Indiana University School of Dentistry Administration
- CAROL ANNE MURDOCH-KINCH, DDS, PhD, FDS, RCDS (Ed), Professor and Dean
- MICHAEL KOWOLIK, BDS, PHD, Executive Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs & Global Engagement
- PAUL EDWARDS, DDS, MS, FRCD(C), Senior Associate Dean for Academic Programs
- TIEN-MIN GABRIEL CHU, DDS, PHD, Associate Dean for Research
- RICHARD GREGORY, PHD, Associate Dean for Graduate Education
- MELANIE PETERSON, DMD, MBA, Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs
- HARVEY WEINGARTEN, DDS, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs
- MARY COOPER, RDH, MS, Associate Dean, IU Fort Wayne Allied Dental Education
- TIMOTHY BROWN, MBA, Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration
- JOHN HOFFMAN, Assistant Dean of Development
- INA MCBEAN, MS, Director of Diversity and Student Success
- MELINDA MEADOWS, LDH, MS, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
- WALDEMAR POLIDO, DDS, MS PHD, Interim Chair, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- ANGELES MARTINEZ-MIER, DDS, MSD, PHD, Chair, Department of Cariology, Operative Dentistry, and Dental Public Health
- DEAN MORTON, DDS, MS; Chair, Prosthodontics; Assistant Dean for Innovation
- JEFFREY PLATT, DDS, MS, Chair, Biomedical Sciences and Comprehensive Care
- KENNETH SPOLNIK, DDS, MSD, Chair, Endodontics
- KELTON STEWART, DDS, MS, Chair, Orthodontics and Facial Genetics
- SUSAN ZUNT, DDS, MS, Chair, Oral Pathology, Medicine & Radiology
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