Licensure Programs
Teacher Licensure Programs
General teacher certification program information may be found at
- Bloomington:
- Indianapolis (IUPUI):
Graduate Teacher Licensure Programs
Graduate Teacher Licensure programs offer those who have previously earned a baccalaureate degree an efficient and effective preparation for the K-12 teaching profession. Students take course work at the graduate level to obtain certification or they may opt to pursue the licensure program as part of a master's program. The programs are full-time, field-intensive, cohort- and performance- based, with mentor teachers supervising candidates while working closely with university faculty to insure an integrated curriculum. Initial licensure programs are offered for elementary (K-6) and secondary (5-12) levels.
Teacher Licensure programs are included in the categories below as are other professional preparation programs.
- Elementary (K-6) Programs
- Secondary (5-12) Programs
- All Grades (K-12) Programs
- Additions to Teacher Licensure
Master degree options
Several programs for licensure may be easily combined with a master's degree; some are actually part of a master's degree. However, a master's degree does not automatically make one eligible for a license nor does a licensure program automatically make one eligible for a master's degree. The student should consult with both the faculty adviser for the master's degree and the certification adviser for the licensure program for the requirements of each. One must apply for both programs, but it may be done on the same application