IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » liberal-arts » Undergraduate » Bachelor's Degree Programs » Medical Humanities and Health Studies


Bachelor's Degree Programs
Medical Humanities and Health Studies

BA degree with a major in Medical Humanities and Health Studies (MHHS)

requires satisfactory completion of:

  • general education and distribution requirements for the IU School of Liberal Arts
  • completion of a total of 30 credit hours, with a minimum grade of C in each course, through one of the following tracks: Medical Humanities, Health Social Science, or Health Topics

 Required Major Core Courses (for all tracks):

MHHS M301 Perspectives on Health, Disease, and Healing (3 credit hours)
MHHS M495 Independent Project/ Seminar in Medical Humanities and Health Studies (3 credit hours)

      Two Medical Humanities Core Courses (6 credit hours), chosen from the following:

COMM C392 Health Communication
ENG L431 Topics in Literary Study: Illness Narrative
HIST H364 History of Medicine and Public Health
PHIL P393 Biomedical Ethics
REL R384 Religions, Ethics, and Health

      Two Health Social Science Core Courses (6 credit hours), chosen from the following:

ANTH E445 Medical Anthropology
ECON E307 Current Economic Issues: Health Economic Issues
GEOG G410 Medical Geography
REL R368 Religion and Healing
SOC R381 Social Factors in Health and Illness or SOC R382 Social Organization of Health Care


Medical Humanities Track  Core plus four courses (12 credit hours) of Humanities Electives:

COMM C392 Health Communication
COMM C400 Health Provider-Consumer Communication
ENG L431 Topics in Literary Study: Illness Narrative
HIST H364 History of Medicine and Public Health
HIST H373 History of Science and Technology 1*
HIST H374 History of Science & Technology 2*
MHHS M390 A Body of Law: Medicine, Humanities, & Law
MHHS M410 Addiction Narratives
HIST H418 History of International Humanitarian Assistance
MHHS M420 Culture of Mental Illness – Literary Representations
MHHS M492 Topics in Medical Humanities and Health Studies: Perspectives on Medicine in Film
PHIL P393 Biomedical Ethics
PHIL P 383 Topics in Philosophy: Death, Dying & Immortality
PHIL P 383 Topics in Philosophy: Ethics, Autonomy & Consent
PHIL P 383 Topics in Philosophy: Reproductive Ethics
REL R 323 Yuppie Yogis and Global Gurus
REL R368 Religion and Healing
REL R383 Religions, Ethics, U.S. Soc*
REL R384 Religion, Ethics, and Health

*    Work in these courses must include a relevant health/medicine component.  Please see an MHHS Faculty Mentor prior to selecting this course for an elective.


Health Social Science Track Core plus one 3-credit hour Methods course plus three courses (9 credit hours) of Social Science Electives

Methods Courses: (one course, 3 credit hours)

ANTH E404 Field Methods in Ethnography
ANTH A460 Topics in Anthropology: Anthropological Statistics
COMM G310 Introduction to Communication Research
ECON E270 Introduction to Statistical Theory in Economics
GEOG G311 Introduction to Research Methods in Geography
GEOG G338 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
HIST H217 The Nature of History
SOC R351 Social Science Research Methods
SOC R359 Introduction to Sociological Statistics
SOC R493 Practicum in Sociological Fieldwork


Health Social Science Electives (three courses, 9 credit hours)

ANTH B370 Human Variation
ANTH B 468 Bioarchaeology
ANTH B474 Forensic Anthropology, Archaeology & Taphonomy
ANTH B480 Human Growth and Development
ANTH E 391 Women in Developing Countries *
ANTH E411 Wealth, Exchange, and Power in Anthropological Perspective *
ANTH E421 The Anthropology of Aging
ANTH E445 Medical Anthropology
ECON E307 Current Economic Issues: Health Economics
GEOG G410 Medical Geography
MHHS M492 Topics in Medical Humanities and Health Studies: African Health- Historical and Cultural Contexts
SOC R320 Sexuality and Society
SOC R321 Women and Health
SOC R327 Sociology of Death and Dying
SOC R381 Social Factors in Health and Illness
SOC R382 Social Organization of Health Care
SOC R385 AIDS in Society
SOC R410 Alcohol, Drugs and Society
SOC R415 Sociology of Disability
SOC R485 Sociology of Mental Illness

*          Work in these courses must include a relevant health/medicine component.  Please see the MHHS Faculty Mentor prior to selecting this course for an elective.


Health Topics Track- Core plus four courses (12 credit hours) chosen in consultation with an academic advisor.  Health related topics may include areas such as Global Health, Women's Health, and similar topics.