Policies Governing Graduate Programs Retention in Graduate Programs Retention in Graduate ProgramsStudents admitted to graduate degree programs and graduate licensure programs are expected to maintain a high level of scholarship and to make regular and sufficient progress toward program completion. Maintaining Active Student StatusStudents who have matriculated in a graduate degree or licensure program but fail to enroll in program course work for a period of two years are automatically terminated from the program. Students whose admission status is terminated because of a two-year lapse in enrollment may apply for readmission. They must meet current criteria for admission, and, if readmitted, are subject to current program requirements. Doctoral students, during the dissertation portion of their program (after passing the oral qualifying examination), must enroll in at least 1 credit hour each semester (but not summer) in order to maintain active student status. Students who fail to register each semester must back-enroll for all semesters missed in order to graduate. There is a charge of $250 per semester, in addition to tuition and fees, for back-enrollment. Minimum Grade Point AverageIndiana University course grading is on the following four-point scale:
Students in master's degree and licensure programs are expected to maintain a GPA of 3.30 or higher in graduate course work. Specialist and doctoral degree students are expected to maintain a GPA of 3.50 or higher. Master's and licensure students whose graduate GPA falls below 3.00 are subject to probation and dismissal. Specialist and doctoral students whose GPA falls below 3.30 are subject to probation and dismissal. Graduate licensure students taking undergraduate courses must maintain a GPA of 2.75 in such course work. Students may not graduate with GPAs in their program course work below the minimum specified levels. Students dismissed for academic reasons may not be recommended for teaching or other education licenses. Students so dismissed may apply for readmission. They will be readmitted only if there is substantial reason to expect that their academic performance will improve. Accumulation of Incomplete CoursesGraduate students with an inordinate number of incomplete courses will not be allowed to register in additional courses. As a general rule, graduate students with 9 or more credit hours of I or R grades (excluding dissertation credits) will be disallowed further enrollment. Grading Policy for Assigning Grades Policy for Assigning GradesThe following grading policy has been adopted for graduate courses in the School of Education:
Pass/Fail Grading (P/F)Pass/Fail grading allows master's students who earn any grade from an A to a D in a course to have a grade of P recorded on their transcript. A grade of F is included in the GPA, but the P grade is not averaged in the GPA. Ph.D., Ed.D., and Specialist students may not use either pass/fail or satisfactory/fail graded courses in their degree programs. However, students who have completed enough course work for a master's degree and are in good standing may, upon receiving written permission from their graduate advisor, take classes outside their major and minor areas on a pass/fail basis. Satisfactory/Fail Grading (S/F)Courses graded Satisfactory/Fail (S/F) are not the same as courses graded Pass/Fail (P/F). S/F grading is applied to all students in a class. Only a few graduate courses, including some workshop courses and thesis courses, are eligible for S/F grading. A grade of F is included in the GPA, but a grade of S does not affect GPA. For both pass/fail and satisfactory/fail grading a memo is required from the instructor showing that a grade of B or higher would have been issued to the student for the course. Without this memo the course will not be counted toward a degree program. Incomplete Course Work (I)A grade of Incomplete may be assigned when, at the end of the term, a student has not completed all course work. This grade may be given only when the completed work is of passing quality. Unfinished course work must be completed within one calendar year from the date the grade of I is assigned. The course must ordinarily be completed with the original course instructor. The instructor then files a Removal of Incomplete form and assigns a letter grade. Incomplete grades that are not removed within one year are changed to a grade of F. This change occurs automatically unless the associate dean for graduate studies receives and approves a petition for extension from the course instructor. Deferred Grade (R)An R, indicating that the grade has been deferred, may be assigned in thesis and dissertation courses, internship courses, and a few other selected courses where work is expected to take longer than one year to complete. Unlike a grade of I, a grade of R does not automatically change to an F. Withdrawal from Courses (W and WF)Withdrawal from enrollment in a course during the drop/add period (in the first week of each term) is not recorded on a student's transcript. Withdrawal after this time is recorded as a W on the student's transcript. During the first quarter of each term, students may withdraw without instructor consent. After this date, instructor approval is required. If a student is failing at the time of withdrawal, or simply discontinues attending the class, a grade of WF (withdrawal with failure) is assigned. This is treated as an F in grade point averaging. Near the end of the term withdrawal is not allowed at all, except in cases where a student is withdrawing from all classes. See the Enrollment Bulletin for pertinent dates. Courses Counted in Graduate Programs General Information General InformationCourses at the 500 level and above are designated as graduate courses at Indiana University. Beginning master's courses are at the 500 level; advanced master's and beginning doctoral courses are at the 600 level; and advanced doctoral courses are at the 700 level. Some 300- and 400-level courses in the College of Arts and Sciences are also approved for graduate credit. These are listed in the University Graduate School Bulletin. Not all courses listed in this bulletin are offered every year. Inquiries concerning the availability or suitability of a particular course should be directed to the appropriate departmental chairperson. Return to Courses Counted in Graduate Programs Transfer CoursesSome graduate course work completed at other universities may be transferred into degree and licensure programs at Indiana University. All course work transferred must be from an accredited college or university. No transfer credit will be given for a course with a grade lower than B. Courses graded P (Pass) may not ordinarily be transferred into education graduate programs. Courses graded S (Satisfactory) may be transferred only if a letter is received from the course instructor stating that the student's performance in the course was at or above a grade of B. All transferred courses must be relevant to the student's program of studies. They must be approved by a program advisor and by the associate dean for graduate studies. An official transcript is required for course work to be transferred. A course description or syllabus may be required in order to judge the appropriateness of course work to be transferred. Master's degree students must complete a minimum of 27 credit hours of course work at Indiana University. Beyond this, graduate course work may be transferred from other universities. Of the 27 credit hours required at Indiana University, a minimum of 15 credit hours must be earned through the campus awarding the degree. Specialist degree students must complete 35 credit hours of course work at the Bloomington or Indianapolis campuses of Indiana University. Beyond this, course work may be transferred from other universities or from other IU campuses. Doctoral students (Ph.D. and Ed.D.) in the 90 credit hour program must complete 60 credit hours of course work at the Bloomington or Indianapolis campuses of Indiana University (this includes dissertation credits). Ph.D. and Ed.D. students may transfer no more than 30 credit hours into an IU doctoral program. The form required for students to transfer courses is available in the Office of Graduate Studies. Ed.D. students in the 60 credit hour post-master's doctoral program must complete 42 credit hours (including dissertation credits) at the Bloomington or Indianapolis campus. Licensure students are generally required to complete at least half of their course work at the Bloomington or Indianapolis campus of Indiana University. Return to Courses Counted in Graduate Programs WorkshopsWorkshop courses have the word "workshop" in the title. These courses are intended primarily as a mechanism for the professional development of teachers and other education professionals. The topics covered and the skills learned in workshop courses are generally of a very applied nature, with the intent of giving participants hands-on experience with models and techniques directly useful in school settings. Workshop courses are typically scheduled to meet on a very concentrated schedule (e.g., for one or a few continuous days, sometimes all day) and have little or no time between class sessions for studying or for out of-class assignments. They may or may not generate credit hours. Workshop courses awarding credit require a minimum of 700 contact minutes per credit hour and require readings and papers or projects for each credit hour earned. (Papers are sometimes scheduled with a due date after the end of the workshop period.) Up to 9 hours of credit gained through workshop courses (including conference and institute courses) may be used in master's, specialist and Ed.D programs. No workshop credit hours can be applied toward a Ph.D. program. If both undergraduate and workshop courses are to be used in an M.S. program, the total of undergraduate credit hours and workshop credit hours may not exceed 9. Correspondence courses and activity courses may not be used in graduate programs. (Activity courses are courses for learning and practicing a nonprofessional skill, such as a sports activity or playing a musical instrument.) Return to Courses Counted in Graduate Programs Course RevalidationCourse work used in graduate degree programs must have been taken recently, or it must be revalidated. Revalidation is a process whereby a student demonstrates current knowledge of course material that was not taken recently. For all graduate degree programs, course work over seven years old must be revalidated. For master's programs, the seven years is counted back from the completion of program course work. For specialist programs the seven years is counted back from the date of approval of the student's program of studies. For doctoral students, the seven years is counted back from the date of passing the oral qualifying examination. Several methods of revalidating old courses are available:
If the course instructor is not available, a faculty member in the same program specialization area may be substituted. Permission to use a part-time faculty member or a faculty member at another university for course revalidation must be secured from the associate dean of graduate studies at Bloomington or the director of student services at Indianapolis. Departments have the right to limit the amount of old course work to be included in graduate programs. Return to Courses Counted in Graduate Programs Licensure Programs ChecklistFor Graduate Students Interested in Teacher Certification (Bloomington Only) See also Licensure Programs.___Explore certification: Teacher and school service personnel licensing may be discussed with advisors listed under each licensing area. ___Explore master's degree programs with the chairperson of the particular department offering the degree or certification advisor. A Master of Arts in Teaching degree is available from several departments in the University Graduate School. Contact the department of interest for information. Students seeking certification need not submit a second application for certification; however, those seeking initial certification should apply to the Teacher Education Program (below). ___Apply to the School of Education for a particular program:
A third option is completing the master's degree application through the University Graduate School in the department of interest. For secondary education majors, that is usually the department of the content subject. Other degree options may exist through the School of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER) or the School of Music. ___If desired, apply for financial aid: ___Complete a program of studies/program plan with departmental advisor, graduate certification advisor; coursework needed for certification should be included in a total plan ___Register for classes (see Registration Procedure). For initial teacher certification students, ___ Apply to the Teacher Education Program (Qualifying scores on Praxis I/PPST tests will be needed for some programs) ___Complete Permission Request form, if needed, for registration in Teacher Education ___Apply for student teaching in the fall of the year before student teaching; students in ___Attend a preprofessional student teaching meeting in the April or November before student teaching to learn what is expected during the student teaching placement. ___Arrange for a program/degree check with Office of Graduate Studies/Graduate Advisor before registering for the last term. Phone: (812) 856-8525. Apply for master's degree at least one semester before graduation. ___Arrange for a certification/license check with the Office of Teacher Education, (812) 856-8510. ___Establish a placement file. Materials to open the file may be obtained at the front desk in Education 1000. Activate the file during the time period of October 1-September 30 while seeking a teaching position, but by March 1 to participate in annual Interview Day in late April. Appointments with employment advisors in Education 1000 can be made by calling (812) 856-8510. ___Apply for the license in Education 1000 after requirements are met. Information can be found at this Web site: www.indiana.edu/%7Estuserv/application.html. Or contact the licensing office in Education 1000. Return to Courses Counted in Graduate Programs Other Graduate Policies Residency ResidencyThe purpose of a residency requirement in graduate programs is for students to become closely involved in the academic life of their program and of the university; to become fully immersed in their graduate study for a substantial period of time; and to develop a relationship of scholarly and professional collegiality with faculty and fellow students. To this end, it is desirable for students in graduate programs, especially those in doctoral programs, to be full-time, residential students for a significant period. During their residency period, students are expected not only to take courses, but to participate in other aspects of the intellectual life of their discipline and of the university community. Many doctoral students have research assistantships in which they work closely with faculty members and peers on research and development projects. Some have teaching assistantships. There are also numerous opportunities to attend presentations, colloquia, conferences, and brown-bag lunches in which they are invited to participate in discussions about both theoretical and practical issues in their discipline. Participation in national and regional professional meetings, including the presentation of scholarly papers, is encouraged during this time. For Ph.D. and Ed.D. students, two consecutive semesters in a single academic year (exclusive of summer session) must be spent in residence on the Bloomington or Indianapolis campus. This residency period must be subsequent to admission to the program. Nine (9) credit hours of program course work must be completed in each of these semesters. Ed.D. students who are working full time may fulfill residency requirements with three consecutive 6 credit hour terms. (Summer Session I and Summer Session II are not counted as separate terms.) Dissertation credit hours (799 or G901) may not be used to fulfill residency requirements. Ed.S. students must fulfill residency requirements by completing 9 credit hours in one semester or summer, subsequent to admission to the program. There is no full-time residency requirement for master's students. Return to Other Graduate Policies Semester LoadFull-time graduate students typically enroll in 9 to 15 credit hours per semester. Specialist and doctoral students should normally carry no more than 12 credit hours per semester. The maximum allowable course load for graduate students is 16 credit hours in any semester. At Bloomington, the maximum load in Summer Session I (six weeks) is 6 credit hours. The maximum load in Summer Session II (eight weeks) is 9 credit hours. At Indianapolis, each summer session is six weeks long, and the maximum allowable course load for each session is 7 credit hours. A maximum of 3 credit hours may be earned in each summer intensive session. Graduate students holding appointments such as associate instructor, graduate assistant, and research assistant for 15 hours per week (.375 full time equivalency) or more must be registered for 6 credit hours during each semester (no registration is required during summer sessions). Fellowship holders must enroll in a minimum of 8 credit hours per semester. International students must enroll in at least 8 credit hours per semester in order to meet visa requirements. Students holding government-guaranteed student loans must be enrolled in at least 8 credit hours per semester. Return to Other Graduate Policies Undergraduate Students in Graduate CoursesThere are two conditions under which undergraduate students may enroll in graduate courses: (1) students in their junior or senior year may take graduate courses which will count toward their undergraduate degree if the graduate courses are relevant to their program of study and there is no similar undergraduate course available; (2) students in their last undergraduate semester may take graduate courses which may later be applied to a graduate degree. Graduate courses taken prior to the last semester may, ordinarily, not be applied to a graduate program, and no course may be applied to both an undergraduate and a graduate program. Students who meet either of these conditions must, in addition, have an undergraduate GPA of 3.00 or higher (exceptions are made in majors where grading is especially stringent). The student must also complete the Senior Graduate Course Approval Form, which requires the signatures of the instructor and of the associate dean for graduate studies. Return to Other Graduate Policies Concurrent DegreesStudents may not be admitted to two degree programs concurrently, except in the case where a student admitted to an advanced degree program wishes to gain a lesser degree in the same program area during the course of study for the more advanced degree. For instance, a student initially admitted to a doctoral program may wish to be granted a master's degree in the same program area. In such cases a letter addressed to the associate dean for graduate studies requesting admission to the lesser degree program will begin the process. Admission status in the more advanced degree program is maintained. Return to Other Graduate Policies Using Graduate Course Work in Two ProgramsCourse work applied toward a master's degree may also be applied to a specialist or doctoral degree (with the exception of the 60 credit hour post-master's Ed.D. program), and course work applied toward a specialist degree may also be applied to a doctoral degree, providing such course work is relevant to the requirements of the more advanced degree and that it is less than seven years old or is revalidated. Students seeking to earn a second master's degree may apply relevant course work above 30 credit hours from the first master's degree program to the second master's degree. In all cases, a program advisor must approve the use of such course work. Return to Other Graduate Policies Certification Students Applying for a Master's DegreeStudents in certification programs who wish to seek a master's degree must go through the standard process for admission to graduate study. Furthermore, in order to be accepted into any of the School of Education's specialization areas in which a master's degree may be earned, students must be admitted to a master's degree program in one of these specialization areas in the semester prior to the semester in which they intend to graduate and they must be officially registered in the semester in which they graduate. Credit hours earned by a certification student who has been admitted to a master's degree program may or may not be counted in the student's master's program. The department chair or program head and the associate dean of graduate studies must approve the inclusion of courses taken while the student was earning credits toward certification but was not admitted to a master's degree program. Furthermore, a certification student who has been admitted to a master's degree program may use a maximum of 15 credits taken while the student was working on certification but was not admitted to the master's degree program. Return to Other Graduate Policies GraduationDegree ConferralDegree conferral for M.S., Ed.S., and Ed.D. occurs four times a year: May, June, August, and December. An application for graduation must be submitted three months prior to the date of the degree conferral. Applications are available online at education.indiana.edu/~educate/gradapp.html or in the School of Education, Office of Graduate Studies, Room 4210. The Ph.D. degree is conferred by the University Graduate School. Applications are available in the University Graduate School Office, Kirkwood Hall Room 111, and the Office of Graduate Studies. For the master's degree conferred on the Indianapolis campus, applications can be obtained at the School of Education Student Services Office, Education/Social Work 3131. CommencementThere are two Commencement ceremonies per year in Bloomington. They are held in December and May. There is one Commencement ceremony in Indianapolis in May. All graduate students are encouraged to participate in the Commencement ceremonies. Students graduating during the summer will be listed in the previous May Commencement program and are eligible to participate in the ceremony. Procedures for participating in Commencement may be obtained online at www.indiana.edu/~ceremony; on the Bloomington campus from the School of Education Office of Graduate Studies, W. W. Wright Education Building 4210; or on the Indianapolis campus in the Education Student Services Office. Placement for Education StudentsAt IUPUI, there is a nominal fee for the initial registration and for establishing a placement file at the Career Center. A nominal fee is also charged to cover the cost of duplicating, assembling, and mailing each credential file to a prospective employer. Resume writing assistance and access to listings of positions open in area school systems are available through the Career Center Web site at www.career.iupui.edu. We encourage all registrants to complete their placement file early in the placement year because nearly all employers in the field of education request formal credentials as a part of the employment process. Students are encouraged to initiate their placement file early in the year in which they will become available for employment. Placement counselors are available to advise students in all aspects of the job search. Also, assistance is provided for resume development and for helping each student organize, plan, and conduct a successful employment campaign. Both the Bloomington and IUPUI offices carefully follow the mandates of PL93-380, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, passed by Congress in 1975. Therefore, the placement file is transmitted only at the request of the registrant. Registrants normally request that files be sent by submitting a written request or by going to the office in person. Registrants may pick up a supply of credential transmittal forms in the office. Campus Interviews Interviews with educational employers are scheduled for registrants who have active files from either the Indiana University Bloomington or IUPUI campus. In Bloomington, registrants may sign up for interviews in person or by calling (812) 856-8506. Interview times and specific fields of interest as noted by the employer are provided on the weekly vacancy lists; registrants are permitted to interview only in those areas in which they are or will be certified or qualified. Registrants are encouraged to sign up for campus interviews as soon as possible after the interview schedule is announced because most interviewers have limited time to talk to candidates. Each educational interviewer will be provided a copy of the placement file of each registrant being interviewed. Only those individuals who have complete active files will be permitted to participate in on-campus interviews. Each fall semester, the IUPUI Career Center compiles a list of companies and school districts sending representatives to campus. Scheduled visits from the recruiting representatives of various school systems are also announced at least two weeks in advance in the Sagamore , the all-campus student newspaper, and in the weekly Employment Bulletin. Interested persons should schedule an interview by contacting the Career Center.
Last updated: 31 March 2025 19 42 42
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