Admission to Graduate ProgramsMajors Offered in Degree Programs The following tables indicate all majors in graduate degree programs in the School of Education offered on the Bloomington and/or IUPUI campuses. Graduate licensure (certification) programs are listed in the section entitled Licensure and Endorsement. Majors Offered in Degree Programs Bloomington Campus Bloomington Campus
The title of the degree may differ from that of the major or subject area. For details please consult the various sections in the latter part of the bulletin. 1 Tracks in the Ed.S. in Education program. Majors Offered in Degree Programs Indianapolis Campus
The title of the degree may differ from that of the major or subject area. For details please consult the various sections in the latter part of the bulletin. 1 These programs are joint programs; courses are offered at both the Indianapolis and Bloomington campuses. Majors Offered in Degree Programs
Application ProceduresGeneral Instructions General InstructionsThese are the required components for applications to graduate degree and licensure programs.
Applications to all doctoral (Ph.D. and Ed.D.) and specialist (Ed.S.) degree programs must be submitted to the Bloomington campus. Some master's and licensure programs are offered at both Bloomington and Indianapolis campuses, some at Bloomington only, and one at Indianapolis only. Application to a graduate licensure program and to a graduate degree program may be combined. Certain programs have application requirements in addition to those listed above. Some doctoral, specialist, and master's programs require a personal or telephone interview with department faculty. The Student Affairs Administration Program requires applicants to obtain a graduate assistantship as a condition for admission. Occasionally, scholarly writing samples (e.g., term papers) are requested prior to an admission decision. Some programs (e.g., higher education and special education) require work experience prior to admission. Certain doctoral programs require completion of a master's degree prior to admission. Applicants will be provided with a user ID and password when beginning an online application. This will allow the applicant to check the status of the application online at Applicants who do not have access to the Web and wish to check the status of their application may e-mail or call (812) 856-8504 (Bloomington) or (317) 274-6868 (Indianapolis). Applicants who submit paper applications will receive a letter from the Office of Graduate Studies confirming receipt of the application, and listing any missing portions of the application. All our information, including program details and course offerings, can be accessed at the Web site: Letters of Recommendation Letters of recommendation should be written by persons who can comment from personal knowledge on the applicant's academic or professional qualifications for graduate study. Whenever possible, letters of recommendation should be submitted from academic sources. If, however, you have been out of school for a number of years, you may substitute professional references. Recommendation may be submitted online or on letterhead. Recommenders named by you in the application will receive an e-mail notification with instructions to submit the recommendations online. Recommenders submitting paper recommendations should use institution or company letterhead and include the applicant's name and, if available, Social Security number. Each recommender must enclose the letter in a sealed envelope, sign across the seal, and return the envelope to the applicant. Should the recommender prefer to send the letter directly to our office, he or she may do so. Unsigned envelopes with reference letters cannot be accepted. Personal Statement Transcripts GRE General Test In the United States the GRE is given only in a computer-based format. For further information and registration information please contact the Educational Testing Service at 1-800-537-3160, or P.O. Box 6000, Princeton, N.J. 08541-6000. Those students taking the GRE outside of North America should contact Educational Testing Service at the above address or at to find out whether the testing center in their region supports computer or paper-based testing and to obtain registration information. At all testing sites, regardless of testing format, testing accommodations for people with documented disabilities can be made. Please contact Educational Testing Service for information on this process. Applicants can also obtain GRE information and application forms at the Office of Graduate Studies, Bloomington, or at the Office of Student Services, Indianapolis. Information and applications are also available at on the GRE Web site. For general information, call 1-800-GRE-CALL; for TTY call (609) 734-9362. Paper Applications Applicants applying with paper applications should submit application fees, which are nonrefundable, to the Indiana University Office of the Bursar in the form of a check or money order. Currently, the application fee is $45 at Bloomington and $35 at Indianapolis for U.S. citizens and permanent residents and $55 at Bloomington and $55 at Indianapolis for international applicants. The amount of the application fee is subject to change. Applications cannot be processed until the application fee is paid in full. TOEFL The TOEFL is administered by Educational Testing Service once each month at locations throughout the world. Information about registering to take the TOEFL may be obtained from Educational Testing Service at and from the international student offices listed above. English Language Placement Test Return to Application Procedures Admission CriteriaThe School of Education employs the following criteria for admission to graduate programs:
Return to Application Procedures
Admission ProcessApplication Deadlines for Domestic Students Application Deadlines for Domestic StudentsFor doctoral applications (Ed.D. and Ph.D.), the application deadline for fall matriculation is January 15. To insure full consideration for financial support and because some programs limit the numbers of students they accept each year, early application is strongly recommended. Applications submitted by January 15 will automatically be considered for university, School of Education, and departmental fellowships, assistantships and fee scholarships. (See the section entitled Financial Support.). Most fellowships, fee scholarships, and assistantships are awarded immediately after this date. Late applications will be considered in some programs until June 1, but only when space is available, and with greatly reduced opportunity for financial support. For spring matriculation to doctoral programs (not including Counseling Psychology and School Psychology), the deadline for applications is November 1. The summer admission deadline is March 1, except for Counseling, Educational Psychology, and School Psychology, which do not admit students for summer semesters. Applications to Master's and Education Specialist (Ed.S.) programs should be submitted by March 1 for fall matriculation, except for Student Affairs Administration, for which the deadline is February 1, and for the Ed.S. in School Psychology, for which the deadline is January 15. Late applications will be considered in some programs until June 1, but only when space is available. For spring matriculation, November 1 is the deadline for all master's and Ed.S. programs (except for School Psychology, which does not have spring admissions). For summer matriculation, March 1 is the deadline (see exceptions below). It should be noted that most fellowships, assistantships, and fee scholarships are awarded to doctoral students only. Applicants are encouraged to contact the chairperson of the department to which they are applying for the latest information regarding financial assistance.
* Most positions in the Bloomington master's program in counseling are filled following the March 1 deadline. Late counseling master's applications for fall matriculation are reviewed after June 15. Return to Admission Procedures Application Deadlines for International StudentsInternational applicants must submit their application to the Office of International Admissions, as described above. Applicants are advised to submit all application materials well in advance of the final deadlines. All applications for Ph.D. programs for summer or fall admission must be received by the Office of International Admissions by December 1. Application deadline for fall admission to all other graduate degree programs is March 1, except for Educational Psychology and Student Affairs Administration, which is January 1. Applications for spring admission must be received by September 1. Return to Admission Procedures Admission DecisionsIt is crucial that each applicant submit a complete application file. No application for admission can be considered by a department until all supporting materials are received, including transcripts, letters of recommendations, GRE scores and, for students whose first language is not English, TOEFL scores. Applications are held by the Office of Graduate Studies and are not forwarded to departments for admission decisions until all required documents are assembled. Only then are applications reviewed by faculty members in the relevant department or program area. For applications to Bloomington programs, departments and program areas, after reviewing applications, make their admission recommendations to the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies. Once an admission decision has been approved by the Associate Dean, the applicant receives an official letter indicating admission action. For applications to Indianapolis programs, program area faculty committees make admission recommendations to the Director of Student Services, who sends each applicant a letter indicating admission action. Return to Admission Procedures Admission Categories
Special student status is awarded to persons wishing to take a limited number of credit hours for personal or professional development. This includes those wishing to take courses for personal enjoyment, those seeking to renew a teaching license, those wishing to add an endorsement to a teaching license, and visiting graduate students from other universities. Students who seek admission to a graduate degree program or a graduate licensure program are not eligible for special student status. Course enrollment in this status is limited to 15 credit hours a year, whichever comes first. This status is renewable through reapplication. Credit hours earned during special student status may or may not be counted in graduate programs. The department chair or program head and the associate dean of graduate studies must approve the inclusion of courses taken during special student status in degree and licensure programs. Such approval may be granted only after the student has been admitted to a graduate program. The maximum number of credit hours earned during special student status that may be used in a degree program is 15. Applications for special student status may be made to the Office of Teacher Education, Education 1000, Bloomington, (812) 856-8500 or Education/Social Work 3131, Indianapolis, (317) 274-6868. Distance Education Two-way interactive video courses are offered to Indiana residents only. These courses link students at various sites in Indiana, who are able to see and talk to each other and to the instructor. Students must be present at a specially equipped classroom and at a specific time for these courses. Online or Web-based courses are conducted entirely via e-mail and the Internet. Students with e-mail and Internet access may read and reply to course material on their own schedules, as long as work is completed by designated times. All distance education courses follow the semester timeline, beginning and ending at the same time as traditional classes. Fees for interactive video courses are the same as for traditional courses. Fees for online courses currently are the in-state tuition plus $30 per credit hour (subject to change). Students may register for both types of courses online at For frequently asked questions, see For specific questions send an e-mail to Return to Admission Procedures
Enrollment in ClassesRegistration Procedure Registration ProcedureStudents admitted to the Bloomington campus before July for fall matriculation will be sent a current Schedule of Classes by the university registrar. Students admitted after July and students admitted for matriculation in the spring or summer semesters will receive a Schedule of Classes during registration. Students admitted to IUPUI may pick up a Schedule of Classes from the Office of Student Services before or during registration or access at In addition, the Schedule of Classes may be purchased at Bloomington bookstores that sell college textbooks, including the IU Memorial Union bookstore, and at the IUPUI bookstore. The Schedule of Classes lists all courses to be taught in the subsequent term, with meeting times, meeting locations, and instructors. The first step in the registration procedure for education students is to meet with your advisor. At the Bloomington campus, you can register in three ways: (1) through RegWeb, a web-based registration system available at, (2) by touch-tone phone at 812-855-1000, and (3) in person at the Registration Center in Franklin Hall, Room 101. All students are assigned a Registration Access Code number (RAC) giving them permission to register. RAC numbers are sent to all current students that have an active IU student e-mail account. New students and students without an IU account must contact the Office of Graduate Studies to obtain their RAC number. For more information and instructions on registration, visit the Registrar's Registration and Schedule Adjustment page at Indianapolis students may register on-line or use the touch-tone telephone registration by contacting the registrar's office on the IUPUI campus at 317-274-1512. All students wishing to enroll in graduate courses must have an admission status, either (a) unconditional or conditional, (b) licensure program, or (c) special student status. Return to Enrollment in Classes Auditing CoursesStudents may register for courses on an audit basis. Audited courses are listed on the student's transcript but carry no credit, and no grade is recorded. Students are not allowed to audit classes without registering as an auditor. The registration fee for auditing classes at Bloomington is currently $25 per credit hour. The registration fee for auditing classes at Indianapolis is the same as the fee for taking the class for credit. Return to Enrollment in Classes Temporary Intercampus TransferStudents admitted to a program on one campus of Indiana University may take courses on other IU campuses. To take courses on another campus for one semester or summer session, a student must obtain a temporary intercampus transfer form, available at the Office of Graduate Studies on the campus at which the student was admitted. Return to Enrollment in Classes Changing CampusesStudents admitted to a master's degree or licensure program who wish to be admitted to the counterpart program on another campus must request by letter that the Office of Teacher Education at the campus of origin send all transcripts, test scores, the goal statement, and letters of recommendation to the destination campus. They must also send a letter to the graduate admission office at the destination campus requesting admission to the program of choice. In addition, they must submit a new application form, since these forms are unique to each campus. This application will be processed as a new application for admission. Return to Enrollment in Classes Information about HousingAt the Bloomington campus most graduate students reside in university residence halls and apartments or in private houses and apartments in and around Bloomington. Information about university housing can be obtained from Halls of Residence, Indiana University, 801 N. Jordan Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405-2107, (812-855-5601). At IUPUI there are few residence halls; most students commute from their homes within driving distance from the campus. For information about student housing at IUPUI, both on and off campus, contact the Department of Campus Housing, Ball Residence, 1226 W. Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202 (317-274-7200). Information about private house and apartment rental at both campuses may also be found in telephone books, in the local newspapers, and from real estate management corporations. Some Web sites that may prove useful are listed below. Division of Residential Programs and Services: For Apartment Listings: Return to Enrollment in Classes
Last updated: 11 March 2025 23 26 47
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