IUPUI Bulletins » Schools » purdue-enginer-tech » Undergraduate » Degree Programs » Electrical and Computer Engineering » Interdisciplinary Engineering


B.S in Engineering - Interdisciplinary Engineering

This program is not accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department offers a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) degree program for students wishing to supplement a strong core curriculum in electrical and computer engineering science and design with courses from mathematics, science, business, biomedicine, or another engineering discipline. While not ABET-accredited, the B.S.E. degree program offers the student greater flexibility to create a plan of study to accommodate broad interdisciplinary interests and objectives. The plan coincides with the traditional B.S.E.E. curriculum through the sophomore year and then diverges to include ECE electives and courses from interdisciplinary areas in the remainder of the curriculum.

The minimum number of credit hours for graduation is 120, distributed as follows for each discipline:

  1. Mathematics and Physical Sciences
    • Calculus: MATH 16500, 16600, 17100, 26100, and 26600 - 18 credit hours
    • Chemistry: CHEM C10500 - 3 credit hours
    • Physics: PHYS 15200 and 25100 - 9 credit hours
  2. Communications and Ethics
    • Speech: COMM R110 - 3 credit hours
    • Writing: ENG W131 - 3 credit hours
    • Communication in Engineering Practice: TCM 36000 - 2 credit hours
    • Engineering Ethics and Professionalism: ECE 21000 and 40100 - 2 credit hours
  3. Humanities, Social Sciences, and Cultural Understanding
    • Electives  - 9 credit hours
    • ECE 32700 or ECON-E 201 (Social Sciences) - 3 credit hours
  4. Freshman Engineering Courses
    • Introduction to the Engineering Profession: ENGR 19500 - 1 credit hour
    • Introduction to Engineering: ENGR 19600 - 3 credit hours
    • ENGR 29700 - 1 credit hour
  5. Electrical Engineering Courses
    • ECE Core: ECE 20100, 20200, 20700, 26100, 26300, 20800, 25500, 27000, 30100, 36200, 48700, and 48800 - 29 credit hours
    • ECE Electives (any ECE 30000-, 40000-, or 50000-level course, except ECE 32600 and ECE 32700) - 9 credit hours
  6. Math/Science/Technical Elective Course  - 3 credit hours
  7. Interdisciplinary Area courses - 21 credit hours
  8. Restricted elective - 1 credit hour

Freshman Year

First Semester (14 credit hours)

  • ENGR 19500 Introduction to the Engineering Profession - 1 credit hour
  • ENGR 19600 Introduction to Engineering - 3 credit hours
  • CHEM C10500 Principles of Chemistry I - 3 credit hours
  • COMM R110 Fundamentals of Speech Communication - 3 credit hours
  • MATH 16500 Analytic Geometry and Integrated Calculus I - 4 credit hours

Second Semester (14 credit hours)

  • ENG W13100 Reading, Writing, and Inquiry - 3 credit hours
  • MATH 17100 Multidimensional Math - 3 credit hours
  • MATH 16600 Integrated Calculus and Analytic Geometry II - 4 credit hours
  • PHYS 15200 Mechanics - 4 credit hours

The remainder of the interdisciplinary plan of study is individualized. Students should speak to their academic advisors regarding course selection.