Prerequisite: A minimum of two semesters of college-level foreign language.
Linguistics Select one course:
ENG G205 Introduction to English Language (3 cr.)
ENG G206 Introduction to Grammar (3 cr.)
ENG G301 History of the English Language (3 cr.)
ENG G302 Structure of Modern English (3 cr.)
LING L103 Introduction to Study of Language (3 cr.)
LING L365 Introduction to Linguistics (3 cr.)
Graduate Options:
ENG G500 Introduction to the English Language (4 cr.)
ENG G501 American English (3 cr.)
LING L503 Survey of Linguistics (3 cr.)
LING L522 Survey of Applied Linguistics (3 cr.)
Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics Select one course:
EDUC X470 Psycholinguistics for Teachers of Reading (1-3 cr.)
Graduate Options:
EDUC L502 Socio-Psycholinguistic Applications to Reading Instruction (3 cr.)
ENG L532 Second Language Acquisition (3 cr.)
ENG G562 English Language and Sociolinguistics (4 cr.)
ENG G625 Introduction to Text Linguistics/Discourse Analysis (4 cr.)
ENG G651 American English (3 cr.)
Culture and Society Select one course:
ANTH L300 Language and Culture (3 cr.)
EDUC H340 Education and American Culture (3 cr.)
EDUC M300 Teaching in a Pluralistic Society (3 cr.)
Graduate Options:
EDUC H520 Education and Social Issues (3 cr.)
EDUC H540 Sociology of Education (3 cr.)
Literature Select one course:
EDUC E449 Trade Books in the Classroom (3 cr.)
EDUC X460 Adolescent Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L376 Literature for Adolescents (3 cr.)
ENG L390 Children’s Literature (3 cr.)
ENG L391 Literature for Young Adults (3 cr.)
Graduate Options:
EDUC L530 Topical Workshop: Tradebooks for Students (K-12) (1-6 cr.)
EDUC L535 Teaching Adolescent Literature (3 cr.)
EDUC L559 Tradebooks in the Elementary Classroom (3 cr.)
Methods Select one course:
EDUC L441 Bilingual Education: Introduction (3 cr.)
EDUC L442 Methods for Bilingual Teaching (3 cr.)
Graduate Options:
EDUC L520 Advanced Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages (3 cr.)
EDUC L524 Language Issues in Bilingual and Multicultural Education (3 cr.)
ENG G541 Materials Preparation for ESL Instruction (4 cr.)
ENG L534 Linguistic Resources and TESOL (3 cr.)
ENG L536 Methods and Materials for TESOL Teachers/Trainers (3 cr.)
EDUC M470 Practicum ESL (3-8 cr.)
Graduate Option:
EDUC L525 Practicum in Language Education: ESL (1-4 cr.)
Electives (24 credit hours) Select from the following:
ANTH L300 Language and Culture (3 cr.)
ENG G205 Introduction to the English Language (3 cr.)
ENG G302 Structure of Modern English (3 cr.)
LING L205 Language and Style (3 cr.)
LING L367 Languages of the World (3 cr.)
SOC R420 Sociology of Education (3 cr.)
Graduate Options:
EDUC J511 Methods of Individualizing Instruction (3 cr.)
EDUC L524 Language, Education Issues in Bilingual and Multicultural Education (3 cr.)
EDUC L536 Methods and Materials for TESOL Teacher-Trainers (3 cr.)
ENG G652 English Language and Sociolinguistics (4 cr.)
LING L511 Applied Transformational Grammar (3 cr.)
LING L522 Survey of Applied Linguistics (3 cr.)
LING L532 Second Language Acquisition (3 cr.)
SLIS L533 Library Materials for Children and Young Adults (3 cr.)