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School of Education 2002-2004 Undergraduate Online Bulletin Table of Contents


Policies Governing the Undergraduate Program in Education

School of
Academic Bulletin

School of Education
W. W. Wright Education Building 
201 North Rose Avenue  
Bloomington, IN 47405-1006 
(812) 856-8500    Fax (812) 856-8440
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School of Edcation
Education/Social Work Building (ES) 3137
902 W. New York Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 274-6801

Grading Policy

Grading Policy
Grade Point Average
Satisfactory/Fail Grades
Pass/Fail Option (P/F)
Deferred Grades (R)
Incomplete Grades (I)
Withdrawal from Courses
FX Policy
Voluntary Withdrawal While on Probation

Grading Policy

These regulations are subject to change by the University Faculty Council. The following is the official grade code of Indiana University:

A = 4 credit points
A- = 3.7 credit points
B+ = 3.3 credit points
B = 3 credit points
B- = 2.7 credit points
C+ = 2.3 credit points
C = 2 credit points
C- = 1.7 credit points
D+ = 1.3 credit points
D = 1 credit point
D- = 0.7 credit point
F = 0 credit points = Failed
S or P = Satisfactory or Passing: Credit hours are awarded for S and P.
R = Deferred: No credit hours awarded.
I = Incomplete: No credit hours awarded.
W = Withdrawn: No credit hours awarded.

All Education courses that are required in a student’s program must be passed with a grade of C or higher. Any student who receives a grade of C– or lower in a required Education course must retake that course. Students who have taken one or more required Education courses and have received a grade of C– or less, and have not retaken that class and passed it with a grade of C or higher, are not eligible for student teaching.

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Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average is determined by multiplying the credit hours by the credit points for each course completed, adding up all the products, and dividing the sum of the products by the number of credit hours in which credit points were received.

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Satisfactory/Fail Grades (S/F)

This grading option is initiated by the professor teaching a particular course. The professor must obtain permission from the dean of the faculties to grade the class on an S/F basis, and the class must be notified during the first class session that the course will be graded on an S/F basis.

The grade of S carries no grade points and consequently is not considered in figuring grade point averages. The grade of F is used in GPA calculations.

There is no limit to the number of courses or credit hours a student may take on an S/F basis because the option is initiated by a professor. For student-initiated Pass/Fail grading option information, see the Pass/Fail section below.

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Pass/Fail Option (P/F)

Within certain restrictions, students in good standing may choose to take some elective courses or general-education courses on a P/F basis. The instructor is not notified of the student’s decision to take the course P/F.

There are two restrictions to the Pass/Fail option.

  1. The P/F option may not be used for any course in a subject in which the student wishes to be certified to teach. That is, all courses in the major or minor and all courses in professional education must be taken for a letter grade.
Elementary education and early childhood education majors may use the P/F option only for credit hours over and above the minimum hours required in the areas of language arts, science, social studies, mathematics, and the arts.

Secondary and all-grade students may use the P/F option only for elective credit hours or for courses that satisfy the general-education requirements.

CMCL C121, COMM C110, and ENG W131 or their approved substitutions may not be taken P/F at either the Bloomington or IUPUI campuses.

  1. A maximum of two courses per academic year may be taken on a P/F basis. The academic year begins in the fall and includes the following year’s summer sessions.
Use of the Pass/Fail Option
in Computing Grade Point Averages

At the end of the semester, either a P or an F is entered on the student’s transcript.

If a student earns a grade higher than an F, a P is recorded on the transcript; this grade of P cannot be replaced by the actual letter grade earned in the course. The grade of P is assigned no grade points and is not considered in computing the grade point average.

If a student earns an F in the course, an F is entered on the transcript. The grade of F is treated as a regular letter grade and is used in computing the grade point average.

How to Enroll with the Pass/Fail Option
The decision to take a class Pass/Fail must be made on or before the end of the first three weeks of class during the regular semester and on or before the end of two weeks in a summer session. Check the Schedule of Classes for the exact dates.

Appropriate forms are available in Bloomington and IUPUI in the Office of Education Student Services.

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Deferred Grades (R)

The deferred grade R used on the final grade report indicates that the nature of the course is such that the student’s work can be evaluated only after two or more terms. Courses in which the R grade is appropriate will be announced as a deferred grade course in the Schedule of Classes.

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Incomplete Grades (I)

If a student is not in attendance during the last several weeks of a semester, the instructor may report a grade of I (indicating that the work submitted is satisfactory but that the entire course has not been completed) if the instructor has reason to believe that the absence was beyond the student’s control; if not, the instructor shall record a grade of F or FN. At IUPUI, the student must have completed 75 percent of the course requirements and must have an I grade contract completed and on file at the scheduling office.

The time allowed for the removal of an I grade is one calendar year from the date of its recording, except that the dean of the student’s college or school may authorize adjustment of this period in exceptional circumstances. By assigning an I, an instructor implicitly authorizes and requires that the registrar automatically change an I to an F at the end of the appropriate time period if the student fails to complete the course work to the instructor’s satisfaction. Both the student and the instructor in whose course the student received the I will be notified of this change of grade.

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Withdrawal from Courses

Withdrawal (W) is not a grade and does not figure in hours of credit or GPA calculations.

At Bloomington, a student must refer to the schedule of classes to determine the last date for an automatic W from a class for each semester or summer session, or call the Office of Teacher Education for more details. After the automatic withdrawal date h as passed, the instructor and the associate dean for teacher education make a determination about whether to give a W or an F. Ordinarily, the only acceptable reason for withdrawal is illness or obligation of employment. It’s the student’s responsibility to start the withdrawal procedure by getting the form and asking the appropriate people to sign it. The application for withdrawal must be processed within 10 days of its receipt.

Important: Students withdrawing from a course to which a Laboratory/Field Experience (M101, M201, M301, M303, M401, M403) is linked must initiate withdrawal from the M101, M201, M301, M303, M401, or M403 as well—such withdrawal is not automatic. Failure t o do so may result in a grade of F in the Laboratory/Field Experience.

At IUPUI, an automatic W is assigned for withdrawals during the first half of the regular semester or regular summer session. During the second half of the regular semester or summer session a W must be assigned by the instructor. If the student withdraws from a course during the final quarter of the regular semester or summer session, permission must be secured from the student’s dean before a W can be assigned. Students withdrawing from a class during the second half of a regular semester or summer session may be assigned a W only for compelling nonacademic reasons and only if the student’s work up to that point is passing.

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FX Policy: Policy and Procedure on Course Reenrollment and Recalculation of Student Grade Point Average

The University Faculty Council has stated that:
Any undergraduate who has retaken a course previously failed shall have only the second grade in that course counted in the determination of the overall grade point average by the Office of Records and Admissions. The student’s transcript shall record both grades. Any grade point average calculated in accord with this policy shall be marked FX, denoting that a grade of F has been replaced by the grade in the course when taken subsequently.
The FX policy can take effect only if the failed course was repeated after the beginning of the academic year 1976-77.

At Bloomington, a student may exercise this FX option for no more than three courses, totaling no more than 10 credits. A student may use the FX option only once for a given course.

The IUPUI FX policy has been revised, effective fall 1996. The new policy will allow approved undergraduate students seeking their first degree to repeat a maximum of 15 credit hours, subject to school/division approval.

Students in education must gain approval of an FX petition form before the FX policy can take effect. Forms are available in Bloomington in the Office of Teacher Education. At IUPUI, students should contact Education Student Services in the School of Education, Education/Social Work Building 3131.

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Voluntary Withdrawal While on Probation

If a student voluntarily withdraws from school while on probation, that student may reenter school on probation at any time. Furthermore, if the reason for probation is an unacceptable grade point average, the student may reenter in good standing if, by taking course work in other divisions or schools of the university, grades have been earned that raise the cumulative grade point average to a minimum of 2.5.

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Last updated: 03 February 2025 09 44 58

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