All-Grade Education ProgramMusic education, physical education, and visual arts are the only majors that lead to certification in teaching grades K-12.
General EducationTo attain the minimum 40 credit hours, the student will have to take more than the minimum number of credit hours in at least one of the three stated categories. The number of credit hours in each category is also limited by a maximum number. The speech requirement may not be met by correspondence. Credit examinations are available to students who believe they have the competence required in a course, if the department chairperson agrees. See appropriate school bulletins for course descriptions.Some COAS TOPICS courses may be used toward completing this general-education requirement. See an advisor for course eligibility. HUMANITIES (18-24 credit hours)Oral and Written Expression (9 credit hours)
Distribution to be selected from at least two departments. Speech or English may be used as one of the departments, but some course work must be taken outside of either one of these two departments to fulfill the distribution requirement. Students should refer to the Bulletin of the College of Arts and Sciences for descriptions and listings of courses. Students may take higher-level courses when departmental prerequisites are met. A detailed list of recommended courses is available from an advisor in the Office of Teacher Education, Bloomington. Departments
LIFE AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES (9-15 credit hours)Life SciencesA minimum of 3 credit hours from courses offered in either anatomy and physiology or biology. Students should refer to the Bulletin of the College of Arts and Sciences for descriptions and listings of courses. Students may take higher-level courses when prerequisites are met. A detailed list of recommended courses is available from an advisor in the Office of Teacher Education, Bloomington. Departments Anatomy and Physiology Biology Physical Sciences and Mathematics A minimum of 3 credit hours from courses offered in the following departments. Students should refer to the Bulletin of the College of Arts and Sciences for descriptions and listings of courses. Students may take higher-level courses when prerequisites are met. A detailed list of recommended courses is available from an advisor in the Office of Teacher Education, Bloomington. Departments
Sufficient electives to complete the 9 credit hour minimum in life and physical sciences. The following are the only HPER courses that will satisfy this science requirement: H263 Personal Health (3 cr.) H318 Drug Use in American Society (3 cr.) P409 Basic Physiology of Exercise (3 cr.) SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (9-15 credit hours)Distribution of 9 credit hours to be selected from at least three of the following departments. Students should refer to the Bulletin of the College of Arts and Sciences for descriptions and listings of courses. Students may take higher-level courses when prerequisites are met. A detailed list of recommended courses is available from an advisor in the Office of Teacher Education, Bloomington.Departments
These required courses may be taken before admission to the Teacher Education Program: EDUC W200 Using Computers in Education (3 cr.) (not required of music education majors; physical education majors may substitute HPERP200) EDUC P254 Educational Psychology for Teachers of All Grades (3 cr.) and EDUC M201 Laboratory/Field Experience (1 cr.) EDUC H340 Education and American Culture (3 cr.) EDUC M300 Teaching in a Pluralistic Society (3 cr.) Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP), including satisfactory completion of the PPST exam, is mandatory for this required professional education course, as well as for the methods courses required for specific majors (whose listings follow) and for student teaching. METHODS COURSES REQUIRED FOR SPECIFIC MAJORSRequired:EDUC M464 Methods of Teaching Reading (3 cr.) Music Required for all areas: MUS E131 Introduction to Music Education (2 cr.) MUS E231 General Music Methods (2 cr.) and EDUC M201 Field Experience (0 cr.) Teaching Area EDUC M342 Methods and Materials for Teaching General Music (3 cr.) and EDUC M401 Field Experience (0 cr.) EDUC M343 Methods and Materials for Teaching Choral Music (2 cr.) and EDUC M401 Field Experience (0 cr.) EDUC M344 Methods and Materials for Teaching Instrumental Music (3 cr.) and EDUC M301 Field Experience (0 cr.) EDUC M434 Administration of School Bands (2 cr.) or EDUC M436 Administration of School Orchestras (2 cr.) EDUC M471 Seminar in Student Teaching (1 cr.) Choral-General Teaching EDUC M342 Methods and Materials for Teaching General Music (3 cr.) and EDUC M401 Field Experience (0 cr.) EDUC M343 Methods and Materials for Teaching Choral Music (2 cr.) and EDUC M401 Field Experience (0 cr.) EDUC M471 Seminar in Student Teaching (1 cr.) Instrumental Teaching EDUC M344 Methods and Materials for Teaching Instrumental Music (3 cr.) and EDUC M401 Field Experience (0 cr.) EDUC M434 Administration of School Bands (2 cr.) or EDUC M436 Administration of School Orchestras (2 cr.) EDUC M471 Seminar in Student Teaching (1 cr.) Physical Education EDUC M314 General Methods for Senior High/Junior High/Middle School Teachers (3 cr.) and EDUC M303 Laboratory/Field Experience (0-1 cr.) EDUC M456 Methods of Teaching Physical Education (3 cr.) and EDUC M403 Laboratory/Field Experience (0 cr.) Visual Arts EDUC M330 Foundations of Art Education and Methods I (3 cr.) and EDUC M301 Laboratory/Field Experiences in Education (1 cr.) (Fall only) EDUC M430 Foundations of Art Education and Methods II (3 cr.) and EDUC M401 Laboratory/Field Experiences in Education (1 cr.) (Spring only) STUDENT TEACHING (10-16 credit hours) EDUC M482 Student Teaching: All-Grade (10-16 cr.) An application for student teaching must be filed in the office of the director of student teaching in the School of Education by December 15 of the year prior to the academic year in which student teaching is desired. Student teaching may require a full semester away from the Bloomington campus. All-Grade Subject Matter Specialty Studies (Majors)Credit hour requirements are listed below. To be certified, a student must have at least one major area, and it is strongly recommended that every graduate also have at least one minor area of certification. Minors are listed in the ‘‘Extended Coverage, Endorsements, and Minors’’ section of this bulletin. The specific requirements in the various subject matter areas are given in detail in this bulletin. A student may be exempted from a part of the required subject matter courses if such courses have been successfully completed on the high school level or its educational equivalent. In this case, the student should substitute electives or an equivalent number of credit hours in the subject matter area. Credit earned in general education may be used where applicable to meet the course requirements in any subject matter area. MUSIC EDUCATION (MUS) Students wishing to be certified in music education must do so through the Bachelor of Music Education degree programs offered by the School of Music. Interested students should contact the chairperson of the Department of Music Education. Teaching Area Major (47 credit hours) Ensemble required each semester. Performance study (400 level) required each semester until recital requirement is met. Voice or piano required each semester until proficiency requirement is met. MUS E312 Arranging for Instrumental and Vocal Groups (2 cr.) MUS F261 String Class Techniques (2 cr.) MUS F281 Brass Instrument Techniques (2 cr.) MUS F337 Woodwind Techniques (2 cr.) MUS F338 Percussion Techniques (2 cr.) MUS F416 Show and Jazz Choir Techniques (2 cr.) or MUS L100 Guitar (2 cr.) or MUS R241 Techniques of Musical Theatre (2 cr.) or MUS Y110 Recorder (2 cr.) MUS F466 Marching Band Techniques (2 cr.) or MUS F468 Jazz Band Techniques (2 cr.) MUS G370 Techniques for Conducting (2 cr.) MUS G371 Choral Conducting I (2 cr.) MUS G373 Instrumental Conducting (2 cr.) MUS M401-M402 History and Literature of Music I-II (4-4 cr.) MUS T132 Musical Skills I (1 cr.) MUS T151-T152 Literature and Structure I-II (3-3 cr.) MUS T231-T232 Musical Skills II-III (1-1 cr.) MUS T251-T252 Literature and Structure III-IV (3-3 cr.) MUS T331 Musical Skills IV (1 cr.) MUS T351 Literature and Structure V (3 cr.) Choral-General Teaching Major (37 credit hours) Ensemble required each semester. Performance study (400 level) required each semester until recital requirement is met. Voice or piano required each semester until proficiency requirement is met. MUS E312 Arranging for Instrumental and Vocal Groups (2 cr.) MUS F205 Introduction to Instrumental Techniques (2 cr.) MUS F416 Show and Jazz Choir Techniques (2 cr.) or MUS L100 Guitar (2 cr.) or MUS R241 Techniques of Musical Theatre (2 cr.) or MUS Y110 Recorder (2 cr.) MUS G370 Techniques for Conducting (2 cr.) MUS G371 Choral Conducting (2 cr.) MUS M401-M402 History and Literature of Music I-II (4-4 cr.) MUS T132 Musical Skills I (1 cr.) MUS T151-T152 Literature and Structure I-II (3-3 cr.) MUS T231-T232 Musical Skills II-III (1-1 cr.) MUS T251-T252 Literature and Structure III-IV (3-3 cr.) MUS T331 Musical Skills IV (1 cr.) MUS T351 Literature and Structure V (3 cr.) Instrumental Teaching Major (43 credit hours) Ensemble required each semester. Performance study (400 level) required each semester until recital requirement is met. Voice or piano required each semester until proficiency requirement is met. MUS F261 String Class Techniques (2 cr.) MUS F281 Brass Instrument Techniques (2 cr.) MUS F337 Woodwind Techniques (2 cr.) MUS F338 Percussion Techniques (2 cr.) MUS F466 Marching Band Techniques (2 cr.) or MUS F468 Jazz Band Techniques (2 cr.) or MUS E304 Violin Pedagogy (2 cr.) MUS G370 Techniques for Conducting (2 cr.) MUS G373 Instrumental Conducting (2 cr.) MUS T151-T152 Literature and Structure I-II (3-3 cr.) MUS T251-T252 Literature and Structure III-IV (3-3 cr.) MUS T351 Literature and Structure V (3 cr.) MUS E312 Arranging for Instrumental and Vocal Groups (2 cr.) MUS M401-M402 History and Literature of Music I-II (4-4 cr.) MUS T132 Musical Skills I (1 cr.) MUS T231-T232 Musical Skills II-III (1-1 cr.) MUS T331 Musical Skills IV (1 cr.) PHYSICAL EDUCATION Major (49 credit hours) Required: HPER P140 Foundations of Physical Education (3 cr.) C: P141 HPER P141 Foundations of Human Movement (2 cr.) C: P140 HPER P200 Microcomputers in Physical Education (3 cr.) HPER P205 Structural Kinesiology (3 cr.) HPER P216 Concepts of Physical Fitness (3 cr.) HPER P222 Teaching Developmental Gymnastics (2 cr.) or HPER P223 Teaching Stunts, Tumbling, and Apparatus HPER P224 Teaching Dance Activities (2 cr.) HPER P280 Athletic Training Emergency Care (2 cr.) HPER P316 Theories of Advanced Conditioning (2 cr.) P: P216 HPER P391 Biomechanics (3 cr.) P: A215 or P205 HPER P398 Adapted Physical Education (3 cr.) P: P391 HPER P490 Motor Development and Learning (3 cr.) Electives: Select 7 credit hours with HPER prefixes A, P, D, or K. PETE Program admission required to take the following: HPER P203 Teaching Practicum in Physical Education (1 cr.) HPER P214 Basic Methods of Teaching Physical Education (3 cr.) HPER P313 Tools of Learning (1 cr.) P: P214 HPER P323 Teaching Individual and Dual Activities (2 cr.) P: P214 HPER P325 Teaching Team Activities (2 cr.) P: P214 HPER P414 Professional Seminar in Physical Education (2 cr.) C: EDUC M456 VISUAL ARTS (FINA) Major (52 credit hours) Introductory courses (19 credit hours) Fundamental Studios FINA F100 Fundamental Studio — Drawing (3 cr.) FINA F101 Fundamental Studio — 3-D (3 cr.) FINA F102 Fundamental Studio — 2-D (3 cr.) Art History A101 Ancient & Medieval Art (3 cr.) A102 Renaissance Through Modern Art (3 cr.) Art Content EDUC M130 Introduction to Art Teaching (3 cr.) EDUC M101 Field Experiences in Education (1 cr.) Required: EDUC K306 Teaching Students with Special Needs in Secondary Classrooms (3 cr.) Breadth (21 cr.): A variety of 100- and 200-level courses in the following areas: art studio, art history/theory, other areas selected with an art education advisor’s approval. Depth (12 cr.): 300- and 400-level courses. Advanced study in the visual arts including art studio, art history/theory, electronic media, etc. 1Credits vary—see subject areas for the specific number of credit hours required for each subject. 2Approximate because subject matter concentration credit hours may be used to satisfy general-education requirements, leaving the need for more electives to reach 124 credit hours for graduation. 3ENG L141 and L142 as well as AFRO A141 are 4 credit hour courses. Three credit hours of each course will count as literature, and one credit hour of each will count as composition. 4ENG W143 is composition credit attached to specified literature courses. It may be repeated once for credit. |
Last updated: 09 March 2025 10 40 29
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