatory for this required professional education course, as well as for the methods courses required for specific majors (whose listings follow) and for student teaching.


EDUC M464 Methods of Teaching Reading (3 cr.)


Required for all areas:
MUS E131 Introduction to Music Education (2 cr.)
MUS E231 General Music Methods (2 cr.) and
  EDUC M201 Field Experience (0 cr.)

Teaching Area
EDUC M342 Methods and Materials for Teaching General Music (3 cr.) and
  EDUC M401 Field Experience (0 cr.)
EDUC M343 Methods and Materials for Teaching Choral Music (2 cr.) and
  EDUC M401 Field Experience (0 cr.)
EDUC M344 Methods and Materials for Teaching Instrumental Music (3 cr.) and
  EDUC M301 Field Experience (0 cr.)
EDUC M434 Administration of School Bands (2 cr.) or
  EDUC M436 Administration of School Orchestras (2 cr.)
EDUC M471 Seminar in Student Teaching (1 cr.)

Choral-General Teaching
EDUC M342 Methods and Materials for Teaching General Music (3 cr.) and
  EDUC M401 Field Experience (0 cr.)
EDUC M343 Methods and Materials for Teaching Choral Music (2 cr.) and
  EDUC M401 Field Experience (0 cr.)
EDUC M471 Seminar in Student Teaching (1 cr.)

Instrumental Teaching
EDUC M344 Methods and Materials for Teaching Instrumental Music (3 cr.) and
  EDUC M401 Field Experience (0 cr.)
EDUC M434 Administration of School Bands (2 cr.) or
  EDUC M436 Administration of School Orchestras (2 cr.)
EDUC M471 Seminar in Student Teaching (1 cr.)

Physical Education

EDUC M314 General Methods for Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Teachers (3 cr.) and
  EDUC M303 Laboratory/Field Experience (0-1 cr.)
EDUC M456 Methods of Teaching Physical Education (3 cr.) and
  EDUC M403 Laboratory/Field Experience (0 cr.)

Visual Arts

EDUC M330 Foundations of Art Education and Methods I (3 cr.) and
  EDUC M301 Laboratory/Field Experiences in Education (1 cr.) (Fall only)
EDUC M430 Foundations of Art Education and Methods II (3 cr.) and
  EDUC M401 Laboratory/Field Experiences in Education (1 cr.) (Spring only)

STUDENT TEACHING (10-16 credit hours)

EDUC M482 Student Teaching: All-Grade (10-16 cr.)

An application for student teaching must be filed in the office of the director of student teaching in the School of Education by April 1, for fall semester, or October 1 for spring. Student teaching may require a full semester away from the Bloomington campus.

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Dual Licensing Programs

Second content fields may be added to an established content field. All of the following programs are being revised:

Adaptive Physical Education
English as a New Language (includes Bilingual/Bicultural Education)
Gifted and Talented
Instructional Computing
School Media
Please note that some of the above second content fields are available only at the graduate level. See an advisor for additional program details.

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1 May be taken any time before student teaching.
2 ENG L141 and L142, as well as AFRO A141 and A142, are each 4 credit hour courses. Three credit hours of each course will count as literature and 1 credit hour of each will count as composition.
3 ENG W143 is composition credit attached to specified literature courses. It may be repeated once for credit.
4 S317 is not open to native speakers of Spanish; they should enroll in S425.
5 Credits vary—see subject areas for the specific number of credit hours required for each subject.
6 Approximate because subject matter concentration credit hours may be used to satisfy general-education requirements, leaving the need for more electives to reach 124 credit hours for graduation.

Indiana University
Office of Creative Services
Von Lee 319
517 East Kirkwood Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47408-4060

Last updated: 14 March 2025 01 29 27

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