Student Teaching: Elementary, Secondary, and All-GradeProgram DescriptionApplication Process Placement Eligibility Requirements Appeals Process Sexual Harrassment Policy Student Teaching/Practicum Options: Special Cultural Learning OpportunitiesPracticum OptionsProgram Description A full semester of student teaching is recommended by the faculty for the student’s professional development and particularly in instances where teaching experience in both a major and minor area, in different grade levels, or in different types of school settings is sought. At IUPUI, a full semester (16 weeks) is required for students seeking elementary or senior high/junior high/middle school certification. Application ProcessParticipation in the program begins with the filing of an Application for Student Teaching or Practicum before the end of the fall semester of the academic year that precedes the year in which the student teaching or practicum is to be done. In Bloomington, students are required to attend one of the application meetings held during September and October to review the application and the accompanying documents and procedures. The application will be due within two weeks of the meeting date. The application must be submitted to the campus through which the experience is intended. Student teaching or practicums will be completed through the campus where the methods course(s) are taken unless an exception is granted by the appropriate authority. At IUPUI, participation in the program begins by attending a Student Teaching Information Session and filing an Application for Student Teaching before the end of the fall semester of the academic year that precedes the year in which the student teaching or practicum is to be done. (Example: Apply fall 2000 for student teaching in fall 2001 or spring 2002). The application must be submitted to the campus through which the student will receive his or her certification or degree. Student teaching or practicums will be completed through the campus where the methods courses are taken unless an exception is granted by the appropriate authority.Attention: You may be required to provide a criminal history check to school districts before participating in field placements and student teaching. School districts may deny a field placement or student teaching assignment based on a misdemeanor or felony conviction. The application process for a teaching license in Indiana requires a current criminal history check. Convicted felons may not hold a teaching license in Indiana. Return to Top PlacementDecisions relative to the specific teaching assignment, type of school desired, geographic location, and possible supervisor arrangements will be discussed at the time the application is submitted. In Bloomington, this information will be included on the accompanying application documents. Placement recommendations from the student’s major department or school are also solicited and made a part of the placement process.Arrangements for placement and supervision are provided by the Office of Student Teaching, Bloomington or IUPUI. Students are given the opportunity to express a preference for the type and location of school to which they will be assigned. Most placements are made in the public schools—elementary, middle, junior high, and senior high, statewide for students on the Bloomington campus, and within Marion or one of the adjacent counties for students at IUPUI. Placements in other areas of the state will be considered, depending upon supervisory arrangements. Students also have the option of applying for student teaching and/or practicums in special areas, such as those provided by schools for American Indian and overseas children. Such assignments must be preceded, however, by specialized study. See the section of this bulletin entitled ‘‘Student Teaching/Practicum Options.’’ All requests for elaboration or clarification relative to student teaching or practicums should be directed to the Office of Student Teaching, Bloomington or IUPUI. Eligibility Requirements for Student Teaching and PracticumsTo be eligible for student teaching or practicums a student must:
Return to Top Appeals Regarding Criteria for Admission, Retention, and Program Requirements at BloomingtonStudents who wish to appeal decisions concerning admission to teacher education or retention in teacher education, or who seek a waiver for a requirement in a specific program, must follow this appeals process:
Appeals Regarding Teaching Activities at BloomingtonIf a student has concerns about the quality of teaching in a course in which he or she is enrolled, the student should follow this process:
Return to Top Sexual Harassment PolicyHarassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Title VII. Indiana University does not tolerate sexual harassment of students and responds to every complaint. Individuals who believe that they have been sexually harassed should notify their supervisor and/or the director of the student teaching program.Return to Top Practicum Options:Special Cultural Immersion Student Teaching ProjectsSpecial projects in which student teaching experience may be gained are described below. Each project is open to students at Bloomington and IUPUI as well as to students from other institutions. The employment success of these projects has been very high year after year. Note: Noneducation majors (College of Arts and Sciences, etc.) may also participate in these cultural immersion projects. They will be placed in social service agencies of their choice, and they will earn cultural course credit at the 500 level. The American Indian Reservation Student Teaching Project This project features student teaching for students seeking elementary, secondary (almost every subject area), all-grade, and special education teaching certificates on reservations in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. Placements will be made both semesters and will involve 17 weeks of student teaching and community involvement on the Navajo Indian Reservations. Student teachers will be placed in Bureau of Indian Affairs boarding schools, in tribal-controlled schools, or in public schools serving American Indian youth. Each participant registers for 10-16 credit hours of student teaching and cultural practicum and at least one 3 credit hour course focusing on American Indian education, culture, and historical and contemporary issues and conditions. Three to 9 graduate credit hours are earned. Student teachers are available to American Indian children not only for classroom instruction, but also for counseling, athletics, and cross-cultural interaction. All student teachers participate in a culturally oriented workshop held on campus in April to prepare them for the reservation setting. On-site seminars, readings, films, presentations by American Indian consultants, and site reports extend the workshop experience. Community involvement with American Indian adults and youth is also required. Living costs on the reservation are quite modest. Overseas Student Teaching Project This project offers elementary, secondary (almost every major), all-grade, and special education preservice teachers the opportunity to teach in England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand, India, and Taiwan. Kenya is a new placement option. Participants must complete a 10-16 week student teaching assignment in Indiana before reporting to the overseas site for eight additional weeks. Each participant registers for 10-16 credit hours of student teaching and cultural practicum and for 3 credit hours of T550. Participants earn 3-9 hours of graduate credit. The project is designed for preservice teachers interested in comparing and contrasting educational systems, learning through travel, and learning more about current international issues. Preparatory instruction and practical advice are provided before participants go abroad. On-site assignments and community involvement complement the school experience.
Last updated: 09 March 2025 17 49 55
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