The School of Education History of the School History of the SchoolMore than 150 years ago, in 1852, the Indiana General Assembly took the initial step in the development of the School of Education by providing for the establishment at Indiana University of “a Normal Department for instruction in the theory and practice of teaching.” Discontinued in 1870, the Normal Department was reinstated in 1886 as the Department of Pedagogy, later renamed the Department of Education. This department was part of what is now the College of Arts and Sciences. In 1908, following the enactment of a law that required formal training for public school teachers, the Department of Education became the School of Education. At that time, there were four faculty members and 189 students. In May 1923 the School of Education became autonomous from the College of Arts and Sciences. In 1925 the first B.S. in education was granted, in 1929 the first M.S., and in 1932 the first Ed.D. The Ph.D. with a major in education has been awarded through the University Graduate School since 1924. In 1951 the School of Education moved into a three-story limestone building on the corner of Third Street and Jordan Avenue on the Bloomington campus. This building also housed the education laboratory school (grades K-12). The School of Education grew rapidly, and eventually the laboratory school was moved to a new facility at the corner of Tenth Street and the Highway 45-46 Bypass. In 1979 the education building was named the W. W. Wright Education Building in honor of Wendell W. Wright, the second dean of the School of Education (1946-1959) and a university vice president. Education classes have been taught in Indianapolis since 1914, when the Extension Division of Indiana University was established. As the Indianapolis campus grew and course offerings became more numerous, the Extension Division was renamed the Division of Regional Campuses. In 1969 it was possible to earn a bachelor’s degree in education through what had become known as the Indianapolis campus of Indiana University. The following year the branch campuses of Indiana University and Purdue University at Indianapolis were unified in the establishment of Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). At that time, the education program was located at the 38th Street campus. In 1972 the IUPUI Division of Education was formally established, with faculty offices and classrooms in the Marrott Building on North Meridian Street. Three years later, in 1975, the Indianapolis and Bloomington units merged into a single School of Education. In 1982 the school at Indianapolis moved into a new building on the main IUPUI campus, the Education/Social Work Building, at 902 W. New York Street. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Indiana University School of Education grew to become one of the largest schools of education in the United States. It currently has approximately 110 full- time faculty members and an enrollment of over 1,000 graduate students enrolled in degree programs, including almost 500 in doctoral programs. In 1992 the School of Education in Bloomington moved into a new W. W. Wright Education Building, at 201 N. Rose Avenue. This modern facility offers the latest in technological facilities for instruction, training, and research. The School has a strong research focus with more than $12M per year in research expenditures through its seven research centers: The Center for Research and P-16 Collaboration, The Center for Adolescent and Family Studies, The Center for Evaluation and Education Policy, The Center for Innovation in Assessment, The Center for Postsecondary Research, the Center for Research on Learning and Technology, The Center for Social Studies and International Education, and the Center for Human Growth. Faculty with externally funded projects work through one or more of these centers, which occupy space in several buildings near the Wright Education Building. The majority of research work takes place in Eigenmann Hall. Return to TopThe Bloomington CampusIndiana University Bloomington is a residential campus of approximately 40,000 students. Woods and streams interlacing the 1,800-acre campus make it one of the most picturesque in the country. The university features a wide array of superior cultural offerings, including nearly 1,000 concerts and performances each year from the world-renowned Indiana University School of Music. Set in the rolling, wooded hills of southern Indiana, the city of Bloomington has been ranked by the New York Times as one of the “Big 10 of College Towns.” Students enjoy Bloomington’s excellent recreational facilities and the excitement generated by Indiana University’s top-ranked athletic teams. Within an hour’s drive from Bloomington are several national forests, state parks, and lakes. Indianapolis, the state capital, is 50 miles away; Louisville and Cincinnati are both about 100 miles from Bloomington. Return to TopThe Indianapolis CampusIndiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis is an urban commuter campus located near the heart of downtown Indianapolis. The beautiful, modern campus offers many cultural and intellectual opportunities and is home to the nationally acclaimed Indiana University School of Medicine. Home of the Indianapolis 500 automobile race, Indianapolis is fast becoming a national center for amateur and professional athletics. The city also hosts the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, the Indianapolis Repertory Theater, the Indianapolis Museum of Art, fascinating historical attractions, an excellent zoo, and the world’s largest children’s museum. Return to TopMission and Objectives of the School of EducationThe following five goals comprise the strategic plan for the school:
The School of Education is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and is a member of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. While the primary goal of undergraduate education at the School of Education is the preparation of teachers, a number of graduate programs prepare and provide continuing professional development to teachers and other professional school personnel at the advanced level. These advanced programs are guided by a conceptual framework that supports and integrates the mission, purposes, and vision of the two units that constitute lU’s core campus (IUB and IUPUI). This framework is built upon four core beliefs which align with each campus’s Six Principles of Teacher Education for initial professional licensure, as well embracing the ten guiding principles of the Interstate New Teacher and Support Consortium (INTASC) and the five core propositions of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). The advanced professional programs in the School of Education are committed to improving schooling by enhancing academic, social, and emotional learning, with the ultimate goal of improving social justice for all. The four beliefs that guide this work are as follows:
Comprehensive Knowledge Base
Intellectual Skills and Abilities
Focus on Diversity, Culture, Community, and Context
Commitment to Personal and Professional Growth School of Education Alumni AssociationThe School of Education Alumni Association was founded in 1951 “to further the educational, professional, and social interests of the School of Education and the alumni, individually and collectively.” The association sponsors alumni receptions at state and national conventions. Chalkboard, the magazine of the School of Education Alumni Association, is distributed to all alumni. Organization of the School and Program Advisors Bloomington Campus Departments Bloomington Campus Departments(Area Code 812) Counseling and Educational Psychology Joyce Alexander, Chair; Education 4038, 856-8301; joalexand [at] indiana [dot] edu Counseling and Counselor Education (master’s and specialist): Sue Whiston, Education 4014, 856-8336, swhiston [at] indiana [dot] edu Counseling Psychology (doctoral): Rex Stockton, Education 4056, 856-8344, stocktonr [at] indiana [dot] edu Learning and Developmental Sciences: David Estell, Education 4010, 856-8308, destell [at] indiana [dot] edu Educational Psychology: David Estell, Education 4010, 856-8308, destell [at] indiana [dot] edu Human Development: Anne Stright, Education 4058, 856-8319,astright [at] indiana [dot] edu Inquiry Methodology: Ginette Delandshere, Education 4006, 856-8347, gdelands [at] indiana [dot] edu Learning Science: Richard Lesh, Education 4072, 856-8335, ralesh [at] indiana [dot] edu School Psychology (doctoral and specialist): Thomas Huberty, Education 4062, 856-0332, huberty [at] indiana [dot] edu Curriculum and Instruction Cary Buzzelli, Chair; Education 3204, 856-8184,cbuzzell [at] indiana [dot] edu Gretchen Butera, Associate Chair; Education 3212, 856-8153, gbutera [at] indiana [dot] edu Art Education: Elizabeth Valiance, Education 3216, 856-8114, evallanc [at] indiana [dot] edu Curriculum Studies: David Flinders, Education 3002, 856-8189, dflinder [at] indiana [dot] edu Early Childhood Education: Cary Buzzelli, Education 3204, 856-8184 Elementary Education: Carol-Anne Hossler, Education 3262, 856-8158, chossler [at] indiana [dot] edu Elementary Transition to Teaching: Jesse Goodman, Education 3208, 856-8143, goodman [at] indiana [dot] edu, and Diana Lambdin, Education 3058; 856-8149, lambdin [at] indiana [dot] edu Mathematics Education (graduate): Diana Lambdin, Education 3058, 856-8149 Mathematics Education (undergraduate): Peter Kloosterman, Education 3274, 856-8147, and Catherine Brown, Education 3272, 856-8126, cathbrow [at] indiana [dot] edu Science and Environmental Education: Valarie Akerson, Education 3072, 856-8140, vakzerson [at] indiana [dot] edu Secondary Education: David Flinders, Education 3002, 856-8108, dflinder [at] indiana [dot] edu Secondary Transition to Teaching: Richard Roames, Education 3264; 856-8225 Social Studies Education (elementary): Lynne Boyle-Baise, Education 3210, 856-8191 Social Studies Education (secondary): Jesse Goodman, Education 3208, 856-8143 Terry Mason, Education 3228, 856-8190, tmason [at] indiana [dot] edu Special Education (master’s): Jeffrey Anderson, Education 3232, 856-8155, jander2 [at] indiana [dot] edu Special Education (doctoral): Gretchen Butera, Education 3212, 856-8153, gbutera [at] indiana [dot] edu Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Martha McCarthy, Chair; Education 4230, 856-8384, mccarthy [at] indiana [dot] edu Education Policy: Barry Bull, Education 4240, 856-8377, bbull [at] indiana [dot] edu Educational Foundations: Andrea Walton, Education 4218, 856-8358, andwalto [at] indiana [dot] edu Educational Leadership: Robert Toutkoushian, Education 4220, 856-8395, rtoutkou [at] indiana [dot] edu Higher Education: Don Hossler, Education 4268, 856-8391, hossler [at] indiana [dot] edu International and Comparative Education: Margaret Sutton, Education 4254, 856-856-8368, msutton [at] indiana [dot] edu Student Affairs Administration: Danielle DeSawal, Education 4274, 856-8382, ddesawal [at] indiana [dot] edu Instructional Systems Technology
Elizabeth Boling, Chair; Education 2276, 856-8451, eboling [at] indiana [dot] edu Literacy, Culture, and Language Education Mary Beth Hines, Chair; Education 3038, 856-8270, mhines [at] indiana [dot] edu English Education: Peter Cowan, Education 3012, 856-8278, and Stephanie Carter, Education 3018, 856-8265, stecarte [at] indiana [dot] edu Foreign Language Education: Martha Nyikos, Education 3020, 856-8272, nyikos [at] indiana [dot] edu EFL/ESL, Bilingual Education: Faridah Pawan, Education 3030, 856-8274, fpawan [at] indiana [dot] edu Reading, Literacy Education: Mitzi Lewison, Education 3024, 856-8269, lewison [at] indiana [dot] edu Indianapolis Campus Areas(Area Code 317; ES, Education/Social Work) Contacts for Graduate Programs:
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Last updated: 11 March 2025 23 27 58
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