
School of
Academic Bulletin
School of Education
W. W. Wright Education Building
201 North Rose Avenue
Bloomington, IN 47405-1006
(812) 856-8500 Fax (812) 856-8440
Contact School of Education
School of Edcation
Education/Social Work Building (ES) 3137
902 W. New York Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-6801
Students wishing to obtain a teaching certificate must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Education majors should note that admission to the Teacher Education Program is separate from admission to the School of Education. Admission standards for Teacher Education Programs are identified below. Exceptions to any of the following criteria may be considered on an individual basis. Those people who are requesting exceptions must see an advisor in Education 1000 before submitting an application.
PPST Requirements
All freshmen entering Indiana University, Bloomington who have interest in being admitted to Teacher Education are encouraged to take the PPST/Praxis I tests as soon as possible. Students who pass the test at the required level: Reading 176, Math 175, Writing 172, will have met the testing requirement. The School of Education will provide support services for those students desiring to retake the test.
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Students wishing to obtain a teaching certificate must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program. Education majors should note that admission to the School of Education is separate from admission to the Teacher Education Program. The standards for admission to the Teacher Education Program, listed below, apply to both education and non-education majors. The standards must be met before the student may enroll in advanced professional education courses.
- Attain a minimum overall GPA of 2.5.
- Achieve a minimum grade of C in COMM R110.
Note: COMM R110 may not be taken by correspondence.
Achieve a minimum grade of C in ENG W131.
- Elementary majors:
Achieve a grade of C or higher in each of the following courses: EDUC Q200, EDUC W200, MATH 130/132 or EDUC E495, MUS E241, and one of the required
- Senior high/junior high/middle school (secondary) and all-grade majors:
- Achieve a minimum grade of C in EDUC W200.
- Achieve a minimum GPA of 2.5 in three-fourths of the general education coursework and half of the major coursework.
- Receive qualifying scores on all sections of the admission test, the Praxis I Preprofessional Skills Test (PPST). See Education Student Services for information about the test and qualifying scores.
- Complete formal application to the Teacher Education Program. See the School of Education home page on the World Wide Web: http://education.iupui.edu, for application and information.
Note: Admission to the Teacher Education program does not guarantee licensing by the state of Indiana.
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In addition to the 2.5 cumulative GPA, students must also meet the following standards in order to remain in good academic standing:
- Students must attain no lower than a grade of C in each professional education course.
- In order to student teach, students must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all professional education courses.
- Elementary, early childhood, and special education majors must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in subject matter courses within each of the following areas: mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, and fine arts.
- Elementary majors must attain a 2.5 GPA in the area of concentration.
- Secondary and all-grade majors must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 in each teaching area.
- To monitor student achievement and pinpoint areas of professional weakness, a system of alerts will be used. The purpose of the alerts is to identify students who, for nonacademic reasons, may not be successful in teaching.
When a student accumulates one or more alerts, a Professional Standards Committee composed of faculty and students will review the students work and recommend appropriate action.
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In addition to the 2.5 cumulative GPA, students must also meet the following standards in order to remain in good academic standing:
- Students must achieve a grade of C or higher in each professional education course.
- If a students performance is rated as unacceptable on the Block I Rubric, the student must submit a Personal Development Plan to the Student Services Office. The guidelines for the plan are in the LT/TL Handbook.
- In order to student teach, students must attain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 in all professional education courses and demonstrate competence on the Block II Performance Task.
- Elementary and elementary dual-certification special education majors must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 in subject matter courses within each of the following areas: mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, and fine arts.
- Secondary, and all-grade majors must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 in each teaching area.
- Students who fail to demonstrate competence on performance assessments required by the LT/TL program will be notified in writing and advised of their options by a committee of the faculty.
Only students who have a profile of an appropriate GPA and successful performance assessments will be recommended for initial teacher licensure.
Assessment in the Teacher Education Program, IUPUI
Students will be expected to demonstrate the knowledge, dispositions, and skills expected of beginning teachers. These expectations are set forth by the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) and have been adopted by the Indiana Professional Standards Board. The Learning to Teach/Teaching to Learn Curriculum and Assessment Handbook outlines goals and assessment procedures for each block of professional education coursework. In addition to traditional feedback in the form of course grades, students will receive feedback on their performance relative to standards for the teaching profession at designated points in the program. Movement through the program will be contingent on satisfactory performance assessment.
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Students should take the following steps toward completing the Teacher Education Program at the times designated.
Freshmen/Transfers (those who have completed 0 to 25 credit hours of course work) must register to take the PPST/Praxis I Test. It is strongly recommended that students take this test, which is required for admission to the Teacher Education Program, during their first semester as freshmen. In the event that the test is not passed, there would still be time for developmental work before retaking the test.
Sophomores (those who have completed at least 26 credit hours of course work) must request admission to the School of Education and also the Teacher Education Program in the sophomore year. Admission forms should be completed online for the Bloomington campus. Students at IUPUI may apply for admission to Teacher Education when requirements have been met. The application for the Teacher Education program is available online through the School of Education home page: http://education.iupui.edu. Application deadlines are early October for the spring semester and early February for the fall semester.
Juniors (those who have completed at least 56 credit hours of course work) must:
- check all course work taken for degree against student teaching and graduation requirements, as listed in this bulletin.
- apply for student teaching at Bloomington by December 15 of the junior year. At IUPUI, students must apply by December 15 of the academic year preceding the year in which they plan to student teach.
- begin to take the NTE/Praxis II tests required for graduation and the state license. Check with an advisor before registering.
Seniors (those who have completed at least 86 credit hours of course work) must:
- arrange for a senior check with the Records Office.
- check all course work taken against degree requirements as listed in this bulletin.
- complete the taking of subject specialty tests required for the state teaching license.
- make application for the degree in the school from which the degree is expected. See appropriate school bulletin if enrolled in other than the School of Education.
- apply for a teaching certificate through the School of Education. Obtain a form and directions from the Office of Teacher Education at either campus during the second semester of the senior year. It is strongly recommended that seniors establish a placement file with the Career Services Office, located in the School of Education, Bloomington, or the Career Center, Business/SPEA Building 2010, IUPUI.
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